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Pokémon: Myths of Arkhaios (Discussion & Feedback Thread)

I'm working on a concept for a roleplay, but it's not finished yet. Do you have any suggestions on how to improve it?

Pokémon: Myths of Arkhaios

What if you could be the first Pokémon master in history?

Welcome to Arkhaios, a Pokémon region of the distant past. Long before the days of Hisui, the world was occupied by sparse tribes who feared and revered the Pokémon that shared their homeland—treating them as forces of nature or gods. The eighteen tribes of Arkhaios are united by a fragile piece upheld by their tribal chieftains.

Each tribe worships and models their civilization after one type of Pokémon. These are…

The Plinth Tribe — Devotees of Normal-type Pokémon known for their unassuming appearance. Their city is nothing flashy, but it houses a large diversity of people and Pokémon. The people of the Plinth Tribe are known to be more accepting of outsiders due to their traveling merchant-based economy.

The Flame Tribe — A tribe of Fire-type worshippers who are known for their passion and creativity. This tribe is home to the finest art gallery in the region, as well as the sole producer of fireworks. They share a border with the Cascade Tribe and the Meadow Tribe, with whom they share a fierce rivalry.

The Cascade Tribe — A tribe that pursues balance, elegance, and harmony yet argues profusely regarding The Story of the Three Brothers. According to legend, the first chieftains of the Flame, Cascade, and Meadow tribes were brothers. Each brother is said to have been chosen by a legendary Pokémon to rule a portion of the region. According to the Cascade Tribe’s version, their chieftain was the eldest brother in the story and, as such, had a claim to the Flame Tribe and Meadow Tribe by birthright. Cascade Tribe warriors are agile and fearless. They command the most powerful navy in the region. The Cascade Tribe is also famous for its water ballet.

The Meadow Tribe — An agricultural community that prioritizes mastery of nature and Grass-type Pokémon. Their knowledge of herbs and medicine surpasses most tribes of the region. Though they share a rivalry with the Cascade and Flame tribes, they are a bit more level-headed about the Three Brothers story, believing people are superior because of their actions, not their ancestors. Whether growing food or repelling invaders, the Meadow Tribe uses the land to its advantage. There is even a rumor that the Meadow Tribe shamen can control plants.

The Lightning Tribe — The people of the Lightning Tribe revere Electric-type Pokémon. As such, their city was among the first to be powered by electricity. The Lightning Tribe seeks to prove its might and superiority through advancements in science, architecture, technology, weaponry, and philosophy. Soldiers, scholars, and inventors profit equally here.

The Glacier Tribe — A hardy, unpredictable, and determined group inhabiting the mountains and the steppes surrounding them. Warriors of the Glacier Tribe are trained to withstand nature’s extremes. They test their strength against Ice-type Pokémon and subject themselves to all kinds of weather. Their treatment of outsiders is often brutal, ambushing anyone who ventures too close to their territory. However, the Glacier Tribe is one of the few communities that does not look down on physical deformities. According to legend, their first leader was a one-eyed archer raised by an Ice-type Pokémon after his parents abandoned him. Out of respect for this legend, no Glacier Tribe member may harm an outsider who an Ice-type Pokémon grants access to their mountain.

The Fist Clan — The smallest tribe in Arkhaios but also the most ferocious. The Fist Clan is a Spartan-like community prioritizing the strength and physical prowesses of Fighting-type Pokémon. Every member, man or woman, is expected to train in hand-to-hand combat. While the Fist Clan enjoys greater gender equality than most tribes, they have strict guidelines regarding the fitness and lifestyle of its members. No human with physical or mental “imperfections” can remain within the clan. The same goes for the Pokémon.

The Toxic Tribe — A tribe with regional notoriety due to its mastery of potions and association with Poison-type Pokémon. During wartime, they were blamed for the mysterious deaths and disappearances of many tribal leaders. While it is true that some members of the Toxic Tribe found work as mercenaries and spies during the war, as a whole, they are not evil. This tribe is believed to have invented the first potions and stat-boosting capsules used on Pokémon.

The Stone Tribe — A community of Rock-type devotees inhabiting a city surrounded by a great stone wall. Mining activity is common, producing most of the region's gold, silver, iron, and gemstones. Many citizens of the Stone Tribe excel at sculpting and ceramic making.

The Sky Tribe — Known for its aerial acrobatics and Pokéback riding competitions, this tribe shares a bond with the local Flying-type Pokémon. Their air force is the only one of its kind. Aside from combat and Pokémon battles, the people of the Sky Tribe specialize in music, racing, and a hybrid of flight and ballet known as Sky Dancing.

The Mystic Tribe — Despite being the second smallest tribe in Arkhaios, the Mystic Tribe arguably holds more power than the remaining seventeen combined. As devotees to Psychic-type Pokémon, their oracles can read minds and gaze into the future. Once a year, the leaders from all eighteen tribes pay homage to the Oracle Pillar, an obelisk-like structure carved with depictions of strange symbols and Unown. Here, the Grand Oracle will give prophecies regarding the future of Arkhaios. For this reason, no fighting is permitted on Mystic Tribe soil.

The Insect Tribe — A group of people who share a kinship with the local Bug-type Pokémon. They are known for specializing in double battles, triple battles, and the use of lures and repels.

The Earth Tribe — A semi-nomadic tribe that inhabits the region’s desert. They partner with the local Ground-type Pokémon to protect them from raiders and assassins. According to tribal lore, the Ground Tribe is the original tribe—the first to embrace human-Pokémon partnerships in Arkhaios.

The Specter Tribe — A mysterious and spiritual tribe boasting mastery of Ghost-type Pokémon. Other tribes tend to avoid Specter Tribe members out of superstition. Their reputation for banishing and conjuring evil spirits at will has spread far and wide despite lack of proof. In many ways, the Specter Tribe is subject to the same fears and prejudices as the Pokémon they ally with.

The Draco Tribe — A chivalrous tribe resembling the fabled knights who value and conquer Dragon-type Pokémon. Draco Tibe generals typically wear capes, symbolizing dragon wings, and are chosen by the chieftain based on their battling prowess and strength of bond with their lead Pokémon. Anyone who wishes to consult the tribal chief must defeat him, her, or them in personal combat.

The Dread Tribe — A community associated with Dark-type Pokémon, underhanded tactics, stealth, and secrecy. During wartime, many Dread Tribe peasants found themselves employed as spies. Rather than engage in person-to-person combat, Dread Tribe warriors utilize illusions, traps, and intimidation tactics. They dress in ninja-like clothing and enjoy the same notoriety. It is unknown how Dread Tribe commoners dress.

The Alloy Tribe — A tribe that worships Steel-type Pokémon over all others. Its ironclad army—consisting of people and Pokémon alike—is feared across Arkhaios. The capital city resembles something carved from medieval fantasy with magnificent castles, stone towers, and decorative bronze statues. The warriors of the Alloy Tribe follow a code of chivalry and fair play similar to that of the Draco Tribe. However, their treatment of Pokémon is rougher, viewing them more as divine weapons than sentient beings.

The Pixie Tribe — Home to artists, street performers, and the largest theater in Arkhaios, the Pixie Tribe has been dubbed the most creative tribe by many travelers. In the Pixie Tribe, style and technique are as vital to Pokémon battles as victory. Unsurprisingly, they idolize Fairy-type Pokémon. It is here that the first Pokémon Contests and intertribal sports competitions were held.

Enter your character…

A chieftain? An outcast? A descendant of an ancient hero?
You decide how to navigate this wild, unfamiliar world of secrets, lies, and legends. When the Grand Oracle of the Oracle Pillar prophesizes doom, will you stand with fate or against it? Find out in… Pokémon: Myths of Arkhaios!


Standard RPG Rules apply
  • PG-13 rating maximum! (No gore or mature content without checking with the other members first. Expletives should be blurred and used sparingly.)
  • To play, please fill out the character form below. You’ll know it is accepted when you receive a “thumbs up” and a reply from me.
  • Your character may have as many Pokémon as you like within reason. Make sure it fits your character’s backstory and social status. As a guideline, most NPCs will have 0-3 Pokémon, except for chiefs, who have up to 6.
  • Gen 1-8 Pokémon are allowed except for those created by or inhabiting futuristic technology.

Character Sheet:

Class: [Outcast/Lower/Middle/Upper/etc.]
Occupation: [Chief/Peasant/Soldier/Explorer/etc.]
Physical Appearance:
Height (optional):
Weight (optional):
Hair (optional):
Eyes (optional):
Clothing (optional):
Identifying Marks (optional):
Bio (optional):
(Species, Nickname, Gender, Ability, Nature, Identifying Marks, Past, Personality, etc.)
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Well, if i might be so humble as to offer my guidance, it seems that the earth and stone tribes should have swapped roles. See, as you currently have it, the earth tribes are miners, while the stone tribe are desert nomads. Yet when we look in the desert of, say, alolan deserts, we find that most of the Pokemon found in there are ground type. Krokorok, dugtrio, ect. The Pokemon associated with sand are all also ground type: palossand, and sandaconda, to name a couple. So why is it that the rock tribe lives there?
On the other end, the ground type tribe are miners who provide lots of gems and metals, through the exploration of caves and mining operations. But Pokemon found in caves are typically rock type: roggenrola, pupitar, carbink, ect. So why aren't either of the tribes in the other's habitat?

