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Shiny Dialga, Palkia And Giratina Event Announced For Fifth


Eevee Tamer
Staff member
We may have had a lot of news to do with the sixth generation games, Pokémon X and Pokémon Y, lately but for owners of the fifth generation Pokémon games in the US and UK, today has brought an exciting announcement of a special event giving you the chance to get your hands on a shiny Dialga, Palkia and Giratina. If you wish to know more, then read on!

The event had been rumoured a few days ago, however this morning UK video game store GAME confirmed that they would be hosting the events in all their stores across the UK giving Pokémon fans everywhere a chance to get their hands on these shiny legendaries. They confirmed that the event will be running forPokémon Black, Pokémon White, Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2, and fans won't have to pre-order a copy of Pokémon X or Pokémon Y before downloading any of the event Pokémon.

For fans in the US the official Pokémon Facebook page has confirmed that the events will be held throughoutGamestop stores, however the dates of the events differ slightly from those in the UK.

The dates of the events are as follows:


In the UK from the 30th of August until the 12th of September fans will be able to download a shiny Dialga, in the US the event will run from the 19th of August until the 8th of September.


From the 13th of September until the 26th of September GAME will be giving you the chance to get your hands on a shiny Palkia, in the US the event will run from the 9th of September until the 29th of September.


Finally, from the 27th of September until the 11th of October, the day before Pokémon X and Pokémon Y get released on the 12th, GAME will be letting you download a shiny Giratina, the event will run in the US from the 30th of September until the 20th of October.
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Re: Shiny Dialga, Palkia And Giratina Event Announced For Fi

Oooh cool I'll probably try to get at least one of these. Then I'll stuff it into my PC and never use it.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Re: Shiny Dialga, Palkia And Giratina Event Announced For Fi

Shiny Palkia scares me but I dig the other two! Just crossing my fingers that my local EBGames picks up these distributions too. :)


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Re: Shiny Dialga, Palkia And Giratina Event Announced For Fi

The nearest GAME to me is a good drive away, so unless I'm already heading in that direction on those dates I doubt I'll pick them up. Might be nice to get at least one though mind, so we'll see~
Re: Shiny Dialga, Palkia And Giratina Event Announced For Fi

This sucks... I live in Canada, and unfortunately Canada does not have Gamestop. If only there was something in my hometown were I could get these... :( Oh well, maybe next time.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Re: Shiny Dialga, Palkia And Giratina Event Announced For Fi

Amyel_Kitten said:
This sucks... I live in Canada, and unfortunately Canada does not have Gamestop. If only there was something in my hometown were I could get these... :( Oh well, maybe next time.

Fear not, fellow Canadian! Nintendo of Canada's Facebook page has confirmed that the three shiny distributions will also be coming to Canadian EBGames stores. :)

And I quote:
Nintendo of Canada
Get an extremely rare Shiny Dialga, Shiny Palkia, and Shiny Giratina for only a limited time at EB Games stores:
8/30-9/12 – Shiny Dialga
9/13-9/26 – Shiny Palkia
9/27-10/11 – Shiny Giratina

In other words, we're getting the distributions at the exact same time that the US is. Even though I assumed that we would be getting 'em (we've gotten most all of the US GameStop distributions for ages now, which makes sense since EBGames is part of the GameStop Corporation) it's still nice having it officially confirmed. :8B: