Koda laughed a bit at the green-headed boy walked off, chiding his Raboot. She leaned down, giving Mimikyu some love.
“Good job, buddy! That was very nice of you to offer a berry.”
She lifted her Pokémon and went off, still in search of her dorm. Koda passed the 2nd floor, peering in and seeing the same group. The blonde girl was complaining to Veggie-Head and their shy friend was standing nearby. She saw their other buddy, the darker-seeming one who beat up that kid, approach. Koda managed to hear him ask about a battle, and walked off. The last thing she wanted was for them to catch her spying again. They’d definitely think she was creepy for sure.
Koda got to her dorm, using the key card and swinging open the door. She saw two other girls, who were talking rapidly on the beds they’d claimed. They noticed her and shut up, eying her like a piece of fresh meat.
“Uh- can we help you?” One of the girls asked, her voice shrill and annoying.
“This is my dorm room...” Koda raised an eyebrow.
“Ugh- Couldn’t we have gotten another friend, or someone we know? Nooo~ we had to get the weird loner girl.” The other one complained.
Koda rolled her eyes, picking the bed pushed up against the inner wall, farthest from them. She unpacked, setting down her sheets and putting up her clothes. Thankfully, she was able to drown out her roomies.
After settling in, she plopped down on her bed and brought out her sketchbook. Koda began to draw the Raboot that had approached Mimikyu.