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Open Smash Bros. Ultimate: Galeon's Revenge.

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(First some notes. I'm inviting everyone I've done a smash rp with, because some of them have died, and some people were forgotten. If I didn't get you, feel free to still join.)

In an alternate universe, something different from world of light has happened. Galeem and Dharkon have fused together to make Galeon, and the world will be ruins. Many turned to stone, clobed, and left to be nothing. But, a small group of survivors manage to pull through this torture, and rise up to fight against Galeon. But, will they suceed.....or die trying?

Okay, this will be my biggest attempt at making a Smash Rp yet! (Brother: But you only made one, which died like a month ago. [His real words.] ) Well, screw it, I'm trying again! So, some notes on Galeon, the main villain.
-He can see past, present, and future.
-Instead of light beams, he turns people to stone.
-the clones he makes from stone people are pitch black, have white eyes, and have the rainbow glow around them.
-He is a fusion of Galeem and Dharkon.
- He is extremely powerful.

@Lillipup07 @ThatJustin’sASpy! @UnovaTrainerGlacier @Lightning-the-emolga @Shocking Trainer Zipz! @Skyst @ManyAchievables

Characters and Rules for them.
-3 people max.
-One can survive at the beginning, and only one.
-Alternate skins are allowed, but must have a creative name, and count as their own character.
Inkling (Me)
Blue (Me)
Sonic (Me)
Pichu (@Lightning-the-emolga )
Kirby (@Lightning-the-emolga )
Roy (@ManyAchievables )
villager (@Lillipup07 )
Lucas (@Lillipup07 )
Ness (@Lillipup07 )
Jigglypuff (@Shocking Trainer Zipz! ) [named Puffball, sleepy hat alt.]
Corrin (Female)[ @UnovaTrainerGlacier ]
Zero Suit Samus (@Skyst )
Meta Knight (@Shocking Trainer Zipz! )
Robin (Male) [ @Azelfie ]
Richter (@Azelfie )
Mii Brawler ( @Jacob5678 )
Wolf (@TheFartingFish1 )
Rathalos (me)
My characters were added, and I'll either make my own drawing of Galeon, or someone else can. Please join, and that's really all. Oh, but, no OC's without my permission, and for those who don't know, my person, Blue, is the Blue Inkling Boy, while Inkling is the Orange Inkling Girl. Just saying. Now that's all.
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I drew Galeon! Forgot to put how to pronounce it. {Gail-On.} Okay, so, here it is!

Sorry, it's really blurry....


  • IMG_20190316_190459.jpg
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Previously Possibilit
I'll be...I guess JigglyPAFF. I played hi- I mean her a few times and I really enjoyed Hi- Her. I want the sleepy hat aswell


Previously Possibilit
Actually I kinda want Pikachu and Jigglypuff....I just like Pokemon :T (NOW I WANT TO BE GRENINJA!? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME)


Previously Luma_Star
I think I'm more comfortable with one character. Can I have Zero Suit Samus? And when actually RPing, can you call her Samus?


Previously Possibilit
Ok so..if I want the sleepy hat Jigglypuff I have to name my Puff ball? F L U F F .

Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
Okay, i think marx should be stronger and different, like marx soul. Same for the other bosses since its both galeem and darkon


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
It's interesting on how Sakurai added his attacks. It's so clean and amazingly accurate, but I'll keep Marx as he is.

Also I'm listening to his boss theme right now in class lol.


Previously Possibilit
But...exactly how? Is it like the World of Light where you have to unlock them by collecting there spirit?
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