Here's the beginning to the first story I am writing. Critique constructively, okay?
"Sounds cool. Bring me back Duskull, 'kay? I'll even trade you for it when you get back! Bye."
Alex was on her new cell phone with her friend Silas. Silas was going to Hoenn for a vacation with his parents. His treat, because he just came back from the Elite Four. He always did rack up the cash there, going in nearly twice a month. Geez. She'd only been there five or six times, because of the beating her Empoleon took as the main battler. Poach always did dread battling Cynthia's Milotic, begging to have one of her two remaining Leppa Berries. Alex never could find good soil, so she didn't let him have one.
Alex shut off her phone and flopped down on the bed in one of the rooms in the Snowpoint PokeCenter. Her hair was out of her usual ponytail, so it splayed out on the bed in a messy fashion, not in the neat strands it usually did. Bored after the phone call, she turned on the TV to the news channel.
Just in, on Channel 11 Snowpoint News, sightings of the Legendary Cressilia have been noted all over Sinnoh today, but a recent encounter, where a trainer actually made contact with the Legendary, has had beneficial repercussions for the trainer's entire hometown! Now we interview Alison White, a native of Solaceon Town, and...
The TV talked on about how an blond, innocent looking, ten-year-old girl, had impacted her entire hometown. Apparently, when she first saw it, it approached her like a friendly Poochenya looking for affection. When Alison touched her, her hand sparkled, and the sparkles ran down her arm to under the ground, and in Solaceon, the sick were healed, the old rejuvenated, buildings repaired, blah blah blah...
Alex got bored with the TV, and starting daydreaming, staring at the blizzard blowing outside the window. She was off in her own world, thinking about Silas's trip, the things she could do with her own Duskull, and the training of her Togetic. But when she heard the words 'large fire' and 'Hearthome' coming from the news channel, she snapped to attention.
Breaking news! A rogue Rapidash started a large fire in the Shopping and Business districts in Hearthome. Many are injured, and dozens are dead. The Rapidash is held in custody and may be put down. The Rapidash's trainer is in the hospital with severe injuries. Surviving bystanders say the Rapidash was released for exercise, but was driven mad for some reason, and ran through the districts, setting them aflame. Recovery will take a while, as firefighters are still putting the flames out. The current screen of a reporter snapped away to footage of firefighters putting out flames with Floatzels, Empoleons, and other Water types, all with a look of either determination or fear in their eyes.
"What the-!" Alex screamed, snapped out of her daydream. "Oh my goodness, my parents live in the Business district! Dozens dead, severe injuries! Oh please, please, PLEASE let them be okay!" she yelled.
She snapped the TV off, and tried to calm down. "Okay, okay, deep breaths...that's no use! I've got to do something!" Alex flopped down on chair limply, thinking of a solution. "Help the firefighters? No use, they'll just push me, how 'bout searching through the rubble? No, same thing as before! Argh!!!!" Alex was insanely frustrated. Here she was, safe and warm, not burnt and suffering with her parents. Man, I feel guilty. "What about helping indirectly," Alex kept thinking in vain of a way to help Hearthome indirectly. "I am SO stupid! It was shown in the news earlier! Cressilia can help me! I just have to find her, but she's a runner, she doesn't stay in one place like Uxie or Heatran...I'll hunt for her myself! I'll touch her! And she'll heal Hearthome! Hopefully I'll find her! I'll start searching tomorrow!" Alex said triumphantly, one fist pumping the air.
Alex went to sleep in a few hours, after going outside to clear her head and battle some Pokemon. "Tomorrow...tomorrow..." Alex mumbled in her sleep.
The Cressilia Crusade: A somewhat long story told in multiple posts!
"Sounds cool. Bring me back Duskull, 'kay? I'll even trade you for it when you get back! Bye."
Alex was on her new cell phone with her friend Silas. Silas was going to Hoenn for a vacation with his parents. His treat, because he just came back from the Elite Four. He always did rack up the cash there, going in nearly twice a month. Geez. She'd only been there five or six times, because of the beating her Empoleon took as the main battler. Poach always did dread battling Cynthia's Milotic, begging to have one of her two remaining Leppa Berries. Alex never could find good soil, so she didn't let him have one.
Alex shut off her phone and flopped down on the bed in one of the rooms in the Snowpoint PokeCenter. Her hair was out of her usual ponytail, so it splayed out on the bed in a messy fashion, not in the neat strands it usually did. Bored after the phone call, she turned on the TV to the news channel.
Just in, on Channel 11 Snowpoint News, sightings of the Legendary Cressilia have been noted all over Sinnoh today, but a recent encounter, where a trainer actually made contact with the Legendary, has had beneficial repercussions for the trainer's entire hometown! Now we interview Alison White, a native of Solaceon Town, and...
The TV talked on about how an blond, innocent looking, ten-year-old girl, had impacted her entire hometown. Apparently, when she first saw it, it approached her like a friendly Poochenya looking for affection. When Alison touched her, her hand sparkled, and the sparkles ran down her arm to under the ground, and in Solaceon, the sick were healed, the old rejuvenated, buildings repaired, blah blah blah...
Alex got bored with the TV, and starting daydreaming, staring at the blizzard blowing outside the window. She was off in her own world, thinking about Silas's trip, the things she could do with her own Duskull, and the training of her Togetic. But when she heard the words 'large fire' and 'Hearthome' coming from the news channel, she snapped to attention.
Breaking news! A rogue Rapidash started a large fire in the Shopping and Business districts in Hearthome. Many are injured, and dozens are dead. The Rapidash is held in custody and may be put down. The Rapidash's trainer is in the hospital with severe injuries. Surviving bystanders say the Rapidash was released for exercise, but was driven mad for some reason, and ran through the districts, setting them aflame. Recovery will take a while, as firefighters are still putting the flames out. The current screen of a reporter snapped away to footage of firefighters putting out flames with Floatzels, Empoleons, and other Water types, all with a look of either determination or fear in their eyes.
"What the-!" Alex screamed, snapped out of her daydream. "Oh my goodness, my parents live in the Business district! Dozens dead, severe injuries! Oh please, please, PLEASE let them be okay!" she yelled.
She snapped the TV off, and tried to calm down. "Okay, okay, deep breaths...that's no use! I've got to do something!" Alex flopped down on chair limply, thinking of a solution. "Help the firefighters? No use, they'll just push me, how 'bout searching through the rubble? No, same thing as before! Argh!!!!" Alex was insanely frustrated. Here she was, safe and warm, not burnt and suffering with her parents. Man, I feel guilty. "What about helping indirectly," Alex kept thinking in vain of a way to help Hearthome indirectly. "I am SO stupid! It was shown in the news earlier! Cressilia can help me! I just have to find her, but she's a runner, she doesn't stay in one place like Uxie or Heatran...I'll hunt for her myself! I'll touch her! And she'll heal Hearthome! Hopefully I'll find her! I'll start searching tomorrow!" Alex said triumphantly, one fist pumping the air.
Alex went to sleep in a few hours, after going outside to clear her head and battle some Pokemon. "Tomorrow...tomorrow..." Alex mumbled in her sleep.