Other than that minor nitpick, i honestly think this idea is really cool and with a cool story could turn out to be a really fun rp
I'd love to join this one. Can I reserve two slots? Also, if you're a member of a tribe, does that mean you can only use Pokemon of that tribe's type? Also, do people of different tribes interact at all?
Certainly! Two slots it is.

Being a tribe member means those Pokémon are more common in your area. Flame Tribe trainers, for example, typically have mostly Fire-type Pokémon. However, it would make sense for them to have at least one non-fire Pokémon, such as a Water type, to keep the house from burning down or another to set up terrain. I'm open to being flexible, however. For now, assume if you are from a tribe, your first Pokémon is the same type.

Yes, the different tribes do interact. However, the extent of the interaction will depend on their attitude towards outsiders. There might be raiders or bandits from other tribes, conquering armies, traveling merchants and performers, and religious groups who try to vouch for the existence of unseen legendary Pokémon. Also, as I stated in the initial post, all tribal chiefs and their soldiers (i.e., Pokémon & trainers in their employ) must convene once a year at Oracle Pillar to hear prophecies and discuss politics. I figured this would be a good place to start, as characters from different tribes could meet each other without having to wait!
Well, if i might be so humble as to offer my guidance, it seems that the earth and stone tribes should have swapped roles. See, as you currently have it, the earth tribes are miners, while the stone tribe are desert nomads. Yet when we look in the desert of, say, alolan deserts, we find that most of the Pokemon found in there are ground type. Krokorok, dugtrio, ect. The Pokemon associated with sand are all also ground type: palossand, and sandaconda, to name a couple. So why is it that the rock tribe lives there?
On the other end, the ground type tribe are miners who provide lots of gems and metals, through the exploration of caves and mining operations. But Pokemon found in caves are typically rock type: roggenrola, pupitar, carbink, ect. So why aren't either of the tribes in the other's habitat?

Other than that minor nitpick, i honestly think this idea is really cool and with a cool story could turn out to be a really fun rp
Thanks for the feedback!

Honestly, when I was writing this, I completely forgot about that. That's easily mended. All I have to do is switch the names. Please, let me know if you notice any more inconsistencies.

(Edit: I just swapped the roles. You were right. It does make more sense for the Stone Tribe to do mining and the Earth Tribe to be in the desert.)
Certainly! Two slots it is.

Being a tribe member means those Pokémon are more common in your area. Flame Tribe trainers, for example, typically have mostly Fire-type Pokémon. However, it would make sense for them to have at least one non-fire Pokémon, such as a Water type, to keep the house from burning down or another to set up terrain. I'm open to being flexible, however. For now, assume if you are from a tribe, your first Pokémon is the same type.

Yes, the different tribes do interact. However, the extent of the interaction will depend on their attitude towards outsiders. There might be raiders or bandits from other tribes, conquering armies, traveling merchants and performers, and religious groups who try to vouch for the existence of unseen legendary Pokémon. Also, as I stated in the initial post, all tribal chiefs and their soldiers (i.e., Pokémon & trainers in their employ) must convene once a year at Oracle Pillar to hear prophecies and discuss politics. I figured this would be a good place to start, as characters from different tribes could meet each other without having to wait!

Well, here's one out of two.

Name: Hemlock
Age: 16
Pronouns: They/Them
Tribe: Toxic
Class: Outcast (Formerly Upper Class)
Occupation: Unemployed, though they are a freelance medic.

Physical Appearance: Hemlock is quite chubby for a person their age, though they don’t seem to be that bothered by their size. They have white hair in a long pixie cut, they are heterochromatic with a pink and purple eye, though none of that is visible under their outfit. Their figure is plump and androgynous, not giving any clear gender. They have scars all over their body, also hidden from view.

Clothing (optional): They are always wearing a plague doctor’s outfit, and never take off the beak mask. The beak mask has stitches on it that resemble a smile. Their black overcoat and gloves serve to make them look distinguished, yet as terrifying as a member of the Specter Clan. It has features from Aromatisse and Audino, though with a purple and black color scheme. They also wear a massive sack on their back, filled with potions, elixirs, and all manner of ingredients.

Identifying Marks (optional): A cracked lens on his left eye, and a pleasing smell that no-one can identify exactly what it is.

Personality: While they look imposing and ominous, Hemlock is actually a very kind soul who just wants to help those who are injured. They can come off as naive, they can surprise you with their intellect and vast knowledge of chemistry and alchemy. They act both masculine and feminine, blending the traits into an elixir that's all his own. It's implied that they can speak to Pokemon, though it's unclear whether it's some sort of telepathy or not. They love desserts and pastries, and it’s a good way to make them like you.

Skills: Medicine/Healing, Alchemy, Making Poisons, Chemicals, and Potions, and Research.

Past: When Hemlock was seven, their parents attempted to poison one another, but they were caught in the crossfire. It was only thanks to the local doctor that they managed to survive, and ever since that day they wanted to help others in that same way. When they were a young teen, they ran away from home, sick of the hell it had become.

Family/Relationships: Their parents were both spies during the war, on opposing sides, and have always detested each other. Hemlock was the only thing holding their marriage together, but they were at the mercy of their mother and father’s emotional and physical abuse. Their parents called him defective, a coward, and plenty of other words that are offensive today. It didn't help Hemlock had two eyes of different colors, and his tendency to speak to Pokemon like humans, making them a freak. Unbeknowst to them, they have an older sister who was manipulated by their parents to become a spy, and now seeks to hunt Hemlock down.

Bio (optional): When you’re exploring the wilds, don’t be scared when you see Hemlock and Anthrax out and about. Their foreboding appearance is just a facade for the sweet and kind doctor within, who is always willing to give a helping hand. Don’t forget to bring a snack or two, since that’s the only cost to their services. That and whatever Nerium finds in your pockets.


Species: Dragalge
Nickname: Anthrax
Gender: Female
Ability: Poison Point
Nature: Rash
Past: When Hemlock was young, they’d often rest by the nearby pond where Anthrax resided, though she was just an impulsive Skrelp at the time. They bonded quite well, and they often saw the Mock Kelp Pokemon as their best friend and only confidant. In fact, you could often see Hemlock talking to Anthrax like she was a person, and the Skrelp would actually understand them. By the time they planned to run away from home, they decided that the Skrelp would be their first Pokemon. Anthrax wanted to see the world beyond her pond, so she accepted heartily.
Personality: While she can be a little rash, she’s just being overprotective of Hemlock since she knows the pain they’ve gone through. The Dragalge will often start fights she isn’t prepared to finish, since she doesn’t think things through. She’s wary of outsiders, even if her trainer seems to trust everyone. Anthrax also helps carry the sack that her trainer when they get tired, which they use to hold their collection of alchemical brews and medicine.

Species: Spritzee
Nickname: Nerium
Gender: Male
Ability: Healer
Nature: Sassy
Past: Nerium was once just a wild Spritzee, until smelt something mysteriously fragrant in the air one night while he was trying to sleep. It turns out that Hemlock and Anthrax had decided to rest under the tree where it lived, and the plague doctor was brewing some sort of elixir. Naturally, he flew on down and attempted to take a whiff, but the Skrelp attacked Nerium on impulse. After a short scuffle, Hemlock broke up the fight and decided to let the Spritzee sniff their potion, as an act of kindness. Nerium has never left their side since.
Personality: Snooty and quite posh, he acts as Hemlock’s personal assistant, rummaging through his cloak to get whatever pain-warding elixir that they brewed this time. He’s a kleptomaniac, often looking for whatever valuables the patients may have. He cares for Hemlock, but only because it benefits him, leaving the parenting and close bond to Anthrax.

So, some quick questions. Are there regional forms or evolutions lost to time, since this is a long time ago? Are some fossils still alive?
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This seems to be cool-looking, if I'm allowed to put my hat in the ring. Please let me know if anything needs some editing.
Name: Twila Shiraishi

Age: 17

Pronouns: She/Her

Tribe: Pixie Tribe

Class: Middle Class

Occupation: Part-time street performer

Physical Appearance: Twila has a naturally pale, slender build. Her face is lightly covered in freckles, and she has a mole located on her right knee.

Height: 5'8

Weight: 124lbs

Hair: Light brown, shoulder-length when untied. However, she often wears her hair in a ponytail instead.

Eyes: Hazel

Clothing: Twila's common clothing consists of a pale pink, sleeveless hoodie with a white, long-sleeved shirt underneath it. She also wears pale purple trousers that reach to her thighs, as well as white socks and pale pink pumps.

Identifying Marks: She has a small scar above her left eye. She also keeps a beige satchel on her that contains a sketchbook and stationary.

Personality: Twila is a calm and fairly selfless girl, at her core. She tends to subconsciously tread on eggshells to not get on the poor sides of those she's unfamiliar with, and is often far happier to stick to her own interests than risk hardships. She takes on the occasional role of a street performer to attempt to alleviate the anxiety she faces, though she isn't sure if that's going well.

  • Slightly above average artistic talent. You can give her something she knows (i.e, a Marill) to draw and it'll come back pretty decent.
  • Has a good memory, thanks to constant note-taking regarding her performances.
  • As a member of the Pixie Tribe, she's naturally more strategic and technical regarding the times in which she needs to battle. Not perfect, naturally.
Past: Twila spent a lot of her younger years by herself, excluding her family. Remaining within a timid shell for most of her life has left her with more questions than answers regarding herself, though Twila found solace within her tribe's theatre, in which most of her passion for creativity came to be. She keeps the goal of wanting to participate in Contests within her heart, anxious as she may be.


