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Sonic the Hedgehog Comics.

Has Anyone heard or even read them? They're very cool.
I mean he's being made by Archie Comics & they are still being printed and made til this day hence being called the longest comic based on a video game.
Almost to issue 200 and they already have a sub comic going more in depth into the Comic's story.
I've read a few. The Sonic the Hedgehog animated series is loosely based on the comics. (By that I mean SatAM, thus called because it came on Saturday morning.) Sonic was voiced by erm... can't remember his name but he was Steve Erkale on Family Matters.

You can get the box set of all the episodes at Walmart/F.Y.E. or the like. It's entertaining and the better of the three series. (Other two being The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic Underground which was okay.)