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New to PRP? Maybe just improve? Boy, do we have the PRP for you.

[[OOC: Yes, in essence, this is a "Baby's First PRP" place, or an improvement thread if you need. I'll hopefully be accompanied by two other decent RPers, and we can all get the ball rolling and pave the way for you newbies to RP. A few notes:

Don't use CAPS
Seriously. It's annoying, and I don't think it should EVER be used, regardless of the rules.

Use 5 senses.
Why do you think we have them? So we can describe things. However, no one is going to lick a magnemite or sniff Professor Oak's labcoat.

Be believable.

Just use common sense here, folks.

And, without further ADEU, (Fancy multi-cultural language, ja?) Heeeere's the RP!]]

The sun was shining brilliantly in the pure azure sky, adding a lovely glow to all the plant life and buildings around and in New Bark Town. The nearby bodies of water seemed to shimmer in the light, as the wind softly whipped up salty air. Gentle breezes carried this smell all the way to the nose of a ten year old boy named Quint. He was sitting by his desk, staring out at the happy little town. Time was approaching fall quickly, providing the entire town with a pleasantly cooling breeze. Quint's brown hair ruffled gently in the breeze, tickling the trainers soft face. Quint's brown eyes were distant looking as he daydreamed about this day. He had been awake at eight o'clock, much earlier than normal. It was his tenth birthday about two weeks ago, but the lab had today set as the date for new trainers to receive their starter pokemon, meaning it was officially his time to start a pokemon journey.

Quint had prepared his attire the night before, and almost worn it to bed, had his mother not stopped him. He wore a pair of brand new blue jeans with a black belt prepared with clips for the pokeballs. He was also adorned with a blue, long-sleeve shirt covered with a white, short-sleeve jacket. They had both been ironed the other day so that he would look nice for the start of his journey. He gently tapped the tips of his black skate shoes on the hardwood floor of his room, his mind pleasantly focused on the small sentret family down below his window. They were playing together happily, their mama furret keeping careful watch over them as they tossed and tumbled over one another. Quint couldn't help but smile at the cute little creatures. Maybe Quint could catch one of his own soon, and take the cute creature to the Johto League.

A slight beeping gently broke his thoughts as Quint turned to his snorlax-shaped alarm clock. Pressing the snooze button, Quint stood and stretched. His mother had sent his PokeGear to Professor Elm as a precaution in case he or his brother had trashed their gear beforehand, meaning he and his brother would have to get to the lab slightly earlier for the gear's calibration and settings. Quint's room was made mostly of hardwood, except for the walls and ceiling, which were imitation wood for the purpose of structural stability. There were two beds in the room, one neat and tidy, previously occupied by the anxious Quint, and another, currently occupied with his brother.

Quint sighed and walked over to his brother, gently shaking his shoulder. "Come on…" Quint said, trying to coax his brother out of sleep. "It's time for breakfast…" Quint wasn't really lying. He could smell the eggs being cooked on the frying pan right now, sizzling quietly on the stove. After a few moments of coaxing, Quint turned and walked down the stairs, into the living room and kitchen.

His mother was standing next to the stove, trying to hurriedly make a breakfast for her two sons. She was dressed in a pink skirt and blouse with a white apron stretched across her front. Her hair was brown like Quint's, and pulled back so she could work without hassle. Her eyes were relatively old and weary, but still carried a hard-working, happy glint. She turned on her heels and walked over to the table, scraping a collection of scrambled eggs and bacon onto the plate sitting in front of Quint.

"And how did you sleep, honey?" She asked.

"Well, mother." Quint replied, picking up his fork. But before he had a chance to take a bite of his breakfast, a movement and a thump was heard upstairs. "Somebody's up." Quint happily chimed.
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(OOC: If you want to talk about something asides from the PRP, then use brackets and OOC like I am here.)

(OOC: Kalseng, that believable section is GODLY xD)

Emmanuel woke up to the sight of bright sunshine in his eyes.

"Ugh.... why the heck are the curtains open AGAIN!" he grumbled, maybe a little too loudly.

The eleven year old boy got out of his bed, throwing the Houndoom bedspread on the junk covered floor. He stormed across the room, his black hair danced across his face in the faint breeze as he rustled his curtains shut. Emmanuel slid his taller-than-average build into his usual outfit of some navy blue, worn down jeans and a combination of a white T-shirt with a contrasting black jacket over the top. He did, however, get a belt for his Pokéballs earlier that week in preparation, about the only preparation he's done in his life for an activity with his brother, Quint.

Emmanuel opened the black and red curtains a little, and a rare smile appeared across his face as he saw a pair of Quagsire in the river at the edge of town. A Noctowl sat in a tree located in the nearby forest, closing it's eyes for a sleep during the day, whilst an Aipom mischievously schemed whether to wake it up or not from it's perch on a Pineco.

The tall boy shut the curtains, the shadows returning to their rightful place in his room, and he left the room. Totally forgetting the playful antics of the native species, his normal morning personality of grunts, wacky hair and forever un-opening eyes returned. The stairs groaned under the strain that Emmanuel put on the stairs as he stomped down, mainly because he didn't care how he got to his destination as long as it was one foot in front of the other.

Emmanuel slumped into the chair opposite his brother, a plate of bacon and eggs looked at him along with his brother. Quint was almost an exact opposite of Emmanuel, except they both were organised, and you could tell that quite easily when both were sat near each other. The taller brother picked at his eggs unwillingly, he'd eat later.

"I guess you slept like usual Em?" Lauren, the boys' mother asked.

"Urr..." Emmanuel replied with an apparent lack of enthusiasm, or sleep.

"Right! Nice to hear it." Lauren said with a cheery attitude. She always tried to sound cheery in the mornings when only half the house was truly awake.

"Well guys, it's eight thirty in five minutes. Elm-sama asked me to send you guys early to get your Pokégear sorted, so get ready!" Emmanuel's mother announced, and strangely enough, it was him who was out of his seat first.

He walked across to the door, and slid his feet into a pair of black and white skater style shoes. They fitted almost perfectly, if not a little too big. A small Zubat in black and white hung from the back of each. Lauren rushed over, and kissed her boy on the forehead just before he was about to leave. Emmanuel waved goodbye as he walked out of his house. He watched the trees blow in the breeze as he lent on the nearby wall, waiting for his brother Quint.
Quint gave his dishes to his mother, and gave her a hug. "I'll miss you, mom." He said, before pulling away. He waved back at her as he left the house.

"Momma's boy." Emmanuel taunted, a smile playing across his face.

"Oh, shut up." Quint said flatly, smiling as well. Quint closed the door behind himself, and he adjusted the bag on his back. "Alrighty Emmanuel! Are you ready for the start of our great pokemon adventure?" Quint asked, his eyes full of energy and excitement.

"You mean our walk down the street to the lab?" Emmanuel asked flatly. "Yes, I think I can handle it." Emmanuel said. Quint rolled his eyes and walked down the road, a slight skip in his step. The family of sentret he had seen earlier were now rolling all across town, tackling each other playfulls. A little giggle surprised Quint as it emerged, the little sentret trying to bite each other's ears. The streets were lined with small, humble homes, each with a mailbox and street light.

New Bark town was quaint and small, just like Quint liked towns. The bigger towns were nice, but he had always thought it'd be hard to know everyone in a huge town like Goldenrod town. The white-pickett fences were freshly painted, meaning that some poor kids were working on this great day. It was the first new trainer day the lab had orchestrated since Emmanuel's birthday, which unhappily placed itself a day before his birthday, forcing him to wait to travel with his brother. Undoubtedly a few trainers would be stopping by to get their starters, and undoubtedly a few would be from far away regions. It was planned for there to be three days like this a year, spread out between the four regions, and Emmanuel and Quint just so happened to live in the appropriate town.

Soon, the large lab loomed into view, some aides standing out front, ready to help the new fledgling trainers spread their wings. Soon, Quint and Emmanuel were standing at the front doors, an aide walking over to help thme. He had messy, jet black hair and a pair of large, thick glasses. "Are you two here for you first pokemon?" the aide asked, pushing his glasses up to the bridge of his nose.

"You bet!" Quint said enthusiastically. The aide smiled broadly, and gestured to the door.

"Professor Elm is inside, and he'll give you your first pokemon. Quint smiled, thanked the aide, and quickly ran insde, the doors sliding open for him. Inside, Elme stood proudly next to a table with twelve bright, shiny pokeballs about the size of grapefruits. Quint ran up to the proffesor, and started talking.

"Hey," Quint started. "Can we have our pokemon now?!" Professor Elm laughed, and patted Quint on the head.

"Oh, sure you can, Quint." Elm said happily. "Your mother sent me your PokeGear, and I've just finished setting it up." Elm pulled out an object from his coat. It was shaped like a watch with a few cards slipped into it, but only the basic functions. Map, Time, Radio, and Phone cards were what Quint saw. It was the standard, unlike what the professors and really good trainers had. Professor Elm strapped it to Quint's wrist and flicked it on. Quint smiled and thanked professor Elm.

