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Party Like It's 1996 (The Official RBY Retro Playthrough Thread)


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
Today, Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow were re-released on the 3DS worldwide, and I know quite a few of us at 'Charms have been playing them. So, I figured, why not a Retro Playthrough thread?

What starter did you choose? How far through are you? What does your team look like?

Tip: If you want to post types, try the [type]electric[/type] BBcodes. That'll produce something like this: [type]electric[/type] Obviously replace electric with whatever type you want. ^^


Eevee Tamer
Staff member
About an hour and a half into Yellow and about to hit the first gym. >:3

Current team is as follows:

Metapod - Lv 9
Sparky the Pikachu - Lv 10
Vine the Mankey - Lv 10
Nidoran - Lv 4
After while, finally beat the eigth gym,
Pyro the Charizard- Lv 52
Forest the Venusaur-Lv49
Torrent the Blastoise-Lv50
Jet The Pidgeot-Lv 47
Volt the Raichu-Lv48
Brian the Alakazam-Lv47


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
About to kill Lt. Surge:

Pikachu Lv. 26
Kadabra Lv. 26
Meowth Lv. 25

Honourable mention: Mew Lv. 7 courtesy of the glitch of the same name.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I decided to make my first playthrough of Blue a Nuzlocke. The RNG apparently loves me because my first encounter in Viridian Forest was Pikachu. If that wasn't sweet enough, Pikachu was instrumental in catching my first encounter on Route 25, Abra. Thunder Shock paralyzed and Abra was fully paralyzed on the turn it would use Teleport. Realizing I had yet to have a wild encounter on Route 24, I decided to use my luck to the fullest by acquiring Mew. Clearly the game wanted me to. So here is my team so far:

Ivysaur (Sapasaur) Lv.17
Pikachu (VoltTackle) Lv.16
Zubat (Batty) Lv.15
Pidgey (Scout) Lv.15
Abra (Magic) Lv.12
Mew (Mewstor) Lv.7

Spearow (Nameless because I pressed B by mistake) Lv.15

Rattata (William) Lv.14 Killed by a critical hit Hyper Fang from Rival Dickery's Rattata


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
A lot can change in 24 hours:

Raichu Lv. 48
Kadabra Lv. 47
Persian Lv. 47
Haunter Lv. 47
Articuno Lv. 50
Mew Lv. 7 (HM slave)

Wandering around the Pokemon Mansion on Cinnabar in search of loot.
Just beat the 7th Gym in Yellow. The team I have is as follows:

Pikachu(level 41)
Charizard(level 41)
Kadabra(level 41)
Snorlax(level 42)
Blastoise(level 42)
Venasaur(level 42)
Yay! I got Pokemon Blue last night!

...though I have to say it's incredibly more difficult compared to the other games. 0.o

Here's my team so far.

Dri the Wartortle- Level 28
Coo the Pidgeotto- Level 24
Chupi the Pikachu- Level 20
Plum the Mew- Level 27

I'm just about to go into Lavender Town's Tower.
Red version! :) I'm trying to use only Pokes I've never really dabbled with, but there aren't many of those in Gen 1... That said, I still have just Bulbasaur. I may pick up Jigglypuff after the first gym. I'm looking to ultimately have Seaking, Magneton and Arcanine on the team as well.
Alrighty, here's how things have gone so far. I'm just doing a whatever I feel like kind of thing, which of course means exploring as many glitches as possible. So, I chose Squirtle, glitched myself a Level 1 Slowbro because why not, wandered past Brock because I couldn't be bothered to fight him, and get myself up to the Mew glitch. Catch my Abra, all going well, then walk forwards until what I think is right outside of the trainers view, open my menu and save, then close the menu. Turns out, I was already in his field of vision, and I needed to teleport away as I opened the menu at that moment. As I've already saved at that point, as soon as I load the game up again, the battle is triggered and I don't have the opportunity to open the menu again to teleport away. Essentially I've lost my ability to get Mew at this point. Now I know there's another point where I can do it, but I really wanted to get Mew early on to raise it and have it on my team and I have no idea what to do now. I mean do I restart or keep going? I... I don't know.