Mother (36) - She and Twila tolerate one another. There's accidental tension between the two sometimes.

Brother (18) - Twila is okay with him. He accidentally caused her scar at a young age, and he's been forgiven for a while.

Sister (8) - Truth be told, Twila finds her annoying but puts up with her anyway.


Hoshi the Marill - Level 22, F. Timid nature, Thick Fat. Bubble Beam, Bounce, Charm, Rollout.

No special features.
Rita the Ribombee - Level 25, F. Docile nature, Shield Dust. Pollen Puff, Stun Spore, Fairy Wind, Absorb. Her left antennae is more crooked than the right.

Ooo! I love this character already. So much detail! I appreciate how much work you put into their Pokémon, too. Accepted!

Now, to answer your questions. Existing regional forms are allowed. However, new regional forms or evolutions would depend on how everyone felt about fan-made regional forms. I considered making Arkhain regional Pokémon, but I want to see how others feel about the idea first.

Maybe people can submit their ideas for regional/past evolutions? I have some ideas also.

Now, as for fossil Pokémon, I could find justification for all fossils having a small living population except for the Galar fossil Pokémon since those Pokémon were made by fusing different fossils. Should you wish to include living fossil Pokémon, ensure your character has no more than one, as they are rare and endangered.
@coloredscribblis I love the character! She sounds like she'll be perfect for this setting. However, you'll have plenty of time if you want something changed.

I want to finish my character sheet and decide whether or not to include new regional variants and evolutions as they did in Legends of Arceus. I know some players aren't keen on fan-made Pokémon. Should I post some initial concepts and have them vote on whether to include them?
name: Horun
Age: 60
Pronouns: he/him
Tribe: insect tribe affiliated
Class: middle
Occupation: smokescreen bomb maker/distributor
Physical Appearance: a man hunched over with age, sporting a cane. His gray, wispy hair cascades down his back and reaches down to his stomach. He sometimes does it up in a bun of sorts that is traditional for the oldest members of the fist tribe. His skin is white and wrinkled, in classic old person fashion.
Height (optional): 5'7
Hair (optional): Grey
Eyes (optional): black
Clothing (optional): Horun wears deep green robes that reach all the way to his ankles, clinched around his waist with a red felt belt. And don't forget his cane, which he is never seen without! He carved it out in the wilderness way back when he was a wanderer.
Personality: a jaded old man who keeps his speech entirely candid. He does not suffer the company of anyone he dislikes for very long, and he is stubborn as a mule. Once he has decided his opinion, he will rarely if ever change it. Though slightly underneath this exterior is a lonely old man who's been through a lot of hardship. He never forgets to return favors (in the limited amount of ways an old man can) to those who help him.
-Making smokescreen bombs: a smokescreen bomb is a device made of various materials that will explode and create a concealing cloud upon hitting something with enough force. Though they aren't rocket science to make, perfecting the radius and reducing the noise it makes is challenging. Horun has made it his life purpose to perfect them, seeing as he has nothing else to do.
-Instruction: as he used to be a combat instructor, he is adept at explaining fighting techniques.
-Foraging: most of the materials in a smokescreen bomb are found naturally. Horun has learned to find these materials more quickly..

Past: while once a prominent member of the fist clan and a combat instructor, he declined in physical capability as he aged and was finally expelled when he crippled his leg while fist-fighting with a student. He was forced to wander into the far wilderness, and eventually crossed paths with the insect tribe. While they were initially suspicious of this odd shaman of the woods, they let him stay outside their colony when he chased a rampaging scolipede away with his heracross. Eventually, a young man taught him how to make smokescreen bombs and he's been perfecting the craft ever since. His craft became so honed that he is sought out to make them for important raids and hunts, and as a result is a highly respected man in the insect tribe. Lately though, his fighting type heart has been yearning for something more, despite it's advanced age..
Family/Relationships: Kyopin (friend, taught him to make smokebombs)


Species: heracross
gender: male
past: heracross has been with horun for a while, even before he was exiled. The two of them met when Horun was forced to stay in alone the woods for a week as a coming of age ritual in his family. The two of them crossed paths, and they wrestled over some food. When horun won, and split the food with Heracross anyway, Heracross decided to become partners with him.
personality: solemn and proud, Heracross shows no respect for the weak. He is fiercely loyal to his partner, and laments his inability to help Horun around the house properly. He feels a lot of turmoil over the fact that Horun is weakening with age, in fact.

Species: leavanny
gender: female
past: while it spent time in the forest where horun lived, it took care of many people and Pokemon as the matriarch of the forest. However, it noticed that one denizen of it's forest was a crippled old man who lived alone. She would watch him hobble around his home through the windows, seemingly in pain while he performed tasks. She pitied him, as is the classic leavanny way, and wished to help him. Though he initially refused, and protested when leavanny persisted, he eventually learned to accept it. They have formed such a close bond that leavanny even follows him outside her forest home.
personality: a kind and caring matriarch figure, who balances out Heracross's colder qualities. She thinks of herself as the mother of the smokebomb family, and behaves accordingly. Though she hasn't known them as long as they have each other, she is still fiercely protective of them.

I'd be cool with regional variants. where exactly is arkhaios based on?
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@Inkage Characters accepted! I'm curious to see how Horun and his Pokémon's personalities will play out.

When I first drafted Arkhaios, I drew inspiration primarily from Ancient Greece. However, I have since thrown in some Latin influence, a touch of Egypt (which later became a part of the Greek Empire), and so-called "medievalism" for the Steel-type tribe. I guess that would make Arkhaios similar to the Mediterranean in our world.
Name: Freya Stark
Age: 25
Pronouns: She/Her
Tribe: Glacier
Class: Upper
Occupation: Chief's Daughter
Physical Appearance:
Freya Stark  screenshot.png

Height: 5'8"
Weight (optional): refuses to say
Hair: Blonde, thick, wavy and tied back
Eyes: Green
Clothing (optional): While seemingly inappropriate for the climate of the Glacier tribe lands due to the relatively high exposure, Freya dresses like this to keep herself from overheating while being able to wrap the pelt around herself if she ever feels chilly.
Identifying Marks (optional):
Skills: Wilderness survival and tracking as well as hunting and ranged combat.
Bio (optional):
Species: Arctibax
Nickname: Blade
Gender: Male
Ability: Thermal Exchange
Nature: Adamant
Identifying Marks: none

A work in progress, will do my best to finish.
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Previously Night's Shadow
Here is my baby ♥

Name: Bear
Age: 13
Pronouns: what are those? Female, but Bear isn’t picky
Tribe: Mystic Tribe; formerly Fist Clan
Class: Middle
Occupation: Psychological case study

Physical Appearance:
Height: 4’6”
Weight: 67 lbs
Hair: A warm auburn shot through with gold
Eyes: Muddy grayish-green
Clothing: Typically dressed in the characteristic wrap garment of the Mystic Tribe, usually in a foresty green, Bear’s favorite color. Often barefoot and covered in mud.
Identifying Marks: Bear’s left leg is missing from the knee down. While she does own a prosthetic, she doesn’t like it very much (because it’s itchy), and prefers to romp about in a bear crawl without the use of her missing limb.

Skills: Bear is adept at traveling undetected and finding food in unlikely places. She has extensive knowledge of what plants are safe to eat and has keen instincts. Her senses are sharper than most.

Bear doesn’t know her real name. Born to a strong family in the Fist Clan as a sickly third child after two healthy, promising siblings, Bear was highly unwelcome. Bear’s mother tried to keep her safe and out of the spotlight, at home and usually isolated from the more violent and strength-obsessed members of the clan, though Bear often snuck out to explore the clan’s territory and the woods surrounding it.

But when one of Bear’s escapades went horribly wrong and an accident took her leg, the reluctant tolerance of her clanmates ran out. The medics treated her wound as a courtesy to her family and its historic contributions to making the clan stronger, but only Bear’s mother put up any sort of resistance to her exile. Bear was weak— irreparably so, now.

Seven-year-old Bear was cast out into the woods where she wandered, learning by trial and error and watching wild Pokemon how to survive. She became simultaneously fierce and fearful, skittish and aggressive, emulating the Ursaring she had taken to following around and playing with its cubs. Since Bear wasn’t a threat, the Ursaring tolerated her, unwilling to hurt a cub of another species.

Whenever Bear’s “family” went into hibernation, though, Bear got bored and lonely. She fended for herself during those times, though she never strayed too far from whatever cave the Pokemon had hunkered down in.

But Bear was also a very curious, easily distracted child, so when she caught sight of a Pokemon she’d never seen before popping in and out of existence, floating to reach high-up Berries, she couldn’t help but give chase. The wild Abra seemed to find her amusing once it realized her presence and intent, and led her on for a while, keeping just out of reach. Finally, Bear did manage to grab onto the Abra, but the Abra didn’t take too kindly to actually being grabbed. After several teleportations in quick succession to escape, Bear lost her grip and tumbled into the middle of the Mystic Tribe, right at the base of the Oracle Pillar.

Thinking at first that the feral child that spoke in blended Pokemon-speech, growls, and garbled words was some sort of twisted gift from the heavens, a crowd began to gather around Bear. Anxious at suddenly being surrounded with her own kind again, the girl grew more and more distressed until someone shoved their way to the front and told the small crowd to back away. With some effort, the eclectic woman and her Espeon were able to coax out and piece together an explanation from Bear’s wild gesticulation. Lena was her name, and she took an immediate liking to Bear.

