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DPPt/HGSS Stall Team... (Very Big Post)

Well...stalling is fun in all. And really annoying. Let's have a go at this shall we? Y'never know, I might try this sometime.

Lead off Pokemon: Togekiss / Porygon 2 / Scizor
Spinner: Claydol / Starmie / Forretress
Hazard Setter: Skarmory / Forretress
Physical Wall: Gliscor / Porygon 2 / Dusknoir / Miltank / Skarmory
Special Wall: Bronzong / Porygon 2 / Vaporeon / Lanturn / Umbreon
Passer: Umbreon / Gliscor / Vaporeon / Scizor / Togekiss
Sole Mixed Sweeper: Garchomp / Lucario / Furret

Pokemon that can double with support moves: Claydol, Bronzong, Vaporeon, Togekiss, Scizor, Umbreon

Lead off Pokemon:

Togekiss@Chesto/Lum Berry
Bold Nature
Serene Grace
252 HP / 200 Def / 56 S.Def
-Psycho Shift
-Thunder Wave/Baton Pass/Shadow Ball/Air Slash
-Aura Sphere/Thunder Wave

Status absorber. Chesto to really use Psycho Shift. Instant wake up from sleep. Risky if they try again, but other statuses can be passed back with Psycho Shift. Lum can cure it on a switch into Togekiss if I switch 'Kiss out later, giving me more versitility.
Roost for instant healing, but Wish can be passed with Baton Pass, and give team healing.
Thunder Wave for more team support in general.
Shadow Ball and Aura Sphere give a nice combo in attack, and run off of a nice S.Atk. Air Slash gets STAB and a nice 60% flinch rate.

EVs are meant to take hits from both sides of the spectrum. Not doing any calcs. Too lazy to.

Togekiss here is not meant for Sweeping. It has a nice S.Atk, but it gets Psycho Shift, making it quite handy.

Scizor@Lum Berry
Impish Nature
Technician Ability
176 HP / 56 EVs (+ 4 Spd EVs for every 1 IV point away from 31) / Rest into S.Def
-Bullet Punch
-Light Screen/Knock Off

Roost for obvious reasons.
U-Turn to scout opponents.
Bullet Punch for it Base 90 Atk with STAB and Tech boost.
Light Screen to lessen S.Def damage.
Knock Off to mess around with walls.

EVs: Scizor is meant to take hits from both sides. Since his Defense is high enough, I'll invest the S.Def. And the Spd EVs are used to out run Shedinja, though they can be placed into Def or Atk if desired)

Porygon 2@Lum Berry/Leftovers
Bold Nature
Trace Ability
252 HP / 120 Def / 40 (+4 for every one IV point away from 31) S.Atk / Rest into Def or S.Def
-Ice Beam
-Magic Coat/Thunder Wave

Cripples leads, since it can survive most lead off attacks (IVs pending).
Ice Beam and the electric moves give great coverage.
I prefer Discharge for the 30% paralysis. And then I don't need to worry about Thunder Wave.
Recover can get my HP back.
Magic Coat to get the jump on any statuses inflicted.
If I do go with Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave can be used in place of Magic Coat.

EVs should be enough to survive multiple common leads. Enough S.Atk EVs to hit a magic number to OHKO 4 HP / 0 Def / 0 S.Def EVs for a Garchomp.


Claydol@Light Clay
Bold/Impish Nature
Levitate Ability
252 HP / 180 Def / 78 S.Def
-Rapid Spin
-Stealth Rock/Explosion/Light Screen/Reflect
-Light Screen/Reflect
-Earth Power/Earthquake/Explosion

Rapid Spin to clear the field entry hazards.
Stealth Rock to set my own entry hazard.
Explosion to go off in a bang if I can't finish it. As much as I hate to lose my Spinner, taking something out with me is my next best thing.
Light Screen and Reflect are enhanced with the Light Clay. The entire team benefits from the Screens as well.
Last move is STAB so I don't get taunted.

EVs: Max HP with a split for better overall walling abilities.

Starmie@Leftovers/Light Clay
Timid Nature
Natural Cure Ability
136 HP / 156 Def / 216 Spd
-Recover/Reflect/Light Screen
-Rapid Spin

Recover is quite obvious. At least it has a recovery move.
I suppose if I really don't need Recover and rely on BPing Wish around, the two screens could go in.
Surf gives STAB.
And Thunderbolt makes short work of Gyarados (Though I'm heavily walled by Magnezone and Lanturn, but I have no business staying in on them).

EVs: Assuming perfect IVs, Starmie is a farily reliable Gyarados counter while still being able to spin hazards away.

