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But the point of the third party characters is that they hold some special bond to Nintendo.

Sonic is obvious, he's as commonly thought of when referring to classic Nintendo as Mario is purely down to the original rivalry that made up the very first Console wars.

Megaman was born on the NES and right up until his 8th game was a Nintendo exclusive. His ties to the glory days of Nintendo are unquestionable and even his later franchises have been pretty big Nintendo games also.

Snake was also born on the NES - though his position in the game is as much down to Hideo Kojima begging for it as anything else.

There's very little else worthy of being among those - the only possible exception being, as mentioned before, Nights - who presumably will be a Nintendo exclusive from Sega from now on thanks to the Wii. Though Nights' being included is an extremely, extremely tenous notion and only just makes itself more likely than the obvious nonsense like Sora, Master Chief or Ratchet and Clank.

I really doubt we'll see anything other than Megaman being included.
