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DPPt/HGSS Rate my competitive team please?

Charizard - Lv.100 - Hardy - Mischievous - Blaze
HP-288 Atk-204 Def-193 SAt-264 SDe-198 Spd-280
Blast Burn-8PP
Heat Wave-10PP

Aggron - Lv.100 - Quirky - Somewhat stubborn - Rock Head
HP-264 Atk-232 Def-379 SAt-137 SDe-149 Spd-124
Metal Burst-10PP
Iron Tail-15PP
Fire Blast-5PP
Iron Head-15PP

Flygon - Lv.100 - Bold - Strong Willed - Levitate
HP-290 Atk-203 Def-184 SAt-191 SDe-195 Spd-210
Dragon Claw-15PP
Dragon Breath-20PP
Hyper Beam-5PP

Tyranitar - Lv.100 - Quirky - Good perserverance - Sand Stream
HP-321 Atk-302 Def-264 SAt-224 SDe-224 Spd-147
Stone Edge-5PP
Rock Slide-10PP
Hyper Beam-5PP

Salamence - Lv.100 - Rash - A little quick tempered - Intimidate
HP-327 Atk-316 Def-172 SAt-265 SDe-166 Spd-218
Dragon Pulse-10PP
Fire Blast-5PP

Blissey - Lv.100 - Gentle - Alert to sounds - Natural Cure
HP-670 Atk-47 Def-30 SAt-161 SDe-311 Spd-145
Double Slap-10PP
Egg Bomb-10PP

Thank you to anyone who comments.


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
No offense, but you wouldn't beat an egg with those movesets. Here's my take:

Since your Charizard seems like the Special Sweeper type, you could try a Sunny Day/Solarbeaming combo...

- Flamethrower
- Dragon Pulse
- SolarBeam
- Sunny Day

Aggron could have a defensive one since your defense is very high, something like this perhaps. Aggron's not a Pokemon I'm too familiar with using, so this set may not be the most amazing one in the world:

- Roar
- Stealth Rock
- Metal Burst/Iron Tail/Rest
- Metal Burst/Iron Tail/Rest

Flygon is a Pokemon I've used, but not one I can say I'm fond of. Here's a set for you.

- Return
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge

Tyranitar can learn a ridiculous number of moves. Here's essentially a modified version of my Electivire's moveset, just to show how diverse old T-Tar can be:

- Ice Fang
- Thunder Fang
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge

That said, it can learn far more moves than just those. Mess around with it and see what you find.

Salamence....since both my favourite movesets require breeding, this is kinda the best I can think of:

- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Fire Blast

Blissey needs work. With only 47 ATK, your Blissey may as well only have Refresh. Since you can't tutor it for Seismic Toss on D/P, here's the best you're probably going to get:

- Ice Beam
- Softboiled
- Toxic
- Thunderbolt

For building "teh movesetz," keep these simple guidelines into account:

- No two damaging moves of the same type in the same moveset. Basically, if your Charizard has Flamethrower, don't give it any more Fire-type moves, since it wastes your moveslots and essentially screws you if someone resistant to Fire (Magmortar) switches in on you.
- No two-turn moves. This means no Fly, no Blast Burn, no Hyper Beam etc. Fly is predictable, so the opponent will bring in someone resistant as soon as you take off. Blast Burn will hit for 150 x 1 power over two turns, since you have to recharge on the second turn. Flamethrower will hit for 95 x 2 over two turns which makes 190, so overall Flamethrower does more damage over the space of several turns than Blast Burn does, despite the lower power.
- Finally, make sure your moves are tailored to suit your stats. As I said earlier, Blissey with 47 ATK does not want physical moves of any sort bar Seismic Toss (which would always do 100 damage) so always check your stats to see what you're dealing with before making your moveset.

Also, what items are your Pokemon holding? It'll be easier to help you if we know what items you plan on using.

See what other people say as well though. This is just to get you started.


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
These are the sorts of items you're looking for...

For attack-oriented items:

- Choice Band/Choice Specs/Choice Scarf. They increase your Atk/Sp.Atk/Speed by 50% respectively, but only allow you to use the first move you choose unless you switch out. Good for attackers with all their moves being attack moves.
- Life Orb. Increases your attack moves' damage by around 30%, but your attack moves do 10% recoil damage in return. Good for a Pokemon who will likely die anyway if their move doesn't manage to finish the opponent.
- Muscle Band/Wise Glasses. Increase Atk/Sp.Atk by 10% respectively, with no drawbacks whatsoever.

For defense-oriented items:

- Leftovers. Recovers 1/16 of your max HP every turn. This item is, quite simply, awesome. Your Blissey will definitely want this item.
- Focus Sash. If your Pokemon would be OHKO'd from 100% health from an attack move, this will leave them alive with 1 HP left instead. May not seem like much, but can be devastating if used right.
- Black Sludge. Same as Leftovers, but for Poison-types only. It'll damage any other type that tries to use it.

Finally, the Berries:

- Liechi Berry. Ups ATK once your HP drops below 30%. Often used with Metagrosses that have Agility.
- Salac Berry. Ups Speed once your HP drops below 30%. This berry is the best in my opinion, and I currently use it on my Garchomp.

There are other Berries with effects similar to these, but these two are the most commonly used as far as I know.


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
I don't use items, I find them rather pointless. However, I have acess to countless items if need be.

So why did you post asking for your team to be rated, if you're going to completely ignore one of the most important parts of it? Your followup makes me feel bad that KingOfLucario spent so long typing his posts. It doesn't inspire me with any confidence that you're going to pay any attention to what he's said.

Your current team is poor, principally due to the fact you have multiple attacks of the same type on the same Pokemon. Please read Plapti's Explanation: Basics to a Competitive Team. Aggron doesn't need Iron Tail and Iron Head. Flygon doesn't need Dragon Claw and Dragon Breath. Tyranitar doesn't need Stone Edge and Rock Slide. Also, you have no moves that benefit Aggron's Rock Head ability. It should have Double-Edge at least.

I agree with KoL about your Blissey. It needs defensive and stat-building moves, not attack moves.

This is official notice that you have 24 hours to fix your team before asking for help again. Failing that, this thread will be locked.
ok... some of those I kinda can't get... unfortunately, my WiFi is down also so I can't get 'em that way either. But the ones I do have, I'll make sure to utilize. Thanks a bunch!