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DPPt/HGSS Rate My Team, Please

Item: Mystic Water
Take Down

Item: Leftovers
Body Slam

Item: Leftovers
Aura Sphere
Force Palm
Close Combat
Flash Cannon

Item: Mind Plate
Nasty Plot
Future Sight

Item: Leftovers
Trump Card
Take Down
Sand Attack
Last Resort

Item: Leftovers
Pay Day
Hidden Power

EDIT: Forgot to add that this is a fourth-generation team. It's mostly in-game but I use it for competitive too.
Lets see what I can do about this...

If Mudkip has a Jolly nature, It has its Speed upped while S. Attack is lowered. Surf and Mud Shot are no good. Go with Waterfall and EQ(It'll have to be bred on) and if you can't, Dig will work nicely in-game.

For competitive, Mudkip should elove into Swampert, but if you want my adviece on it, Post here again and I'll lend a hand.

Munchlax, If you can get Crunch, it works better other wise I'm going with Natural Gift. Make it hold Iapapa Berry and it'll be a Dark attack with 60 Base Power.

Lucario doesn't need Force Palm Aura Sphere and Close Combat. Keep Aura Sphere to go with Flash Cannon. Add Water Pulse if you can. If you can't USe either Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Psychic, Shadow Ball or Metal Sound.

Azelf, ditch Future Sight and Yawn. It has a great Special move pool, so Flamethrower covers its Bug Weakness. The last move is a filler. Possible moves are T-Bolt, Ice Beam and Shadow Ball.

Eevee can use Shadow Ball or Bite to fight Ghosts. Ditch Sand Attack for Shadow Ball. Put Dig to hit Steel and Rock types. Drop Last Resort or Take Down for it.

Meowth, what kind of HP does it have? Like Eevee, it shold have some means to hit ROck and Steel types and an attack to hit Ghosts.
Thanks for the help, what should I do if I want to keep Mudkip a Mudkip? And could you tell me where to get an Iapapa Berry? Besides picking, I mean--I picked all the berries for Poffins for my Feebas already.
Let's see....change my team around...and:

Take Down

(I'm not too keen on Dig...I really dislike Earthquake+Dig....)

Munchlax-I'm not sure what you mean. What does Crunch work better than?

Aura Sphere
Flash Cannon
Water Pulse
Dark Pulse

Ice Beam
Nasty Plot

Shadow Ball
Dig (But I'm not too sure on that...)
Take Down
Trump Card

Meowth-it has about 100 HP. I need to train it up...
Thanks for the help, what should I do if I want to keep Mudkip a Mudkip? And could you tell me where to get an Iapapa Berry? Besides picking, I mean--I picked all the berries for Poffins for my Feebas already.
Let's see....change my team around...and:

Take Down

(I'm not too keen on Dig...I really dislike Earthquake+Dig....)
Mudkip wants to be a Swampert DESPARTELY. When it does evolve, replace Take Down and Protect for Brick Break and Stone Edge.

Munchlax-I'm not sure what you mean. What does Crunch work better than? Evolve as soon as possible.

Aura Sphere
Flash Cannon
Water Pulse
Dark Pulse
Flash Cannon? No, no, no. Replace for Dragon Pulse.

Ice Beam
Nasty Plot
Shadow Ball > Nasty Plot. Azelf's high SpAtk doesn't need to be raised. You're better off saving yourself from Gengar and the occasional Slowking, which both otherwise destroy Azelf.

Shadow Ball
Dig (But I'm not too sure on that...)
Take Down
Trump Card
Evolve into Umbreon or Leafeon. Your team NEEDS something that can take a hit.
Meowth-it has about 100 HP. I need to train it up... Meowth is the last thing your team needs. Replace for something decent.
Sorry my bad. Over Lick. Ghost and Dark cover the exact same types.

@The_Bear735, it said it's mostly in-game so it doesn't matter what the Pokemon are or EVs. Only the Attacks matter.
The_Bear, I have said already I want to keep Mudkip a Mudkip. Munchlax I think I'll evolve, but what's wrong with Flash Cannon on Lucario? I'd like Eevee to stay an Eevee, and, in the way of Meowth, what IS 'decent'?
He just hasn't read it yet. Ignore him. Flash Cannon is a Steel-type attack but it only hits two types of Pokemon for Super-Effective hits. Fighting hits those types already. He's saying that Steel-type attacks have limited coverage. Dragon Pulse just hits Dragon-types hard. And the thing about Meowth, he's saying use another Normal-type Pokemon that is in the OU category.


