This is my 1st Roleplaying Game on Pokecharms, so I hope you like it! ~
NOTE (Please Read):
Description of 2 Main species:
CHARACTER SHEETS: (You MUST fill these out to join)

NOTE (Please Read):
I roleplay on many forums, so I need to tell the players here this.
In my roleplays, I give a role to certain players called Leaders, which are sort of the "Admin" of this Roleplaying Game. They run this game when I'm not online. They pretty much keep the story going, adding parts of the plot to make the Roleplay Interesting.
In my roleplays, I give a role to certain players called Leaders, which are sort of the "Admin" of this Roleplaying Game. They run this game when I'm not online. They pretty much keep the story going, adding parts of the plot to make the Roleplay Interesting.
In the year 2379, Humans were finally able to travel outside of the solar system. They used extremely powerful fuels found on Mars, called Neogen. An exploration race began between all of the countries. The most important objective was:
Find new, intelligent life.
20 Years later, A rocket was sent to Alpha 24-70, A Planet 2 million Light years away, which was thought to have intelligent life. It took them 3 years to get there. The control station back on Earth were listening to communications when they heard this:
"We have now entered Alpha 24-70, Seems to be no....What is that?!...AHH!!!!!!!!!-------"
Then, the communications turned off. The control members looked at each other, shocked. A month later, they sent another rocket to the same point where communications were lost. The Astronauts entered the empty Rocket Ship, and they turned on their Flashlights. They looked around, nothing. Suddenly, A Dark Purple blur ran past them. "Intelligent life?" they thought. The creature jumped on the astronauts, injected an unknown venom not found on earth into one of them, and he instantly di.ed. The other astronaut fled, and was safe for 3 minutes. During this time, he quietly sent a message about the creatures. enough to know a description of them. He was found, and also poisoned.
A century went by. Humans have made alliances with other intelligent life throughout the Universe. All allies learned Human Language, and said that the species they encountered a century ago, Now Identified as Venokai, are enemies with them. The Venokai also have been gathering allies, and it seems like a war is brewing. Which side will you choose? Will you be able to have to power to save the Universe, or send it to its doom? Build your empire, and protect or destroy the Universe!
Find new, intelligent life.
20 Years later, A rocket was sent to Alpha 24-70, A Planet 2 million Light years away, which was thought to have intelligent life. It took them 3 years to get there. The control station back on Earth were listening to communications when they heard this:
"We have now entered Alpha 24-70, Seems to be no....What is that?!...AHH!!!!!!!!!-------"
Then, the communications turned off. The control members looked at each other, shocked. A month later, they sent another rocket to the same point where communications were lost. The Astronauts entered the empty Rocket Ship, and they turned on their Flashlights. They looked around, nothing. Suddenly, A Dark Purple blur ran past them. "Intelligent life?" they thought. The creature jumped on the astronauts, injected an unknown venom not found on earth into one of them, and he instantly di.ed. The other astronaut fled, and was safe for 3 minutes. During this time, he quietly sent a message about the creatures. enough to know a description of them. He was found, and also poisoned.
A century went by. Humans have made alliances with other intelligent life throughout the Universe. All allies learned Human Language, and said that the species they encountered a century ago, Now Identified as Venokai, are enemies with them. The Venokai also have been gathering allies, and it seems like a war is brewing. Which side will you choose? Will you be able to have to power to save the Universe, or send it to its doom? Build your empire, and protect or destroy the Universe!
Description of 2 Main species:
Their skin is thick and slimy, and they each have 12 legs. They have long tails with venomous barbs on the ends, and the tails can move 365 degrees. They have 3 sharp claws on each foot, and they are capable of Flying. They can also breathe in space. They are a primitive species, using no technology, but they are extremely dangerous. They are able to communicate, however. They plan to wipe out every other alien species, and even betray their allies. They never take prisoners. Their Capital Planet is Alpha 24-70, a wicked place with no Oxygen. The Venokai live in pools filled with venom, their primary food source.
Living on Planet Earth, Humans have some technology, but it is not as advanced as other species. They are quick witted, and prefer to fight without planning first. Their most used weapon is a Plasma Gun, A gun that shoots out a poison that paralyzes the enemy on contact, then slowly eats them away. They mostly use battleships and fighters. They defend themselves and their other allies until they die.
