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DPPt/HGSS Team Rating, I guess?

Doctor Oak

Staff member
I was posting this up on another forum just to post what my team was - but since I went to the effort, I figured i'd post it here and see what my crack team of Team geniuses thought of it.

Note that the levels aren't important, that's just what levels they are - wont matter in play - these Pokemon aren't EV trained and yes, they do break the starter rules for here (but it's not a serious team for online use).

Thor the Electivire Lv 65 @ Magnet
Rock Climb
Iron Tail
Thunder Punch

Feraligatr Lv 50 @ Splash Plate
Aqua Tail
Ice Punch

Lucario Lv 50 (My second, lol) @ Fist Plate
Focus Blast
Shadow Ball
Aura Sphere
Dragon Pulse

Bayleef Lv 67 @ Big Root
Body Slam
Poison Powder
Leech Seed
Razor Leaf

Gardevoir Lv 50 @ Wise Glasses
Calm Mind
Magical Leaf
(Such a [censored]ing generic moveset, but it works)

Trogdor the Charizard Lv 77 @ Leftovers
Air Slash
Dragon Claw
Heat Wave
(Charizard's actually been with me since my second game of Pokemon Ruby... that's about 3 years ago now...)
How about Waterfall over Aqua Tail on Feraligatr.
Water Pulse to cover Ground and Fire Weakness on Lucario.
Energy Ball over Magical Leaf on Gardevoir.
Charzard could use Focus Blast to help with its 4x Rock weakness.
Fire Punch can hit those Grass-types while you can't go wrong with Return.
Giga Drain can work on Bayleaf too.

Hope that helped Doc.
By any chance am I on that crack team of geniuses?


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Here because you told me too. :p

Thunder Punch and Earthquake can stay. I'm a bit iffy on Rock Climb and Iron Tail, simply because I like accuracy over power. Switching Brick Break for Iron Tail would be ideal since the Fighting-type pwnz the same types that Steel pwnz plus more.
Return can replace Rock Climb, since it has the ability to be stronger than Rock Climb. Unless you want to keep Rock Climb because it can cause Confusion, but I don't know how often that triggers for you personally.

Waterfall over Aqua Tail is indeed a good idea, unless you want to keep Aqua Tail because of the fact that it always hits first.
Ice Punch is good, but Avalanche could work better since 'gatr is a bit sluggish, your's may be fast though so who knows.
Eck... Superpower... I dunno how useful it is to you but I don't like stat lowering moves. >-> Slash would be nicer, good critical hit ratio. Earthquake to counter electrics? Shadow Claw? Rock Slide? Whatever filler.

Dunno why you have Focus Blast if you already have Aura Sphere, I say get rid of it and put in something like Psychic to counter other Fighting-types.
Water Pulse over Shadow Ball, which would mean Shadow Claw for Feraligatr if you want a ghost-type move on the team.

Toxic instead of Poison Powder, more accuracy, more potent.
Giga Drain or Energy Ball instead of Razor Leaf. Giga Drain would make good use of that Big Root.

Shadow Ball
Thunderbolt/Magical Leaf/Energy Ball/Calm Mind
Thunderbolt/Magical Leaf/Energy Ball/Calm Mind
Shadow Ball to help against ghosties sent out against Gardevoir. You can keep Thunderbolt or Energy Ball (Magical Leaf works too if you like the fact that it never misses.) Or you can keep both if you want and oust Calm Mind, which I would consider. Gardevoir would really only last a turn or two of charging until she was taken out, perhaps longer if they're special moves since she has good Special Defense. Your choice.

I'd replace Dragon Claw with Dragon Pulse.
I'd choose between Flamethrower and Heat Wave if I were you, Heat Wave being more useful since it has more power, and only a little less accuracy. (90, which isn't bad)
The remaining slot I'd fill with Focus Blast.
Okay well since this isnt a WiFi team your team gets a +2 score than your normal rating (my rating system is pretty harsh)

Your final rating:6