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DPPt/HGSS RX has a team to rate?

Okay, so I probably won't be carrying these Pokemon into any Wi-Fi battles anytime soon, much less actually partake of a Wi-Fi battle of any sort with the limited access to a DS, specifically, a friend of mine's.

However, I'd still like to come up with some sort of moveset for the team my sig is currently displaying. If anything, I could probably take a whack at the Elite Four with it. I am aware that story battles are immensely different from online battles with a fair few advantages, but I'd still like to see how my own judgment for movesets and the like would turn out. Take note of a severe lack of notes on held items. I'd like to ask for help in filling in those spaces.

Adamant Nature
6 HP/ 252 Attack/ 252 Speed

Volt Tackle
Brick Break
Grass Knot

Volt Tackle is the obvious STAB choice, while Brick Break takes care of Rock and Steel types who love to use Earthquake. Grass Knot's just there for Ground types who do not possess a typing that is weak against Brick Break. Although I wonder if the Nature affects Grass knot or if it is simply by the Pokemon's weight and nothing more. Rest as a means to gain back what was lost from Volt Tackle.

Impish Nature
252 HP/ 152 Attack/ 106 Def

Wood Hammer
Stealth Rock
Leech Seed

I must admit, in all the battles I've seen with a Torterra, they're all fairly annoying. So Wood Hammer and Earthquake for STAB, and Leech Seed as recovery move. For even more annoyance, I decided to designate Torterra as the Stealth Rocker.

Jolly Nature
6 HP/ 252 Attack/ 252 Speed

Ice Fang
Rain Dance
Toxic/Baton Pass

It is apparent I have awful taste in Pokemon. So Waterfall and Ice Fang cannot compare in power to Surf and Ice Beam respectively, but with Floatzel's attack stat it can somewhat compensate. Rain Dance is in consideration of Raichu in the team, as well as to make use of Floatzel's ability, and the lack of a priority move. Toxic is pretty much there to keep Electric types from reaping the benefits of Rain Dance while Baton pass is an alternative for it to switch out to Raichu or Torterra in such a scenario.

Adamant Nature
6 HP/ 252 Attack/ 252 Speed

Night Slash
Drill Peck

Hmm, I didn't have much going when I decided on Honchkrow. Night Slash is there to make use of its Super Luck and Roost to compensate for crappy defenses. Pursuit simply to chase after switching Pokemon and Drill Peck for more STAB.

252 HP/ 53 Attack/ 53 Def/ 152 SDef

Attack Order
Aerial Ace/ Power Gem
Roost/ Heal Order

It has also become apparent how much I love Poison moves. Attack Order and Aerial Ace function as STAB, where Aerial Ace is more of a surprise move for the usually slow-moving Vespiquen. Power Gem is there as it is the only way for Vespiquen to counter Flying types outside completely avoiding them. Toxic takes into consideration Vespiquen's defenses that are unusual for a Pokemon of its typing. It can be replaced for U-turn as a means to escape while dealing damage. Roost is there to get rid of its part flying type to lighten the blow and recover her HP. Heal Order is simply easier to obtain and is possibly used in conjunction with U-turn.

Timid Nature
6 HP/ 252 Sp. Attack/ 252 Speed

Water Pulse
Aura Sphere
Flash Cannon

Water Pulse is obviously directed at Fire and Ground types and stands to benefit from Floatzel's Rain Dance. Aura Sphere and Flash Cannon act as STAB moves and Psychic counters Fighting types.


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Rawr! Sem is actually posting in the clinic. :o *cracks fingers and gets started*

While Grass Knot does has its advantages, I think they'd be severely weakened by an Adamant nature. You could take Raichu a few ways. I was always fond of special Rai's, as awesome as Volt Tackle is, that recoil damage is nasty. >> On a special Rai you could have;

-Thunderbolt/Thunder (Thunder because you have Rain Dance)
-Focus Blast
-Grass Knot
-Nasty Plot
EVs: 252 Special Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP

A Modest or Timid nature would be the prime choice for this set. The only disadvantage of it is that while Rai keeps the Fighting-type move to counter Rocks and Steels, Focus Blast has not so pretty accuracy.

You could also go for a mixed set.

-Thunderbolt/Thunder/Volt Tackle
-Brick Break
-Grass Knot
-Nasty Plot/Rest
EVs: 252 Speed, 126 Attack, 126 Special Attack, with the remaining 4 in HP or one of the attack stats.

The nature for this one would be Hasty, to give Rai more Speed at the cost of its already non-existent Defense, leaving both attack stats untouched, allowing you to put some EVs into Special Attack. 126 EVs in attack stats doesn't seem like much but as this team in pretty well in-game only, it will do fine. Options instead of Hasty would be any of the neutral natures. (Hardy, Docile, Serious, Bashful, Quirky)

As for Torterra. I see you had Volt Tackle on Raichu which means you're willing to breed, however a Volt Tackling Rai is not hard to get pre-E4... I'm not sure what you have access to but I'll suggest it anyway; Seed Bomb. Something I like much better than Wood Hammer, because of the recoil damage. Of course you do have Leech Seed so that can take care of that. Rock Slide is an option instead of Stealth Rock simply because without it you'd be defenseless against Flying and Bug-types.

As for Floatzel. Toxic isn't really needed. Nor is Baton Pass really, since its in-game switching shouldn't be a problem. In that slot's place I suggest Dig, since the AI doesn't switch and allows you defense against Electric-types, and because of Floatzel's wonderful Attack stat, makes it possible for you to dispatch said Electric-type. Also for an item, with some effort you could find a Wet Stone in the underground to extend Floaty's Rain Dance.

Honchy >> *twitch* looks good.

-Attack Order
-Aerial Ace
-Toxic/Confuse Ray
-Roost/Heal Order/Defend Order
EVs: 4 HP, 252 Attack, 126 Defense, 126 Special Defense

Power Gem simply wouldn't be worth it imo; switching out would be the best way to go. Toxic is one of my loves and works nicely, but Confuse Ray can also be devastating, as anyone who's battled against me WiFi can attest to. xD Roost does have the advantage if minimizing the damage from an Electric/Ice/Rock-type (Even though Rock would still hurt >>;) move however since 'quen is so slow you'll often find the damage has already been done, same reason I didn't put U-Turn up there. Defend Order offers a nice boost to her already nice defensive powers.


-Aura Sphere
-Water Pulse
-Dragon Pulse

Nature is good. I excluded Flash Cannon simply because its rendered useless by Aura Sphere. The Fighting-type takes care of everything Steel does and more, making Flash Cannon just a weaker and not as effective Aura Sphere, meaning its just wasting space. Now while terribly common on Lucario, Dragon Pulse is the way to go, decent power and turns Lucario into an effective dragon-slayer.

Hope this helps, RX ^_^