"So, which one's totodile?" Quint asked happily, looking at the table.

"Well, this one is one of them." Professor Elm said, handing Quint a pokeball from the table. It felt cool and smooth in his hand, and Quint threw it up in the air.

"Totodile, go!" Quint called. The ball split open, and a red beam of energy shot out, taking the shape of a totodile as it touched the ground. The red laser look faded, and a totodile stood, smiling. "Totodile!" Quint cheered, reaching out a hand to the pokemon. The totodile sniffed the approaching extremeities, and took a large bite. Quint whipped his hand back, yelping. "Ouch! He bit me!" Quint cried out.

"Yes, you should be careful." Professor Elm said, laughing softly. He then turned from the whimpering new trainer to his brother. "Well, Emmanuel?" Elm coaxed. "Come on, pick a pokemon."
(OOC: "Totodile, go!" ? So cheesy :p)


The taller boy stood in silence, the Professor and Quint standing in anticipation and also wondering if he actually heard what Elm said.

"I'll take this one," Emmanuel said, picking up a pokeball at random, it seemed. He pushed the button on the front of the green coloured Nest Ball, and in a flash of light appeared a turtle like formation. It stood on 4 legs, and was rather short. A pair of leaves stood out on a twig protruding from it's head.

"Turtwig!" the grass type exclaimed, happy to be chosen by it's new owner.

"Perfect." He returned the pokémon at once, clipped the Nest Ball to his belt, and turned to face the Professor. "What genders are the Pokémon, Professor?" Emmanuel asked as he took his red and black Pokégear from the table, and put it on. He noticed only the basic functions, including a map and a phone, and also a watch and access to the regions radio stations.

"Turtwig here is a girl, whilst Totodile is male." (OOC: You don't want him to be male, shout. I assume you do though.)

"Ok, thanks for the information. Also, where would we be supplied with basic items and the like?"

"I have a pair of bags here for you, with five Pokéballs and a Pokédex living within, waiting to be used." Elm answered, pointing to a corner of the lab by the door. As he said, a couple of bags sat there. One with bright patterns, one darker with a strap to go over the shoulder.

"Uh, I've already got one, Professor." Quint said. "Could I get the items from it instead?"

"Of course you can." Elm said, patting his head again.

"Thank you again sir!" Quint replied, making a run for the bags in the corner.

"...Thanks Professor," Emmanuel said quietly.

"Ok boys! Feel free to come back here if you need healing or guidance, myself or my aide are always here."

The pair left the Lab after Emmanuel slung the darker satchel over his shoulder, and gave a wave to Elm and his assistant. Emmanuel searched through his bag, and noticed the several compartments. Areas for berries, Pokéballs, a general compartment, and also a section that was strangely cylindrical in shape. He didn't know what went in there yet (OOC: I'm sure we do, TMs ^^). The black haired boy pulled the five Poké Balls out of their compartment, and clipped them to his belt along with Turtwig. He noticed the Pokédex, red and black in design to match the bag, in the main compartment. He took that out and slipped it in his back pocket.

"So, where to next?" Emmanuel asked his brother as they stood by the sign to Route 29, slightly battered in it's old age.

(OOC: Edit: Totally forgot Pokédexes :p)

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
(OOC: This shall be the debut of my new newbie character. Introducing Kai Kamemaru!)

The air was clean and crisp. Ledyba were still out and about as the morning sun shown brightly through the trees on Route 29. Twelve year old Kai Kamemaru had been planning this day out for months. He had made sure that when he trekked from Cherrygrove City to New Bark Town to get his first Pokemon he'd be wearing his favorite pair of blue jean shorts, the ones with the tattered edges at the bottom, his sleeveless blue tie-dye shirt, with his sun set colored Hawaiian shirt over top. He had even attempted to comb his unruley messy brown hair.

Once his outfit was choosen, all that was left was to put on his white tennis shoes, gather his belongings, kiss his mama good bye, and leave with the Machop his father caught for him at Mt. Mortar. Kai looked up to the trees hearing the chirping of Pidgey. He pulled Machop's Pokeball from his belt.

"It sure was nice of Dad to give me a Machop as my first Pokemon, but I still really want a Squirtle!" Kai said excitedly to the apple shaped ball. "There it is! There's New Bark Town!" he cheered noticing a clearing in the path. At the edge of the forest was a sign that read 'Welcome to New Bark Town'. Kai walked through the small town to the Pokemon Lab where Prof. Elm worked. When he arrived, two boys were already leaving. There was no doubt in Kai's mind that they had been here to pick their first Pokemon just as he was.

"Hello?" called Kai walking into the lab.

"Good Morning young man. Are you here for a Pokemon?" asked a kind voice belonging to a man with light brown hair wearing a clean white lab coat. Kai recognized him at once as Prof. Elm. He had never met the Professor in person before, but Kai had read plenty of magizine articles and seen him on TV.

"Prof. Elm-sama." said Kai bowing his head. "I am Kai Kamemaru, and yes, I am here for a Pokemon. I'd like a Squirtle please if one is still available."

"Very well Kai." Elm picked a blue Lure Ball off the table and handed it to the young trainer. "Would you like to meet him?"

"Yea!" cheered Kai holding the ball out. The Lure Ball opened sending out a white light that materialized into a small light blue bipedal turtle. Squirtle stared into Kai's blue eyes and let out a happy squeal.

"I think he likes you." Elm said. "Take care of him now."

"Thank you Professor." Kai said bowing again. He made his way to the door befor being called back by Elm.

"Wait! Before you go, do you have all the items you'll need for your journey? Potions, extra Pokeballs, a PokeGear, those kinds of things?" asked the Professor. Kai put his finger to his chin to think about it for a minute. His parents had gotten him a Poke Gear for his birthday, he had baught a few potions back at Cherrygrove, but he still needed Pokeballs.

"I need Pokeballs." said Kai.

"Alright." Prof. Elm rumaged through his desk and pulled out 5 spheres and a blue device. "These are your Pokeballs and this is a Pokedex." he said refering to the blue device. "This is an electronic encyclopedia that will record all the Pokemon you meet."

"Thanks again Elm-Sama." This time when Kai left he really was on his way. He wondered if he would run into those two boys from earler.
(This character is loosely based on one of my friends, he realy does seem to do everything insanely well)

"Good job Bayleef." The boys voice wasn't cold, but something about it was somewhat unsettling. A trait his Pokemon had soon picked up.

"Bay, bai bay lee!" The tan and green Leaf Pokemon was proud of hismself. He had taken out a Spinirak, and with great ease it seemed. It could possibly have been because of the time of day, as Spinirak hated daytime. But Anthony blamed it on his own early start. He had exploited the loophole that Prof. Elm would be giving away Pokemon to new trainers today, and got his a little after midnight. Anthony wasn't one to nickname Pokemon, as brilliant as he was, he wasn't well with names.

His "brilliant" green eyes as his mother would call them seemed to sparkle with a momentary glee. He was the strategic, thinking type. Throughout his years in school, the most common sight of his was the back of his head and his light black hair. It was not unusual for his eyes to be peeled to a computer screen, a book, or an assingment. It had been his personal goal to know all there is to know about Pokemon and battling, he wanted to be the absolute best there was. Some of this also came from his athletic-compettitive personality.

In truth, Anthony was not the normal age of most begginning trainers. He had chosen to finish his middle-school teachings, and left after grade eight, being 14. To him, it seemed odd that 10 year olds could go out on there own. Without so much as a wim to capture the Spinrak, he reached into a pocket on his backpack that was slumped agaisnt his tan leg. He reached into the side pocket, full of Premier Balls. He had refused to use regular PokeBalls. Pulling out one that had already been used, the boy returned the green Pokemon back into it's spherical home. In a second or two, the red light had faded, and the ball returned to the backpack.

Anthony never walked. He ran. He never jeans, and only on the rare occasion would he ever wear wind breaker pants. He was not only brilliant in his studies, he had played sports most of his life. Specifically, baseball and track. Together, the two had produced an incredibly well built young man, with large (not bulging) arms, and an impressive stature of 6' 2", and he was still going to grow a bit. Like his arms, his mostly post-pubescent legs were large, from years of running. Not much could get in the way of Anthony, who was now wearing silver shorts, and a white t-shirt with his former baseball team's name printed on it. He quickly picked up his brand new backpack, and sprinted to the edge of New Bark. When he reached the old oaken posts that marked the towns limits, he laid his bag down, waiting for something. It was this something, he did not know.
"Well I'm not waiting any longer," retorted Emmanuel in disgust. He left his brother Quint behind, in New Bark Town, whilst the older brother walked off into Route 29.

