I've been mostly healthy for the last couple of weeks. Realised that living off toast & breakfast cereal was doing me the power of no good, and invented my own ultra low fat diet, which has included such delights as fatfree chocolate brownies and pancakes made with flour & low-fat soy yogurt & no oil. (Hooray for being able to cook is my motto).
But despite everything I've got sick again, and I am in complete & utter agony. have pain in several places: under my rib where my gall bladder is, all along the top of my abdomen where my large intestine is, in my back quite low down on either side, and really low down crampy pain that felt like period pain (except it isn't). The strongest painkillers they'll prescribe (Paracetamol + dihydrocodeine + 100 mg of Tramadol every 4 hours) aren't even touching it . My entire abdomen is on fire.
Been to the hospital twice in 2 days. My blood tests show no sign of infection and my liver function test was normal, yet I am in so much pain I can hardly even describe it. Can't eat a thing - it hurts even to drink water. Got to take one more dose of Tramadol in an hour, and if that doesn't help go back to hospital to get admitted for a few days of morphine.
I don't want to have to go into hospital - it's insanely boring and isolating (no internet, and although there's a phone above the beds it costs a ridiculous amount to make calls), and you don't get enough sleep with all the noise. But I can't go on like this. I'm back to the stage where the month's wait for the surgery seems like a lifetime away
I've been mostly healthy for the last couple of weeks. Realised that living off toast & breakfast cereal was doing me the power of no good, and invented my own ultra low fat diet, which has included such delights as fatfree chocolate brownies and pancakes made with flour & low-fat soy yogurt & no oil. (Hooray for being able to cook is my motto).
But despite everything I've got sick again, and I am in complete & utter agony. have pain in several places: under my rib where my gall bladder is, all along the top of my abdomen where my large intestine is, in my back quite low down on either side, and really low down crampy pain that felt like period pain (except it isn't). The strongest painkillers they'll prescribe (Paracetamol + dihydrocodeine + 100 mg of Tramadol every 4 hours) aren't even touching it . My entire abdomen is on fire.
Been to the hospital twice in 2 days. My blood tests show no sign of infection and my liver function test was normal, yet I am in so much pain I can hardly even describe it. Can't eat a thing - it hurts even to drink water. Got to take one more dose of Tramadol in an hour, and if that doesn't help go back to hospital to get admitted for a few days of morphine.
I don't want to have to go into hospital - it's insanely boring and isolating (no internet, and although there's a phone above the beds it costs a ridiculous amount to make calls), and you don't get enough sleep with all the noise. But I can't go on like this. I'm back to the stage where the month's wait for the surgery seems like a lifetime away