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
The_Bear, I have said already I want to keep Mudkip a Mudkip. Munchlax I think I'll evolve, but what's wrong with Flash Cannon on Lucario? I'd like Eevee to stay an Eevee, and, in the way of Meowth, what IS 'decent'?
Don't worry, he's been removed for his obnoxious attitude. 'Charms doesn't need the superpowered "my team is better than yours" type here. There's a reason that moveset names like Tyraniboah and Curselax are banned :).

If you want to keep Mudkip and Eevee as they are, that's perfectly fine - it's your game, and you can play it how you like. Unfortunately, some people will look down on you for it. The thing to do is just not battle them - or even better, battle them and win ;D. Do you want a pure power competitive team that is so pumped up with macho Pokemon as to be idiotproof (Earthquake Earthquake Aura Sphere Earthquake), or do you want to have fun playing the Pokemon that you prefer? Personally, I'm all for building the most powerful team possible within the Pokemon that people want to use - but sometimes, in giving advice, I forget that.

Plapti is right - "decent" means one of the pkmn that has high base stats, so is severely over-used. Meh.

Now, the main problem I see with Meowth is that it has two Normal-type moves (Pay Day and Slash), as well as a Hidden Power of unknown Type and Power. Do you have any idea what your Meowth's HP is? (Yes, I see Plapti already asked that, I'm asking you as well ;)). I know that Pay Day is Meowth's signature attack, but you might want to switch it out for one of the Dark-type attacks that Meowth can learn in the 4th Gen. They're powerful against Ghost-types. Bizarrely, Meowth can also learn Aerial Ace, if the 'Charms Dex isn't lying to me - well - that would be an unexpected move! Also, Flying is Super Effective against Fighting types, giving your Normal-type Meowth a bit more protection.

I think Iapapa Berries are included in the berries that the Berry Master to the west of Hearthome City gives out. However, he gives out only one berry each day, and it's random what you'll get. It may take you a while to pick up the Iapapa Berry, if you can't trade with anyone.
OK. Let's see. Fix my team around...now I have some new questions and answers.

@baratron: Which dark-type moves for Meowth? I know there are a few, which is best?
I'd like an idiotproof team, without evolving anything (except Snorlax...it's helping more now that it's evolved). Meowth's HP is now about 150.

@Plapti: Is Flash Cannon good? I am a little confused by your post.

And, @anyone else who's going to say I should use a different, OU-category Pokemon: NO.
It's a good move, but not for competitve battling, that's all. Sorry, I forgot I'm always talking to veterans about team building. Steel it self isn't a great attacking type, but hits almost every type for Neutral damage, so don't worry about it. Most people don't like Steel attacks because they only hit Rock and Ice types for super-effective hits. And it's even more overshadowed when Lucario can use Fighting attacks and gets STAB from it.

As for a Dark-type attack, Night Slash if you want power or Faint Attack if you always want an assured hit.
@plapti: OK, thanks, I'll try Night Slash over Slash...or simply add the 'Night' to it.

@baratron: oh, holy cow, Meowth CAN learn Aerial Ace! Yay! So that's going over Pay Day, now the moves are:
Night Slash
Aerial Ace
Hidden Power

@bl00d555: um...that doesn't really help me...and they're all level 100 by the way.
Levles don't matter for team attacks. And I'm still wondering what Hidden Power you have? If it's a really obscure one, let me know and I can find a good attack to go in for it.


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Don't advertise your own thread in someone else's. >> People will help you when they feel like it, not when you tell them to. So you're getting a warning for spam, Shayne.
Levles don't matter for team attacks. And I'm still wondering what Hidden Power you have? If it's a really obscure one, let me know and I can find a good attack to go in for it.

I'm not sure how you figure that out, could someone tell me? It's on Meowth so I figure it'd be normal-type, but I'm not sure.


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
I'm not sure how you figure that out, could someone tell me? It's on Meowth so I figure it'd be normal-type, but I'm not sure.

