Once upon a time, I went with my father to a local dog show along with our little boxer puppy. While there, we came across a man who had a female boxer of the same age as ours, and the two got along swimmingly. My dad meanwhile, had a brief conversation with the man. Now, since my dad has a ton of friends who I don't know about, I naturally assumed this man was also a good friend of dad's. I decided to follow said man around, holding his hand, petting his dog and generally bothering him while he tried to talk to other people, all the while calling him 'uncle.' It wasn't until after we left the dog show did dad ask me if I knew the man, to which I flabbergastedly replied 'I thought he was a friend of yours.'
So yeah, I spent the entire day bothering a complete stranger with my affection and general child naivete. The end.