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DPPt/HGSS Pick a pokemon

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I have a problem. My Pokemon Pearl team is pretty good, but I am stuck. For my 6th pokemon, I can't decide. I have a sapphire but I can't find any good pokemon to migrate! HELP!

Other pokemon on team:
Infernape lv.82
Girantina lv.71
Heatran lv.70
Skuntank lv.63
Walrien lv.56
It would help if you posted the rest of the team you're planning to use. That way you won't overlap weaknesses or leave a hole.
You know...how about posting some movesets. We can recommend Pokemon, but, you know, choosing Pokemon is mostly up to what you think is best. Movesets are more our thing. Helping people with the Pokemon's moves. It's what we do best. Also, you know, reading this topic wouldn't hurt either.

Now, This is an Official Notice that you have 1 week from the date of this post that you have to either find the missing team member, or post some movesets. Otherwise, this topic will be locked. Thank You very much. Have a nice day.


Bearded Trout Warrior
How about a Roserade? You have Water and TWO Fire, but no grass

Here's a moveset:

-Sludge Bomb
-Energy Ball
-Shadow Ball/Hidden Power(if you get a good type)

if not, how about a nice Psychic type? Gallade maybe?
Thank you Ruko for your suggestions, I'll consider it. Also, here are my other pokemon's movesets.

Infernape Girantina Heatran Skuntank Walrien
Rock Smash Shadow Force Rock Climb Slash Rest
Cut Heal Block Lava Plume Night Slash Snore
Close Combat Earth Power Fire Spin Iron Tail Blizzard
Flame Wheel Fly Iron Head Flamethrower Sheer Cold
You dont really mention what you intend to do with these. Online competitive? Friendly play? Since you have gira that would make your team stuck in the UBERs section in competitive play. And if that is the case your gonna need to either replace Gira for something thats not an Uber or change your team to an uber team (which means probably changing Skuk and Walrein to somethings that can take an Ubers attack)
You know, reading this topic would be a good start. It gives you some basics into battling. Read it and then try making better movesets than what you have now.

And don't put in saying I don't know. And include some items, natures and EVs (If you know). I may sound harsh, but we can help better with that information.
This team is going to be just mainly for battling against friends, so I don't really care about the UBER stuff. Just give me suggestions. Here are my pokemon's held items and natures.

Infernape Girantina Heatran Skuntank Walrien
Gentle Rash Calm Impish Impish
Cleanse Tag Spell Tag Lum Berry Dread Plate Quick Claw
Just slap all of those on the original post using the Edit/Modify button for a better overall view, makes it alot less annoying to check for us.


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
Here's some better movesets for Infernape and Heatran:

Infernape @ Life Orb

- Flare Blitz
- Close Combat
- Earthquake/Stone Edge
- ThunderPunch

Flare Blitz and Close Combat for STAB, Thunderpunch for Water and Flying types (both of which Infernape is weak to) and Stone Edge will help if your friends use Flying-types that take neutral damage from ThunderPunch (e.g. Dragonite, Salamence, Zapdos) but if they don't use these Earthquake's superior accuracy makes it the better move to go for here. You'll take a lot of recoil damage here, but then that's what the Blaze ability is for... 8)

Heatran @ Choice Scarf/Wise Glasses
Flash Fire

- Flamethrower
- Flash Cannon
- Dragon Pulse
- Dark Pulse

Flamethrower and Flash Cannon for STAB, Dragon Pulse will wreck any Dragon-types except Dialga, and Dark Pulse for Psychic/Ghost-types. The hold items are mostly dependent on personal preference - Choice Scarf will boost Heatran's low speed by 50% but restrict him to using only one move (the move you pick first) until he switches out, and Wise Glasses will boost his SP.ATK by 10% without restricting your moves at all. Your choice.

For your 6th Pokemon, I recommend either a Flying-type or a Levitator, since you currently have 3 Pokemon which are weak to Ground-types.
Thank you KingOfLucario. Your movesets are great but there is one thing. My Infernape knows 2 HMs(Rock Smash, Cut) and my Heatran knows one(Rock Climb, which is the move I forgot) so I can't change those moves, but still, good ideas!


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
There's a move deleter in Canalave City who can remove your HM moves for you.
Sorry for misreading your first post.

I would pick a psychic type as well--either Gallade or Gardevoir.

Gallade-Jolly, Adamant
Swords Dance/Leaf Blade
Night Slash
Psycho Cut
Close Combat/Brick Break

Swords Dance to raise attack to support the rest of the moveset. Night Slash to defend against Ghosts, Psycho Cut and Close Combat for STAB. Alternatives: Leaf Blade for coverage, Brick Break if you don't like the defenses lowering of Close Combat.

Gardevoir might be better since you already have a fighting type.
Shadow Ball
Thunderbolt/Reflect/Light Screen
Calm Mind

Shadow Ball to help cover ghosts, Psychic for STAB, Thunderbolt for coverage. Calm Mind to raise Special Attack and Special Defense. You can also use Reflect to halve the damage of Physical attacks since that will be Gardevoir's weak spot. Light Screen can offer protection to the rest of the team.
On Infernape, Stone Edge provides enough coverage as comared to both Thunderpunch and Earthquake.

Inferanap@Life Orb
-Close Combat
-Flare Blitz/Fire Punch
-Stone Edge
-Swords Dance

Stone Edge is a good move for 'Ape.
Swords Dances gets the sweep up/ Between Flare Blitz and Fire Punch, pick whichever you want. With the Life Orb chipping health away, along with the recoil on Flare Blitz, the damage taken from Stealth Rock and Sandstorm, the damage can really rack up.

There's also this set:

Infernape@Life Orb
Timid/Hasty Nature
-Nasty Plot
-Focus Blast/Close Combat
-Grass Knot/HP Rock/HP Ground/HP Electric/HP Ice, Ground, Electric or Ice would be the optimal ones to get if you could, otherwise Grass Knot is good enough.

Nasty Plot is the special side to Swords Dance.
Flamethrower and Focus Blast are good moves.
Watch-out for Focus Blast's poor Accuracy. That leads to the choice of Close Combat.
Close Combat has the same power, but doesn't get the Nasty Plot boost. It does however, have good accuracy. If you plan on using Close Combat, use a Hasty Nature Instead.
Grass Knot is a good option. However if you have a good Hidden Power, use it. Rock, Ground, Electric or Ice would be the good ones to use.
nega meag, mentioning why Rayquazya is a good choice would be good. Not just listing some random Pokemon without any reason is helping. Give a moveset and explain why it would be good for the team.
Actually Reina Carmen there is one problem with Gardevoir. Even if I migrated from Sapphire it would take forever to raise.

Clinic Edit (Plapti): Edited from today, to prevent some SPAM.

Hey everybody, I have some information that will help you choose my pokemon.

Since I have beaten the game, I don't really have to surf anymore. But if I do, I use the Pikachu I got for beating Pokemon Battle Revolution. Well I put it in the daycare so it could level up. Just a few minutes ago I took it out of the daycare to put new pokemon in. Well, it had learned a new move. Guess what move that move replaced.... hope it helps!
typhlosionlover10, that was a pointless double post. Please use the Modify/Edit your post button. They're there for a reason.

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