Ah. The Type and Power of Hidden Power depends on the Pokemon's hidden IV stats (that it starts with), and can only be determined if you know them :-\. It's not as easy as being a Normal-type move because it's on a Normal-type Pokemon, unfortunately.

The easiest way to find out the Type of your Hidden Power is to fight a Kecleon, as Kecleon's Color Change ability will change its Type to match the Type of the move you just used. (Or, if Hidden Power won't hit it, you know your HP is Ghost-type). This is only useful if you already know your Hidden Power has a decent amount of power, though :-\.

What I'd probably recommend, then, is that you go for Meowth having the moveset:
Slash - NORMAL, gets STAB (so has base power 105)
Night Slash - DARK, high critical hit ratio
Aerial Ace - FLYING, never miss
It's fighting-type, I just figured it out. But I think I'll go with slash/night slash/AA/substitute.

Now, for Azelf: should I keep Nasty Plot?
I didn't mention it, but keep Nasty Plot. Nasty Plot works with Psychic, Flamethrower/Focus Blast and another filler move that's special. Nasty Plot really increses its Special Attack to be 2X higher. You'll get hit on turn you use it but, you'll destroy everything after that.


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
What indeed. Another warning for spam. Not off to a great start are we? =)
I was going to make a new team for this, then I learned that it's alright to bump your own Clinic topic.
Anyway, I somehow restarted my game without knowing it. Now I'm getting ready to take on the Elite Four (again), but I've tried several times and I can't. Can you make a better team out of these pokemon BEFORE the Elite Four and without changing natures?

Bronzong@Exp. Share (needs his level up a bit)
Jolly Nature
Future Sight
Gyro Ball

My shield but I guess that's obvious.

Azelf@Amulet Coin
Naive Nature
Future Sight
Nasty Plot

Palkia (no item)
Relaxed Nature
Water Pulse
Ancient Power
Dragon Claw
Spacial Rend

This guy needs work, but I'm not sure what to do.

Torterra@Earth Plate
Bold Nature
Razor Leaf

I know I need to get rid of Strength but I'm not sure what to replace it with. The Earth Plate is to power up Earthquake, no other purpose.

Empoleon (no item)
Quiet Nature
Brick Break
Rock Smash

I look at this and I'm wondering what was I thinking.

Infernape@Yache Berry
Careful Nature
Shadow Claw
Flame Wheel
Close Combat
Rock Climb

Not sure what to replace Rock Climb with :p.

So...any improvements that can be made?
Psychic or Extrasensory over Future Sight maybe?
Heal Block over Block as well?

Psychic or Extrasensory over Confusion.
Then I like Flamethrower/Thunderbolt/Ice Beam/Shadow Ball/Energy Ball/U-Turn over Future Sight and Uproar. Take you pick

Looks fine.

Wood Hammer over Razor Leaf?
Strength is okay for in-game, but Stone Edge or Curse is an option.

How about Drill Peck over Rock Smash?

If you don't mind the recoil, Flare Blitz is worth it.
How about Stone Edge or Aerial Ace or Earthquake over Rock Climb?

Hope that helped.
Heres my help for competitive battleing...

Bronzeong: platpi's moves for him are fine, you should give him the leftovers for an item.
Azelf: Again, platpi's moves for him are fine, an item could be wise glasses.
Palkia @Lusterus Orb
Relaxed (theres better natures, but with him being a legendary theres not much you can do about it.)
Spacial Rend/Dragon Pulse (I prefere spacial rend, but thats just me...)
Aura Sphere/Earth Power/Ice Beam/Thunderbolt/Flamethrower
Aura Sphere/Earth Power/Ice Beam/Thunderbolt/Flamethrower

Spacial Rend/Dragon Pulse and Surf for STAB attacks. The rest is for coverage. Aura sphere never misses and has lots of coverage. Earth Power has coverage against poision and fire and others. Ice beam for dragons (a lot of them with 4x weaknesses). Thunderbolt for water and flying types. Flamethrower has decent coverage. All of them are powerful and have lots of coverage, so pick the moves that best suit your team.

