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DPPt/HGSS Rapidash

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What would make her stronger???

She's at level 80:
Careful Nature


atk 201
def 145
sp.atk 133
sp.def 174
spd 202

Flare Blitz
Flame Wheel
Fire Blast

What should I evd her in and what item should she hold and what mover do you think would be best please help!!!


Expert FPS Player
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Ah, well...

...now, what would make her stronger? Pretty much everything. Nature is bad, moveset is atrocious and would get rendered utterly useless if something with Flash Fire came along as your opponent - ironic since Rapidash gets Flash Fire too. A lot needs to be done here before this Rapidash can be at all effective.

Enough about that though, here's what you really need:

Rapidash @ Life Orb
200 Attack/52 Sp.Attack/252 Speed
Flash Fire

- Flare Blitz
- Megahorn
- Return/Double-Edge/Hypnosis
- Overheat

Rapidash suffers badly from very shallow movepool, but it can make something of the tools it has. STAB Flare Blitz kicks ass and so does STAB Overheat to strike down physical walls, Megahorn is unfortunately the best coverage move it has though - hits hard though with 120 Power so it's still a good move, and the third slot can go to either another hard-hitting attack, or Hypnosis to put any Water-types trying to take you out to sleep.

Hypnosis, Double-Edge and the better Nature requires re-breeding unfortunately - if you don't wish to re-breed and start from scratch, either Return or Iron Tail is best in Slot 3 of your moveset.

I'd take a read through this topic here too:


It'll tell you all the basics you need to know for making movesets and EV training. Definitely worth a look.
I mostly agree with KoL with an exception. I think that Overheat might be a move to replace with Fire Blast. With the decreased power and accuracy comes the advantage of not losing Special Attack power. Considering that Rapidash might not last long though, Overheat might be a better move because Overheat's effect might not be hindering for long. It just depends on how you plan on using Rapidash and your opinions on the two moves. Rapidash should look like this:

Rapidash @ Life Orb
200 Attack/52 Sp.Attack/252 Speed
Flash Fire

- Flare Blitz
- Megahorn
- Return/Double-Edge/Hypnosis
- Overheat/Fire Blast
KoL spread the EVs this way and added this way to punish physical walls that try to wall rapidash with Overheat.
Hit those hard enough with the Strongest avaiable Fire Stab and when the wall doesnt go down after that with a Flare Blitz, you shouldnt keep in Rapidash anyways.

Rapidash is frail but with the Life Orb it can do a lot of damage with the one time Overheat and followed Flare blitzes/whatever.
You will have to switch around with that thing anyways so Overheat usually outclasses Fire Blast+ the accuracy of Fire Blast is even lower than Overheat.

This is basically a typical moveset that trys to take down physical walls, while still being able to work as a Physical attack force. Usually used on Dragons, but works on everything with draco meteor/overheat/leaf storm that is physically offensive too.

Another Option would be to put in Will o Wisp, so that you burn stuff that switches into you. But often its better just whack the switch in with a stab move or another strong move ;O
Try some stuff out, it can work in different ways!


Expert FPS Player
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Basically, what Fuman said. I specifically did not mention Fire Blast because Overheat is outright superior for wall-breaking than Fire Blast is on this set. The reasons why:

1. Overheat's Power, at 210 (STAB'd) is better than Fire Blast's 180 (STAB'd)
2. Overheat's Accuracy, at 90%, beats Fire Blast's 85%
3. Overheat is designed to be used only once, rendering the Sp.Attack drop absolutely negligible since it only reduces Overheat's damage on this set, and since you aren't going to be using it again unless on a severely weakened opponent, the Sp.Attack drop is of no consequence to you whatsoever.

Enough said. One day, I will break the myth that Overheat, Leaf Storm and Draco Meteor suck...one day.
I did not say they suck. I was just saying that depending on how you planned on using the Rapidash, then you should choose between the two. If you don't plan on using it more than once, yes use Overheat. If you plan on using Rapidash as a sweeper with the special move being used often, then Fire Blast should be used. It just depends on the style of the trainer.


Expert FPS Player
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You're missing the point - the point is, you aren't ever going to use the move in the fourth slot often, because Flare Blitz will out-damage it regardless on this set. Overheat is there to take down the opponent's physical wall when it comes in, and when it's down, you don't need the move anymore, regardless of whether you put Fire Blast there instead or not.

I've already detailed why Overheat is superior in that regard.
You're missing the point - the point is, you aren't ever going to use the move in the fourth slot often, because Flare Blitz will out-damage it regardless on this set. Overheat is there to take down the opponent's physical wall when it comes in, and when it's down, you don't need the move anymore, regardless of whether you put Fire Blast there instead or not.

I've already detailed why Overheat is superior in that regard.

I understand. Rapidash's main attacks are going to be the first three slots. The fourth is just an in-case kind of move if the opponent sends out something like Steelix or some other physical wall. My apologies for not understanding right away, KoL.

So, Eureka7, you can take from this discussion that you should use KoL's original setup.
[quote author=Gerudo Ganon link=topic=7145.msg128853#msg128853 date=1262555859]
Rapidash @ Life Orb
200 Attack/52 Sp.Attack/252 Speed
Flash Fire

- Flare Blitz
- Megahorn
- Return/Double-Edge/Hypnosis
- Overheat
firstly you should try to make its move set have different typed moves instead of just fire because if you come up against a ground or water typed you are EFd.

this is what I use on my rapidash.

flare blitz
mega horn

The first three are what I use mostly but the fourth is just for a pokemon with high normal defense.

Just noticed that Garudo Ganon has basically said the exact same thing as me :)


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
Just noticed that Garudo Ganon has basically said the exact same thing as me :)

...which means your post here is an absolute waste of time and space, doesn't it? Dialga and Palkia won't be pleased.

Feralagtr, Dyslexic Reindeer, whatever, you're walking on VERY thin ice with me now - I've warned you, both in words and as a punishment, for making pointless posts in the Clinic, and you do not seem to be learning from your mistakes. Keep this up and your future here will be cut very abruptly short.

Topic locked to prevent further pointlessness.
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