Welcome Students To The newly Made PokèHuman High School! This School is Only For PokèHumans. The Teachers Here Will Teach you About Most Common things That they would teach in a normal Human School! We Have Gotten Most of the Info of the Students and are getting more. We have Also provided Dorms and a You are Welcome to Wonder Around the Town near Our School. Now that you have Learned most of the Stuff you need to, You May now eneter the School
Flame Was Walking Towards the New PokèHuman High School. He Was so excited he could Barely Keep it In. Once he Got to the entrance of The School a Person Handed him a Key. He a But Confused but He Shoved the Key in he Pocket. He then Headed in the School and began Walking around.
Flame Was Walking Towards the New PokèHuman High School. He Was so excited he could Barely Keep it In. Once he Got to the entrance of The School a Person Handed him a Key. He a But Confused but He Shoved the Key in he Pocket. He then Headed in the School and began Walking around.