Torterra @leftovers
Adamant (+atk -sp. atk)/ Impish (+def -sp.atk)
Seed Bomb (you have to breed for it)/ Wood hammer
Stone Edge/Rock Slide

Earthquake and seed bomb/wood hammer for STAB attacks. Stone edge/Rock Slide for coverage againt flyings and fire types. Crunch for coverage.

Empoleon @Wise Glasses
Modest (+sp. atk -atk)
Flash Cannon
Ice Beam
Grass Knot/ HP Grass/Electric

Surf and Flash Cannon for obvious STABs. Ice Beam for brilliant coverage. Grass Knot? Hidden power grass/ electric are all for coverage against water pokemon.

Infernape @focus Sash
Adamant (+atk -sp. atk)
Brick Break/ Close Combat
Fire Punch (need to breed)/ Blaze Kick (need to breed also)/ Flare blitz/ Flamethrower (probley the one youll least want to go for with adamant...)
Earthquake/ U-turn
Stone Edge/ Rock Slide/ Thunder Puch (you need to breed to get it)

Brick Break/ Close Combat for STAB. So is Fire Punch/ Blaze Kick/ Flare Blitz/ Flamethrower. Earthquake is for coverage. U-turn is to esape, while doing some damage. Stone Edge/ Rock Slide/ Thunder Punch is so you dont get walled by flying @dragon types; They also get some coverage.

Thats my help for your team when against competitive teams.
Mudskipper did say it was for in-game, so you don't need to give advice about competitve Carlos. And it also mentioned, no egg moves, so why mention them?

But some items might have been useful right?

Bronzong: Leftovers or the Occa Berry
Azelf: Wise Glasses
Palkia: Lustrious Orb
Torterra: Earth Plate/Yache Berry
Empoleon: Wacan/Chopple Berry
Infernape: Shuca/Payapa/Passho Berry

Hope that helped.
It said on Mudskippers first post: "This is mostly in-game, but I use it for competitive too". Thats the reason why I gave help for competitive.
Yes it did, but not on Mudskipper's latest post.

I was going to make a new team for this, then I learned that it's alright to bump your own Clinic topic.
Anyway, I somehow restarted my game without knowing it. Now I'm getting ready to take on the Elite Four (again), but I've tried several times and I can't. Can you make a better team out of these pokemon BEFORE the Elite Four and without changing natures?

Y'know, after I think about it, Gyro Ball might not be that useful for Bronzong...Hypnosis might be better and Psychic/Extrasensory and Earthquake can provide most of the attacks. It is meant to take hits right?

As a point Aura Sphere is learnt at Level 90 for Palkia, so not a great option. If you can, Earth Power is at Level 60, so that one should be somewhat easy to get right? Being a Legendary in-game, the Physical/Special split of moves doesn't matter. You've got potions to run off of anyways.
Thank you Plapti. :)
So, anyway, is there any other item that Bronzong and Palkia could have? My sister traded me the Palkia and she sold the Lustrious Orb :p. And I don't have any Occa Berries or Leftovers, and I have no way of getting them as my WiFi is down.
Th Girl in the last house before the swamp in Pasatoria gives out berries like the Occa Berry. If you're lucky enough, she'll give you the Occa Berry. If you have it, the Shell Bell can work for in-game.
Bumping again. :p
I want to make a team out of only Eeveelutions for a Wi-Fi battle. Eevee itself is allowed but its evolutions are preferred. I need type weaknesses pretty much covered.
I don't need movesets yet, first I need to decide on the Pokemon themselves. My idea of a team would be like this:

What do you guys think? If possible, can you recommend natures, too? I don't actually have the Eevees bred yet so everything's flexible.
Ghost and Dark cover the exact same types.

Not true, ghosts are weak to dark types. Dark types are unaffected by Phychic based attacks. And, phychics do normal damage to ghost, and none to dark, both Ghost and Dark types can fairly easily take a quick advantage whilst fighting a Phsychic type :-\... Sorry, but i get picky over people not using correct type advantages w/ ghost pokemon...
Please don't do that again. I am the Clinic Slave. I know what I am doing. If you were somewhat paying attention, you would know what I mean. They hit the exact same types for super-effective Damage. Not the type of the Pokemon, the type of the attack. Now please don't do what you just did again. Consider this as a warning.