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DPPt/HGSS Moveset Rocommendations

Hi I am new but have completed every single pokemon game without cheats several times but i am new to this whole moveset thing and evs but here is my team I am making in diamond I will hopefully have it by the end of next week. This is why I would like some help with what movesets I should get for my pokemon


Rain Dance
Aqua Jet
Ice Beam
Aerial Ace


Quick Attack
Brave Bird
Double Team

3. Weavile

Shadow Claw
Brick Break

4. Lucario

Sword Dance
Aura Sphere
Dragon Pulse

5. Gengar

Shadow Ball
Confuse Ray
Destiny Bond

6. Garchomp

Dragon Claw

Tell me how can make my movesets better and if I can also make my team better by replacing some of my team please
Can you post your pokemon's Natures? Also What Item they are currently holding? Also if you are willing to rebreed. I can't really generate a moveset for you without those.
I hope you want to rebreed for natures if you don't have them already, but even so at least you can change movesets around.

I would go with a special moveset on Empoleon as it is built for more special moves than physical. Now a good moveset is kind of limited as there aren't a whole lot of options to take. It doesn't have the greatest move pool to choose from. I went with something along the lines of:

Modest (-Atk, +SpAtk)
Surf/Hydro Pump (STAB)
Flash Cannon (STAB)
Ice Beam
Drill Peck/Grass Knot

Surf/Hydro Pump are the obvious choices as your water attack (accuracy vs power), Flash Cannon is your only real choice as a steel attack, Ice Beam for coverage, and a toss up between Drill Peck Grass Knot as your last one. Drill Peck can help out against Fighter types, and Grass Knot offers a little more coverage.

For Garchomp I found a decent moveset that works well for me.

Adamant (+Atk, -SpAtk)
Earthquake (STAB)
Dragon Claw (STAB)
Crunch/Stone Edge/Brick Break
Fire Fang/Return

I went with Crunch and Fire Fang on my Garchomp, but I can see how Sone Edge or Return or even Brick Break would fit in decently too. Fire Fang helps deal with Ice types and provides decent coverage.

Don't know much about the others, hope these two helped.
thanks and empoleons nature is bashful and does any 1 recommend different pokemon instead of weavile?

I have decided to start again with piplup ( Ill keep trying until it has a modest nature) and hopefully a starly with an adamant nature instead of weavile I will probably try and get a blissey with a calm nature then I will max out the evs on piplups (sp atk and sp def), starlys (atk and spd) and blisseys (sp atk or hp and sp def) it is likely that I will keppe the others but I may change some. Can someone recomend a moveset for the above pokemon that I have just said plz?
EVs for Empoleon should be 252 S.Atk/252 Spd/6 HP.
And for Blissey: 252 Def/200 HP/58 S.Atk

Now Gengar, Massive Special Attack benefits it.

Gengar@Wise Glasses/Wide Lens
Modest/Timid Nature
EVs: 252 S.Atk/252 Spd/6 HP
-Shadow Ball
-Focus Blast/HP Ice

Shadow Ball for some STAB.
Thunderbolt for coverage.
Focus Blast to hit Steels.
If you have HP Ice, use it over Focus Blast, otherwise just use Focus Blast.
Hypnosis is to set up and then hit the opponent hard.

For Staraptor, it has a great Attack and Speed stat.

Staraptor@Muscle Band
Adamant Nature
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spd/6 HP
-Brave Bird/Aerial Ace
-Close Combat/Steel Wing

Between Brave Bird and Aerial Ace, Aerial Ace is weaker. However Brave Bird has nasty recoil, so take your pick.
Between Close Combat and Steel Wing, both hit Ice and Rock-types for super-effective damage, so it's between the Power versus the not lowered Defense stats.
U-Turn to switch out while doing some damage.
Return is for STAB.

Weavile is a nice Pokemon with high speed, making it a big threat.

Weavile@Focus Sash/Muscle Band
Jolly Nature
EVs: 252 Atk/216 Spd/40 HP
-Ice Punch/Ice Shard
-Brick Break
-Night Slash
-Swords Dance

Ice Punch is got from Breeding while Sneasel learns it naturally. Both moves get STAB.
Brick Break is to hit Steel-types.
Night Slash is for STAB.
Swords Dance can really punish the opponent since Weavile has a nice Attack beforehand. The Focus Sash will make sure that you can get at least one Swords Dance in.

Now Lucario...too many sets. What kind of Lucario are you looking for. Answer that and I can make a set up for you.
Hope that all helped.
thx that rlly helped and for Lucario I am may not get that but do I have an idea for a good moveset for a blissey,Garchomp and empoleon and instead of ice shard and punch for weavile would I be better using Ice beam as I am making this team for the pokemon league
Let me see.

Calm Nature
EVs: 252 Def/200 HP/56 S.Atk
-Calm Mind/Aromatherapy
-Ice Beam

Ice Beam and Thunderbolt hit every-type in the game for neutral damge (Well other than Magnezone/Chinchou/Lanturn/Shedinja).
Calm Mind is to boos the S.Atk while Aromatherapy can support the rest of your team.
Softboiled is almost always a must on Blissey.

Garchomp@Life Orb
Jolly/Hasty Nature
EVs: 240 Atk/252 Spd/18 HP
-Dragon Claw/Outrage
-Fire Fang/Fire Blast/Flamethrower
-Swords Dance

Between Outrage and Dragon Claw, Outrage has more power, but locks for three turns and causes confusion right after. Dragon Claw is weaker, but gives more freedom.
Earthquake is a good move in general and with a STAB as well.
Swords Dance pumps all your physical moves up.
Fire Fang would be good on the set because it runs off of Garchomp's Attack, but Fire Blast and Flamethrower will do more to Skarmory. If you do use Fire Balst or Flamethrower, use a Hasty Nautre, otherwise, use a Jolly Nature if you want an all Physical set.

Also, please try to spell stuff correctly and make your posts easy to nderstand in English. That would make everyone's lives easier.
ok thanks and I will try to and this will be my team

Physical Sweeper/Garchomp,Weavile
Special Wall/Empoleaon
Special Sweeper/Gengar
Opener/Staraptor(its food to start with in a batlle i think)
Well Ive been thinking that I might change my team with some of the pokemon below:


Does anyone think this is a good idea if so what pokemon would u recomend and movesets?
Well I decided to replace Weavile with Infernape and I was thinking to have it like this


~Swords Dance/Calm Mind/Sunny Day
~Shadow Claw
~Flare Blitz/Flame Wheel/Flamethrower
~Close Combat

Sword Dance to power up its physical attacks
Shadow Claw to take out Physics
One of the three for Stab
Close Combat for Stab and is a good physical attack

So what does everyone think of my choice?
I like this set for Infernape:

Infernape@Life Orb/Choice Band
Jolly Nature
-Flare Blitz/Fire Punch
-Close Combat
-Stone Edge/Thunder Punch
-Swords Dance/U-Turn

Stone Edge and Thunder Punch give good coverage.
Flare Blitz vs Fire Punch is between The power of Flare Blitz to the no recoil of Fire Punch. Take your Pick.
Close Combat is STAB.
Swords Dnace if you're using the Life Orb.
U-Turn if you're using the Choice Band.

There's the Special side as well, but that is for a different time. Hope that helped.
thanks but I am not going to get a garchomp until after the pokemon league but I am getting a Vespiqueen instead as I already have one so could you recommend a good move set this is my vespiqueens stats and a moveset I was thinking of


~Power Gem
~Heal Order
~Sludge Bomb/Attack order

I plan on using her as a tank so does anyone think that this is a good idea?