Their skin is thick and slimy, and they each have 12 legs. They have long tails with venomous barbs on the ends, and the tails can move 365 degrees. They have 3 sharp claws on each foot, and they are capable of Flying. They can also breathe in space. They are a primitive species, using no technology, but they are extremely dangerous. They are able to communicate, however. They plan to wipe out every other alien species, and even betray their allies. They never take prisoners. Their Capital Planet is Alpha 24-70, a wicked place with no Oxygen. The Venokai live in pools filled with venom, their primary food source.
Living on Planet Earth, Humans have some technology, but it is not as advanced as other species. They are quick witted, and prefer to fight without planning first. Their most used weapon is a Plasma Gun, A gun that shoots out a poison that paralyzes the enemy on contact, then slowly eats them away. They mostly use battleships and fighters. They defend themselves and their other allies until they die.
1. No Godmodding, Flaming, Trolling, Powerplaying, and no Spamming.
2. Only one Alien Species per player, two per Leader.
3. Only one Dreadnaught per player and Admin.
4. Only three created planets per player, five per Leader.
5. Once a ship or Army is destroyed, you cannot get it back. You can retreat.
6. Whatever a Leader says, happens.
7. Do not ask for the Leader position. Leaders are picked by me.
8. No destroying other player's characters or controlled
planets without asking.
9. Armor and Weapon Ratings for Fighters must equal a total of 100.
10. Armor and Weapon Ratings for Battleships must equal a total of 2000.
11. Armor and Weapon Ratings for Dreadnaught must equal a total of 4000.
12. Romance is allowed, but is limited to a PG Rating.
2. Only one Alien Species per player, two per Leader.
3. Only one Dreadnaught per player and Admin.
4. Only three created planets per player, five per Leader.
5. Once a ship or Army is destroyed, you cannot get it back. You can retreat.
6. Whatever a Leader says, happens.
7. Do not ask for the Leader position. Leaders are picked by me.
8. No destroying other player's characters or controlled
planets without asking.
9. Armor and Weapon Ratings for Fighters must equal a total of 100.
10. Armor and Weapon Ratings for Battleships must equal a total of 2000.
11. Armor and Weapon Ratings for Dreadnaught must equal a total of 4000.
12. Romance is allowed, but is limited to a PG Rating.
(All planets with no inhabitants are able to be owned by a player. The first number represents the galaxy it's in. The * Means it is the Owner's Capital Planet.)
Alpha 24-70
Inhabitants: Venokai*
Alpha 24-87
Inhabitants: Venokai
Helios 1-3 (Earth)
Inhabitants: Humans*
Helios 1-4 (Mars)
Inhabitants: Humans
Beta 9-87
Inhabitants: -
Beta 9-32
Inhabitants: -
Meta 7-65
Inhabitants: -
Meta 7-68
Inhabitants: -
Geo 2-34
Inhabitants: -
Geo 2-21
Inhabitants: -
Hydros 5-32
Inhabitants: -
Alpha 24-70
Inhabitants: Venokai*
Alpha 24-87
Inhabitants: Venokai
Helios 1-3 (Earth)
Inhabitants: Humans*
Helios 1-4 (Mars)
Inhabitants: Humans
Beta 9-87
Inhabitants: -
Beta 9-32
Inhabitants: -
Meta 7-65
Inhabitants: -
Meta 7-68
Inhabitants: -
Geo 2-34
Inhabitants: -
Geo 2-21
Inhabitants: -
Hydros 5-32
Inhabitants: -
Ship Battle:
Your Fleet is facing another fleet in space! The player that declared the battle goes first. They can only attack with one weapon per turn, and with 1 Dreadnaught, 2 Battleships, or 10 Fighters. The Armor rating of the opponent's ship is decreased by the number of attack rating the attacking ship(s) had. A ship may only attack a ship that has equal or higher rank then itself. So a Dreadnaught can't shoot a fighter and a battleship, but it can fight another Dreadnaught. A Battleship can attack a Dreadnaught and another Battleship, but it cannot fight a Fighter. A Fighter can attack any ship. The player with the last Fleet standing wins. A maximum of 4 Fleets from different species can participate in a Ship Battle.
Land Battle:
Your army is facing another army on another planet! The player that controls the Planet goes first. The players declare if they will use heavy soldiers, medium soldiers, or light soldiers. Light soldiers can attack twice, Medium Soldiers have twice the defense, and Heavy soldiers do twice the damage. Light Soldiers can only be used every other turn, and Heavy Soldiers can only be used once every two turns. Once both players declare what they will use for attack or defense, I will roll a 6 sided di.e twice. Once for the attack, and Once for the opponents Defense. If the player's attacking is higher, then the difference is multiplied by 50, and the opponent loses that many soldiers. The last army standing wins, and the winner takes control of the planet they battled on. Land Battles cannot be battled on Capital planets.
