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Ask to Join The next generation of super heroes

(OK basicly you can have the power and or abilities of any anyone from either marvel or dc but please keep it realistic, also no lantern corps or being a carbon copy of any existing heroes and no god mod if I say it's godmod then it's godmod and you will have to change it)

Name: Koren Dar
Species: augmented kyptonian
Age: 23
Title: The Dark flash
Powers: ultra speed (like black racer fast) kryptonian endurance and energy blasts
Super suit: similar design an colour sceme to new 52 black flash with a slot on his back to house iris when moving faster than C10 (10 times the speed of light)
Weapons: knuckle blades
Vehicle: hard light cosmic rider MK36 (space surfboard)
Companion: Stark tech MK36 companion droid (booster golds skeets)
Backstory: Koren was a kyptonian experiment to create a soldier totally immune to the harmful effects of intense solar radiation and kypronite. Due to this his powers aren't actually derived from yellow sun radiation but instead from a chemical based speed force conductor written directly into his DNA

[and now some plot story]

In this Rp all super heroes and villains live in the one universe (multi-verses just cause problems) when one day the avengers, justice league, x men and all the lantern corps suddenly vanished leaving no one to protect the universe so when darkseid and thanos teamed up to takeover there was no one to stop them. That was almost 6 months ago and now pockets of resistance have popped up through out the universe but with no one to lead them or inspire them they stand little chance against the might of the overlords.

"Calling all heroes, calling all heroes. To anyone left out there this is Joan Narak or Scarlet sorcerer as some may know me, broadcasting an urgent distress signal, I'm pinned down on Oa, I need help, my recent experiments on the planet have drawn more attention than a had expected. Please if anyone can hear me I have a clue on where the rest of the heroes have gone" Koren heard the calls for help, their signals beaming through time and space
"What ya say Iris can we make it in time" asked Koran as he rode through space on his board
"Well sir if we" started the little grey rocket shape
"Iris I was kidding I can be anywhere at any time, of course we can help out" laughed Koren as he spun his board hard right and quintupled his speed
"Wait for meeeeee sirrrrr" squeaked iris as she struggled to catch up with Koran and latch onto his back
"Oh sorry iris should have waited til you were ready" said Koran as he drastically increased his speed again as he aproached the hyper space barrier 'hold on Joan were coming' thought Koran
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Name: Yuri Lund
Species: Human
Age: 24
Title: Scanner
Psychometry (Ability to relate details about the past or future condition of an object or location, usually by being in close contact with it) Precognition (Ability to perceive the future. It may be expressed in vague dreams while asleep, When there's a threat nearby it can be clear and can occur at will. It may also be used as a form of "danger sense" to show the user that they are being threatened and from what direction it is coming from. Does not detect bullet shots)

Super suit: None
Weapons: Katana, Beretta Px4 Storm Subcompact (A small powerful pistol)
Vehicle: Midnight blue and black ravenger ship.
Companion: None
Backstory: Had powers since birth, dreampt of a fire on thanksgiving, it happened and killed his entire family. tought himself to fight/ survive

"Calling all heroes, calling all heroes. To anyone left out there this is Joan Narak or Scarlet sorcerer as some may know me, broadcasting an urgent distress signal, I'm pinned down on Oa, I need help, my recent experiments on the planet have drawn more attention than a had expected. Please if anyone can hear me I have a clue on where the rest of the heroes have gone." Yuri knew the call, He continued his path toward the planet.
Koren drew closer to Oa with every second and he was still gaining speed
"Sir your bordering on the speed force barrier, are you sure about this you know what happened last time"
"Oh, what oh thank you iris I didn't realise how fast I was going" replied Koren as he plateaued his speed somewhere between 2 and 3 times the speed of light
"Sir prepare to drop speed to Mach 10 in 3,2,1, Now!" Yelled iris through Korens helmet as he leant slightly to the left and slipped gently in the Oain atmosphere

He found the masses of reach and apokalpyse soldiers all converging on a small research outpost on the dark side of the planet far from the ruins of the former lantern homeworld
"Now let's even out the odds here" laughed Koren as he began to blast the soldiers from above before nose-diving his board and punching others with speed not since seen since the golden days of the heroes
Yuri, arrived at the battle, Immediately he hacked into the person going incredibly fast, It's not that hard, just gotta connect this, with this, and done. Yuri finished hacking and said, "You like you're having fun out there, my ship is going to take some damage, stick by afterword, maybe I could by you a few drinks." Knowing his ship will get badly damaged, he dove into the battle shooting at all Apocalypse soldiers from above, and landing safely onto the ground, arming himself with his pistol and katana, he charged into battle.
Name : Erebus vexen
Species : human
Age : 65
title : phantom
power : control over dark matter, phasing, adjusting the density of smoke
super suit : none but wears a black cape that hides his face
weapons : none
vehicle : styx , a giant crow that he rides on, doesn't need oxygen
companion : styx
backstory : erebus was a normal teenager when he was kidnapped by a demon worshipping group who burned him alive as a sacrifice, taking pity on him, the demon brought him back to life as an enenra (living smoke), he killed the worshippers and offered the demon there blood, which the demon accepted and in return gave him the crow of death (styx).
but after years of the dark life, he decided to mend his ways and work for good.


phantom heard the plead for help and decided to help, he knew this was the perfect way to kill his bad reputation, "ok styx, I need you to take me to Oa", styx's only reply was a "caaaw!" and they flew off.
when they arrived they noticed the battle going on on the planet, "well then its time for action...", he jumped off of the giant crow and landed on a black rock platform which he created, he then started to launch dark energy at the apocalypse warriors and occasionally creating smoke barriers as dens as steel, not noticing the other two non-apocalypse warriors who where fighting nearby
Yuri, dodging the blasts from the apocalypse warriors, sliced warriors left and right, instantly killing them every cut. Running, he noticed a few smoke barriers scattered around the area, using them as cover a couple of times, he avoided getting killed a couple times.
Koren laughed as he noticed the other heroes fighting the apocalypse soldiers as well.
"It's nice to finally have someone to watch my back" said the kyptonian as he jumped off his board which continued to fly straight through a reach scarab tank before the board was hit by a withdrawal beam from Iris who now hovered just out of blast range feed information to the three heroes
Meanwhile Koren was a blur fist flying with soldiers dropping left right and centre
"Oh and about that drink how bout we head back to my base just a couple clicks from knowhere" asked the kyptonian
Slashing an apocalypse soldier in half," knowhere huh?" Yuki responded as he charged toward another soldier, stabbing him and using the lodged weapon to swing himself around behind him and pulling making him a rougher, more bloody version of pac-man. "I'll be there," as soon as he said that, Yuki saw a vision of a possible future concerning his ship. He snapped out of it and rush toward his ship," I'd love to stay and take out the rest, but i got to dash." Yuki slicing soldiers left and right running at full speed to his ship.