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DPPt/HGSS Newest Team - Desert Storm

Yup I just finalized a sandstorm based team for competitive play. From what I play test it works ok but I would still like to get opinions from you guys to double check my stuff.

Oh and im not using Garchomp :p made a pact with a teamate of mine that we would never use it.

Tyrannitar aka Gorehowl
Adamant Nature
Sandstream trait
- Crunch
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance
- Rock Slide

Hits hard and starts the Sandstorm. He also destroys Baton-Ninjasks :D

Flygon aka Spirit
@Choice Band
Adamant Nature
Levitate Trait
- Aerial Ace
- Rockslide
- Flamethrower
- Earthquake
Her high speed and levitate ability make her a great choice poke.

Metagross aka Mute
Adamant Nature
Clear Body Trait
- Meteor Mash
- Earthquake
- Explosion
- Thunder Punch

Hard hitter once again, he tanks pretty well too.

Magnezone aka Neuro
Modest Nature
Magnet Pull Trait
- Thunderbolt
- Thunderwave
- Magnet Rise
- Supersonic

Annoyer of sorts, zaps pesky water types which most of my team is weak against.

Swampert aka Tideon
@Chesto Berry
Impish Nature
Torrent Trait
- Curse
- Earthquake
- Ice Punch
- Rest

Hard hitter in general and a dragon killer

Skarmory aka Nighthawk
Impish Nature
Keen Eye Trait
- Stealth Rock
- Whirlwind
- Drill Peck
- Roost

Classic Skarmory :D

So what do you guys think?


Bearded Trout Warrior
I have in fact been working on a Tyranitar/Hippowdon based team for a good chunk of the previous weekend.

I PM'd you the team as it is now, but until the final 'roster' of pokemon is decided at least, I don't want to post it in this thread yet.

it was also constructed to be Pokecharms Legal, so Metagross was excluded for Tyranitar, and Garchomp as well [so no worries about that one].

I should also kind of apologize ;p
I sent that team without really even looking at what you had aside from the pokemon.
Sorry about that ^^;
Tyranitar could use Stone Edge, more power, but less accuracy, your call really. Same thing on Flygon as well.
Flygon could do with a Dragon attack STAB. I think Dragon Claw works well.
Psychic STAB on Metagross, could be used, doesn't have to be though. Just putting that out there.
Magnezone could use Tri-Attack or a good HP (Ice or Grass would be ideal).
Avalanche is an option over Ice Punch on 'Pert.

Nice choice of moves...nice job. Just watch that Ground-Types will destroy Magnezone.
Just watch that Ground-Types will destroy Magnezone.
Yeah I try to be careful and use Magnet rise when there is a chance of an EQ coming. Tri-attack is really neat ill keep that in mind.

I think im gonna go for Stone Edge on Flygon and maybe keep Slide on Tyran. Flinching is so awesome lol for me anyway (Triple flinched a starmie to kill her earlier today when it was 1v1 last pokes.)

I checked out your team Ruko, thanks for sending it, it gave me some ideas :p I hadnt thought of Gastrodron much.

Nice choice of moves...nice job
I think im blushing O.o

If anyone else has any advice id be glad to hear it :D

Late night/early morning edit: Avalanche officialy rules, tested it out earlier this evening.