It was late morning by the time the brothers had left the lab, so by the time Emmanuel abandoned his brother it was past noon already. Emmanuel unclipped a green sphere from his belt, and opened it.

"Turtwig!" the taller boy's starter exclaimed as it was released from the Nest Ball.

"Ok, lets see what the Pokédex says about you..." Emmanuel pondered as he pointed the electronic encyclopedia at the grass type. The Pokédex beeped for a second, then whirred. A list of information appeared on screen. The data included the species' average size, average height, the Classification of "Tiny Leaf", it's ability "Overgrow" and moves such as "Leech Seed, Grass Knot and Synthesis".

The trainer and his female starter strolled calmly along the forest path, following it's twists and turns. The trees smelled fantastic, probably because of some forest dwelling Pokémon using Sweet Scent or similar moves. The sun gleamed high in the sky, and reflected off many Spinarak webs. Unfortunately, the pair didn't notice the one spanning across their path, and walked right into it.

"Ssihsihzzt!" (OOC: What else do Spinarak sound like? :D)

The Spider pounced on Turtwig, and if it wasn't for the brief look at the Pokédex beforehand, Emmanuel would have had no idea what Turtwig could do.

"Woah! Turtwig, hang in there with Withdraw and Synthesis!"

His female Tortoise-like companion brought her legs and head down under her shell, protecting her from further harm. The Spinarak tried a Poison Sting attack, ramming it's head into the shell to no avail. Slowly, a green glow appeared from inside the shell as Turtwig used the healing move.

"Ok, err... Try a Grass Knot!"

Turtwig quickly got out of her Withdrawn stance, and slammed her legs on the floor. Vines could be seen rushing down her legs, and into the ground. The String Spit pokémon replied with a Spider Web. What seemed like kilometers of silk came out of it's abdomen and surrounded the Tiny Leaf pokémon. Turtwig was in more trouble, she couldn't move at all.

"Shishszizt!" The arachnid howled in surprise as the vines from Turtwig's Grass Knot appeared underneath him, and wrapped around it's legs.

"Ok, try to drag him towards you if you can!" ordered Emmanuel. The Tiny Leaf pokémon could be seen struggling with the Spider Web as she pulled the vines in, the String Spit pokémon coming closer.

"Bite!" Turtwig opened her mouth, her powerful beak-like jaw coming into play. The Spider Web didn't matter, Turtwig had the Spinarak close enough so she didn't need to move herself to bring down a powerful chomp on the String Spit pokémon. The arachnid howled again, and lay exhausted on the floor.

"Phew... Oh, of course!" Emmanuel remembered as he reached into his bag. He pulled out a red and white ball, expanded it using the central button, and tossed it at the Spinarak. It enveloped the spider in a red beam of energy, and it's form dissipated into the sphere. The central button flashed, once. Twice, and a third. Finally on the fourth beep, it stopped.

"I guess that means it's captured.... Nice," Emmanuel said, silently celebrating at his first capture. He walked over to pick his new Pokémon up, and as he did he noticed Turtwig was in bad shape. He pulled her Nest Ball off of his belt and returned the grass type, then made haste for the next town: Cherrygrove City.

(OOC: I know Spinarak aren't in Route 29 in the games, but meh. Cody did it first :D)

OOC: Edit: Changed 1 word lol
Quint hadn't really heard his brother, so when Emmanuel walked off, Quint hadn't the foggiest idea as to why. Regardless of Quint's innocent mistake, his brother made s snide comment in disgust, and turned towards the old, beaten path towards Cherrygrove City. Quint didn't mind very much that his brother left, or that his brother didn't really care. What Quint was more interested in was the cute little sentret that was playing around the route's opening. Quint smiled and happily skipped over to the sentret, the pokeballs on his belt gently thumping against his thigh. Quint had soon made his way over to the Sentret, who was now entertained with a little cattail plant.

Quint smiled happily, and bent down to the small creatures level. Quint reached out to the cattail, to see if he could play with the creature, but received a quick scratch. The pokemon whirled around and scratched Quint's hand roughly, and threw itself in front of the cattail. Quint held his hand, and looked at the blood now dripping down his hand. He stood a moment, and then turned to the pokemon. Unclipping the occupied pokeball from his belt, Quint tossed Totodile's pokeball into the air. The pokeball split open, and shot down a beam of red light, soon forming a totodile.

"Totodile!" Quint called out. "Use Scratch!" Quint knew this move was one of Totodile's, because he had researched the pokemon thoroughly before choosing. It had said that Totodile typically knew the moves Scratch, Leer, Water Gun and Rage when they were obtained from a pokemon lab. Quint wasn't a strategious young lad, but he knew that he should conserve some of his stronger moves for later. Totodile sprinted forward, and brought his claw down on the poor creature. The sentret was frozen in fear a moment as the alligator-like pokemon came running at him. it then curled up into a tight ball as Totodile hit. A light scratch appeared on the pokemon, not even enough to bring blood. the pokemon unfurled, and jumped around on the ground quickly.

A quick attack! He couldn't avoid this one easily. Quint hesitated, and then called out an attack. "Totodile! Rage!" Quint commanded. Totdile stood calmly a moment, and then lashed out, running towards a blurry image of the sentret. Then, the sentret struck Totodile from behind, knocking the pokemon down. Quint made a noise of pain, and shook his finger at the sentret. "Bad choice, my friend." Quint mocked. Totodile stood up, and let loose a Rage attack. An angry aura surrounded the pokemon, and it lashed out at the sentret in a full-body tackle. The pokemon was propelled by the attack, and landed in a small, furry heap on the trail.

Quint reached for his belt, and pulled an un-occupied pokeball off his hip. "Pokeball, go!" Quint called. He lugged the ball at the small, furry pokemon, and the pokemon was enveloped in a red light. The ball shook a few times, until a click noise was heard, and the pokeball stopped moving. Quint gasped happily, and ran over to the ball ecstatically. He picked it up and jumped around the trail. "I caught it! I caught it!" Quint sang happily. He clipped the ball back onto his belt and skipped away happily, catching up to his brother.

"Hey!" Quint said, tapping his brother on the shoulder. "Guess what." Quint didn't even wait for a response. "I caught a little sentret!" Quint said, still bouncing with joy.
Anthony had stood still, and kept calm as he saw not one, but two trainers go by. Each one looked rather new, and one more excitable then the other by far. It almost looked...as if the two could be brothers? Anthony's inquisitive nature caused him to turn a bit, facing the rough road that was route 29. Grass was high in several places, though on Anthony would probably brush no higher then half his calf. Several trees loomed overhead, each one seemingly begging to be explored. In the early afternoon breeze, the eager trees waved to any nearby passer, inviting them to come closer.

Hefting up his backpack he had tossed to the dirt-covered floor, he ripped out a Premier Ball. "Bayleef, let's go." Anthony sighed, "You alone won't carry me anywhere far, we'll need more help..." He tossed the primarily white ball into the air, and as it landed, his Bayleef made itself visible. With a quick "Bay Bai! Lee!" It began to pay attention to the ramblings of it's trainer.

A common thing to capture for new trainers in this area seemed to be a Sentret. Anthony was pretty sure he had seen one of the trainers that passed him catch one. And, if he remembered correctly, his father caught a Sentret.

"Of course, I've never been one to go with the crowd, but those stupid purple rats peeve me. Sentret it is, and maybe a Pidgey...." With this, trainer and Pokemon began searching for a Sentret. With Bayleef on the ground using his sense of smell, and Anthony looking at all the nearby trees. When it was only about half a foot away, Anthony called out once more,

"There!" Anthony called, pointing to a tree nearby. "Bayleef, use Magical Leaf and Poison Powder!" This was a combo Anthony had been thinking about for awhile. For some reason or another, Magical leaf never missed. With Poison Powder on top of it, it would be a double header, damage and status problem. Obeying the command of his trainer, Bayleef whippied the leaf on it's head around several times, each rotation releasing leaves that were glowing blue,red,yellow and green. Before they could get far, he released a powder from thleaves around his neck. It was purple in color, and moved fast through the air, coating the leaves in it. As the leaves soared through the sky, bits of the powder trailed off behind, creating quite a spectacle.

Sensing the impending attack, the Scout Pokemon lept off the tree, but in vain. All the leaves hit, tearing through the fur on the tiny Pokemon. The squirrel like Pokemon flipped over once, before landing agily on it's tail. Anthony saw the Pokemon begin to store up energy in it's right claw for what seemed to be a scratch attack. It was not long, however, that it's energy surpassed that of Scratch. It had learned Slash from one of it's parents at birth. It used it's powerful tail to shoot off of the ground, and soar through the air.

"Let it get close!" Anthony called out. "And get ready...."

The Pokemon was shooting through the air at an incredible rate. It's right-glowing paw was extended, ready to slash at Bayleef with all it had.