Forretress@Shed Shell/Leftovers
Relaxed Nature
Sturdy Ability
252 HP / 162 Def / 96 Atk
-Spikes/Stealth Rock/Toxic Spikes
-Rapid Spin
-Earthquake/Gyro Ball

First move to set up my entry hazard.
Rapid Spin to clear the field.
Explosion to go out with a dang.
Earthquake and Gyro Ball give Forretress a decent damage output.

EVs: Max HP and increased Def are sweet. Atk is there for Gyro Ball, Earthquake and the last ditch Explosion.

Hazard Setters:

Skarmory@Shed Shell/Leftovers
Impish Nature
Keen Eye Ability
252 HP / 74 Atk / 184 Def
-Spikes/Stealth Rock
-Brave Bird/Drill Peck

Entry Hazards are set.
Roost is obvious.
Whirlwind for phazing
Last move is for attacking. Brave Bird for more power, but watch the recoil.

EVs: Max HP and high Def and some Atk EVs to increase the damage output.

Forretress: See Forretress under Spinners

Physical Walls:

Impish Nature
Sand Veil or Hyper Cutter Ability, either is fine. Sand Veil if you have either Tyranitar or Hippowdon on your team.
252 HP / 252 Def / 6 Atk
-Stealth Rock/Knock Off/Taunt
-Aerial Ace/Ice Fang

Taunt any sleep or slow moving status inflicters, since Gliscor has a higher speed than most slow walls.
Stealth Rock for the entry hazard.
Knock Off to cripple walls.
Roost always finds its way in.
Aerial Ace dispatches Heracross and Breloom nicely.
Ice Fang is for Salamence and other 4x weak Pokemon.
Earthquake is awesome, and gets STAB.

EVs: Full HP and Def. Ice Beam will almost always OHKO Gliscor.

Skarmory: See Skarmory under Hazard Setters

Impish Nature
Pressure Ability
252 HP / 252 Def / 6 S.Def or Max HP and Split the Defenses
-Pain Split
-Elemental Punches (probably Fire Punch)
-Shadow Sneak/Sucker Punch

Pain Split is for healing, albeit unreliable.
Will-o-Wisp to cripple physical sweepers that show up.
Elemental Punches are noted, particularly Fire Punch to hit Steels.
Shadow Sneak lets me go first, weaker than Sucker Punch, but more PP.
Sucker Punch has a significantly higher base power, but only has 8 PP, not really great for a wall.

EVs: Meant to come on an block Rapid Spin after I set my hazard down, so Max HP and then either split the defense if I call the switch wrong, or Max HP, to be used as a Wall for Physical sweepers.

Impish Nature
Scrappy/Thick Fat Ability
EVs: 252 HP / 224 Def / 32 Spd or Max HP and Max Def
-Milk Drink
-Heal Bell
-Body Slam/Return
-Earthquake/Thunder Wave/Punishment/Fire Punch

Milk Drink and Heal bell are for Team support.
Body Slam offers nice Paralyze, but Return can be paired with Thunder Wave to do that.
Earthquake to get around Steels.
Punishment for people who try to set up on Miltank.

Ability and Moves: With Thick Fat, I'll should use either Fire Punch or Punishment. Mismagiius and Gengar wall Miltank completely. I lack Fire and Ice resistances, so Thick Fat gives me some resistance.

EVs: Max HP, and enough speed to outspeed Jolly Tyranitar. Rest is put into Def, otherwise, Max HP and Def will work too.

Porygon 2@Leftovers
Bold Nature
Trace Ability
232 HP / Rest into Def / 40 S.Atk (+4 for every one Point away from 31)
-Ice Beam
-Toxic/Magic Coat/Conversion2/Thunder Wave

Discharge with 40 A.Stk EVs will do a minimum of 75% Gyarados. Stealth Rock can wear it out as well. Thunderbolt will do at least 90%. If said Gyarados is holding life Orb, it's gone.
Ice Beam gives great coverage.
Recover is obvious.
Toxic wears Pokemon out, especially walls who don't have a way of recovering HP.
Magic Coat can reflect Status back at my opponent.
Conversion2 will chance into a type resistant to the last attack that hit it.
Thunder Wave is there if I choose Thunderbolt as my main move.

EVs: Enough HP and Def to wall effectively. The Special Attack EVs are to take down Gyarados.

Special Walls:

Bronzong@Leftovers/Occa Berry
Sassy Nature
Levitate Ability
252 HP / 86 Atk (+ for Every point away from 31) / Rest into S.Def
-Hypnosis/Confuse Ray
-Toxic/Confuse Ray
-Gyro Ball

Hypnosis is a great move to induce Sleep, however, in Platinum it has 60%, so that why Confuse Ray is there.
Toxic to really mess up my opponent if they think they can outstall Bronzong.
Confuse Ray is to really screw Pokemon over with.
Gyro Ball and Earthquake are the two core moves.