Since Bear technically had been brought into Mystic territory by a psychic type, Lena reasoned that clearly her appearance must have some significance. Bear was only a child after all, and so it wasn’t hard for Lena to convince the chieftain to let her care for the foundling.

Thus, Bear became Lena’s pet project, charge, though not quite a daughter; and Lena was Bear’s protector, caretaker, if not a mother. Bear grew tamer under Lena’s care, though she still loved to explore and get into trouble. The Abra, much to Bear’s delight, returned several days later for another game of tag (though Bear hadn’t caught it again since the first time). Lena encouraged the friendship, since the other children of the tribe found Bear weird and Lena thought the psychic influence would be healing for the child.

Bear did learn to speak, if a little awkwardly, but she still prefers to growl and bite. Occasionally she misses her Ursaring family, though she doesn’t often think of her birth parents. She’s lived in the Mystic Tribe for about two years.

Lena Mongovi: a strange woman in her mid fifties. Has a motherly Espeon and a standoffish female Meowstic. Occasionally has premonitions in her dreams. Studies and keeps extensive notes on Bear’s behavior. Treats Bear kindly, if a little like a pet.

Esme (mother), Pell (father), Troy (eldest brother), Bramble (elder sister) Bolliguerre: Bear’s family from the Fist Clan. Bear doesn’t remember much of any of them, except that Troy and Bramble used to fight a lot and Esme would never let Bear join in.

An Abra, and Bear’s best friend. Male. Likes to play tag, doesn’t like losing. Wary of strangers. Dislikes prolonged physical contact. Occasionally disappears for days, but always comes back. Protective. Aggressive. Arrogant. Playful. Likes to fight, taunt, and mock people, but actually a little baby. Cowardly, but he has his moments. Anxious. Jealous. A big fat jerk. Definitely not a good influence, whatever Lena says. A troublemaker. Likes food a lot.
Here is my baby ♥

Name: Bear
Age: 13
Pronouns: what are those? Female, but Bear isn’t picky
Tribe: Mystic Tribe; formerly Fist Clan
Class: Middle
Occupation: Psychological case study

Physical Appearance:
Height: 4’6”
Weight: 67 lbs
Hair: A warm auburn shot through with gold
Eyes: Muddy grayish-green
Clothing: Typically dressed in the characteristic wrap garment of the Mystic Tribe, usually in a foresty green, Bear’s favorite color. Often barefoot and covered in mud.
Identifying Marks: Bear’s left leg is missing from the knee down. While she does own a prosthetic, she doesn’t like it very much (because it’s itchy), and prefers to romp about in a bear crawl without the use of her missing limb.

Skills: Bear is adept at traveling undetected and finding food in unlikely places. She has extensive knowledge of what plants are safe to eat and has keen instincts. Her senses are sharper than most.

Bear doesn’t know her real name. Born to a strong family in the Fist Clan as a sickly third child after two healthy, promising siblings, Bear was highly unwelcome. Bear’s mother tried to keep her safe and out of the spotlight, at home and usually isolated from the more violent and strength-obsessed members of the clan, though Bear often snuck out to explore the clan’s territory and the woods surrounding it.

But when one of Bear’s escapades went horribly wrong and an accident took her leg, the reluctant tolerance of her clanmates ran out. The medics treated her wound as a courtesy to her family and its historic contributions to making the clan stronger, but only Bear’s mother put up any sort of resistance to her exile. Bear was weak— irreparably so, now.

Seven-year-old Bear was cast out into the woods where she wandered, learning by trial and error and watching wild Pokemon how to survive. She became simultaneously fierce and fearful, skittish and aggressive, emulating the Ursaring she had taken to following around and playing with its cubs. Since Bear wasn’t a threat, the Ursaring tolerated her, unwilling to hurt a cub of another species.

Whenever Bear’s “family” went into hibernation, though, Bear got bored and lonely. She fended for herself during those times, though she never strayed too far from whatever cave the Pokemon had hunkered down in.

But Bear was also a very curious, easily distracted child, so when she caught sight of a Pokemon she’d never seen before popping in and out of existence, floating to reach high-up Berries, she couldn’t help but give chase. The wild Abra seemed to find her amusing once it realized her presence and intent, and led her on for a while, keeping just out of reach. Finally, Bear did manage to grab onto the Abra, but the Abra didn’t take too kindly to actually being grabbed. After several teleportations in quick succession to escape, Bear lost her grip and tumbled into the middle of the Mystic Tribe, right at the base of the Oracle Pillar.

Thinking at first that the feral child that spoke in blended Pokemon-speech, growls, and garbled words was some sort of twisted gift from the heavens, a crowd began to gather around Bear. Anxious at suddenly being surrounded with her own kind again, the girl grew more and more distressed until someone shoved their way to the front and told the small crowd to back away. With some effort, the eclectic woman and her Espeon were able to coax out and piece together an explanation from Bear’s wild gesticulation. Lena was her name, and she took an immediate liking to Bear.

Since Bear technically had been brought into Mystic territory by a psychic type, Lena reasoned that clearly her appearance must have some significance. Bear was only a child after all, and so it wasn’t hard for Lena to convince the chieftain to let her care for the foundling.

Thus, Bear became Lena’s pet project, charge, though not quite a daughter; and Lena was Bear’s protector, caretaker, if not a mother. Bear grew tamer under Lena’s care, though she still loved to explore and get into trouble. The Abra, much to Bear’s delight, returned several days later for another game of tag (though Bear hadn’t caught it again since the first time). Lena encouraged the friendship, since the other children of the tribe found Bear weird and Lena thought the psychic influence would be healing for the child.

Bear did learn to speak, if a little awkwardly, but she still prefers to growl and bite. Occasionally she misses her Ursaring family, though she doesn’t often think of her birth parents. She’s lived in the Mystic Tribe for about two years.

Lena Mongovi: a strange woman in her mid fifties. Has a motherly Espeon and a standoffish female Meowstic. Occasionally has premonitions in her dreams. Studies and keeps extensive notes on Bear’s behavior. Treats Bear kindly, if a little like a pet.

Esme (mother), Pell (father), Troy (eldest brother), Bramble (elder sister) Bolliguerre: Bear’s family from the Fist Clan. Bear doesn’t remember much of any of them, except that Troy and Bramble used to fight a lot and Esme would never let Bear join in.

An Abra, and Bear’s best friend. Male. Likes to play tag, doesn’t like losing. Wary of strangers. Dislikes prolonged physical contact. Occasionally disappears for days, but always comes back. Protective. Aggressive. Arrogant. Playful. Likes to fight, taunt, and mock people, but actually a little baby. Cowardly, but he has his moments. Anxious. Jealous. A big fat jerk. Definitely not a good influence, whatever Lena says. A troublemaker. Likes food a lot.
an ex-fist clan member expelled due to reckless behavior resulting in a leg injury, living in the woods! This is similar to Horun, but the ways they handled their ousting and where they ended up are extremely different, which interests me a great deal. Horun chose to at least somewhat return to society, while Bear went full on feral and but reluctantly joins her fellow humans. There's a metaphor here somewhere...