"Reflect! Then Tackle!" The Leaf Pokemon created a wall of mystical energy in front of himself, glowing a slight green shade. The Scout Pokemon hit it head on, obviously hurting itself. As the light faded, and the Pokemon fell to the ground from the impact with the wall, Bayleef charged at it to tackle. Just as it stood up, the Pokemon was knocked back down by the tackle.

"Again, Tackle!" The leaf Pokemon charged once more, this time hitting the other with his head, making him fly into the air. At the peak of it's fly, it used Defense Curl, presumably to gain speed. As it shot towards the ground in a ball, it extended the right paw once again, which began glowing with energy.

"All this for a Sentret...."Anthony sighed. There was no doubt this was a powerful one, it had managed to hold out his long, even with posion.

"Baai!!!" His Pokemon called. Distracted by his thoughts, Anthony coudln't tell Bayleef what to do, and as a result was hit.

Anthony whispered, "When it gets close, use razor leaf." The Bayleef, who was laying on the ground gave a slight nod, it understood it's orders. The Sentret had lept through the air once more, this time with both paws aglow. Fury Swipes. As it got closer, Anthony realized how high up it was. It began spinning, clearly understanding that ouwld make the attack more powerful.

"Now!" Anthony called out, and Bayleef began whipping it's head-leaf again, shooting leaves at it, sharp leaves. As the shot through the air, the dark green leaves contrasted with the colors of the sky, but they didn't care. Assuming leaves had a mission in life, the mission of these leaves were to strike the Pokemon. Too late to turn back, the Sentret was hit by a good amount of leaves, each one ripping it's fur a bit. But it kept going. The leaves were strong, but not strong enough to knock it out of the sky.

"Reflect, once more!" Leaping on his hind legs, Bayleef released a barrier in front of it, glowing the familiar green hue. The Sentret hit the barrier directly, banging it's glowing paws agaisnt them. It fell out of the air, and onto the ground.

"Good!" Anthony ripped a Premier ball out of the bag pocket, and threw it at the recently-grounded Pokemon. It's calming white shape blurred through the sky, before hitting it's target. It hobbled once, then twice, and once more. On the third hobble, it glowed a faint red colour, and stopped. The Sentret was his. Bayleef picked it up with his leaf, and tossed it back to Anthony. As he caught it, he pulled out the premier ball that was Bayleef's home. "Return, and good job." He said calmly. Down-sizing the sphere, he swapped it with his Pokedex.

Upon scanning the newly caught Pokemon, he learned that it was a female, and slightly larger then the average Sentret size of 2 foot seven. It was about three foot. It also appeared to be around the neccescary level for evolution, an option Anthony decided he would never allow to happen for Bayleef. He pocketed the Pokedex, and tossed Sentret's into the air.

"Let's work on that slash you're so good at, girl." He said with a slight grin. The Sentret wouldn't be too happy for being captured, but this was one way to start. The Pokemon began charging energy in it's paws, and slashing at twigs and branches Anthony would throw at her.

Emmanuel turned to see his brother behind him with a smile as long as the Celadon-Fuchsia cycling road.

"Guess what. I caught a little sentret!"  Quint said, bouncing around Emmanuel.

Emmanuel started walking down towards Cherrygrove City, his brother followed in tow. He was eager for a response from his brother, who so far today had completely ignored him or poked fun at him. Quint was used to it, and he knew that this wasn't always the case.

The leaves on the trees blew in a faint breeze, the leaves falling off and floating away like Hoppips drifting in the meadows. Emmanuel saw to his left a pair of Hoothoots slowly waking up in their nest atop a tree, and to his right a family of Ledyba flew across the forest, landing in a clearing which appeared to be their nest.

'Obviously evenings are a prime time for Pokémon activity,' Emmanuel thought to himself, making a mental note to come back for a Hoothoot at some point. Emmanuel finally remembered his brother was actually behind him, now looking confused at the lack of response from him.

"...that's nice, congratulations on your first catch, bro. Wanna see what I've caught in a battle between the two?" Emmanuel replied with a slight devious grin.

The sun was beginning to lower in the sky, the shadows of Cherrygrove City in the distance slowly lengthening as Emmanuel waited for a response.

(OOC: You know the drill by now, one on one - Spinarak vs Sentret. I smell tactics vs power here, and if you want to keep the brother's characteristics' trend going, I think Emmanuel should win.)
Quint was now beaming with excitement, and reached for his pokeball when a thought hit him. "Aren't our pokemon exhausted?" Quint asked, cocming his head to the right. He had really hurt the sentret that he wanted to make sure that it would be caught. His brother had also apparently beaten a poor pokemon to incapacitation, which also brought out a small thought of worry.

Not much sound could be heard except for the occassional sound of nocturnal pokemon waking and diurnal pokemon crawling into their homes, singifying the end of the day. The small family of sentret Quint had taken a liking to was also making their way into a small burrow, the little sentret still tumbling over one another in a form of game. The mother Furret seemed to roll her eyes as she shepparded the pokemon into their home, clearly tired from their long day.

Quint then turned towards the nearest town, that being Cherrygrove. "We sure have been walking a long time, brother! We even missed-" Quint's talking was disrupted by his stomach's large grumbling. "-lunch!" Quint finished, giggling. "Let's go to Cherrygrove and get some dinner! Mom taught me how to cook, so all we have to do is stay at the pokemon center and go grocery shopping!" Quint happily enforced. "We're almost there! Let's hurry!" Quint then sped off, his shoes making heavy and rapid thumps against the ground as he sprinted. The beaten trail was especially beaten here, from constant trips to the edge of town and such.

Quint then came to a stop at the towns enterance. The town was much larger than New Bark, decorated with a bunch of homes all clustered together, each with a matching pink roof. Quint excitedly ran off to the only red-roofed building he could see, that being the pokemon center. The houses were all beat up and ol, remniscent of when the town was first built. The town was mainly supposed to be a town of commerce from the traveling trainers, meaning the pokemon center was well-built and well-funded.

However, a store caught his attention on his way there. It was an old grocery-building, realtively new in appearance, with a few people walking in and out of the store. Quint stopped as he approached, and scanned the building. The windows were wiped clean to the point of reflection, displaying a large amount of foreign fruits and vegetables, home baked breads, and even Cherrygrove special sweets. Quint felt his mouth build up saliva, and he approached the sliding doors. They opened up as he a pproached to reveal a large, mostly wooden store filled with shelves decorated with many, many varieties of foods. Quint beamed again, and quickly walked into and through the many aisles, collecting the various food-items they would need.

---About 10-15 minutes of grocery shopping later-

Quint exited the stoor, toting two bags filled to the brim with groceries of all kinds. Quint glanced around and did not see his brother, and ran happily to the pokemon center. He soon found the large building, just two doors down from where he was, and he quickly entered the center. He wlaked up to the bright and cheery nurse, who seemed to be filled with a bottomless pit of pep and cheer.

"Hello!" Quint said, smiling happily.

"Why hello there!" Nurse Joy replied, smiling equally as happily.

"Can I get these pokemon healed, and a room reservation?" Quint unclipped the two occupied pokeballs from his belt, and placed them on the table, still smiling. "Preferrably a room with a kitchen." Quint said, raising up the two bags being held in his right hand.

"Sure we can. Would you like to pay now, or later?" The nurse asked as she began to punch things into a computer.

"Later please."

"How many will be staying?"

"Two. Emmanuel and Quint Evanson." Quint said, peeking over the counter. The nurse finished punching things in, and retrieved a card.

"Very well. Here is your key. You are in room 20C." The nurse said, bowing her head. "Have a nice day." Quint smiled and nodded, and skipped off to their room.

After 5 minutes of wandering about, Quint finally found their room, and opened the door. The room wasn't large, but it had two beds, a TV, and a small kitchen-like area containing a stove, microwave, oven and sink. Quint smiled and placed his bags on a table, along with his backpack. He took out the ingredients, and turned to the cabinets, opening them up to retrieve various cooking utensils. "It's time to make dinner." Quint chimed, retrieving a large pot from a cupboard.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
(OOC: Lovin the new sig LoN ;D)

Kai looked into the red, orange, and purple sky. It seemed the sun was already setting. To Kai it felt like he had spent most of the day on Route 29, which wasn't really to far from the truth. He had woken up that morning and left Cherrygrove City with Machop to get a Squirtle from Prof. Elm, now he was back on the road going back to where he started.

"Hoot! Hoot!" came a call from atop a tree. Kai looked up to see a Hoothoot waking up from its daytime slumber.

"Perfect!" said Kai. "I hear it's a smart idea for beginning trainers to catch a Flying Type. Because I didn't have any Pokeballs this morning I could get any Pidgeys, but you're mine!" Kai reached for the Lure Ball on his belt.

