Welcome to the Art Shack of Msml! Here, I will post my art and even make some for users who request it! Here's what I do~
This is called a Piratemon! This is my first one Kurimiru!
Here's Some of my Fakemon that I make!
This is Carratty! (Care-rahty) the Alley cat Pokemon, Carratty wieghs 12.3 pounds and has the special ability Hiss.
Also, here's this other Fakemon that I have yet to name! His ability is Quick Snap. This is the Venus Fly Trap Pokemon.
Do you leik mai new closeup?
Order and request forms
Pirate Equipment:
Fakemon coming soon.
Welcome to the Art Shack of Msml! Here, I will post my art and even make some for users who request it! Here's what I do~
This is called a Piratemon! This is my first one Kurimiru!
Here's Some of my Fakemon that I make!
Also, here's this other Fakemon that I have yet to name! His ability is Quick Snap. This is the Venus Fly Trap Pokemon.
Order and request forms
Pirate Equipment:
Fakemon coming soon.
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