... Unless... Unless I suicide and deliberately get all of my Pokemon to faint and lose the battle against this trainer? That will make the battle reset right? Seeing my last glimmer of hope, I manage to kill myself in battle, thus resetting the trainer and letting me battle them again, so I can trigger the glitch and get my Mew. I'm so happy now, I freaked out for a while there >> Anyway we'll see where else this run shall take us, so far its been more dramatic than any run I've done for some time now.

Ashley (Pikachu) Lv 19
Nagisa (Butterfree) Lv 19
Howitzer (Wartortle) Lv 20
Rusty (Spearow) Lv 19
Vash (Sandshrew) Lv 12
Mira (Mew) Lv 7


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Congrats, @Aura! Your Mew was definitely well deserved after going through that panic. Glad that it all worked out. :D

Myself, I've been playing through Yellow (and realizing just how much I appreciate all of the additions, big and small, that the Pokemon series has introduced since gen 1) and recently hit the point that I could trigger the Mew glitch as well. Initially I'd accidentally walked into the trainer to the left of Nugget Bridge and had to reset, but everything was smooth sailing afterwards... until Abra.

It took me ages to capture an Abra, let alone even encounter my first one. I went through four before finally putting the fifth to sleep and capturing it. I took easily over an hour Abra hunting, if not closer to an hour and a half. ;_; But from there I went on to complete the rest of the glitch and Mew getto daze!

I'm currently saved in Cerulean City and training my Mew up a bit before taking on the second gym. Here be my team!

Chuchino (Pikachu) - Level 19
Warren (Nidorino) - Level 18
Cherry (Butterfree) - Level 19
Loggy (Ivysaur) - Level 17
Igneel (Charmeleon) - Level 16
Hax (Mew) - Level 10
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I also took advantage of the Mew glitch; I suppose I had it a bit easier than most though - I caught the second Abra I found after about five minutes of searching by chucking a single Pokeball at the beginning of the battle.

My team as of now is:
Mjolnir (lv 17 Mew)
Ortiz (lv 23 Wartortle)
Quicksand (lv 24 Nidoking)

Brock was easy enough to take out - I just threw Ortiz at him - but Misty was a bit harder. I started with Ortiz and Tackled Staryu to death, then against her Starmie I used Quicksand. This was a risky play, but I knew that I'd have to hit Starmie hard and fast in order to win. Starmie moved first and used Bubblebeam, taking Quicksand down to about 1/3 of his health, then Quicksand hit Starmie with a Thrash, which dropped it to about 1/2 of its HP.

At this point, I was really concerned - another Bubblebeam would faint Quicksand, and I was pretty sure that it'd be able to easily dispatch Mjolnir and Ortiz (who was already wounded from the fight against Staryu). However, at that point, Starmie decided for some reason to use Water Gun instead of Bubblebeam, dropping Quicksand to 4 HP but leaving him alive. The next Thrash was enough to take Starmie down, at which point I finally exhaled.

I'm not sure yet what the rest of my team is going to look like, but I'm thinking I may evolve the Eevee in Celadon to a Jolteon, then catch a Doduo and a Magmar. Both Dodrio and Magmar were on my team when I played Blue for the first time, so I have a soft spot for them. (I think my original team was Venusaur, Vaporeon, Magmar, Dodrio, Sandslash, and Raichu, so as you can see I'm changing it up a bit.)
I wasn't going to buy any of the VC RBY titles until they dropped that bomb about the pokemon being importable to Sun and Moon down the line, and I found out about the broader applicability of the Mew Glitch/trainer escape glitch, and I went a little nuts. I decided to go with Pokemon Blue since I've been a firm Pokemon Red devotee for some time and started with Squirtle, with the intention of raising various RBY OU Smogon tier pokemon that I'd never really trained. (Although I did go with a couple of familiar faces, jolteon and alakazam, in the end.)

I did the Mew glitch as soon as possible and I found out after researching the various wonky mechanics in RBY that the capture success doesn't actually fully scale with HP in gen 1, and it actually doesn't add a lot of success chance especially for low catch rate pokemon, so there's no point in risking fainting a pokemon by chipping away its HP. Anyway, without a fast sleeping pokemon, my best bet was just to throw pokeballs at Abra on the first turn and it took two tries to catch one. I used the swimmer and the youngster and got two Mews, one of which I whimsically decided to use as an HM slave. Mew's catch rate is a little on the low side so I put its HP below 1/3 and put it to sleep with a clefairy, and it still took a few pokeballs.