"Go Squirtle!" Kai called. The Tiny Turtle Pokemon materialized from his ball ready to follow his new trainer's every command. "Get that Hoothoot's attention with Bubble." Kai commanded pointing toward the unaware Owl Pokemon. Squirtle nodded in response, inhaled, and blew a flurry of bubble from his mouth.

"Hoot!" the Owl Pokemon cried in surprise when the bubbles popped on its feathers. Hoothoot popped the last bubble with a peck and jumped down from its perch, flapping its wings to avoid injuring itself.

"Alright Squirtle, it's on our level now! Hit it with a Tackle!" commanded Kai. Squirtle charged at the Hoothoot, ramming into the Owl Pokemon with his shoulder. Hoothot retaliated with a Peck to Squirtle's forehead. Squirtle cried out in pain and put his hands over top the wound. Hoothoot took this oppertunity to Tackle the Tiny Turtle back to his trainer.

"No Squirtle! Are you ok?" Kai asked franticly running over to his Pokemon. Squirtle gave a nod still rubbing his forehead. The Peck must have been a critical hit for it left a mark. "That's good. Ok, let's try another Tackle!" The Tiny Turtle Pokemon charged Hoothoot again. However this time Hoothoot used Growl startling Squirtle causing his attack to fall shallow. The Owl Pokemon then began to look at Squirtle funny. The Tiny Turtle started to nod off.

"Oh no! That's Hypnosis! Squirtle! Withdraw!" Kai called. Although a little groggy, Squirtle was still able to obey his trainer and pull himself in his shell. The Owl Pokemon started Pecking on the shell to get Squirtle out.

"Don't give up! Pop out and use Tail Whip!" called Kai. Squirtle quickly emerged and spun around smacking the Owl Pokemon with his tail knocking it off guard. "Now another Tackle!" Squirtle jumped into Hoothoot sending both to the ground, Squirtle on top.

"Excellent!" Kai grabbed one of his empty Pokeballs and trough it at the Owl Pokemon. It shook a fnew times before locking. Kai looked at the ball and slowly started laughing. "We did it Squirtle! We made our first catch!" Kai picked up the ball containg his new Pokemon and sent it out along with his Machop.

"This is my team so far. A pretty fair start I think." he said looking his Pokemon over. The three Pokemon got acquainted pretty fast and started playing with each other. Kai looked Hoothoot up in his Pokedex. She was female and knew Tackle, Growl, Foresight, Hypnosis, and Peck. It also said Hoothoot are known to hoot the same time everyday. Satisfied, the young trainer called back his Pokemon and continued walking.

"It's getting dark out." said Kai noticing that the sun had almost completely disappeared below the horizon. The sky was now almost completely black with a few highlights of blue. The stars were just beginning to come out. "I should be back home sometime in the next half hour or so."

Roughly 20 minutes later Kai emerged from the woods into the small town that is Cherrygrove. First and foremost Kai had to get used to going to the local Pokemon Center to heal his companions. When he entered the red roofed building he had to wait in line behind a boy with brown hair, who was apparently renting a room for the night. When his turn came Kai walked up to the cheerful looking nurse and put his balls on the counter.

"Could you heal my Pokemon Nurse?" he asked politely.

"Sure thing. We will have them healed in a moment." she replied happily grinning from ear to ear.

"Thank you." said Kai bowing.

"Here are your Pokemon. Will you be staying the night?" asked the nurse.

"No. I actually live in town. Thank you anyway." replied Kai picking up his Pokeballs and putting them back on his belt.

"We hope to see you again!" the nurse said cheerfully waving Kai good bye as he walked to the door. Kai waved back and walked though the automatic door. As he walked back to his house, Kai thought about how tomorrow his journey would be starting for real.
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"When did it get this late?" Anthony suddenly remembered the Pokegear in his backpack. Looking at the dark blue device, he saw the time, and decided he should start to wear it as a watch. Nothing wron with knowing the time of day.

"Sentret, that's all for now, but I won't make you go back into the Pokeball just yet." He smiled for a moment, his newest companion looked happy, "But you're not getting off easy, you're going to be running, right along beside me." He finished with a grin, and a twinkle in his green eyes. The Scout Pokemon looked thrilled at this. After a day of working on attacks with his paws, he was probably dying to do something else.

-2-5 minutes of running later-

"So this is Cherrygrove eh?" Anthony spoke to nobody in particular. Except for the fact that he had a Sentret on his shoulder, nobdy ever would have guessed he had just begun his journey. He looked much older then normal, much older the 14 even. Walking down the now lit streets of Cherrygrove, he got several "Hello sir!" and "That's a nice Sentret!"

Anthony thought this was probably because people thought he was somebody important. He didn't look like an adult, but he didn't look like a child either. Sentret, on the other hand, ignored these compliments to him.

He had never been to anyplace like this. His whole life (short as it may have been) was out in the woods. Never before had he seen stars shining off buildings, or heard so much noise at once. Like all cities, Cherrygrove came to life at night. It wasn't large, like Goldenrod. Goldenrod was really noisey at night, Anthony knew this because he went there a few years back with his parents. To the Sentret, this little city of Cherrygrove was Goldenrod. People rushing indoors, lights flashing on everywhere. The noise in resturants and a few clubs. Since arriving at the City, Sentret had placed himself atop of Anthony's shoulders, which he allowed. He was now perched on his tail, a natural instinct for Sentret to watch the area around themselves. When a car drove by, he nearly lost it.

Sentret leaped-no flew off of Anthony's shoulder, and landed on top of the car. When he kept moving, he got worried. It began running in circles on top of the car, which abruptly stopped at a red light. Following the rule that was Newton's first law, he continued moving, and flew forward several feet, before plummeting to the sidewalk corner. He pulled himself to his feet agaist the concrete, and spun in a slight confusion. Anthony couldn't help but laugh a little. The world needed more of this kind of comical humor.

It was in walking to the corner Sentret had landed on he discovered it was a Pokemon Center. He walked into the red-roofed building, and paused for a moment. It was his first time in one of these things, he wanted to take it in. The odd-colored peachy walls. The people conversing at the glasstop tables. The pink-haired nurse who looked overly-excited. Even the smells. Sure, it smelt like latex gloves, but it also had a faint scent of Pokemon, from all the critters in here daily.

Anthony loved it all, and approached the nurse, "Could you heal my Pokemon, and could I get a room?" IN the city, he would probably be labled country. He had manners.

"Of course, but your Sentret will have to be in it's Pokeball." She smiled happily.

Anthony pulled Bayleef's Premeir ball out of his bag pocket, and set it on the counter. He then pulled out Sentret's as well, and returned him in a soft glow light. It looked sad to go in. "Here you go ma'am." He smiled back politely

"Thank-you, nice touch using Premeir Balls." She placed the two capsules on the healing machine, then turned to her desk-computer. "Room for one?"

"Yes'm." Anthony replied.

"Alright then, paying now, or later?" She asked, looking a bit concentrated.

"I'll pay now, how much is it?" He replied

"Well, Prof. Elm has set up a discount in this Center for begining trainers, would you happen to be one?" She must've knon the answer, as she had bothered to ask.

"Yes I am actually." Anthony pulled out the Pokedex he had recevied from Prof. Elm. He went to the "Trainer Profile" Section, where the time and date of his journey's beggining were listed. If he remembered correctly, you were considered a begginer for a week. "Here." He showed her the screen.

"Alright then," She punched something into the computer, "That'll be 2700 then." (That's like...27 dollars right?)

"Okay" He smiled, reaching into his walet. He pulled out 3000, and handed it to her, "Keep the rest" He smiled.

"Well how nice, thank-you, here's your key. Room 21C. Another pair of new trainers are in a room across from you." She said handing him the plain-looking key. "Enjoy your stay!" She then handed his Premeir balls back to him, which he pocketed, and proceeded to his room.


"Sentret, come back out." Anthony had made a good friend, other then Bayleef. The Scout Pokemon appeared in a flash of red light on the bed, and began bouncing instantly. Another thing the wild Pokemon had never seen, mattresses. For the rest of the night, Anthony lay on the bed watching TV while Sentret went happily exploring the room. Eventually, they both fell into a sleep.
(OOC: Lovin the new sig LoN ;D)
OOC: ^-^ - After this post, I have one more Pokémon for definite that I want in my team, then the rest I dunno yet.

After a warming dinner of garlic bread and pasta, Quint decided to snuggle up and go to bed. Emmanuel began to do the same, closing the curtains and locking the door when he remembered his mental note from earlier.

'Obviously evenings are a prime time for Pokémon activity,'

He looked at his red and black Pokégear wrapped around his wrist - 8:00pm. With that he picked up his bag and his belt, and walked out the door, being careful not to wake his little brother up. As he went downstairs and up to the counter, he noticed what a hive of activity the Center was, even at night. People were going in and out, withdrawing money and pokémon, and general conversations were still very much alive as Emmanuel approached the counter.

