This trading post may seem useless to most, but it can be useful to others. I distribute the pokemon that are easy to find for those people who either can't get certain pokemon in their version, or for people who are too lazy to go out and look. No offence. ;D The pokemon you will recieve may vary in level depending where it was caught. I accept any special order you may have,and I will try to fill it as soon as I can if possible. I have a very busy schedule right now and may be absent for days at a time, but I will answer any questions appropriately.
I'm not picky when it comes to what I am offered, but please, NO HACKED POKEMON!!!
My current list of simple pokemon for trade are:
This list is subject to change. Thanks
Also if I can be provided with a ditto, this list will greatly expand, thanks.
I'm not picky when it comes to what I am offered, but please, NO HACKED POKEMON!!!
My current list of simple pokemon for trade are:
This list is subject to change. Thanks
Also if I can be provided with a ditto, this list will greatly expand, thanks.