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DPPt/HGSS need competitive team help

can anyone help me with my team; think of a sixth pokemon,switch pokemon,change movesets,because my team is really bad at battling. ok the ones with stars im not changing but you can still change the moveset. thanks for the help in advance.

Dragon Rush
Iron Head
Fire Fang

Flare Blitz
Grass Knot
Close Combat

Ability:Early Bird
Leaf Storm
Dark Pulse
Double Team

Slaking(Big Boy) dont ask...
Giga Impact
Hammer Arm

Dragon Dance
Stone Edge

now uhh... i cant think of another pokemon that will fit my team. I was thinking Togekiss or Honchkrow but i dont need another flying type weak to electric. someone help plz! even if you have just something small to say like a moveset change.
not sure how on your team.. sorry man I myself am still fixing my team.. However for another pokemon to fix your team.. maybe a Tyranitar? :p
For Gyarados I would take out Avalanche for Earthquake. In my opinion, Electric types will be more of a threat. If you still would like an Ice type move, Ice Fang is better than Avalanche on Gyarados
do you mean an elctric type move for gyardos? or an elctric type to fill in the last spot on my team?

and geo1 i like tyranitar, i have one, but he's slow and weak to water and i already have a dark type. i kind of wanted a pokemon with pretty high defenses because all of my pokemon rely on their attack and speed.
ah. that makes perfect sense. now how about my sixth pokemon? anyone have ideas? i've been eyeing up magnezone cuz he's got pretty high defenses and a good sp.atk, but he's slow.
Let's see....

Drop Dragon Rush on Garchomp for Dragon Claw. Dragon Claw is so much more reliable.
Iron Head isn't needed, so I say put in Swords Dance, Crunch or Stone Edge in for Iron Head.

Infernape needs a better nature in Jolly and instead of Grass Knot, U-Turn will work nicely.

Shiftry can use Energy Ball over Leaf Storm and Extrasensory over Double Team. Rest isn't needed. I recommend Nasty Plot over it.

Slaking can also use Return over Giga Impact.
Hammer Arm shouldn't be used. Brick Break is much better.
Shadow Claw/Night Slash can be used over Punishment, and should be.

Like Before, Ice Fang over Avalanche and Earthquake over Stone Edge.

Hope that helped.
Reversal isn't needed, Rock Slide or Aerial Ace will work.
An Adamnat nature is best suited to Slaking.
wow ok thanks im already making changes. garchomp especially seems to benefit. now i just need to find a moveset for magnezone. i think i should have magnet rise so he can avoid earthquakes.