"Could I possibly get these healed within the next minute or two please?"

"Yes, of course sir," replied the night nurse.

‘Oooh, "sir", I like it…' thought Emmanuel to himself, mentally raising his eyebrows, and running and writing off many scenarios in his head. An unexpected response halted this somewhat delirious train of thought.

"Here you are sir, have a pleasant evening," she said with a smile.

‘I like this even more…' he thought as he turned away from the counter with a smile in reply.

The night air of Cherrygrove City was somewhat tranquil as he left, backtracking to the forest road of Route 29. He noticed the Hoothoot nest from before, and it was empty except an egg and a few chicks. ‘They must be out hunting, praying on baby Sentrets and insects, or similar,' thought Emmanuel to himself.

It was getting lonely and cold when Emmanuel finally remembered he had a pair of companions strapped to his belt. He picked a ball at random and opened it.

"Shzzisisszit!" exclaimed Spinarak as it formed in front of him.

"Heya buddy, long time no see."

Spinarak looked up and gave what Emmanuel supposed to be a smile. ‘I guess arachnids have a problem expressing happiness without smiles,' thought Emmanuel. He never noticed that he had gone off of his set course; and past a sign saying "Route 46" without paying any attention to it whatsoever. He approached a building in the road, and walked through it again without much notice. He was too busy thinking to himself about that Nurse again…

"Anp!! Phan!!"

Emmanuel looked down to realise he had tripped over a sleeping Pokémon, and it was now angry. At least you could call it angry; it was too cute to look angry. Its blue grey snout was flying around, and then it suddenly covered in ice as it charged at Emmanuel.

Spinarak, who was still following Emmanuel whilst he had his mindless daydream about Nurse Joy, sprang into action.


Spinarak flung his abdomen around, and sprayed the angered phanpy with a thick silk web, halting the Ice Shard in it's tracks.

"Thanks a lot pal! I'll leave you to battle this, if you wish to continue."

Spinarak nodded, and without further adue he rammed his horn into the ground type, and the phanpy began to glow a faint purple. Poison sting working it's magic.

Phanpy responded with a rollout, flinging it's trunk under its body and rolling through the silk and into the arachnid. It was badly crushed by the heavier pokémon, but the spider still had one last trick up it's sleeve.

Suddenly, Spinarak boosted its body size by tenfold, appearing as this massive shadowlike form. Emmanuel was totally shocked that a small pokémon had such a repertoire of moves, and his pokédex said this attack was Night Shade. This was followed by a charge forward, and the mirage's jaws slammed into the phanpy's side. Energy was being transferred from the ground type to the bug/poison combo, and this was clearly about to finish the snout wielder. Leech Life, a health transfer move, according to his electronic gadget.

Spinarak retreated, and resized itself to normal, regaining form and colour. The opposition lay weakened on the floor, leaving Emmanuel free to catch the elephant-like creature. A Poké Ball was thrown, and the ground type added to the team.

"Phew… thanks a lot for the help Spinarak, I need to do some research as to what you can do. You seem quite the strategist."

"Shhzziizit!" it replied as he was returned to his spherical home, and Emmanuel picked up the pace to the Guard House separating the route with Route 29. He never paid attention to it, so he never noticed the man and a browny yellow humanoid pokémon inside before.

"Good evening, what brings you down here today?" questioned the guard.

"I was on a catching excursion, found myself a Phanpy by accident. I woke it up, and it wasn't happy at all. Luckily no harm was brought to me, my Spinarak or the Phanpy, to much extent, so all is good."

"Haha… nice job. You want a quick trip back to your destination? My Abra is here for that job," he explained as he pointed to his companion who appeared to be asleep.

"Yeah, sure…" Emmanuel replied, his mind not really sure what the guard was on about. He found out shortly after, when he felt his body compressed into a tiny space and forced across a great distance in a short time, seeing nothing but his body in a strange shape surrounded by a purple haze.

He appeared in the Cherrygrove Pokémon Center, with a look of confusion on his face. He walked up to the counter, with the nice Nurse still there. He handed the two Poké Balls over with his new companions from the day, walked upstairs and snuck in his room, and slumped on the bed fast asleep.
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Quint was up early, almost with the sun. It was maybe six o'clock in the morning, and Quint was already up and cheery. He didn't like staying up late and sleeping in. That wasn't his style. He really liked to use the whole day, from sun up to sundown, unlike his brother who liked the night and the dark for sum odd reason. He got dressed and opened up the windows to let the barely breaking dawnlight in. Quint sighed happily, and walked over to the kitchen, and opned up the bags. He had a dozen eggs, cheese, ham, bacon, a half-gallon of milk and about ten bottles of water left. His brother wouldn't be up for a while, however, so Quint decided it would be okay if he went down to the pokemon center to pick up his pokemon. Maybe even his brothers, if they were ready.

Quint opened the door of their hotel room, and turned into the red-lined hallways. The carpet was a low-quality one, red in color and simple in design. The walls were rough and old, worn out by the sunlight from the windows that cast the light onto the walls. The hall soon broke into the main lobby, lined with glass tables, chairs and sofas. The nurse that stood at the table was a different one than from the night before. This one was clearly the morning-shift nurse, being full of pep and happiness. Quint made a B-line for the nurse, as if his pokemon would die of hunger if he left them there too long.

"Hello, and how are you on this fine day?" The nurse asked, entirely full of all sorts of energy.

"Oh, I'm doing great," Quint replied beaming. "And how are you?"

"Oh, me?" The nurse asked, still smiling. "I'm doing great as well."

"That's great." Quint said, nodding. "Hey, I left my pokemon here with the night-shift nurse, and so did my brother, so I was wondering-"

"Oh, yes! Here you go." The nurse said, handing over four pokeballs.

"Thank you!" Quint said, still positively beaming. He ran off, back to his room, leaving a trail of happiness behind him as he ran. Quint opened the door to the hotel, and walked over to the kitchen. He cracked a few eggs in the pan, hearing them sizzle. It was now about eight o'clock in the morning, menaing the sun was on its daily decent up into the bright blue sky. Quint added some cheese and ham to the eggs and folded them over, making an omelette. He then tossed some bacon in another rying pan, and slid the omelette onto a plate. He cracked another two eggs into the pan, and began his cooking.

Placing the last bit of bacon on the plates, he heard his brother stirring under his covers. As Quint glanced up, he saw his half-naked brother sitting up in his bed, looking around while sniffing the air.

"Here's your pokemon, bro!" Quint chimed, tossing two pokeballsl at Emmanuel.
By the time Emmanuel had opened his eyes, he wished he hadn't. MORE sunlight!

“Ugh,” the apparently sleepless boy moaned. Even the smell of eggs and bacon didn’t deter him from attempting to return to the world of slumber.

Thump! Thump!

“Here’s your pokémon, bro!” chimed the youngest of the pair, lobbing two Poké Balls across the room - right into the face of Emmanuel.

“……cheers Quint. Almost picture perfect wake-up call, all you lacked was the fog-horn,” whined the taller of the duo as the red and white spheres landed in his lap after slapping him in the face. He slung his gangly form out of his bed, and replaced his T-shirt from the last night with a clean one, and attached his companions’ homes’ to his belt. He slumped into a chair in the kitchen, and was presented with a cheese and ham omelette by the small chef that was his brother.

“…Agh,” coughed Emmanuel. He really was not a fan of mornings. However, contrasting to his behaviour up till now, he devoured the omelette in a few minutes. A burp and a clatter, the fork fell to the plate as the taller brother stood up and added his plate to the washing machine.

Emmanuel trudged back to the kitchen table, and pulled out his Pokédex. He flicked his fingers across the touch screen, and cycled his way down to number 167. Moves flashed up on screen which created ideas in his mind, especially when he saw “Shadow Sneak”.

“So,” Emmanuel asked as he flipped the page to #231, “are we gonna have this newly caught battle this morning?” He waited his brother to finish his mouthful and answer his question.
Quint slammed the rest of his breakfast, and downed a full cup of milk as his brother asked him his question. He hurriedly stuffed his Dishes in the dishwasher and started it up. He swallowed his mouthful quickly, and answered his brother. "Absowuly," He replied, still stuffing some renegade egg down his gullet. "Where should we go?" he asked after swallowing. He scooped up his pokeballs and clipped them to his belt. "Just outside the center, or where?" Quint groaned as he lifted his heavy bag off the table.
"...I'd suggest somewhere up the next route, or as you say, outside the center is also a possibility." replied Emmanuel.

He flipped his Pokédex shut, and strolled across to his bed. He picked up the black and red shoulder bag, and flung it over himself. It landed with a thud on his left shoulder, which was followed by Emmanuel walking to the door. He held it open with his foot, and the words "Coming, bro?" escaped his mouth.

