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DPPt/HGSS New Team from the New Guy, Rate it please

Mismagius/Missi @Choice Specs
Timid Nature

Shadow Ball
Energy Ball
Dark Pulse

My Special Sweeper and starter, it can work with this set. No SubMind Mismagius, subs are basicly too risky and a CM doesn't stop a Dos.

Hariyama/Kenpachi @Leftovers
Adamant Nature
Ability:Thick Fat

Bullet Punch
Fake Out

>_< The fastest Hariyama alive, lol. But really, this is my physical tank. Hari switches in on incomming Weaviles and kills them.

Drapion/Ganondorf @Chople Berry
Impish Nature
Ability: Battle Armor

Thunder Fang
Fire Fang
Knock Off

My weakness absorber and Phazer. Drapion will be able to switch in on my team's Weavile weakness is Hariyama is gone and will be able to Knock Off Choice Scarfs, Bands, Specs that those sweepers desperitely need.

Scizor @Occa Berry
Impish Nature Nature

Iron Defense
Swords Dance
Baton Pass
Brick Break

My Baton Passer, it can resist Sandstorms, so, its Focus Sash should last until something faster wants to sweep it. Iron Defense can support the rest of my team while Swords Dance pumps them up.

Regigigas/GigaBowser @Leftovers
Adamant Nature

Thunder Punch

O_O I haven't used one since May...after a Baton Pass, it should be able to ignore Slow Start, cripple with T-Wave and begin its asult on the other team. With this EV Spread, Regi should be able to survive a few things.

Slowbro @Leftovers
Bold Nature

Ice Beam
HP [Electric:70]
Calm Mind
Slack Off

My tank. Slowbro has been able to win a LOT of battles for me in the time that I've had it, it's my ultimate Dos counter and can take some of the most VICIOUS physical moves.
Ok, where to start?

1) Half your team doesn't use STAB at all. The ones that do have weak STAB attacks.

2) Your EV set-ups are unique but some Pokemon need the standard set-up. Slowbro needs Max HP, not Max Def. The 252/252/6 set up works best here. Drapion should have the Def EVs switched with the S.Def EVs. Drapions Def is higher. For Scizor, don't invest any EVs into S.Def. Put 184 in HP, 176 into Def. and 148 to Spd. For Hariyama, Max Def is needed and the remaing EVs can be put into HP and Atk.

3) Mismagius doesn't need Dark Pulse. Try HP Fighting instead. Get rid of Payback on Hariyama for Cross Chop or Force Palm. If you use it against a Psychic type, you're creamed in one hit. Get rid of Iron Defence for Agility or Roost. Calm Mind could be replaced with Surf for a STAbed attack. With 'Gigas, consider a Dark attack to hit ghosts hard or a Fighting attack to hit Rock and Steel-types hard. Brick Break on Scizor means he's walled by Ghost and Psychic types

4) For Drapion's Chople Berry, Replce it for the Shuca Berry. Drapion's biggest concern is getting hit by Supereffective Earthquake.

Just my thought. Don't look at this as if I'm 'destroying' your team but there are some holes that are obvious to vetrans and they should be fixed. PM me if you have trouble understanding what I wrote. Just my thoughts.
Well with this team you have no legendaries(that would have been minus three)...there are a few errors though...Take Plapti's advice it works from what I know. Any ways it's nice you have no HM's and your natures work pretty well. Some of your attack choices can improve but other than that your team is pretty good.

Your Team Rating: 6.5