Oh my god, a sprite thread. o_o
Inspired by the sheer ridiculousness of the Treecko and Charmander line being breedable with each other.
Zanbuzz - An Electabuzz/Zangoose fusion. (An anime-style picture of said fusion can be found in my dA gallery)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtles, anyone?
Uh, Houndoom-Flygon. OR a Houndoom Raptor, whatever.
Mudchamp. Or if you wish, Mizu-Goro. xD
Polly Wanna Kyogre? I just realized that Blaziken and the Team Aqua grunt have the same bloody pose...
The Japanese word for 'Nuclear Bomb' is Pikadon. That made me think. xD Â (An anime-style picture of Pikadon can be found in my dA gallery. Shows the detail on the tail a lot better.)
Regice generates temperature close to absolute zero just by standing there. Shedinja steals souls if you look into its back view. Cross'em together and you get the ultimate untrainable creature. Not only it steals souls, it freeze-dries them! ^_^
Back when we speculated on Emerald's nature, a friend of mine suggested a 'Team Nimbus', who seek to capture Rayquaza to keep the sky clear for their airships... It just had to happen.
And this is the real brains behind Team Aqua... ARRRRR! Swablu the decks!
RP Edition:
And Katie! ^_^
Project Miato:
"Hello, and welcome to the world of PokeMon! My name is Professor Erin Redwood - and around here, I am considered to be the leading researcher in the field of PokeMon.
What are those mysterious creatures, you ask?"
"PokeMon are creatures that have co-existed with humans in cooperation that has lasted for many an era around the world. Some PokeMon keep PokeMon as pets. Others test their skills and their PokeMon's skills on the field of battle.
However, just as PokeMon hold our fascination, they hold many mysteries. And it seems like every one we solve brings forth even more, more difficult mysteries. That is why researchers like myself are constantly on the front line of discovery - in laboratories or out there, observing them in the wild. I am always up for both.
But enough about me... What about you? What is your name?"
Mint - one of the three Mystery Trainers in Miato were it a game - at some point in the game, you will be challenged by a scripted-battle trainer which is not your rival. That is the Mystery Trainer — either Mint (Female, gets Ennulithe), Aidan (Male, gets Sunkyd) or Cyan (Unknown, gets Jawsea). She/He have picked up the third starter PokeMon, meaning his/her identity changes depending on your choice. After defeating him/her, he will not challenge you again to a scripted battle, but instead will be found in various locations on the world map. Upon talking to him/her, you can choose to challenge him/her again. They may give you items if you defeat them.
This creature is a recently-discovered omnivorous, flightless bird PokeMon (obviously) native to certain tropical climates. Subject (currently unnamed) is currently under research.
- Anthro Me! ^_^
- Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist himself. ^_^ Hair is done from scratch.
- Envy, shapeshifting Homunculus Galore.
Hitmonchik, one of Iveechan's creations (I'm not sure it's fitting to the current Hitmonchik style as Ivee keeps changing her characters)
Remember the ludicrous cheat code thread back in the YaBB age? (Or was it still on NGTK?) - This was a screen shot I made for my 'infinite full restores' fake cheat codes - and makes a small reference to a python skit I mauled.
Made myself a trainer card. The badges are Miato in origin.


RP Edition:

Project Miato:

What are those mysterious creatures, you ask?"

However, just as PokeMon hold our fascination, they hold many mysteries. And it seems like every one we solve brings forth even more, more difficult mysteries. That is why researchers like myself are constantly on the front line of discovery - in laboratories or out there, observing them in the wild. I am always up for both.
But enough about me... What about you? What is your name?"



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