Calm Nature
Volt Absorb Ability
40 (+1 for every point away from 31) HP / 36 (+1 for every point away from 31) Spd / Rest into S.Atk / 252 SpD
-Ice Beam
-Toxic/Thunder Wave

Surf for STAB.
Ice Beam is great on Dragons and Grass.
Thunderbolt has higher power compared to Discharge, but Discharge's 30% paralyze rate is nice.
Toixc to hamper the team.
If Thunderbolt is used, go with Thunder Wave.

EVs: Weird, but ideal. Enough HP to hit 401 HP and Enough Speed to get by Skarmory. Max S.Def and the rest can be dumped into S.Atk.

Umbreon@Chople/Lum Berry
Careful/Bold Nature
252 HP / 64 Atk (+4 for every point away from 31) / Rest into S.Def or 252 HP / 252 Def / 6 Def
-Sucker Punch/Pursuit/Payback/Protect
-Baton Pass/Protect

Sucker Punch to actually hit something, though the low PP is annoying.
Pursuit to catch Special Sweepers running.
Payback is there since Umbreon is meant to take hits.
Spite is to drain the PP away as fast as I can.
Protect to scout and combine with Wish.
Wish for healing.
Moonlight is there too, but not great when it isn't clear or sunny.
Baton Pass to pass the said Wish out.
Taunt the foe into attacking so Sucker Punch works wonders as well.

Taunt Screws me over, but hey. it is a stall team, so I suppose I should be able to take a hit.

EVs: Both sets max out Umbreon's HP. THe Atk EVs will do some damage to Sweepers running. The Second set would be used if I decided to use no attacks at all. Max the HP and S.Def. The other set gives me a better window to attack with.

Bold/Calm Nature
Water Absorb Ability
188 HP (+4 for every point away from 31) / 252 Def / Rest into either S.Atk or S.Def
-Roar/Acid Armour/Baton Pass/Substitute
-Toxic/Ice Beam/Substitute/Protect/Acid Armour

Not really a Special wall, but Vaporeon is to be paired with Scizor to take any fire attack going his way.
Wish for support.
Surf for STAB and a base 110 stat.
Roar to phaze and see the team.
Toxic to drive walls nuts.
Ice Beam to hit Grass and Dragons.
Substitute to hide behind, especially over 100 HP ones.
Protect to scout and make sure Wish gets in.
BPing works well since Vaporeon is quite slow.
Acid Armour wins too.

EVs: Magic HP number and then Max Def. Either I pour the rest of the EVs into S.Def so it can take more Special hits, or give it more S.Atk to do more damage.

Porygon 2@Leppa Berry/Lum Berry/Leftovers
Calm Nature
Trace Ability
232 HP / Rest into S.Def / 40 S.Atk (+4 for every one Point away from 31)
-Recycle/Thunder Wave
-Ice Beam

Never run out of PP says I.
Recover is obvious.
With the new Recycle move, I'll either never run out of PP or I can cure myself of Status quite quickly.
If I choose Leftovers, Thunder Wave will go in instead of Recycle.
And Ice Beam is great in general.
Discharge if I go with Recycle, Thunderbolt if I go with Thunder Wave

EVs: Enough HP and S.Def to wall effectively. The Special Attack EVs are to take down Gyarados. The Leppa Berry will make sure Zapdos and others will run out of PP. Only thing to watch for are those pesky Fighting Moves.


Umbreon: See Umbreon under Special Walls

Vaporeon: See Vaporeon under Special Walls

Impish Nature
Technician Ability
Rest into HP / 176 Def / 148 Spd (+4 for every point away from 31)
-Agility/Swords Dance/Iron Defense
-Baton Pass
-Bullet Punch/Iron Head/X-Scissor/Night Slash

Main reason why I need a BPer. The sweepers lack Speed. Agility can fix that. And why not throw an Extra Swords Dance in?
Baton Pass is the staple of the set.
Roost is to make sure Scizor can stay in.
Last move is to not get walled by a Taunt.
Night Slash deserves mention, since the team I'm using it with has no anti-ghost moves.

EVs: Enough Speed to outspeed 270 Speed Choice Scarfed Pokemon after one Agility. Rest were somewhat split between the Defense and HP

Calm Nature
Serene Grace Ability
252 HP / Rest to be split amongst the two Defense stats
-Nasty Plot
-Baton Pass
-Air Slash

Nasty Plot passing.
Air Slash so I don't get walled.
Roost for some recovery for future passes.

EVs: Max out the HP and split the Defenses to ensure Togekiss can stay in as long as possible.

Impish Nature
Hyper Cutter Ability
252 HP / 96 Spd (+4 for every point away from 31) / Rest into Defnese
-Swords Dance/Rock Polish/Agility
-Baton Pass

Same principle as Scizor.
Only Earthquake is put for a really nice move.

