Pokemon: Earth and Sky
// New Trainers Introduction Broadcast \\
Welcome, young trainer to the Varia region! I’m the region’s processor, Processor Sequoia. Before you start your journey, there are a few things you need to know about Varia. First of all, most of Varia is largely undeveloped and uninhabited...by people that is. This region is home to almost every known species of Pokemon, and the Pokemon here are quite wild. You see, the Varia region was only discovered around 40 years ago, so we are still researching this lush island nation. The land here is mostly covered in forest and mountains, but a few swamps are sprinkled around the island as well.
As I said before, the Pokemon here are still a little unsure of humans. We have built towns and cities and roads that only lead to those cities. Other than that, there are no other developed areas in this region. The Wilds of Varia are full of so many different Pokemon! But, they can be a bit dangerous. I’ve lived here 25 years and I still haven’t cataloged all of the species and their migrational patterns. So, any Pokemon can pop up almost anywhere! Because of this, we offer a Pokemon of every type to our up and coming trainers. So, chose wisely!
Grass- Shroomish or Nuzleaf
Water- Shellos or Staryu
Fire- Darumaka or Growlithe
Electric- Shinx or Mareep
Flying- Noibat or Pidgey
Normal- Buneary or Eevee
Poison- Nidoran m/f or Zubat
Fighting- Riolu or Pancham
Rock- Cranidos or Larvitar
Ground- Phanpy or Trapinch
Bug- Joltik or Scyther
Steel- Aron or Honedge
Ice- Snorunt or Spheal
Physic- Espurr or Abra
Dark- Zorua or Houndour
Ghost- Shuppet or Duskull
Fairy- Togepi or Ralts
Dragon- Bagon or Axew
Even though the Varia region is new, we still have eight Gym Leaders and an Elite Four. While I won’t tell you what the gyms are now, I will tell you where to expect them. Here’s a list of our cities:
Krona City (A coastal city where my lab is and where your journey begins.)
Route 01 (Surrounded by untamed forests/jungles)
Dalla City, home of the Battle Badge (Dwells within a dense forest.)
Route 02 (Surrounded by untamed forests/jungles)
Route 03 (Surrounded by untamed forests/jungles)
Shaviose City, home of the Jungle Badge (Rests within the towering canopies.)
Route 04 (Surrounded by untamed forests/jungles)
Tarion City, home of the Light Badge (The heart of the region. A bustling city on an island within a glittering lake.)
Route 05 (Comes from Tarion and surrounded by towering pines)
Platta City, home of the Blade Badge (Rests underground in a metallic, vault-like cave system.)
Route 06 (Surrounded by towering pines)
Helax City, home of the Spirit Badge (Resides at the edge of the Phantom Forest.)
Route 07 (Surrounded by towering pines)
Route 08 (Surrounded by towering pines and leads by to Tarion City)
Route 09 (Leads away from Tarion City and is surrounded by a swampy marsh)
Chavion City, home of the River Badge (Floats atop the marshland and over the twisting rivers.)
Route 10 (Leads towards the base of Mount Foawin and is criss-crossed with rivers)
Lunua City, home of the Soar Badge (Built into the peak of Mount Faowin.)
Route 11 (Surrounded by mountainous hills)
Route 12 (Surrounded by towering pines)
Phantom Forest (A forest of dark, towering pines that’s constantly covered in a dense fog.)
Farin City, home of the Venom Badge (The oldest city in Varia, it is built upon a place where the native pokemon wouldn’t settle. The ground there is saturated with salt so nothing grows.)
Route 13 (Surrounded by scrubby trees that fades to coastline)
Routes 14-16 (Along the north edge of the Varia coast, leading around the island. One can travel in the water or on shore.)
Victory Road (A trial the leads across an eastern peninsula. It is a rocky, mountainous area that is flush with greenery.)
The Varia League (Sits on a lush, tropical island with a bay.)
Routes 17-20 (Lead along the southern coastline back to Krona City. Again, trainers can travel along the shore or in the water.)
Now that you know the area, there are few more things you should know about this region. When explorers first discovered Varia, they soon found that the island was chock-full of mega stones! For some unknown reason, this island has a natural abundance of them! Mind you, they can still be hard to find. But the mega stones were and still are a huge draw for tourists and foreigners. Unfortunately, they also bring a few less than desirable individuals.
Team Zenith is a group dedicated to reaching the pinnacle of Pokemon evolution. While their original goals were noble, they have since descended into a cruel organization who capture Pokemon, whether they are owned by a trainer or wild, and force them to their breaking point. Team Zenith believe that all Pokemon are capable of mega evolution, so they will stop at nothing to reach that goal.
Now, I don't want you to be afraid. The Varia region is patrolled by world class Pokemon Rangers. They help defend the civilians of Varia from Team Zenith and the hostile Pokemon that sometimes get out of hand.
Well, with that all said and done, I believe I've talked enough. Now, take the decision of your starter seriously. They will be your companion for the rest of your life. Once you're ready, I'll see you at my lab! Goodbye!
// End of broadcast \\
Hey everyone! Thanks for taking and interest in Pokemon: Earth and Sky! When the story begins, everyone will be at Professor Sequoia’s lab in Krona City. From there anything can happen! We all begin with one starter, but you can put the rest of your team in your character profile. Or you can come up with them as we go along! Also, all new trainers receive 5 Pokeballs. And on a side note, because of Varia’s wild nature, new trainers have to at least 14 before they start their journey, and the starters are level 8.
I really hope you guys enjoy this rp and have fun exploring the Varia region!
~All of Tess’ rules apply
~All type effectiveness rules and other rules of the Pokemon games apply
~No godmodding your Pokemon
~No legendaries; there may be some later on, but no one will have them to start off
~You may have one shiny
~Be kind and respectful to others
~Be creative; try to have at least a paragraph with each post
~Most importantly, have fun!
Trainer Profile
Pokemon Profile
Nickname: (not required, but it would be more interesting)
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