The reply came in the form of Quint rushing around the room, checking all the drawers and cupboards, then making the beds and grabbing his cooking utensils, and finally getting them in his bag and rushing to the door.

"…you know you didn't have to do half of that, right? That's what the cleaners do… Come on."

With that, the pair walked down the corridor and out of the center, giving a wave to the Nurse as they left.

The brothers walked down the main street in Cherrygrove City for a good while, watching the cars drive past and flocks of pidgeys fly across the brilliant blue sky. The street ended, and grass replaced the tarmac under their feet, and the pidgeys were replaced with Beedrill and similar pokémon.

They approached a clearing in the forested area of Route 30, and Emmanuel unclipped a Poké Ball from his belt, releasing his Spinarak. It relished the forest, and this area had many trees with few rocks or tangly roots to get in the way.

"Your turn," said Emmanuel.

(OOC: Usual rules, 2 moves 1 attack etc?)
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"M-Muuuud…" the tiny water Pokémon nudged the sleeping sixteen-year-old girl's arm.

Riley woke up and smiled, some of her semi-long hair covered her blue eyes, as she barely saw the Mudkip's face. "Morning, Munch."

Munch's face lit up. "Mudkip!"

"Are you hungry, little mud monster?"

"M-Mudkip!" Munch jumped around the tent they slept in, since Riley thought paying for a room was unnecessary, when she could be enjoying the beauty of nature. He went over to Riley's backpack and tugged it over to her with his mouth.

Riley giggled and started to get out of her sleeping bag, "I'll take that as a yes." She looked through her backpack and pulled out a bag of, what she liked to call, Pokémon Munch. They were little square like cookies that had all the nutrition Pokémon need. She made them herself and she first tried it on Mudkip, her first Pokémon. He loved them so much; she named him after Pokémon Munch.

Munch danced around the tent as soon as he saw the food. Riley took out a bowl from her backpack and set it on the ground in front of Mudkip. She poured the contents of the bag into the bowl. Munch dove his head into the bowl and starting gulping it down. "Well Munch, that's the rest of it."

Munch stopped eating and looked up at her. "Mudkip…"

She smiled, "It's okay Munch, don't be sad. I'll get some more ingredients when we reach Violet City, which is where we get our first badge from Falkner. I think It's called the... Zephyr badge. Anyway, until then you can live with eating these yummy boxed snacks I picked up from the Cherrygrove City yesterday."

Mudkip closed his eyes and stuck out it's tongue.

"Oh stop, Munch, they aren't that-"


Riley and Munch looked towards the opening of the tent. "What was that?" She whispered. She quickly changed into her day clothes before she walked out of her tent, standing to be about 5"4', and hid behind the bushes, seeing two boys standing in the clearing.

"Your turn." She heard the taller boy say.

"What could be going on, Munch?" Riley asked her Mudkip.
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[[Yeah. Sure. Why not.

Is also NOT OKAY.

Just for the record. Typically during battles, the characters are to only use TWO attacks. Only ONE CAN BE ANY FORM OF ACTUAL DAMAGE CAUSING ATTACK.

I repeat:





Quint smiled as he saw the cute little spider-type pokemon. Quint reached for the pokeball on his belt, supposedly the one containing a happy, bouncy Sentret. He tossed the ball out, and found that it did indeed contain the aforementioned pokemon. It stretched out its little, brown arms as the pokeball was clasped back onto Quint's belt. The pokemon then prepared itself by standing on its tail happily. Quint smiled, and thrust a provocative finger forward. "Sentret! Defense Curl!" Quint ordered, a small preparation. The pokemon tensed itself up, peaking its alertness. Quint then smiled, and called out the next move. "Scratch, Sentret!" The pokemon gave an affirmative noise, and launcehd forward, using its tail to propel itself forward. Its hand glowed slightly as it approached the pokemon, and it then swung hard, the scratch attack leaving a trace of white light behind itself in the air as it moved.

Was it really a scratch attack? Quint couldn't care less about the name of his pokemon's attack. He was more concerned about finally winning against his brother.
(OOC: Generally, like Kalseng did here, you leave the other RPer to decide what the attack does. Be reasonable, and use common sense. Snorlax body-slamming a Caterpie will not just bounce off, and a Tentacruel will not catch fire into an inferno with a Will-o-Wisp. Smaller posts are generally allowed with battles purely because of the 2 moves, 1 attack setup.)

(OOC 2: Welcome to 'Charms, Serenai! :D)

The Sentret hurled it's claw at the arachnid, and just as it was about to connect, Emmanuel ordered a Shadow Sneak.

The spider melted into the shadows, the Scratch hitting nothing. Sentret looked around to find his adversary, but appeared confused as all it could find of it's opponent was a rustle in the grass every couple of seconds.

"...What was that, Emmanuel?" asked Quint.

"Shadow Sneak, a move that blends it's user with the shadows to attack the opposition... Ok, now Spinarak! Spider Web!"

Spinarak appeared from the tall grass behind the Scout pokémon and reared it's abdomen, about to fire it's silk.

[size=6pt]Listening to: Black Stone Cherry - Crosstown Woman - via FoxyTunes[/size]
(OOC: Thanks! :) I've never done anything like this before, so I hope I'm not too horrible.)

"...What was that, Emmanuel?" Riley heard the smaller boy ask.

Riley looked at the other boy, "That must be Emmanuel..." She assumed. She watched in amazement as Sentret and Spinarak battled eachother and how the two boys commanded their Pokémon. "So they're battling, eh... I've never seen a Sentret up close before... It's so cute..." She thought to herself.

Meanwhile, Munch was searching around Riley's backpack for more Pokémon Munch.

Riley soon found herself smiling, "Amazing!" she said, accidently. She widened her eyes and shrunk even more into the bushes. "Oops..." She thought to herself again.
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Zach was walking along, his purple hair being blown about in the wind, he noticed two boys battling, one was using a Spinarak and the other using a Sentret. Zach had just received his starter pokemon, and caught another, Zach had received a Charmander, and had caught a Hoothoot, he thought he was doing quite well for his first day.

He approached a girl, she was hiding in some bushes, watching the two boys battle.
"Hi I'm Zach," he said, startling the girl.

"I'm Riley, this is my Mudkip, Munch," she replied.
(I'm new here too, and I've already made a character, I hope you don't mind me posting here.)

"Ri... lu...", a small Riolu whispered to a young girl, around 11, "Lu...". The girl jumped awake when a long, smooth strand of spider silk hit her head.

"Gyah!", she shouted, scrambling to her feet, "What the...", she said staring at a young Spinarak. Her silver hair was hanging off her head, with her dark red eyes, seemingly ablaze, watched the Spinarak almost dance with the opposing Sentret. She smirked silently, and sat on the ground. "Nocturne?" she said to the said to the silver Riolu, "Watch,", she said chuckling, "but don't interfere." The young Riolu sat down next to her, without a word.

(I hope my grammer was at least ok.)
(OOC: I just realized that I made a typo in my first post... Riley is actually supposed to be thirteen, not sixteen. :-[)

"I'm Riley, and this is my Mudkip, Munch." Riley said, trying to slow her heartbeat down from Zach startling her.

Upon hearing his name, Munch trotted over and sniffed Zach.

"Uhh... Anyway, I must be off now. It's time for me and Munch's adventure, I got some Pokémon to catch. Nice meeting you." She smiled then snuck away from the bush, back to her tent to get her stuff together.

Mudkip stared at Zach for a moment before following after her.
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Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
(OOC: You're welcome to join us, DarkPokemonTrainer and Onyx Crystal, but your introductory posts should be alot longer than that. Take Kalseng's, LoN's, Cody's and my first posts as examples. Give a little bit of backstory to your characters. Shorties are only allowed for battles. That being said...)


"Kai! Your breakfest is ready!" called a kind voice. Kai sat up in his bed still half asleep. He yawned and stretched his arms out over his head. Kai got out of bed rubbing his eyes. The smell of the sausage and eggs was strong enough to reach his nose all the way in his room on the second floor. The delicious aroma was all it took for Kai to race downstairs.

"Woops!" he said stopping in the middle of the stairway realizing he had completely forgotten about his Pokemon back in his room.

"Kai!" called his mother again.

"I'll be down in a minute Mom. My Pokemon have to eat too." he called to the kitchen leaning on the railing on the stairs. He ran back to his room and grabbed Machop's, Squirtle's, and Hoothoot's Pokeballs. When Kai got to the kitchen his father was sitting at the table reading the morning paper while sipping some coffee, and his mom was at the stove still cooking breakfest. His plate was already waiting for him at his seat. Kai sat down and turned to his father.

"Dad, what kinds of food do Pokemon eat?" he asked. Mr. Kamemaru lowered the paper looking at his son strait in the eye.