I am interested to see how the two would get along if they ever got close. Leavanny would spoil this poor little cub.
Name: Lilith Solomon
Age: 19
Pronouns: She/her
Tribe: Insect
Class: Middle
Occupation: Tailor
Physical Appearance: A sly, yet endlessly active woman of 5'4, Lilith is often seen in elaborately designed tunics, accompanied by a satchel containing an on-the-go sewing needle, scissors, assortment of proprietary yarn, and foldable measuring stick, innovations of their time. The irises of her sharp, laser-focused eyes are almost virtually black, her skin a golden brown, and her hair a jet black, kept in a tight braid ornamented with small, decorative silk threads of various colors. Occasionally, but only very occasionally, as the insect village is rather warm all year round to accommodate for their type's knack for beings exotherms, she will wear one of her equally elaborate scarves. After another breakout of her Ariados Nell, she has had a rather painful crescent-shaped bitemark on her left forearm, but has treated it in due course.
Personality: A somewhat stingy yet enterprising person, Lilith seems hellbent on jettisoning herself into the upper echelons of society, no matter the cost it has on herself and people around her. She isn't particularly malignant, but her sheer ambition grinds like two sheets of metal upon the rather docile people of her village. Lilith is insanely industrious, perhaps the world's first workaholic, often being compared to a particularly emphatic Vespiquen by her detractors in the Insect Village. Never satisfied with her craft, she seeks the silk fresh from a Pokémon as the most valuable due to its refined, yet imperfectly natural behavior. She vehemently decries her forced use of yarn as of recent to deal with her silk shortage following Enid's deterioration and Nell's incessant refusal to do much of anything for her. Lilith often looks over the canopy of her village and towards the horizon, wondering what lies beyond and about the endless entrepreneurialism that could await her.
-Tailor - weaving, sewing, whatever you need done, she can do.
-Barterer - endlessly savvy and shrewd, her ability to get a low price when she's buying or high price when she's selling have definitely come in handy for her small business.
-Nursing - as inherited from her mother, Lilith knows a few on-the-spot first aid through herbal remedies
-Drive - An undying persistence to succeed, she has, according to herself, never given up on a goal
Past: Growing up in the Insect Village, Lilith knew from day one she wasn't content with the utter mundanity that seemed to consume everyone around her. She was gifted Enid by her father, himself a keen breeder and tailor stretching back generations, and was given an incredibly early start, even in comparison to her siblings. Her father claimed he could tell she had a sense of natural intuition, but others, including his own father, refute this. Anyhow, Lilith could never seem to make any friends due to her rather pompous attitude, which she didn't view as a problem, as it provided less distractions in her quest for perfection. She would often skip school to pursue her passion or gather herbs, and became accustomed to venturing alone in the woods nearby, unbeknownst to her parents. After eventually dropping out of school altogether, she was scolded by her parents, particularly her mother, but seemed only slightly disaffected by this. Now in her adult life, she has set up a business where she runs the most controversial tailor shop probably in the world, as tailor shops tend not to be very thought-provoking. Her unique style has been met with acclaim by some, especially those who come from outside of the village, but within the village she remains a pariah for how not to do things, largely out of jealousy and long-standing resentment.
Lilith belongs to Family Solomon, a long generation of tailors and breeders, known for their heavy use of Pokémon silk as opposed to synthetic alternatives which have recently surged in popularity. They have a long, secret codex of family knowledge, which Lilith's father, David, attempted to pass to her. She however refused, attempting to pioneer a unique legacy in the world of tailoring she would be remembered for.
-David (father, 46): David was naturally a very important figure in Lilith's life. Outwardly vindictive but inwardly bedazzled, he had always admired her daughter's strength and conviction, and often checked in on her to see what methods she was employing, which had long since exceeded their family's practices. However, for the sake of the public record, he was a very strict and conservative man who held the Solomon name to the highest degree.
-Oona (mother, 46): a trained herbalist, Oona has virtually disowned Lilith since she dropped out of school, but had previously taught her all sorts of methods relating to herbs she could use on her various solo forays into the wilderness.
-Ezra (grandfather, 65): bucking the trend of early deaths back during these times, Ezra Solomon has lived to a rather ripe old age, but due to the lack of birth certificates, no one can recall what it is exactly. He claims 61 while his family claims 68. Either way, it's really not important, as Ezra's relationship with Lilith has been incredibly strained from the very beginning. A rigid adherent to his family's name, and overall a stickler for rules, he views Lilith as perhaps the antithesis to the Solomon legacy. If she had come from a different family, he would have thought no different, but as she had a blood relation, he viewed her with an even greater resentment. Disavowing his granddaughter has been rather difficult however, as in his advanced age, he requires near constant attention from someone, and the laborious work is often left up to Lilith.
-Abel (brother, 26): quiet and well-principled, Abel has taken up the practices of his father, but finds no real joy in tailoring. Lilith has repeatedly convinced Abel to pursue what he actually wants to do, but he has ostensibly refused the prospect, unknowing even of David's admiration for her.
-Ignatius (brother, 23): fiery and impulsive, Ignatius has become a bit of a lady's man around the village. Lilith is rather ambivalent towards this, as Ignatius has been even more of a loose cannon than her in their family, but wonders just what he will do for a living, as he seems to be living off of what little stipend their parents can afford. The long family roots within tailoring haven't exactly bore them riches.
-Wren (sister, 21): with the Solomon's characteristic keen eye, Wren had previously been the family's heir in the realm of Tarountula breeding, but since marrying her high school sweetheart and local greengrocer two years ago, she had abandoned these prospects and had forced the family to sell the stock they used for breeding. This, of course, led to a shortage of Tarountula that Lilith would eventually endure the brunt of, but she harbors no ill will for her sister, who seemed to understand her more than most.
-Penelope (niece, daughter of Abel, 7): naturally gullible and naive for her age, Lilith bestowed Enid upon her after the Tarountula grew incapable of producing any more silk, but Penelope has been secretly working on an herbal remedy with her grandmother (and Lilith's mother) to return Enid to good health.
Tarountula - "Enid" (former)
-This sorry specimen's string has been dyed so many times into so many different colors it has grown sick from the dye itself. Despite this being Lilith's first and at the time only Pokémon, she gave it to her niece after it became no use to her, claiming it was a shiny.
Ariados - "Nell"
-Her second Pokémon, wild and unconcerned of the lives of humans, hates Lilith with a seething rage. Lilith was lucky to find him however, as a Pokémon trader named Buck came by the Insect Village almost as soon as Enid began growing sick. She bought Nell for more money than she could return, and has faced the wrath of several loan sharks in the process. It is true that Nell doesn't even respond to, or know, her name, and spends more time trying to escape than the times Lilith had actually been able to use her silk for sewing.

Name: Buck of Bridestone Moor
Age: 22
Pronouns: He/him
Tribe: Earth (loosely affiliated)
Class: Outcast
Occupation: Pokémon Trader
Physical Appearance: At a rather stocky and well-built 5'11, Buck has unkempt and scruffy black hair, with strands that always seem dusted with the earth he roams over. His eyes are a rather confusing greenish hazel, often narrowed into a precise aperture of calculated charm. He wears a rather gruff, leather tunic with equally coarse trousers, wearing a faded crimson cloak that also serves as a blanket during the cold nights where he was nowhere to stay. His boots, albeit trite, are reinforced by bits of scavenged iron. Buck has rough and calloused hands, with dirt perpetually under his nails, and a simple bracelet on his right hand he never removes, yet never acknowledges. He wears a sheath on the side of his tunic with a dagger and blade, both necessities given the amount of trouble he usually ends up in.
Personality: Well and truly an enigma, Buck's entire facade is built upon his inherent charm and quick wit. Some say he wields his charisma with the aptitude he does his blade, spinning elaborate tales to sway potential buyers. However, under it all, he does truly long for a home and a residence, as you might expect, but he hides this from even himself with a distorted ego. Buck is as opportunistic as a Mandibuzz scouring the skies at dusk, using any and all resources he can accumulate with the rigid efficiency of a statistician. Hiding a deep amount of guilt over the way he has to treat Pokémon and the relationship with his tribe, he prevents himself from sulking by treating every day like his last, and genuinely displaying kindness to those he happens to take a liking to or can relate to.
-Pokémon Handling - since his youth, he had been capturing Pokémon; previously this was done for survival, but now he does it at a profit. He handles them with an overall pragmatic and often harsh disposition, but doesn't particularly like or hate any of them. He however handles his travelling companions with the utmost tender care he can provide.
-Bartering - similar to Lilith, except even more pronounced, Buck has an almost uncanny ability to talk his way in or out of any situation, and to convince seemingly anyone to buy whatever random lot of Pokémon he had captured.
-Self-Sufficiency - he's been travelling since he was young, and has developed the acumen to live all on his own, whether it be getting his own food or finding a place to sleep, he's done it, and needs to do it every single day to keep moving on.
-Oration - to keep himself sane, Buck has often practiced storytelling and espoused grand speeches since he was a child, and continues this "self-tradition" with him to this very day. He is legitimately a powerful speaker, but for what this could be used for is beyond him.
-Underhanded Tactics - Whether it be outright lying, throwing sucker punches, or scamming people out of money, Buck knows it all and has done it all. He doesn't trust anyone, and in return, no one with enough rationale has ever trusted him.
Past: Born into a more temperate subsection of the Earth tribe near the northerly Bridestone Moor, Buck has a long and strained history with his tribe. For all intensive purposes, he grew up without parents, clashing directly or indirectly on almost every occasion with the tribe's reactionary elders, who banished him from their nomadic group when he was 15, virtually a death sentence. However, he had overcome the odds and become the Pokémon Trader he is today almost solely through the help of Gaia, then an Ursaring he had found the day he was kicked out the village. He thought he was going to die the second he saw her, but the Ursaring relented, having previously lost its own children, and took Buck under her wing. Since then, and with the help of two wild Mudsdale, Buck had been going about his moralistically corrupt business, scourging the land for its people and Pokémon and becoming quite prolific for being so young.
Buck hasn't really ever developed a meaningful relationship with anyone, least of all his parents, who he never talks about.
Bio: Buck is an almost viciously charismatic, yet entirely facetious and condescending con artist. While yes, his work is technically valid, he usually lies about the nature of his captured Pokémon, doing his best guesswork to convince the buyers that they have exactly what they are looking for. Travelling between village to village selling and capturing Pokémon of all different types in a permanently nomadic lifestyle, almost every tribal elder has banished him from time to time, although this hasn't really worked to stave off his presence. He provides an undeniable service to the people, but his lack of dignity when it comes to detaining and holding Pokémon captive in a giant moving cart is universally reviled, even by himself. However, he also gets up to more honest bartering and trading when he is given the chance, but still seems inseparable from the cart and his Ursaluna.
Ursaluna "Gaia" - Gaia is Buck's lifelong partner, and often carries with her satchels for supplies and food and the like. Additionally, Buck often jumps around between riding her and standing on the cart on their solitary trek to nowhere and everywhere. Gaia is the one who often helps capture the other Pokémon, and in general does not like other Pokémon for some strange, unknown reason. Either way, when Buck inevitably gets into trouble, Gaia is often the one to bail him out, and has an almost motherlike affection for him due to their long time together. She is almost as excellent at reading people as Buck, and will often emit a low, sustaining growl if she realizes the situation is getting out of control.
Mudsdale "Lefty" and "Righty" - the two Mudsdale that drag his cart around, they have no particular liking for Buck himself, but surreptitiously exploit his tendency to lavishly feed them. It's hard to tell if they really have any other desire, but they do genuinely enjoy seeing so much of the world that they would otherwise never experience. Still, they have both taken it upon themselves to protect their cart at all costs, associating it with food and constant travelling companionship.
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Gold The Dragonite

Previously Dratingonair
Super cool concept!! Tell me if I need to change anything ^^

Name: Kaeron Vraegar
Age: 16
Pronouns: he/him
Tribe: Draco Tribe (formerly)
Class: Outcast (previously middle)
Occupation: Voluntary exile, explorer
Physical Appearance: Lean and toned, Kaeron has a muscular build without being overly bulky. Lightly tanned skin due to time spent in the sun.
Height: 5'9
Weight: 162 lbs
Hair: Messy, tied-back, dark blue
Eyes: Amber

Clothing: Wears a form-fitting black tunic and black cloak reminiscent of Draco Tribe generals, fastened by a clasp in the shape of a dragon's fang. Has a sturdy belt and backpack for carrying resources, his spear, and miscellaneous utensils. Wears brown tactical pants and sturdy leather boots.
Identifying Marks: Kaeron has a large bite scar spanning most of his left arm.

