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Poison Touch Croagunk Now Available on Global Link


Hero of Pizza
Staff member

While waiting on additional information time got away from us, but a new Pokémon distribution went live yesterday on the Pokémon Global Link for its international users. This time it's Hidden Ability Croagunk you'll be able to get your hands on. Read on for all of the necessary info.

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Expert FPS Player
Staff member
I would, but Dry Skin is way better than Poison Touch on Toxicroak. Shame really since Poison Touch is a fun ability otherwise.


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
My Global Link doesn't appear to list it yet. I'll try again tomorrow, sometimes it takes a while for promotions to appear for me.

Otherwise, it sounds pretty fun, and I can always breed the thing for a Dry Skin one to use in my rain team.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
No, show it love! >=O

Edit: It seems that this distribution isn't (yet?) available in Europe. Sorry for the mix-up guys. =/