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DPPt/HGSS Please rate my team

I'd like my team rated and suggestions on improvement given.

Palkia: Lv. 54

Water Pulse (Caught)
Cut (HM)
Dragon pulse (TM)
Spacial Rend (Caught)

Luxray: lv 49 @ Blackglasses

Thunder (TM)
Shockwave (TM)
Thunderfang (Lv 42)
Crunch (Lv 35)

Staraptor Lv 42 @ Smoke Ball

Defog (HM)
Aerial Ace (TM)
Close Combat (Lv 34)
Fly (HM)

Lumineon Lv 31 @ Exp. Share

Pound (Caught)
Water Pulse (Lv 22 [Finneon])
Waterfall (HM)
Rain Dance (Caught)

Blissey Lv 34

Thunder (TM)
Softboiled (Lv 12 [Chansey])
Rock Smash (HM)
Strength (HM)

Empoleon Lv 61 @ Razor Claw

Dig (TM)
Rock Climb (HM)
Hydro Pump (Lv 59)
Surf (HM)

Again, please give suggestions on improvement.
Is this in-game or competetive? If it's competetive, read this page by clicking here

But, I'll start somethings off. Don't use HM Moves and have items that are worthwhile. Don't use the Exp. Share as an Item, it's no good. Same thing with a Smoke Ball.

Don't use two-turn moves and don't have more than 1 type if attack on a single Pokemon (So no having 4 FIre attacks on one Pokemon).

Again, please read the topic there to get a grasp on how to build a team.

Also, please list some Natures.

Hope that helped.
But, I'll start somethings off. Don't use HM Moves...
Surf and Waterfall are exceptions to this rule, as it says in the very thread Plapti is linking to.

Since you didn't post natures, I can't help much yet, so here's a little piece of info: Thunder isn't a good move unless you set up Rain Dance FIRST.
I'd understand the whole HM thing if I was going competitive, but this is in-game. I won't try to go competitive until I beat the Elite Four. Also, I consider those to be more like optional guidelines than required things. But it helped nonetheless.

Palkia: Bashful nature.

Luxray: Lax nature

Staraptor: Modest nature

Lumineon: Mild nature

Blissey: Bashful nature

Empoleon: Naive nature.

Everything else about them is unchanged. Suggestions are always appreciated. Also, I plan to keep Lumineon's Rain Dance with Lumineon.
Most of them are used by. It's bordering a nesscisetiy, but, you said in-game? Then I don't need to worry about EVs and stuff.

Palkia@ It's hold Item, don't 'memeber what it's called.
-Spacial Rend
-Surf/Water Pulse/Waterfall
-Ice Beam

Spacial Rend and Surf/Water Pulse/Waterfall are for STAB.
And Thunderbolt/Thunder and Ice Beam provide amazing coverage.

Luxray@ Shuca Berry
-Spark/Thunder Fang
-Ice Fang
-Quick Attack/Howl/Fire Fang/Return

Spark for STAB.
Crunch and Ice Fang for coverage.
Last move is a filler.

Staraptor@Muscle Band
-Brave Bird/Aerial Ace
-Close Combat

Brave Bird/Aerial Ace and Return/Double-Edge give STAB.
CLose COmbat to hit Steels, Rocks and Ice.
U-Turn, a personal favourite to get some damage in and switch.

I'll post the others when I get back. Hope that helped.
Thanks! By the way, any suggestions on how to make my team better? I'm training to beat the Elite Four because I faced them twice, the first time being the better of the two.
TM 89 and you can buy it at Veilstone's Game Corner for 4000 Coins I think. The first one is in Canclave City (If it's not right, it's the place where the 6th Gym is). Go right accross the bridge and down by the boat that will take you to Iron Island. You should be able to find a spot to Surf and a path down the river. Floow the river and you'll find U-Turn as a Pokeball on the ground.

Back to rating the team...

Lumineon@Wise Glasses
-Silver Wind (Level 59)/HP Electric/Ground
-Rain Dance
-Ice Beam/Psybeam

Surf is for STAB.
Rain Dance to power up Water moves and kick in Swift Swim.
Silver Wind cause it's a half decent Special Move.
If you can, if it has Hidden Power Electric or Ground, use it over Silver Wind.
Ice Beam to hit Grass-Types.
HP Electric with Ice Beam for great coverage.
HP Ground to hit Electrics.
Psybeam to hit Grass-Types that are part Poison.

-FlamethrowerBrick Break
-Shadow Ball
-Water Pulse/Special Filller

Blissey can cover a lot of holes in your team. And stay alive at the same time.
Shadow Ball is the only move that most would have. It lets you hit Ghosts.

Empoleon@ Whatever really.
-Drill Peck
-Brick Break/Steel Wing/Ice Beam

Surf/Waterfall for STAB.
Drill Peck to hit Fighting-Types.
Earthquake for Electrics.
Brick Break for coverage.
Steel WIng for STAB.
Ice Beam can hit those annoying Ground-Types.

Just watch out for Electric, Ground and Fighting attacks.

Hope that helped.
It did. I'll do what I can to update my team, as well as train my party, except Empoleon. Besides Victory Road, does anyone know of any other good training spots for E4 preporation?
You could train you Luxray on the water route leading to Victory Road. There are plenty of Tentacruel and trainers with Water types to battle. Besides a few trainers here and there, Victory Road is the best place to train pre-Elite Four. That always seemed backward to me: having the best training spots after you beat the game i mean.
I was actually wondering if you any ideas for back-up teams to help against the E4. I have the National Dex so it should be easier to create the team. I was thinking of transferring my Zapdos and Mewtwo from Fire Red.