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Name: Lysia-Ann

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Ambition: ???

Appearance: A petite figure, at only 4"9, with black hair almost as long as she is tall, narrow-rimmed glasses, and pale brown skin. Her soft features were both a blessing and a curse. The sculpting arm of time had yet to smooth away her childish features, and while that gave her naturally cute looks, it was in the form of appearing 5 years younger than she actually was. Lysia was thus the definition of 'puerile'. This was not helped by her preference for loose clothing as she often wore sweaters, four sizes too large, with the occasional pair of either jeans or a pleated skirt. 

Personality: As book-wormish as her appearance would suggest, Lysia personality isn't far from it. She's a rare occasion of a book that can be judged by its cover. She's straight-laced and studious. Her small figure and passive approach can cause her to seem timid, but when provoked, she can show uncharacteristic ferocity.

Backstory: -Pending-


The Skeletal bios of Titus' sister, the rest is still in the works, but we do want to get this RP started!
