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DPPt/HGSS Team deoxys (S) "batton passing based"


eves-252 hp and speed + 6 def
nasty plot
batton pass


nature- impish
eves- 252 hp and defence + 6attack
ice fang
knock off

Deoxys (speed frame)

item-life orb
eves- 252 attack and sp attack +6speed
supper power
ice beam


eves- 252 defence and hp
calm mind
ice beam


item-life orb
eves- 252 attack and speed
thunder punch
ice punch
cross chop


eves- 252 speed and attack
arial ace
swords dance
batton pass
Is this competive following standard pokecharms rules? Are you going to make your own rules? Are you willing to rebreed?

Also, if you don't mind me saying, you need to run spell check... I hate looking at incorrect words.


Bearded Trout Warrior
...Why did you give Deoxys attack EVs? Why not speed? it doesn't have any physical attacks at all. A modest nature would also better suit it if you don't change its attacks
nobody on your team has Special Defense, except Suicune, but you chose to train it in Defense
Consider getting rid of Aerial Ace on Ninjask for Protect
think about a Flying STAB for Gliscor

This team as a whole is really weak to Roar, Haze, etc.
anything that forces a switch or resets stats.

as Shado touched on, this team is also not legal for battle here, unless you specify your own rules.
Expert Belt on Electivire is better than the Life Orb.
Maybe put Stealth Rock over Knock off if you want some passive damage going around.
Either Protect and risk the Taunt or use X-Scissor and have a good attack with STAB.
EVs for Dexoys: 252 Sp. Atk, 160 Atk, 96 Spd.
THunderbolt is an option over taunt on Ambipom, as is Substitue. And the last 6 EVs should be put into Sp. Atk, not Def.


Bearded Trout Warrior
My Argument for making Ninjask susceptible to taunt: the one that I have can't attack in any way at all, but when it was hit with taunt, it was able to sweep with struggle effectively OHKOing the next couple of pokemon.
I notice you tried to put leftovers on Ninjask as well... it will function better with a focus sash in my opinion.

Ninjask@Focus Sash
Baton Pass
Swords Dance

ways to use it with this move set:
1) Protect + Subs back and forth for six turns, Baton Pass max speed

2) Protect, Swords Dance, Protect, Baton Pass | Pass 2x Attack and 3x Speed, and if you aren't attacked when you use Swords Dance, use it again, or continue on with the first strategy from there.

3) Protect + Subs + Protect + Subs | Pass 4x speed to a pokemon (which is usually enough to be faster) and then Baton pass. So long as your opponent doesn't have Stealth Rock, you can use Ninjask again later for this same purpose.

4) if you know a status effect is coming on the first turn, use Substitute, then use Swords dance from behind the protection of it.

The only thing that can really mess up this ninjask are priority attacks like Quick attack, if they've been powered up. Ice Shard will be a major pain though. Roar can will be annoying as well, and not just on Ninjask... after you baton pass, if you get Roared you lose all of the stat ups.
With some math...with 252 Atk EVs and an IV of 31 in Attack and you have one Swords Dance boost, STABed X-Scissor can take down Tyranitar in one hit. So, if you don't have perfect IVs, it should come fairly close.

Or Whirlwind, or Yawn (either take the sleep or switch), don't forget those. Ohh, and I doubt this but, Psych Up can steal them, Snatch can take them, Heart Swap switches it with the user...but you'll rarely see those moves.