Greetings.I am new here but do not think of me as a newb who has no clue what this site is.I have been watching this site for about a year!I have finally decided to join this forum.I come from Pokemon ONline the beta version of a pokemon mmorpg.There are many members there but not as much as there are here.They are strict in the people who can handmake their own banners,trainer cards and sprites.I myself am a senior member (100 POsts) there.I dont have 100 though.I have 550.I am making my own mmorpg there as well and own my own forum.Why i am telling you all this?I am because I wish to show you I am expirienced in making graphics and stuff.I am no good at banners but I dont beleive any of you care do you?Instead I make trainer cards and handmade sprites.Why you want these?How the heck am I supposed to know.I make them for my game.Be creative!Mabe you just want me to make something and you laugh at it.Or you want me just to show off.Or perhaps you are intrested in seeing if im good or not.And have no intentions of mocking me or trying to get my feelings hurt.Well I hope you arnt mocking me.Oh well I can expect that seeing as how I am a newb in this forum.If any of these Items I am mentioning here is of unimportance dont post here.If it is of something you dont really care about dont post here.Lastly if this is something against the rules tell me so I can get rid of this.
Slhx ;D
Slhx ;D