Can I join? I'll put my character down below. Also, sorry for the longest RP sheet ever XD Tell me if she's a little over the top, so I can fix her XD although, she won't be able to do much of her stuff anyway, from fear she'll go insane and hurt others XD a lot of wasted potential XD Anyway:
Shadara Arcafiwhed Darastrix A.K.A. Shade
Pronounced: Shah-Dah-rah Arcah-fee-wed Dah-rah-strix
(Every 'r' in her name is rolled... Which causes trouble for other people to say her full name. Even for her mother, and she was the one who picked out the name).
31 years old
Human - Goes into some very thick German or Scottish accents on occasion, which can be difficult to understand (learnt these languages during and after her schooling).
She lived with her 7 siblings and parents. Her 3 older brothers were born with her on the same day (quadruplets), and then her sisters after 9 months were born (twins), and then her baby brother was born 9 months after them. Her and her 3 older brothers were born on 25th of July 1986 (every single one of them being a Leo and Tiger). At the same time, a Pokemon was born with her from her mother's Raichu. It was a Pichu, and her name is Chu. Ever since the day that they were born, they've become best friends. Her parents are loving people, her father being an inventor and former professor, and her mother used to work at an herbal shop, making her own herbal medicine. When Shade was old enough, they taught her about Pokemon (which happened when she was 1 year old), as well as type advantages and disadvantages and what types of Pokemon were what. In her breaks, she would help out in her mother's ranch and take care of the many Pokemon her mother has collected over the years.
After Shade was done with her studying with that (and when she was 4 years old), she began learning about Pokemon through experiences, especially with her best friend, Chu. After 2 more years of this, Shade and her siblings were left alone in the nearby forest for 4 years, where wild and feral Pokemon took care of them and raised them as their own, showing and training them on how to be, at least, half as tough and powerful as a Pokemon. Her and her sibings were taught how to fight from the Fighting-Types. Because of her likeness towards Psychic-, Ghost-, and Dark-Type Pokemon, she learned how to use telekinesis, how to read minds, telepathy, sense other creature's emotions, and just about what a normal Psychic-Type is capable of doing. However, this didn't really bode well with her mentality when she hit puberty at the age of 11 years, which is when her and her brothers got enrolled into the Kanto's high school.
When puberty hit Shade, it caused her powers to be out of whack, and her parents realized that she had a weak mentality and a poorly developed nervous system, causing her night terrors when she should've been over that after her toddler years. These problems led to chronic insomnia (which her mother also had), Schizophrenia (gets worse when she doesn't sleep), general anxiety, paranoia, and, after a lot of stress, can become insane. She has no recollection from when she becomes insane, and her paranoia and anxiety is fueled by this insanity. She has violent outbursts, hurting herself and others near her and can even go into seizures, if the stress is too much for her frail mind to bear. She begins to have delusions, thinking that her night terrors (of which one can vaguely remember) are going to become real. She begins to see things that aren't there, and, if she doesn't get at least 3 days of sleep, she starts to hear things. She even goes as far as calling her insane side as another entity, taking control of her body. Through this outburst of mental negativity, this caused her psychic abilities to become unbearable. She is prone to migraines every time she tries to use telepathy or telekinesis for long periods of time. The only good thing that came out of this has a huge flaw: She can easily read minds, but HAS to read minds that are in the same room as her (or at least 10 feet away from her) when she's not trying, causing her to think she's hearing voices when, in actuality, she's just listening in on the forefront thoughts of others near her. And when she's insane, she can't use any of her psychic abilities, thank goodness.... She would've had a lot of problems.
Not all of this was bad, though. She finally understood some Dark-Type Pokemon, and is now immune to any mental effects caused by Psychic-Types (when she's more like a Dark-Type). But the changes from puberty didn't stop there. Her body changed, as well. Since their family was the descendent of an Aura Guardian from long ago, they have the ability to somewhat control their aura, which include being able to see a second into the future when concentrating in their surrounding area or a few yards away from them, sense the life force of others nearby, and using their aura offensively and defensively, as known as aura blast and aura barrier, respectively. The power of these two vary depending on how healthy and how much they've meditated/focused on their aura on that particular day. Their aura has specific types and colors for Pokemon types, causing them to become, in characterstics and behavior, like those Pokemon in that type. With Shade, she becomes more mischievous and devious when more in tune with the pale purple color of the Ghost-Typing, becomes more impulsive and cruel when more in tune with her dark grey (almost black) Dark-Typing, or becomes more quiet and focused when more in tune with her pink Psychic-Typing (she can only be one of these, but she can switch between them. Not during a confrontation, however). This also means that she has the same resistances, immunities, and weaknesses as the other types (with the exception of having the immunities of the Ghost-Typing), and she also has the same weaknesses a regular human has to the environment.
Even though this was a drastic change, it gets weirder. Before she hit puberty, she used to have pale-tannish skin, bright blue eyes, and blonde hair. Afterwards, her aura bled onto her appearance, causing her body to copy the colors above, which also caused her to become more colorful than before. Her hair became black, with pink and pale purple bangs (kind of reminds of Twilight from My Little Pony XD) and she can't dye her hair any color because the aura will just get rid of the dye after 4 hours (this doesn't stop her from her roots showing and her body becoming repulsive and greasy after not having a shower). Her eyes became pale purple with dark grey slashes and pink speckles, and her eyes shine more of a specific kind of color after her aura makes her more of a certain type, overshadowing the other two colors in her eyes. Finally, her body is more of a pale pinkish coloration.