I also decided to save all of my TMs to be duplicated once I got to Cinnabar island, and to wait until I could glitch encounter an Alakazam, having no one to trade with, and I have to tell you that this game is a little harder than I remember without a psychic pokemon knocking everybody down starting in the game corner and never stopping. :p I trained a Jolteon and Vulpix in Celadon to about level 30 but gave up, especially with Erika's subordinates haxing me with Wrap all the time, and just kept going with Blastoise to push to Cinnabar.

Seeing Missingno again was a bit of a trip but with a ton of rare candies and TMs in hand I could finally go to work and have a functional team. Once I got a ton of master balls I started glitch encountering in earnest, pulling up red version and one-off pokemon like eevee to capture. I worked on that for a few evenings and completing my pokedex, and I hit up the elite four with a team of starmie, jolteon, ninetales, alakazam, and tauros, which went really well despite them being all about level 48 because the trainer AI sucks, lol.

Afterward I bagged Mewtwo and the various unknown dungeon pokemon I was missing and headed back to Celadon for my pokedex completion diploma. And now to get back to fire emblem!!!

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
So I started a Yellow run myself, because everyone else was doing it. My run is not a 3DS run as I literally cannot see any reason to justify buying a 20 year old game that's more broken than ME at any given day, but hey, retro is as retro does.

I've not really charged that deeply into it, having just crossed the Cerulean line, but my team at present is the obligatory Pikachu (nicknamed Xanthia), Nidoking (nicknamed Synapcide), Ivysaur (whose name is Robert, and enemies fall before him like lead zeppelins) and Charmander (nicknamed Leta'Esh, and still a bit useless at the moment). Yeah, I guess I'm going for a full starter run again. Boring but effective, I guess?

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Continuing my Nuzlocke run, I am in Celadon City currently. Erika has fallen before me thanks to Golbat's Leech Life. Gotta love Bug being super-effective on Poison. It makes every Grass-type not named Tangela take 4x damage from an otherwise weak move. Of course this being a Nuzlocke, there is as much tragedy as there is comedy. Spearow was executed by a Youngster's Rattata. We were both low on HP, Spearow was faster so I thought we had the battle won, but Rattata ambushed us with Quick Attack. Then my Pikachu, who I was fortunate to catch at all, was felled by a PokeManiac's Slowpoke in the Rock Tunnel. Having defeated Misty, played a part in Mew's capture, and used Flash to even get me through the Rock Tunnel, I'd say its purpose was served but I still would have liked to have gotten Raichu. My team thus far:

Sapasaur (Ivysaur) Lv.28
Xerxes (Meowth) Lv.27
Surgio (Dugtrio) Lv.27
Scout (Pidgeotto) Lv.27
Mewstor (Mew) Lv.27
Batty (Golbat) Lv.30
Well I have had Pokemon Yellow for a little wile and this is my Team

Get Ready, is your Body Ready?

Pika the Pikachu Lvl. 7
You were not ready!?! I warned you of its awesomeness
Update: I have made it to Fuchsia. None of the other gym leaders have proven as nerve-wracking as Misty, though Erika came close since I didn't have a fire-type or a flying-type at the type. I just Ice Beamed my way through her Pokemon, and got lucky on one of her moves missing.

My team is now:
Tripoli (lv. 33 Dodrio)
Quicksand (lv. 33 Nidoking)
Geno (lv. 32 Jolteon)
Mjolnir (lv. 34 Mew)
Ortiz (lv. 37 Blastoise)

I had forgotten how awesome Dodrio was. Doduo evolves like three levels after you catch it, and it learns Drill Peck very quickly. It absolutely shredded the Fighting Dojo despite a level disadvantage.
So. This segment of my adventure has been even more interesting than the last one. I wrecked Misty without too much trouble, got all my team up to reasonable levels, and took out all of the people on the SS Anne, pretty stock standard stuff. But there's a certain trainer on Route 6 that can be used for a couple of glitches, so it was time to mess around again. Both of the glitches have a similar set up to the glitch to get Mew, so I needed Abra. The first one involves teleporting away from the bug catcher, battling a random trainer on Route 11, talking to someone in Vermillion that doesn't have a Machop, and then I walked back onto Route 6. The game slowed down as if time itself was changing, trainers were winking in and out of existence, rapidly flashing on the spot. I couldn't talk to anyone, nor could I open the menu, but when I got into a battle the text was weird and blocky instead of being actual letters. It was pretty damn awesome, although interestingly I didn't get all of the strange sound effects that often come with this glitch, neither did the game crash sadly. Oh well.