EVs: Max HP and enough EVs to outspeed Choice Scarfed Base 102 Group, pro-speed nature Pokemon. Rest are thrown into Defense.

Sole Mixed Sweeper:

Garchomp@Life Orb
Naughty Nature
Sand Veil Ability
252 Spd / 252 S.Atk / 4 Atk
-Draco Meteor/Dragon Pulse
-Fire Blast/Flamethrower
-Swords Dance

Heh, Garchomp doing Mixed Sweeping. This set is better for the late game. And I know I 'borrowed' it from somewhere.
Anywho, Earthquake can OHKO Blissey after a single Swords Dance.
Draco Meteor is the noteworthy attack. It can tear through most counters that try to take Physical hits from Garchomp.
Dragon Pulse has lower S.Atk, but won't be losing the two stages. Draco Meteor would work better if I still had some team members left and the opponent was opened up enough for me to sweep.
The Fire move is to dispatch Skar and Forrtress.
Swords Dance has the possiblity to make people switch into a Physical counter, to their dismay get killed by Draco Meteor.

EVs: Max Spd and S.Atk to really lay the hurt down.

Lucario@Life Orb
Rash Nature
Inner Focus
200 S.Atk (+1 for every point away from 31) / 160 Atk (+1 for every point away from 31) / Rest into Spd
-Aura Sphere
-Ice Punch/Crunch
-Swords Dance

Same principle as Garchomp. Aura Sphere will tear through Physical Walls while Extremespeed picks off Special Walls and weakened Pokemon. Ice Punch is for Dragons and Gliscor, while Crunch is for said Ghosts. I'm leaning towards Crunch, since Aura Sphere and Extremespeed are walled by Ghosts.
Swords Dance is to fake them out so they send a Physical Wall out so they'll get creamed by Aura Sphere.

Furret: Click here to see the moves.

As for the teams themselves (All teams were checked so that multiple weaknesses didn't overlap or had a reliable taker for the hit):

Team 1: Scizor (Lead off) / Vaporeon / Dusknoir / Gliscor (BPer) / Claydol / Lucario

Scizor leads and scouts.
Vaporeon is there to take any fire moves for Scizor.
Dusknoir can take hits quite well and take any fighting moves.
Gliscor also takes hits somewhat well, and has an Earthquake immunity. He has a key role when there aren't as many Pokemon left, passing speed to Garchomp.
Claydol has an Earthquake immunity as well, and set-up double screens for the team, and spin stuff away.
Garchomp is the finisher.

Team 2: Porygon 2 (Lead off) / Bronzong / Scizor (BPer) / Starmie / Miltank (Thick Fat) / Garchomp

Porygon 2 can scout, cripple and destroy. What's more to like?
Bronzong can take Fighting attacks quite well.
Scizor has the important job of passing Agility to Garchomp. It can come in and take some hits if he has to. He also has the only anti-ghost move.
Starmie will spin, and more importantly, will the main one absorbing status, because of Natural Cure.
Miltank's Thick Fat will also act as a resistance to Fire and Ice moves.
Garchomp can pummel weakened Pokemon into the ground will little effort.

Team 3: Togekiss (Lead Off) / Lanturn / Skarmory or Umbreon / Forretress / Gliscor (BPer) / Furret

Togekiss is the lead and will also absorb status, due to Psycho Shift.
Skarmory has the job of taking Physical hits.
Umbreon can also fill the role if needed to.
Gliscor is to pass Speed to Furret so it can set up its sweep. It can also come in and take some hits.
Togekiss, Gliscor, and Skarmory will most likely bait out Ice or Electirc moves. Lanturn takes them with ease, and will recover damage if it takes any Electric attack (Even Thunder Wave I believe).
Forretress will lay spikes and remove them as well.
Furret will finish my opponent off.

Good side to this: All of the teams rely on stalling th opponent out and picking them off slowly, so they can create a chance for the Sole Sweeper to punish the opponent. Entry hazards create a big problem since it limits their number of attacks. Each team has a spinner to help with that problem.

Downside to this: Probably the most obvious problem is that I don't have a reliable offense. Trusting it all on the Final Pokemon is quite risky. On top, not all of my Pokemon have a reliable way of Recovering HP. The beatings take their toll, especially without Wish Support. Otherwise, it looks fine.



Bearded Trout Warrior
Great post Jet ^^
I especially like your first Scizor.

For Dusknoir: HP training reduces the effectiveness of Pain Split. It will do less damage, and heal less if your max is higher. Investing in Sp. Defense EVs will allow it to take more hits on that side of the spectrum, though it will also take considerably less physical hits given its HP.
I suppose for a physical wall, HP training is a fair trade.

Also, it's worth mentioning that Dusknoir's Special Defense is just as high as physical, so with a Careful nature it can make nearly as effective of a special wall... it's just that Will-o-Wisp won't be supporting it.