"Well what do you have so I know what I'm working with? Different Pokemon have different tastes, son." said Mr. Kamemaru. Kai held out his 3 balls and sent out his Pokemon. Mr. Kamemaru looked over each one carefully. "Alright Kai, listen closely." The experienced older trainer got up and walked to a nearby cabnet. Inside were several bags of different types of Pokemon food. He looked around until he had found the three he wanted. Mr. Kamemaru held up a bag with a black fist inside an orange circle on it.

"This is what you'll feed Machop. This is rich in protien and will help build his muscles. Most Fighting types like the flavor of this kind." He held up the next bag with a black feather in a sky blue circle on it. "You'll be feeding Hoothoot this kind. It's thin like the seeds Flying types would eat in the wild. If you catch a Pidgey or a Spearow you'd also give them this." The last bag had a picture of a pond on it. "This is the kind you'll give Squirtle. Because Water types are so diverse, there isn't a brand of food spacific to them. Insted you'll give Squirtle this brand. It's made for Pokemon found in or around lakes, ponds, or rivers. This food is made to keep the Pokemon eating it hydrated." explained Mr. Kamemaru.

Kai had been eating his own breakfast while his father had been explaining about what he would give his Pokemon. "Thanks Dad. I'll make sure and remember that." He poured each of his Pokemon a bowl of their spacific meals.

"When you catch more Pokemon, ask local Pokemon Centers or Poke Marts about food." He turned to his wife. "Speeking of food, where's mine? I'm starving."

"What a coincidence. It's already done." said Ms. Kamemaru. Kai had just finished eating and ran back upstairs to get dressed and ready for his big day. The day he really left home. After putting on the same clothes he had on the day before, Kai grabbed his backpack, now containing the Pokemon food from his dad, and was out the door after saying good bye to his parents once again.

As Kai made his way up Route 30, he heard what sounded like a command for Scratch shouted. Kai cautiously made his way closer to see what was going on. "Ok, now Spinarak! Spider Web!" said a trainer using a Spinarak, this one older looking than his opponent who used a Sentret. So it was a trainer battle. Kai stood on the sideline silently watching and hoping that the winner wouldn't be too tired to take him on next.
Riley scrambled around to put everything in her backpack. Took apart the tent, stuffed it in her backpack and neatly folded her pj's and set them in gently. "Munch, back into your Pokeball now." She smiled and pressed the little white button on the front of the blue, net looking Pokeball. Munch became a red-lighted figure and entered the Pokeball.

Riley clipped the Pokeball on her belt and unclipped the one next to it, the one with a lightning bolt on the front. She pressed the little white button saying,"Come on out, Sparks, and join me on my walk!" After a flash of light, a Pikachu appeared right in front of Riley.

"Pika pika!" the Pikachu said in excitement.

Riley put her backpack on her back after zipping it up. She bent down and put her arm out to Sparks. He climbed up her arm and onto her shoulder. "Pika pikachu!" It was obvious Sparks was happy to be out, spending time with his trainer.

Riley stood there, looking at Zach. "So, Zach, where are you headed?"
"So Zach, where are you headed?" The girl asked.

"Uh, I was headed to the next town with a Gym, I plan on becoming the best Pokemon trainer in the world! Meaning I'm going to the next city where I can get Gym badge." Zach explained. "By the way, I was wondering if you wanted to travel with me?" Zach asked.
"By the way, I was wondering if you wanted to travel with me?" Zach asked.

Riley turned a little red with Zach's bold question. "Well, I-uh..." She shook her head out of her blushing and turned her head towards Sparks with a grin.

Sparks seemed to have read her mind, smirking and nodding his head in approval.

She then turned her head towards Zach, "Alright Zach, I'll join you... If you can beat me in a Pokemon battle!" she said, confidently.
The girl went red at Zach's question.

"Alright Zach! I'll travel with you if you can beat me in a battle!" She said confidently.

"Alright! Your on! 1 on 1 sound fair? By the way, I didn't catch your name!" Zach said with a hint of confidence in his voice.
(OOC: Raeze is pronounced "raise")

She started thinking to herself, "I hope I do okay... This is my first pokemon battle, but... I think my Pokemon are strong enough... I have a lot of confidence in them... On the other hand, if I don't win, that proves I'm not ready for Falkner..." A flash of nervousness came across her face, but she shrugged it off and put her confident look back on her face. "Riley. Riley Raeze. And yeah, one on one is perfect. Alright, so how many pokemon do you have?"
The girls name was Riley Raze, and she had accepted Zachs challenge for 1 on 1.

"How many Pokemon do you have?" Riley asked

"I have 2, but my cousin wants me to trade my Hoothoot for his Larvitar, so when we get to the next Pokemon Centre I'm going to trade him. But anyway I have 2 Pokemon," Zach, unclipping Charmander's Pokeball from his belt and chucked it through air "go Charmander!"

Riley threw a Pokeball too, "Go, Riolu!" she called out.

"Charmander, use Ember!"
(OOC: Umm... Riley doesn't have a Riolu... Just Mudkip and Pikachu. Try not to choose my Pokemon for me. =/)

"A Charmander, huh? For this battle, I'll use Munch!" Riley threw her Pokeball, "Go, Munch! Let's show this Charmander what you're made of!" And with a flash of light, Munch stood before her, facing the Charmander.

"Charmander, use Ember!" Zach commanded his Pokemon.

"Char!" Charmander opened his mouth and let out a small flame, that shot out towards Munch. Munch took the hit, the flame attack hitting Munch in the face.

"Mud!" Munch whined and shook his head to stop the pain.

"I'm sorry, Munch! Go ahead and hit Charmander with a tackle!"
(OOC: Oh yeah sorry I got confused with you and between someone else from another RP I'm doing and sorry I thought you allready threw the pokeball...sorry about that..sorry again...)


Riley had sent out Mudkip, she had a type advantage.

Charmander's Ember had hit Mudkip head on.

"I'm sorry Munch! Hit him with a Tackle!"

"Charmander try and dodge it!" Charmander tried to jump but he couldn't he had tripped over, Mudkip, who was called Munch, had hit Charmander.

"Damn! Try and hit him/her with a Metal claw!"

(OOC:Sorry about the before post again and I dunno whether your Mudkip's a boy or a girl so..)
(OOC: It's okay :) I was just letting you know. Try double checking my last post before assuming, and if you forget something about a character or Pokemon, look back at the recent posts. They aren't going to bite you :p Btw: Munch (Mudkip) is a boy. So is Sparks (Pikachu))

"Damn! Try and hit him with a Metal Claw!" Zach called out.

Charmander swiftly moved as his right claw lit up. He scratched Munch in the face and he flew backward.

Munch fell to the ground. "Muuud..."

"It's okay, Munch! You can do it! Use Bubble attack!" Riley encouraged, jumping up and down.

Munch got up and opened his mouth, "Mud... Kip!!" He let out tons of bubbles, floating fast towards Charmander.
The Metal Claw had hit, knocking Munch to the ground.

"It's okay Munch! You can do it, hit him with a Bubble attack!" Riley had called out encouraging Mudkip.

"Oh no, Charmander! Dodge it and use Smokescreen!" Zach called out "I so don't wanna lose this! It won't be over so quick!"
"Oh no, Charmander! Dodge it and use Smokescreen!" Zach called out. "I so don't wanna lose this! It won't be over so quick!"

Charmander did as his trainer said, and dodged the bubbles. He opened his mouth and let out smoke, creating the Smokescreen attack.

Smoke filled the air around them, preventing any sight. Munch looked around in confusion, "Mud?" He looked around quickly, trying to track down Charmander.

"Oh no! Now Munch can't see!" Riley pondered what she could do next. Suddenly it hit her. "Munch! Use Water Gun in every direction! Maybe you'll hit Charmander!"

"Mud!" Munch opened his mouth and shot out water, turning his head and body after he shot out water, blowing out water in every direction surrounding him.
(OOC:Sorry if I'm sort of god modding.)

Mudkip had used Water Gun in an attempt to hit Charmander.

"Damn it, Charmander! Use Rage and take the hit then unleash the energy!" Zach cried out, in fear he Charmander would get hit.
(OOC: Nope, it's fine, I hope I'm not doing the same, which I think my posts are pretty reasonable.)

Charmander took the hit of water and got very angry. "Char... Mander!!"

Riley heard the Charmander's cry and widened her eyes. "If Mudkip gets hit in Charmander's Rage, he might not make it..." She said to herself, "There's only one thing to do..." She looked down at the ground and then looked up, "Munch! Crouch down on the ground as much as you can, maybe he'll trip over you!"

Munch crouched down on the ground, tucking in his arms and legs.
"Charmander! Remember what we've been practicing?"

"Char!" the small orange lizard pokemon responded.

"Okay! Put all of the power from Rage into Flamethrower!"

Charmander took in a deep breath, summoning the heat inside and fired an intense blast of fire.

(OOC: I hope that wasn't too god moddish XD)