Personality: Kaeron is naturally a determined and resilient individual, always striving to be the best version of himself and able to recover from the worst of setbacks. He isn't afraid to take risks, able to face danger head-on even without fully understanding the risks.

Loyalty runs deep in Kaeron’s heart, possessing a strong sense of duty and responsibility to protect those around them. He would go to great lengths to protect his tribe, his Pokémon, and those he considers allies. Though he struggles to let others get close, his loyalty is often the one thing that keeps him grounded.

Kaeron’s competitive spirit is what sets him apart from most people. He thrives on challenges and constantly pushes himself to do better, always striving to reach new heights. He often seeks out opportunities to prove himself, whether through battling or testing his limits in other ways. His desire to prove himself can make him resistant to advice or guidance, especially if he sees it as a challenge to his self-reliance.

His stubbornness can be viewed as both his greatest strength and his greatest weakness. Once Kaeron sets his sights on a goal, it becomes almost impossible to deter him, his competitive nature coming off as a bit obsessive, especially when he fixates on a goal or outcome. His refusal to change course in the face of adversity can alienate him from those around him, even though his intentions are rooted in a desire to succeed.

Kaeron isn't malicious—on the contrary, he has almost always good intentions. However, his single-minded focus on growth and ambition can cause him to overlook the value of teamwork and the importance of listening to those who care for him.


Polearm Efficiency:
Years of training allow Kaeron to wield his preferred weapon, polearms (staffs, spears, etc.), with potency.

Kaeron is in good shape and thus has good stamina, able to run, swim, and climb long distances without much issue.

Herbal Medicine: Tharos' scales and time spent within the Meadow Tribe have given Kaeron mild experience with making medicine from herbs and powders. While not adept, he's capable of creating basic medicine that can heal ailments.

Raised in the heart of the Draco Tribe, Kaeron was taught by his father from a young age that strength meant everything, how it forms respect, and its integral part of leadership. This set the boy to adopt a strong ambition, aiming above his father's rank of general and to become chieftain of the Draco Tribe one day. Kaelen grew up with few friends, his competitive spirit and drive for self-improvement alienating himself from most kids his age. While others played, Kaeron trained. And while others rested, he studied the techniques of their greatest warriors, seeking to tame the most fearsome Dragon-type Pokémon as his loyal partner.

At the age of ten, people had usually gained a docile partner they could control at that time, typically passed on through family. However, Kaeron's father wanted him to tame his first Pokemon as it will form the strongest bond. On the outskirts of the Draco Tribe, he would come across a cave that was teeming with Pokemon he deemed too weak. That was until he would find an aggressive Gible in the crux of the cave, which Kaeron saw as a challenge.

Attracting the enraged Pokemon's attention, the two engaged in battle, in which Kaeron would come out victorious. Believing he tamed the dragon, Kaeron would try to leave the cave with the injured Gible in his arms towards the tribe to show his father his success. However, the Pokemon would unexpectedly chomp on his right arm, leaving a scar. This, and the lack of mutual respect between the two, made Kaeron's father believe his son had failed, who in response began to train himself and his new partner harder.

The Gible (named Theros) would continue to have a rebellious spirit; however, it would develop a reciprocal relationship with Kaeron based on their ambition for power. With his partner evolved, Kaeron believed he was ready to become a general. Obviously, the Draco Tribe's chief had ignored his many consultations but would eventually put Kaeron in his place in response to his stubbornness. Before a minute could even pass, Kaeron and Theros' had faced an overwhelming defeat due to lack of synergy. While their battling prowess was notable, the two lacked the bond that revered members of the Draco Tribe had with their partners.

After suffering his defeat, Kaeron voluntarily made himself an outcast, vowing to return stronger and achieve his dream of leading his tribe. For the past year, Kaelen had adapted to the life of a nomad and gained a variety of survival skills, drifting from tribe to tribe to learn of their unique battling styles and improve himself.

Kaelen Vraegar, Kaeron's father, is a stern but loving figure. From a young age, he instilled the importance of strength within his son, pushing him to be the best. Kaelen is a general in the Draco Tribe, and Kaeron has always looked up to him as a role model and figure of authority. However, Kaelen’s expectations are incredibly high, and Kaeron would feel the weight of those expectations daily. After Kaeron’s first failed attempt at taming Theros (the Gible), Kaelen’s disappointment in his son was clear, and it drove Kaeron even further into himself, making him determined to prove himself.

Species: Gabite
Nickname: Theros
Gender: Male
Ability: Rough Skin
Nature: Adamant
Identifying Marks: Has jagged scales along its back.

Past: Theros met Kaeron as a Gible, where the two had fought. While in an injured state, he would bite down on Kaeron's arm and leave a scar. The child, realizing he hadn't earned the respect of the Pokemon, stayed within the cave and tried to tend to its wounds. After sharing his food and a few berries, Theros gained a smidge of respect for Kaeron, and the two would slowly bond over their shared desire for more power and to prove themselves.

Personality: Theros is a somewhat vain and pragmatic Pokemon. He has a natural rebellious attitude that is even present with his partner, not following the orders of others without respect. While not outwardly affective, there is an undeniable bond between him and Kaeron.

Species: Applin
Nickname: Althea
Gender: Female
Ability: Gluttony
Nature: Quiet
Identifying Marks: N/A

Past: Althea was initially mistaken for food by Kaeron in their first meeting. While being the weakest of his Pokemon, Kaeron has a soft spot for the Applin and befriended it, taking her along on his travels.

Personality: Althea is a shy and reserved Pokemon, preferring solitude over interaction. She also has an insatiable hunger and will eat every ration in sight if left unattended.

Species: Noibat
Nickname: Aether
Gender: Male
Ability: Infiltrator
Nature: Hasty
Identifying Marks: Has a few rips and tears within its wings.

Past: Aether had met Kaeron during an altercation with a Zangoose, gaining assistance from Theros. This led to the Noibat gaining an affection for the Gabite, much to the latter's dismay. Aether hung around Kaeron and his Pokemon for a few days, successfully integrating alongside them. Kaeron sees much potential within the Pokemon, despite its unruly nature.

Personality: Aether always acts first before thinking, making it Kaeron's most unpredictable partner. He gets easily bored and restless, always on the move. Despite his impulsive nature, Aether has genuine feelings of amiability towards most people and Pokemon, loving fun and adventure.

Name: Calista Arriola
Age: 20
Pronouns: she/her
Tribe: Stone Tribe
Class: Upper
Occupation: Gemstone Merchant & Tribe Diplomat
Physical Appearance: Calista has a slender figure and elegant posture. Sandy skin tone and delicate yet calloused hands.
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 131 lbs
Hair: Long, chestnut-brown, half-up style, gemstone pins
Eyes: Green

Clothing: Wears a fitted stone-grey tunic embroidered with silver geometric patterns, paired with a dark green sash cinched around her waist. Wears wide-legged pants and leather boots. Dark-colored shawl with a large gemstone brooch. Also wears a necklace of green gems and a satchel for carrying items.
Identifying Marks: Has a few scratches on her arms and legs due to experiences in the mines.

Personality: Calista is a natural negotiator, able to diffuse situations with charm and wit. While she harbors ambitions for expanding the tribe’s influence and wealth, she is deeply loyal to her people and prioritizes their well-being above personal gain. Calista is calm under pressure, making her a stabilizing presence in tense situations.

Despite her aspirations, Calista will always value her people over anything else. Even when faced with backlash, she's driven by the desire to uplift others. However, recent events have caused her to feel isolation within her tribe, losing the respect of the more elderly members of the Stone Tribe. This has created a conflict within her mind of both wanting to respect tradition and also improve on it with her visionary mindset.


Gemstone Appraisal:
Calista has a natural talent in identifying, evaluating, and pricing gemstones and minerals.

Negotiation & Diplomacy:
Calista is also skilled in negotiations for trade deals and diplomatic situations.

Financial Management:
Being a large part of the tribe's resource management, Calista is able to ensure prosperity and growth.

Callista was born into privilege as the only daughter of Chief Arriola, the steadfast and traditional leader of the Stone Tribe. From a young age, she was expected to inherit the leadership of the tribe one day, continuing the legacy of a family that had led their people for generations. As a child, Callista admired her father’s strength and unwavering resolve, but she also noticed the limits of his thinking.

The Stone Tribe thrives on its deep connection to the earth, mining precious gemstones, iron, and other minerals from the mountains and selling them across Arkhaios. This trade has made the tribe wealthy, but their rigid traditions prevent them from evolving beyond their reputation as miners and craftsmen. She grew up surrounded by artisans, sculptors, and miners—people who valued patience, endurance, and hard work. Yet, she always felt something was missing: the spark of innovation.

