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DPPt/HGSS Sunlight Team


Bearded Trout Warrior
So, for a new type of team to build, since I lack many powerful Fire Types...
I'm building a team based solely around Sunny Day. This team will be primarily for double battles

Aerodactyl@Heat Rock
Jolly Nature
Sunny Day
Fire Fang
Dragon Claw
Rock Slide

not exactly a Fire type or anything that directly receives benefit from the Sunlight... but I want to ensure whoever I send out first can either live long enough to make it sunny, or is fast enough to use Sunny day before it gets hit.
Fire Fang because it gets boosted by Sunny Day, among the other nice effects
Dragon Claw because when combined with Fire, it covers all types.
Rock Slide, not for STAB, but because it has a 30% chance of making my opponent flinch, and it hits both of my opponents.

Jumpluff@Wide Lens?
any one of many natures would work.
Chlorophyll /Leaf Guard
U-turn /Helping Hand
Sleep Powder /Amnesia
Synthesis /Rest

Chlorophyll set:
If I give it the Chlorophyll ability, it will be able to outspeed most of my enemies, and Synthesis to fully restore my health.
Solarbeam for obvious reasons
U-turn in case I want to switch, since I'll pretty likely be going first
Sleep powder, because a sleep inducing attack with speed is annoying [the main reason I want Jumpluff]

Leaf Guard set:
If I give it the Leaf Guard ability, it will be able to use Rest without falling asleep... I'm leaning more towards speed for it.
Solarbeam still for obvious reasons
Helping hand, because using this will pretty likely cause more damage than Jumpluff actually trying to do damage itself
Amnesia, because I can. With a recovery ability, it can become a special tank.

Bold Nature
Flower Gift
Helping Hand
Sunny Day
Giga Drain/Aromatherapy

Full on support Pokemon, Flower Gift + Helping hand can lead to some pretty potent power, Protect to keep it on the field longer
Sunny Day as a backup for when the first one runs out, if it does.
Giga Drain to aide in replenishing HP, or Aromatherapy as another support move.


Timid Nature
Psychic /Sleep Powder
Synthesis /Dream Eater

With Chlorophyll active Exeggutor will be plenty fast enough to sweep with a Speed Nature, Solarbeam is again for obvious reasons
Ancientpower because it may catch some people off-guard
then I couldn't decide between Psychic + Synthesis or Sleep Powder + Dream Eater.
Psychic doesn't require the foe to be asleep to work, and Syntesis is a full heal though it does no damage. The main reason I consider Sleep Powder is for the last turn of sunny day... Exeggutor may not be able to survive a decent attack if it can't strike first.
Not sure what item to give it either

Rapidash@[Wide lens, if it isn't on Jumpluff]

Jolly Nature
Flash Fire
Flare Blitz
Sunny Day/Iron Tail
Horn Drill/Double Kick/Stomp

Flare Blitz... STAB and Suicide, enough said
Megahorn because of it's power, and adverse type.
Iron Tail will just be a filler attack of sorts, I don't like its accuracy, but I'm not left with a whole lot of choice if I decide enough of my pokemon have Sunny Day
Horn Drill because I like it, it would be a last ditch of sorts and the attacks next to it are replacements if the person I'm playing doesn't want me using Horn Drill.
Stomp would be for the same reason as Horn Drill, and the same odds XD it won't do a whole lot of damage, but if they flinch, it may just save me.
Double kick because Fighting covers 5 types, and even though it isn't too powerful, it isn't absolutely weak either.


Modest nature
Flash Fire
Energy Ball
Confuse Ray

I would teach it Solarbeam, but I already have one bred, and I don't want to lose Energy ball.
Flamethower for STAB
Extrasensory for Coverage
Energy Ball for Coverage
Confuse Ray to be annoying
On Jumpluff, Leaf Guard acts like an automatic Safeguard, not like Manaphy's Hydration ability. So Synthesis is the best option. That also means the Chlorophyll will be better. Now for some math. At Level 50 with a +spd Nature and an IV of 0, it will be at a base 126. With Chlorophyll, it'll be at 189. That's with an IV of zero as well.

Wise Glasses on Exeggutor maybe?

Hmmm, Hypnosis on Rapidash may be worth mentioning. As well as Poison Jab, just because of its Higher Base Power with 100% accuracy and the 30% chance of Poisioning compared to Stomp.


Bearded Trout Warrior
Hypnosis I'll consider, but Stomp I like more than Poison Jab because it can make them flinch... stunning them entirely.

Are you sure about Leaf Guard and Rest?
so I could have a Hydration Dewgong use rest and it wouldn't go to sleep?
Positive about Leaf Guard. Hyrdration cures the status aliments at the end of each turn. Leaf Guard prevents them. If Sunny Day was up and Leafeon had Leaf Guard active, and the opponent trie to burn Leafeon, the burn won't happen since Leaf Guard prevents that. Leaf Guard however, doesn't prevent status you caused yourself.