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DPPt/HGSS need serious d/p team help

can someone give me some advice on how to make my team better(moves,natures,abilities,etc.).i've been playing pokemon ever since pokemon red came out but im new to all these strategies and what not. i keep getting wrecked like a noob in pbr and i need help. serious help. so, just point out a few things i need to switch or replace and thats it. k thanks. P.S.- u can be as harsh as want. i dont really care. ;)

Moves-Ice Beam
-Hydro Pump

Moves-Giga Impact
-Mega Kick
-Hammer Arm
-Body Slam

Moves-DOuble Team
-Frenzy Plant
-Aerial Ace

-SolarBeam,Grass Knot
-Flare Blitz
-Close Combat

-Hyper Beam
-Shadow Ball

Last PKMN im not changing but you can change moves,nature,ability,etc...
Moves-Ice Fang
-Thunder Fang
-Fire Fang

k thats it. remember feel free to be harsh if it means getting your point across and helping me. ;)
I see why you keep getting 'wrecked', as you put it. Your team needs some work. For some pokemon, different natures are better, so you may have to catch more or breed.
Now onto the actual movesets.

The absolute LAST thing Gyarados needs is Hydro Pump. Aqua Tail is a million times better. Thunder isn't any good unless you set up Rain Dance first, so Thunderbolt would be a ton better. Two ice attacks won't help at all. Here's a good moveset:

Aqua Tail
Ice Fang

But for that to REALLY work out, an Adamant Gyarados is better than a Brave one.

Slaking needs to be able to hit hard and fast whenever it's able. Choice Band is a big help to boost its already high Attack so that nothing will stand in its way. Try this:

Slaking@Choice Band
Focus Punch/Fire Punch
Shadow Claw

Sceptile is nice and fast, it needs a good moveset to be able to hit hard. Get a Timid nature for Sceptile. A good moveset is this:

Hidden Power
Leech Seed
Dragon Pulse

Substitute and Leech Seed will drive your opponents crazy, Grass types switching in get hit with Hidden Power, and Dragon Pulse helps with weaknesses.

Infernape, if you can get a Naive Nature, use this:

Infernape@Life Orb
Close Combat
Nasty Plot
Grass Knot

That works for a mixed sweeper. Blissey can't stop you when you have Close Combat. Water types can't drench you when you have Grass Knot.
However, if Infernape is male, and you can't get another nature, use this:

Infernape@Expert Belt
Close Combat
Flare Blitz
Stone Edge
Swords Dance

Close Combat and Flare Blitz hit anything not resistant. Stone Edge hits Flying types. And Swords Dance before it never hurt anybody but your opponent.

Alakazam needs a Timid Nature. Try this:

Alakazam@Choice Specs
Focus Blast
Hidden Power

Psychic hurts like crazy with STAB and Choice Specs. Focus Blast hits Steel types, Dark types, and Blissey. Trick screws up whatever tries to wall you. Hidden Power for Steel and Psychic types.

Luxray needs a Jolly or Adamant Nature to help take out pokemon. This moveset works:

Luxray@Choice Band
Fire Fang
Ice Fang

Choice Band to raise Luxray's attack, Spark because it's the best Electric move for Luxray, Ice Fang for Ground types, Fire Fang for Steel types, and Crunch just for a strong attack.

Hope that helped.
And to give more help:

Waterfall over Aqua Tail. The reliablity of Waterfall can't be beat. And don't use T-Bolt on Gyarados, Dragon Dance is so much better.

Giga Impact can be used over Return.

And @ Mudskipper, you need to say what kind of Hidden Power

HP Ice and Energy Ball over Dragon Pulse because of STAB.

And HP Fighting/Fire for Alakazam. That or Shadow Ball.

Just fixing a few errors overlooked by Mudskipper.
Hope that helped.
woah thanks people! that really helped especially wit gyarados. now i shall own once more. ok, is my actual team alright, like the types? cuz my sceptile stinks like the dickens still...
i guess grass types aren't really for me cuz no one really uses slow water types with no ice moves...

ok this is my new updated team which im sticking with for now.


yes i know i just scratched out alakazam for tyrannitar.
Okay, not often used, but let's see what I can come up with:

Beedrill@Focus Sash/Choice Band
252 Atk EVs, 252 Spd EVs, 6 HP/S.Def EVs

-Poison Jab
-Brick Break
-Return/Aerial Ace/Pursuit

Poison Jab and X-Scissor mak up its two STAB moves. U-Turn is used on the CB set.
Brick Break is to avoid getting walled by Rock and Steels.
Return is a strong move. Aerial Ace has reliablility. Pursuit catches Psychic-types.

Hope that helped.
How/can you get a Darkria in D/P without Action Replay?

Beat the Elite Four, then talk to Dawn/Lucas outside Rowan's lab 491 times. After that, Fly to Canalave and don't post in the wrong thread. :/

As far as your team, I personally would choose something other than Tyrannitar. Sandstream isn't helping out anybody on your team, and since two members are weak to ground, it may not be that wise to help out ground/rock types for the opposition.
ok thanks snapdragon. here's my team as of now and i know im missing one.


can anyone help me think of anything that will fill that last spot?
or any pokemon or type switching i need to do?