As a child, Calista had accompanied her father to the Lightning Tribe on diplomatic business. She was enamored by their city's technological advancements and left an indelible impression on the young girl. Along with studying geology and gemology, Calista would learn more about engineering from merchants and members of the Lightning Tribe.

Starting her adult years, Calista would bear more responsibilities of the tribe, namely in the business sector of gemstones. However, she hadn't let go of her dream of revolutionizing her tribe. While some had supported her views, others (including her father) had disagreed. As she gained more authority, she would consult with Lightning Tribe engineers without her father's knowledge to improve working conditions and efficiency.

However, this would lead to a dangerous event. A prototype mining device and experiment she orchestrated had caused a collapse in the mines, injuring a significant number of miners. Her reputation already taking a massive hit, Calista's father had given her one last chance to prove herself, else she would lose the privilege of leading the tribe.

Now a polarizing figure of the Stone Tribe, Calista took a step back from her aspirations. While she would still consult the Lightning Tribe, her ideas would require knowledge and resources she lacked. Thus, she took her job of gemstone exporting more seriously, both trying to restore her reputation and still refine the Stone Tribe.

Family/Relationships: Chief Arriola is Calista's father and served as her role model as she grew up. While they share a common love and respect for the Stone Tribe, their differing views on progress created friction between them, especially after the mining accident that occurred due to her experiments with Lightning Tribe technology.

Despite this tension, there is still deep love and care between them. Calista wants to earn her father's trust back, but she also doesn’t want to be confined by his expectations. Her father, on the other hand, worries about her safety and the impact of her ambitions, even as he hopes she will eventually find a balance between respecting tradition and pushing for progress.

Species: Carbink
Nickname: Amarilis (Amari)
Gender: Female
Ability: Clear Body
Nature: Lax
Identifying Marks: N/A

Past: Amari was the first Pokemon Calista befriended, found in the mines when she was a child. The Pokemon was among a discovered group of Carbink during an excavation. With help from the nearby miners, one of the Carbink was successfully domesticated and became Calista's first partner.

Personality: Amari is a laid-back Pokemon, mostly around for aesthetic purposes. Being a rare sight within the Stone Tribe, the stares and compliments feed into the Carbink's subtle ego. The closest to Calista.

Species: Sableye
Nickname: Zircon (Zirc)
Gender: Male
Ability: Prankster
Nature: Impish
Identifying Marks: Has green gems for eyes and in his chest

Past: Zirc was found during one of Calista's visits to the mines, hearing Amari's distressed cries. Rushing to the scene, the girl found a rare Sableye trying to devour her partner. Successfully fending him off, Calista grew a strange fondness for the Sableye, much to the Carbink's dismay. Feeding it some of her gemstones, it wasn't difficult to befriend the wild Pokemon.

Personality: Zirc is generally a mischievous Pokemon and likes to mess with others. He naturally has an affinity and appetite for gemstones, much like Calista, which leads to his adoration of her and unyielding loyalty. Zirc's typically seen latching onto her shoulder (definitely not trying to eat her necklace). Doesn't like Iria.

Species: Rhydon
Nickname: Iria
Gender: Female
Ability: Lightning Rod
Nature: Careful
Identifying Marks: N/A

Past: Iria was originally one of Calista's father's partners, gifted to his daughter for protection when on diplomatic business.

Personality: Iria is fiercely defensive of Calista, wary of nearly anything and everything, including Zirc. The Rhydon follows her out of duty but has grown affectionate to Calista and has subtly dropped her vigilant nature.
Here are some cool ideas for Arkhaion Regional Forms:

Arkhaion Timburr (Ground)

It possesses several balls of mud and clay, which it often uses to bother other Pokémon. They are incredibly mischievous, and often like to cause trouble.

Based on: Kids getting dirty, Greek sculptures

Arkhaion Gurdurr (Ground/Fighting)

Instead of a metal pile, Arkhaion Gurdurr rolls around it’s large ball of dirt, which is almost has big as the Pokémon. Debris and rocks will be caught by the sphere as it rolls and slowly make it bigger.

Based on: Sisyphus, Greek Sculptures

Arkhaion Conkeldurr (Ground/Fighting)

It’s boulder is now massive, and it is always holding it over it’s head. Moss has grown on it, making the clay sphere resemble the earth. It seems to be wise, standing watch over weaker Pokémon, at least according to Mystic Tribe members.

Based on: Atlas, Greek Sculptures

This line has Rocky Payload as their ability.

Arkhaion Shuckle (Rock/Poison)

Instead of berry juice, it produces an extremely poisonous liquids inside it's pithoi-like shell. However, this makes Arkhaion Shuckle incredibly intoxicated at all times, making it lash out at any who come close. It has greenish-teal skin, and a terracotta shell with purple accents.

Based on: The Lernean Hydra, Alcoholics, Pithoi, and Drunkards

And some evolutions that have been lost to time:

Molosstiff (Dark/Steel)

An extinct evolution to Mabosstiff, these towering hounds were bred to protect their owners from any harm. With teeth comparable to bear traps, they are able to bring prey the size of Mamoswine. The spikes on their neck make them look extra intimidating.

Based on: Molossian Hounds, Guard Dogs, Bear Traps

Drunkrait (Rock/Poison)

The other voices in Arkhaion Shuckle's head have manifested as new heads, always bickering on something. They are the apex predators in swamps, their poisonous breath claiming the lives of many Pokemon and humans. It's multiple heads are much more green, some of them with dizzy eyes, coming out of it's grand pithoi shell.

Based on: The Lernean Hydra, Alcoholics, Pithoi, and Drunkards

Ceramstes (Ground/Dark)

An alternate evolution to Silicobra, they possess massive ram-like horns which they use to batter their prey. They are cowardly, hiding in the sands until it's their time to strike. Those that can be trained are often used in sieges, to break down the fortifications.

Based on: The Cerastes, Battering Rams, and Horned Vipers
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Name: Nefeli, "Wandering Exorcist"

Age: 21

Pronouns: She/Her

Tribe: Specter Tribe (has blood ties to the Sky Tribe going back several generations)

Class: Upper Class (is Ancient Hero's Descendant)

Occupation: Traveling Exorcist (Attempting), Explorer (Currently)

Physical Appearance: She has a toned, athletic, yet slightly curvaceous frame from her time traveling. Her skin is tanned from her time away.

Height (optional): 5'9"

Weight (optional): 161 lbs

Hair (optional): Red, long and typically tied back.

Eyes (optional): A shade of Violet, mark of the ancient Hero of her Ancestry.

Clothing (optional): She typically wears something similar to the Specter Tribe's typical wear, however, she has leather boots, and leather gloves from her mother, and two pendants from friends that were killed in the attack. The one was of high quality silver, and looked like a Spiritomb. The other was a string with a wooden Fragment as the pendant.

Identifying Marks (optional): There is a burn scar on her left arm in a shape similar to a Chandelure from an accidental attack from the Flame Tribe when she was 20. Two stab scars on her hips from the attack when she was 12.

Personality: Nefeli tends to wander alone, keeping her and her Pokémon safe due to her being hunted by Toxic Tribe Mercenaries, one, and two, the typical reasons of a member of the Specter Tribe.

However, if you can get close to her, she just might be friendly, helpful and considerate to those she gets close to. Even allowing to eventually ride her Tropius with her.

That, however, can be one of the hardest things to do, as her, and as typical of the Specter Tribe, are very wary of outsiders, unless they show direct help to her or her Pokémon. That may just help you in getting closer to her.

One warning can be taken though, if you manage to hurt those close to her, she will not be happy with you. The same applies if you attack her Pokémon.

Skills: Is decent at the art of Banishing Spirits and has been doing so in different areas around the Specter Tribelands. Tales of Her ability has started to spread to the other tribes, however due to tribal tendencies, not many have actually called on her.

Has learned how to fly a Pokémon from her mom, who had a Drifblim. She can fly decently, but not enough to allow passengers at this time. The only Passengers she allows at this time is her Pokémon.

Due to her time on the road, she has managed to pick up what berries are safe to eat from what she's picked up, alongside the book she had from her mom.

She also has picked up basic self defense in the last year or so after the incident with the Flame Tribe. However, most is taken from what she's seen, since the tribes don't typically interact with her. Her preferred weapon style is with some sort of staff.

Her great-great-great-grandmother had been accused of a crime, and was Court-martialed. She was banished for her crime. This was a set up to meet The man that she would marry. The chief at the time knew she wouldn't leave without some sort of force. However when she made it to the Specter Tribelands, she wandered around for a bit before she met her future husband. The ancient Hero was the Second in Command to the First Chieftain of the Sky Tribe.

Neferi was born from a Specter Tribe Exorcist and a woman from the Sky Tribe, sent out due to some sort of minor Propechy. During her childhood, she learned how to fly a Pokémon with the help of her mom's Drifblim, but when she was 12, an attack on the village killed her mother. Bandits from the Dread Tribe and Toxic Tribe had attacked the village, taking resources, and killing around 60, looking for the Chieftain. Her mother was the last one before her father and Lookout showed up. It was when she was 16 she went out on her own, doing what she loved to do, which was help people with evil spirits.

