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DPPt/HGSS Steel Gym Team.

Hey I'm being a steel gym leader on another forum. (only 4 pokes aloud). I need a lv100 team anda lv50 team

Here's my lv100 team:

Mawile @ Expert belt
Iron Head
Brick Break
Sword Dance

Lucario @ Life orb
Blaze kick
Sword Dance
Close Combat
Ex Speed

Metagross @ Choice Band
Meteor Mash
Zen Headbutt

Empoleon @ Leftovers
Calm / Modest
Ice Beam
Grass Knot / Stealth Rock
Roar / Yawn

Lv50 (No excact EVs not sure how to do it for lv50):

Skarmory @ Leftovers
Speed and attack EVs
Brave Bird / Drill Peck
Stealth Rock

Jirachi @ Choice Specs
Speed and SpAtk EVs

Lucario @ Life Orb
Speed and Sp Atk Evs
Aura Sphere
Dragon Pulse
Dark Pulse / Shadow ball

Bastiodon @ Leftovers
Hp and Def Evs
Metal Burst
Do you want to use all the OU Pokes only, or do you have flexibility for the UU etc Pokemon?

Thinking things like Aggron, Scizor, Magneton/zone, Steelix, Empoleon etc.


Bearded Trout Warrior
The fact his team contains a Mawile should answer your question, LoN :p

Since your other three pokemon are Physical [hardly counting Skarmory], might I suggest a special Lucario? It'll keep you from being destroyed by a physical wall as easily... and also keeps your team from being entirely susceptible to being burned with Will-o-Wisp.

Lucario @ Life Orb
252 special attack/252 speed/6 HP
-Aura Sphere
-Dragon Pulse
-Dark Pulse
Note HP Ice over Dragon Pulse if you can get it.

Vacuum Wave can be put on to dispatch weakened Pokemon.

Shadow Ball can be used over Dark Pulse. Both have the same coverage. Pick which ever your team needs I guess.

That EV set for Skar, less Atk EVs is okay since Brave Bird has a higher Base power after STAB than Drill Peck. You can then take some of those EVs and put them into Def for a Defensively stronger Skarmory.

Otherwise, the rest seem pretty sound.
The fact his team contains a Mawile should answer your question, LoN :p
Aye, but the rest were just screaming "Mega OU" at me, but meh. (Is now an official word 8) )

I think you went the right way to suggest the special Lucario there too.
Cheers for the Luke suggestion but I'm sorta reluctant as my Attacking lucario was my fist EV trained poke and I love it.


I am going to use that in my level 50 team, I needone lv 100 ad one lv 50 team.

I am thinking of putting the skarm in there also and bring i this Empoleon:

Empoleon @ Leftovers
Calm / Modest
Ice Beam
Grass Knot / Stealth Rock
Roar / Yawn

I've also posted my lv50 team
Gonna recommend a Scizor then.

Scizor@Expert Belt/Life Orb/etc/Salac Berry
252 Atk, 252 Speed, 6 HP
X-Scissor - Powerful Stab
Metal Claw - With Technician, its a 75 base power attack with 95 accuracy, 5 less than Iron Head in both respects, but has the chance to raise your attack. I'm a fan of these ideas :p Iron Head is an alternative if you don't want the power/accuracy loss for a chance of 50% extra attack.
Pursuit - Power of 60 with Technician, good for catching those swapping out if they're scared of your Swords Dance or other ideas.
Swords Dance - Boosts the attack of all your moves, simple.

Other ideas that could go in here are Double Hit, Brick Break (No Technician boost.), Aerial Ace, Night Slash (Instead of Pursuit, no Technician bonus but 70 power, so more than Pursuit would do on a non-switcher.). Agility is also a possibility.

Scizor can also be a Endure/Reversal-er-er, so these moves are a possibility. Swords Dance a few times, then Endure if you think you're about to die. Then Reversal away :p Remember to use the Salac Berry on the Endure/Reversal set, so you can be fairly sure to move first.
Jirachi@Choice Specs
Modest/Timid Preferred
252 S.Atk / 176 Spd (+4 for every point away from 31) / Rest into HP
-Thunder/Thunderbolt/Charge Beam
-Shadow Ball/Signal Beam
-Energy Ball/Grass Knot/Flash Cannon/Icy Wind/HP Fighting/HP Ground/Water Pulse

Plethora of options.

Electric attack is on choice.
Thunder now has a 60% chance of paralyze.
Thunderbolt has a 20% chance, but a considerable notice in Base Power.
Charge Beam is really weak, but it is certain to raise the S.Atk stat by a level every time you use it.
Psychic give STAB and a 20% chance to lower the S.Def stat by a level.
Shadow Ball is to cover Ghosts. 40% chance of lowering S.Def as well.
Signal Beam hits Darks. 20% chance of confusion
Energy Ball is a filler. 20% chance to lower the S.Def stat by a level.
Grass Knot hits those heavy Pokemon hard.
Flash Cannon gains STAB. 20% chance to lower the S.Def stat by a level.
Icy Wind always lowers Speed and hits Dragons quite nicely.
HP Fight and HP Ground are all coverage options if you can get them.
Water Pulse to get the 40% chance of confusion.

Speed EVs are like that to outspeed Neutral Speed natured Base 100 Pokemon. Otherwise, a 252 S.Atk / 252 Spd / 6HP will also work.