With her school life, as mentioned above, she went to school when she was 11 with her 3 older brothers (by what? 5, 10, and 20 minutes? XD). The first high school she went to in the Kanto region sucked, since they were all bullied because of what they looked like, but also they knew more about what they were learning (which was mainly Pokemon), so they became quick gurus and people went to them for help. After a year of studying there, they moved to the Johto region to their high school, which was much nicer and less judgemental by comparison. After 6 months, they went back home to learn how to play instruments before they moved to the Hoenn region and learn at their high school when they were 13. This region's high school wasn't as bad as the Kanto's high school, but could've been as good as the Johto one. After 6 months, they spent the rest of their year perfecting on some languages of their choice, and Shade chose Gaelic, Norse, and German to study for the remaining 6 months and later and also helped Pichu learn English. Then they went to the Sinnoh region' high school when they were 14, then the Unova one when they were 15, and so on until they reached Alola when they were 17 and finished their course there.
After they were done schooling in all of the core regions, they began training in different aspects of what they wanted to be. They could choose being a collector, a breeder, a Pokemon Ranger (Catch stylus and all), a nurse, an officer, an inventor (for making TMs, among other things), a teacher, a trainer for Pokemon trainers, a chef, a(n) herbalist, a Pokemon Coordinator, or a Pokemon Master/Champion/Elite Fourist/Gym Leader. For Shade, she took on the role of wanting to be a Pokemon Coordinator and a Gym Leader, if she couldn't be a Champion or an Elite Fourist. She also chose making herbal remedies as her hobby, along with playing the violin, singing, and dancing. Her main drea is to collect EVERY single Pokemon, just like her mother had before her.
She cares about Pokemon more than she does herself, which causes her to become sick or tired most of the time. She'll spend long nights training and finding out the best plan for her Pokemon, and then forgetting most of it later when she faints from exhaustion and wakes up a few hours later. She'll help a random Pokemon that has become injured and nurse it back to health. She'll even steal other people's Pokemon if they've been mistreating them, causing her to have a talk with Officer Jenny quite a bit. Of course, her compassion stretches out to humans, as well, just not as much as Pokemon. She feels more at home with the critters more so than her own species because she can't completely understand herself to be able to understand other humans. She hates messes and loves to anything serene. Whenever she gets too stressed (and she stresses about everything.. Worry wart XD), she'll go insane and won't snap out of it until the stress is gone. Sometimes, this can lead to deadly results when the stress is from a person, causing her to get into trouble by the officers and needing to run away, for fear of going to an insane asylum or into jail, and killing innocent people through the stress of it all. She has tried the herbal remedies her mother makes, as well as other medicines, but it just seems to make her condition worse.
She has pinkish skin, pale purple eyes with black slashes and pink specks, and black hair with pink and pale purple bangs. She is skinny, and constantly forgets to take care of herself, causing her to be slightly malnutritioned and lose her strength due to atrophy. She has dark circles and bags under her eyes from a lack of sleep. Her hair goes down to her mid-back and the bangs go right above her eyes. She wears a black tank top, with a white and black striped jacket. She hates skirts or dresses, so she wears dark blue jeans or dark grey sweats. She hates shoes because she thinks they slow her down, but she wears black and white tennis shoes with white socks when she has to. She wears a Z-Ring on her left wrist, given to her by completing the courses in her high schools in Alola. She is dominant in her right hand, but can use her left hand for other things her right hand could do (just not writing). She has a scar over her right eye from an accident with a hungry and territorial Scyther. She is 5'10" (1.7 m) tall and weighs 125 lbs. (56.7 kg). If she doesn't eat, her weight drops to 110 lbs. (49.9 kg). Her voice is not harsh, but not as nice as some, but it becomes raspy and shrilly when she goes insane.
Name: Pichu A.K.A. Chu (Wants to evolve into Alolan Raichu)
Ability: Lightning Rod
Game Equilavent Level: 50
Nature: Timid (+Spd, -Atk)
Characteristic: Thoroughly Cunning (+ Sp. Atk, 27 IVs)
Behavior: Though, Chu doesn't like to get into trouble and will run away or hide in her Poke Ball when spooked, she is quite nice to everyone she meets. When she gets into the mood for pranking, she loves choosing Shade as her target, always trying to tickle or scare her.
Defining Features: Has a scar on her back from an accident involving a hungry and territorial Scyther
A little bit about her that Shade's Bio didn't cover:
Right now, her partner, Chu (which is still a Pichu), has learned every single move a Pichu can learn (TMs/HMs/Tutor/Level-Up/Breeding). She thanked her mother that she was a breeder and helped Chu into learning all of her moves before she was even born, even though Shade can never remember most of her moves for the life of her. Plus, since Chu's 31 years old, she can speak English (not very well, but it's a start), and she doesn't get hurt from her electrical shocks anymore (Helps that she has the ability Lightning Rod). Even though this Pokemon has trained for most of her life, she is still frail and can't exactly take too much from a powerful hit, but she surely is shockingly good at 2-Hit KOs with her Iron Tail and Thunderbolt. She can also combine attacks, using her tail, fists, and feet in a jerry-rigged fighting style, with Thunder Punch, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, and Iron Tail as the main ones.
Mentally, Chu is more sound than Shade, but she still has her own problems, like doubting she'll ever be as strong as she'd like, even though she can effectively knock out most things in a few hits. She is scared because she thinks she'll fail and that Shade will abandon her, but Shade is too compassionate to do that to any Pokemon, let alone her very first friend and Pokemon.
Technical Voodoo:
IVs: HP = 20; Attack = 24; Defense = 16; Special Attack = 27; Special Defense = 21; Speed = 29; Total = 56
Hidden Power Type: Ice
EVs: HP = 0; Attack =0; Defense = 0; Special Attack = 252; Special Defense = 4; Speed = 252
She left all her other Pokemon back at her mother's ranch to start anew.