I might have been laughing this entire video, not out of excitement or anything like that, but for the silliness factor.
Drampa evokes images of Puff the Magic Dragon in my head which is bloody damn hilarious. The Normal/Dragon-typing is so out there I love it. Everything about this Pokemon is ridiculous which makes it wonderful. Depending on what else Alola has to offer, this guy might just make it to the team.
Charjabug just has to be a Grubbin evo or I'm calling hax. The fact that we actually get to see it evolve into Vikavolt was a nice treat since the new evolution cinematic is really cool. I'm also quite fond of these insects as a whole for being a really derpy cube and sleek battleship insect respectively.
I laugh at Bruxish every time I see it. I don't think it's ugly one bit, but those gnarly teeth and flamboyant colors amuse me to no end. I constantly have to ask "Are you real?" The fact that the answer is yes is hilarious.
Togedemaru is about as unimpressive as the other obligatory Pikaclones and it's name is a mouthful. Moving on.
Cutiefly invokes the same "Are you real?" reaction as Bruxish but this time it's simply for being ridiculously cute. I know it's a Bug/Fairy-type but I keep wanting to see it as a hummingbird.
And then there's Tapu Koko. Not only is this the only Pokemon that I can think of off the top of my head with a space in its name, it's design is crazy awesome. Game Freak seems to be getting really creative with some of the Legendaries lately. Given the chance I would love to win Tapu Koko's loyalty as part of my team. Or maybe there will be an even more badass Legendary waiting on another island.
On the subject of Legendaries, is no one going to comment on the fact that Zygarde 50% achieved perfection at the end of the trailer? A Hidden Ability perhaps? Could this mean Zygarde can be caught in S&M?