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Pokemon Caption Game

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Everyone must have played a form of this game before by now - Someone posts a picture, and people make an hilarious caption for it.

I'll get the ball rolling:

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Hero of Pizza
Staff member
"Urge to kill... rising!"

*Shrugs* He looks like his eye is twitching, and that happy Spoink is just asking to be dinner ^^


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Figured people would add a few more quotes to Alex's pic before that. Aw well. Got the perfect pic ^^

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Doctor Oak

Staff member

"And so, Mr Boss, Treecko, Mudkip, Torchic, Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur took part in a race to see who was the best Pokemon.... Resulting in a shock finish as Chikorita Vine Whipped them all to death and took 1st Place"


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
From now on you might as well just post a new picture when you reply to mine, Alex. It doesn't seem like this is catching on too fast but I'd personally like to keep it going :p

I'll stick another one up for now.

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"My jaw won't shut and there's some weird stick thing stuck to my hand!"

"Calm down dear, it's only the Revolution."

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