This weeks edition of Japanese TV show Pokémon Smash aired last night and brought with it the announcement that the show will be revealing brand new information to do with Pokémon X and Pokémon Y on the show next week, along with new information to do with the 16th Pokémon movie Extremespeed Genesect.
It's worth noting that we are at the time of the month where Japanese magazine CoroCoro normally leaks, so the magazine will likely steal Pokémon Smash's thunder and bring us most of, if not all, the information first before Pokémon Smash has the chance to reveal it.
As for what the information will be, it's currently unclear, however many are speculating a new Eeveelution will be revealed as this week's edition of Pokémon Smash put a lot of their attention on the current group of seven Eeveelutions; not to mention how much overall attention has been put on Eevee recently with the Eeveelution trainer featured in the Unova League arc of the anime, and the Eevee Pokémon Short due to be shown before the 16th movie. Again though, at this point it's only speculation.
Whatever happens this is sure to be an exciting week for Pokémon fans!
It's worth noting that we are at the time of the month where Japanese magazine CoroCoro normally leaks, so the magazine will likely steal Pokémon Smash's thunder and bring us most of, if not all, the information first before Pokémon Smash has the chance to reveal it.
As for what the information will be, it's currently unclear, however many are speculating a new Eeveelution will be revealed as this week's edition of Pokémon Smash put a lot of their attention on the current group of seven Eeveelutions; not to mention how much overall attention has been put on Eevee recently with the Eeveelution trainer featured in the Unova League arc of the anime, and the Eevee Pokémon Short due to be shown before the 16th movie. Again though, at this point it's only speculation.
Whatever happens this is sure to be an exciting week for Pokémon fans!
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