During her five years out in the world, her father gave her a book from her mother. It had some useful information in it from what she read. As she traveled, she saw various nearby tribes, however, about a year before the events of the RP started, She had gotten to the Flame Tribe, and it was night, so she was attempting to make shelter for the night when the local tribespeople got suspicious of her due to unusual activity in the area at the time. She tried to explain, but her tribe's usual reputation led them to attack due to the activity in the area. It was a mess, Nefeli had burns on her left arm. The book she had been using to help with learning various things was destroyed in the fire. When she finally got it out with the help of Wanderer. She found the burnt remnants of the the book. After that she went to the Meadow Tribe, hoping to figure out how to treat her burns. Eventually figuring out what to use from listening to people, she got them treated, avoiding infection, but barely.


Adonis (41, Father, Alive): Her and her father were close before she left the village to learn about the world around her. He does write to her from time to time when he has the time.

Tarsello (18, Alive, Younger Brother): Her brother and her got along decently until the attack that killed their mother. After that, they grew distant. He is currently helping the Tribe with the young members.

Cassandra (Deceased at 30, Mother, would have been 40): Her and her mother were very close, she learned how to fly with her and her Drifblim. If she had lived, when Nefeli turned 16, she would have learned about her heritage.


Species: Doublade

Gender: Male

Ability: No Guard

Personality: Careful Nature, likely to watch over Nefeli and her other Pokémon. But highly protective of the team. He is her partner Pokémon if in combat.

Identifying Marks: There are scratches in the blades

Past: Not much was known about Blades's past, especially up to shortly before meeting with Nefeli as a Honedge. Nefeli had found out that he had a ghost type evolution. It took most of her exploration time to get him to evolve to Doublade.

Species: Tropius

Ability: Chlorophyll

Personality: Bold natured, very friendly, loves to see people. Tends to be a bit reckless when in combat. However, is highly likely to listen to Nefeli.

Identifying Marks: Her Tropius has a tail scar from when Nefeli met him.

Past: Was released into the wild and ended up Wandering into the Specter Tribelands. Nefeli was out there when it was spotted and looked through the book her mom left her after noticing his injured tail.

Species: Shuppet

Ability: Insomnia

Personality: Is extremely Watchful, likely to take guard on the night watch. If not on Guard shift, he is a bit distant, much like his trainer. However, he will step in if he or Nefeli end up attacked. He once possessed a tower shield to block attacks aimed at his trainer.

Past: He was her first Pokémon, given to her by the chief of the tribe. Not much is known about his past before that.

Species: Hisuian Zorua
Ability: Illusion
Nature: Adamant
Personality: This Pokémon is typically a feisty one, however, Nefeli can keep him calm. Warning, he is highly protective of his trainer, if a bit of a Trickster. But once he deems you a friend, he will help you out to the best of his abilities.

Past: He was a more recent addition, Wandering into her camp one night somewhere between The Flame Tribe and the Plinth Tribe. He followed her around for about a month before officially joining her.

Let me know if anything needs editing.
@Gold The Dragonite & @Cmeriwether You guys, your characters are amazing! I'm impressed with the detail that went into designing their teams and backstories. Welcome to the roleplay!

@GEN1E I love the concepts, especially the Shuckle. If you don't mind, I'll add them to the list of Arkhaios regional forms I'm working on. I think I can have it posted by Monday unless somebody else wants to make more. Then we can decide as a group which ones we want to keep. How does that sound?

@Draco Nightshade Arkhaios is loosely based on the region surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, drawing heavily from ancient Greece. Since Egypt was once a part of the Greek Empire, I planned to include some Egyptian mythology elements, such as a Ghost/Psychic Type Lucario variant inspired by Anubis.
@GEN1E I love the concepts, especially the Shuckle. If you don't mind, I'll add them to the list of Arkhaios regional forms I'm working on. I think I can have it posted by Monday unless somebody else wants to make more. Then we can decide as a group which ones we want to keep. How does that sound?

That sounds good, unless I come up with more. Also two of the new evolutions are serpent-related, funny coincidence.
Here are some cool ideas for Arkhaion Regional Forms:

Arkhaion Timburr (Ground)

It possesses several balls of mud and clay, which it often uses to bother other Pokémon. They are incredibly mischievous, and often like to cause trouble.

Based on: Kids getting dirty, Greek sculptures

Arkhaion Gurdurr (Ground/Fighting)

Instead of a metal pile, Arkhaion Gurdurr rolls around it’s large ball of dirt, which is almost has big as the Pokémon. Debris and rocks will be caught by the sphere as it rolls and slowly make it bigger.

Based on: Sisyphus, Greek Sculptures

Arkhaion Conkeldurr (Ground/Fighting)

It’s boulder is now massive, and it is always holding it over it’s head. Moss has grown on it, making the clay sphere resemble the earth. It seems to be wise, standing watch over weaker Pokémon, at least according to Mystic Tribe members.

Based on: Atlas, Greek Sculptures

This line has Rocky Payload as their ability.

Arkhaion Shuckle (Rock/Poison)

Instead of berry juice, it produces an extremely poisonous liquids inside it's pithoi-like shell. However, this makes Arkhaion Shuckle incredibly intoxicated at all times, making it lash out at any who come close. It has greenish-teal skin, and a terracotta shell with purple accents.

Based on: The Lernean Hydra, Alcoholics, Pithoi, and Drunkards

And some evolutions that have been lost to time:

Molosstiff (Dark/Steel)

An extinct evolution to Mabosstiff, these towering hounds were bred to protect their owners from any harm. With teeth comparable to bear traps, they are able to bring prey the size of Mamoswine. The spikes on their neck make them look extra intimidating.

Based on: Molossian Hounds, Guard Dogs, Bear Traps

Drunkrait (Rock/Poison)

The other voices in Arkhaion Shuckle's head have manifested as new heads, always bickering on something. They are the apex predators in swamps, their poisonous breath claiming the lives of many Pokemon and humans. It's multiple heads are much more green, some of them with dizzy eyes, coming out of it's grand pithoi shell.

Based on: The Lernean Hydra, Alcoholics, Pithoi, and Drunkards

Ceramstes (Ground/Dark)

An alternate evolution to Silicobra, they possess massive ram-like horns which they use to batter their prey. They are cowardly, hiding in the sands until it's their time to strike. Those that can be trained are often used in sieges, to break down the fortifications.

Based on: The Cerastes, Battering Rams, and Horned Vipers
Holy cow. I always wanted a shuckle evolution and now i do.

However, I think there's three new regionals we can add...
Arkhainian Empoleon (Water/ground)
Empoleon in this region dwarf their cousins in other regions. Their deep blue, rotund bodies are streaked with wavy gold lines, and a full beard flows from their face all the way to their stomach. They have terrible tempers, and though it takes a while to anger them, their rage will be so calamitous as to cause the earth around it to shake with fear. Though not native to the region, it was drawn there because the people within it worship it as a messenger of the gods.

Based on Poseidon and Greek emperors

Arkainian Meowscarada (Grass/Fairy)
Meowscarada brought to this region are much more flashy and dramatic than their Paldean cousins. The white fur around their face resembles a comedy mask, and they have more flowing white fur bound around their body like a toga. They love to have audiences, and imitate others in exaggerated ways to get a laugh out of people. While not native to the region, they were brought over and bred. They have become quite popular with the highest class of people in both the pixie and meadow tribes.

Based on Thespis, Greek plays, and acting in general

Arkhainian Emboar (Fire/Steel)
Emboar in this region have impressive marking upon their stomachs, resembling the decorations featured on many Arkhainian pots. They enjoy clashing with each other, and their hard fur serves as an armor of sorts. Like Meowscarada, they weren't native to the region but became popular for their markings and for use in gladiator matches.

Based on Greek gladiators and pot art
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Holy cow. I always wanted a shuckle evolution and now i do.

However, I think there's three new regionals we can add...
Arkhainian Empoleon (Water/electric)
Empoleon in this region sit surrounded by a cloud, floating slightly off the ground. Their blue, impressively muscular bodies are streaked with gold tints and a crown like projection comes from their head. They have terrible tempers, and will rage at the slightest thing, reducing said thing to dust if it's allowed free reign. Though not native to the region, it was drawn there because the people within it worship it as a messenger of the gods.

Based on Zeus and Greek emperors

Arkainian Meowscarada (Grass/Fairy)
Meowscarada brought to this region are much more flashy and dramatic than their Paldean cousins. The white fur around their face resembles a comedy mask, and they have more flowing white fur bound around their body like a toga. They love to have audiences, and imitate others in exaggerated ways to get a laugh out of people. While not native to the region, they were brought over and bred. They have become quite popular with the highest class of people in both the pixie and meadow tribes.

Based on Thespis, Greek plays, and acting in general

Arkhain Infernape (Fire/Steel)
Infernape in this region are much taller than their brethren in Sinnoh (or Hisui as it's named during this time period). They stand tall at 5'11, and are as ruthless as tall. They enjoy clashing with each other, and their hard fur serves as an armor of sorts. Like Meowscarada, they weren't native to the region but became popular for use in gladiator matches.

Based on Greek warriors, gladiators, and arena fighting
Just a thought, but what if Empoleon was a Water/Ground type? Instead of Zeus it'd be more like Poseidon, the god of the sea and earthquakes.


Previously Night's Shadow
Hmmmm reading through other characters and realizing there’s a fair amount of overlap (accidental I’m sure no worries) between Bear’s backstory and a couple others lol. Is anyone particularly opposed to me maybe replacing her with a new character? Unsure but considering, cause I really like the RP concept and have a bunch of ideas but playing more than one character is tough for me ^^