I'm going to list a randomish portion of what I need-- it won't be nearly all of it, you're welcome to try asking if I want something else, I just need to start somewhere. In return, I'll offer odds and ends you can probably get elsewhere but might still care about. Starters? I can get you all of 'em. Bizarre BL/UU breeds with egg moves? I have 'em in spades. Cyndaquil? FOR THE LOVE OF MEWTWO HAVE A CYNDAQUIL.
Things I want (to keep!):
Tradebacks (just gimmie the darn 'Dex info please):
The more interesting things I have to offer include:
-Slash/Night Slash/X-Scissor Skorupi
-Shadow Ball Castform and Snorunt
-Ice Punch Sneasel
-Modest-natured Cyndaquil/Treecko
Plus lots of other things, ask and I may well have something to offer you!
In the interest of thread space I'll try to conduct anything beyond initial expressions of interest in PMs.