I reset the game because if you save when Route 6 is like that the glitchiness becomes permanent, plus I needed the trainer again. This one is almost exactly the same in set up as the previous one, except first you must walk into Route 12, and you don't talk to anyone in Vermillion. When you go back to Route 6, a wild battle starts up, and after you defeat or catch that Pokemon, Snorlax on Route 12 is totally gone. Because this is basically the same as the Mew glitch and the wild Pokemon that appears depends on the special stat of the last one you battled, I decided to see what would show up. So I found a few things, like Gastly and Magmar, but, after I battled a level 7 Drowzee, I was graced with the presence of the elusive Mew once again! Yuuuuuuuuup, we are so going to be drowning in Mews. I tried to catch it by getting my Mew to transform into that Mew so I wouldn't one shot it, but I got a crit. Of course. I reset, and figured that well, I knew that I could get it again if I wanted, and I wanted to see if anything else would show up, so I continued. But, after battling a level 13 Drowzee, something showed up that trumped even Mew.


Of course I freaked out, and tried to catch it using the same technique I tried on Mew. And naturally, I crit it again. God dammit. So I reset (making sure that my rare candies are in the 6th bag slot >>) and go back to battling level 13 Drowzee's hoping that they'll have 31 or 32 special. I came across mostly Pinsirs and Tangala, including one very bizarre Tangala which could talk. No joke, it had trainer dialogue when the battle started. Like an idiot, I didn't write down what this was, but it was "I" and then a new line started with some more dialogue that could be vaguely creepy. I don't really remember what the last line was, but I'm pretty sure nobody in the game has that dialogue. I mean, I can't think of any trainers that go to a new line after only saying "I". Anyway, eventually I run into it again, and this time I catch myself a Level 7 Missingno awww yessss. Its Pokedex entry was completely blank as you'd expect, but its cry was a mismash of other Pokemon, like Ivysaur and Charizard, before it just became the gym leader's theme. Anyway as soon as its in my party I find out its become a Level 2 Rhydon, that knows Water Gun, Water Gun, and Sky Attack. It also needs 776598 experience points to make it to level 3, so raising this thing normally its going to be a bit of a challenge. Good thing that bumping into Missingno gives you 128 of whatever is in your 6th bag slot! So, it learnt Stomp at level 30 like it should normally, but there appears to be something weird with its stats. At level 30 it only has 55 HP, which is really weird considering Rhydon has base 105 HP, and a mere 6 Defense. So, its Rhydon in appearance, type and level up moveset only I think. I can't wait to see how Sun and Moon handle this thing.
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Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Just got Yellow and grinding like crazy despite my illness and headache. Already got a good number of 'mons though I'm still not entirely sure who's gonna make it to my final team. Also opted out of naming my Pokemon save for those that reminded me of 'Charmsians.

Currently in Viridian Forest, my headache is getting worse so I had to take a break. Everyone's only at level 7 for the time being.

Katie the Pikachu
Jocey the NidoranF
SVTF the Fearow
On my way to the Elite Four and the team changed a lot.

Alakazam(level 45)
Snorlax(level 46)
Raichu(level 45)
Blastoise(level 46)
Venasaur(level 47)
Charizard(level 45)

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
After a month of playing, I finally defeated the Elite Four over the weekend thus completing the Nuzlocke. Since the last update, Dugtrio was killed by a Cuball's Machoke on Cycling Road but its spot was easily filled by a Staryu who was quickly evovled into Starmie and taught the standard Starmie set of Surf, Psychic, Ice Beam, and Thunder Bolt. From that point on, I suffered no further casualties although several Pokemon came close more than once, especially in Victory Road and during the Elite Four. The final team was:

Sapasaur (Venusaur) Lv.55
Xerxes (Persian) Lv.55
Scout (Pidgeot) Lv.55
Mewstor (Mew) Lv.55
Batty (Golbat) Lv.55
Midas (Starmie) Lv.55

When I get around to it I'll be doing a Red run next. Just a normal run this time where I'll be picking my team basically on a whim.