Your Fleet is facing another fleet in space! The player that declared the battle goes first. They can only attack with one weapon per turn, and with 1 Dreadnaught, 2 Battleships, or 10 Fighters. The Armor rating of the opponent's ship is decreased by the number of attack rating the attacking ship(s) had. A ship may only attack a ship that has equal or higher rank then itself. So a Dreadnaught can't shoot a fighter and a battleship, but it can fight another Dreadnaught. A Battleship can attack a Dreadnaught and another Battleship, but it cannot fight a Fighter. A Fighter can attack any ship. The player with the last Fleet standing wins. A maximum of 4 Fleets from different species can participate in a Ship Battle.
Land Battle:
Your army is facing another army on another planet! The player that controls the Planet goes first. The players declare if they will use heavy soldiers, medium soldiers, or light soldiers. Light soldiers can attack twice, Medium Soldiers have twice the defense, and Heavy soldiers do twice the damage. Light Soldiers can only be used every other turn, and Heavy Soldiers can only be used once every two turns. Once both players declare what they will use for attack or defense, I will roll a 6 sided di.e twice. Once for the attack, and Once for the opponents Defense. If the player's attacking is higher, then the difference is multiplied by 50, and the opponent loses that many soldiers. The last army standing wins, and the winner takes control of the planet they battled on. Land Battles cannot be battled on Capital planets.
CHARACTER SHEETS: (You MUST fill these out to join)
Human C.S (Optional if you create a new Alien Species):
Soldier Type: (Light, Medium, or Heavy Soldier)
Weapon: (Plasma Gun, or Modern Weapon. NO Rocket Launchers without being heavy soldier)
Alien C.S:
Soldier Type: (Light, Medium, or Heavy Soldier.)
Physical Weapon: (Claws, Spikes, Ect.)
Home Planet:
Current Location:
Alien Species C.S:
Faction: (Allies with Humans or Venokai. Can be neutral.)
Other Allies: (Alien Species made by another player)
Capital Planet:
Controlled Planets:
Physical Weapons: (Claws, Spikes, ect.)
Main Weapons: (Guns, Spears, Swords, ect.)
Planet C.S:
Inhabitants: (Species controlling it)
% Land: (Min. 1%)
% Water:
% Other: (Specify)
Fighter C.S:
Armor Rating:
Weapon: (Max 1)
Weapon Rating:
Battleship C.S:
Max Capacity: (10-30)
Armor Rating:
Weapons: (Max 3)
Weapon Rating: (For Weapon #1)
Weapon Rating: (For Weapon #2)
Weapon Rating: (For Weapon #3)
Dreadnaught C.S:
Max Capacity: (10-100,000)
Ship Capacity: (10-300)
Armor Rating:
Weapons: (Max 4)
Weapon Rating: (For Weapon #1)
Weapon Rating: (For Weapon #2)
Weapon Rating: (For Weapon #3)
Weapon Rating: (For Weapon #4)
Army C.S:
#of Light Soldiers:
#of Medium Soldiers:
#of Heavy Soldiers: (Max 50)
(NOTE: Soldier total must equal 500.)
Fleet C.S:
#of Fighters:
#of Battleships: (Max 15)
#of Dreadnaughts: (Max 1)
(NOTE: Ship total must equal 1000)
Soldier Type: (Light, Medium, or Heavy Soldier)
Weapon: (Plasma Gun, or Modern Weapon. NO Rocket Launchers without being heavy soldier)
Alien C.S:
Soldier Type: (Light, Medium, or Heavy Soldier.)
Physical Weapon: (Claws, Spikes, Ect.)
Home Planet:
Current Location:
Alien Species C.S:
Faction: (Allies with Humans or Venokai. Can be neutral.)
Other Allies: (Alien Species made by another player)
Capital Planet:
Controlled Planets:
Physical Weapons: (Claws, Spikes, ect.)
Main Weapons: (Guns, Spears, Swords, ect.)
Planet C.S:
Inhabitants: (Species controlling it)
% Land: (Min. 1%)
% Water:
% Other: (Specify)
Fighter C.S:
Armor Rating:
Weapon: (Max 1)
Weapon Rating:
Battleship C.S:
Max Capacity: (10-30)
Armor Rating:
Weapons: (Max 3)
Weapon Rating: (For Weapon #1)
Weapon Rating: (For Weapon #2)
Weapon Rating: (For Weapon #3)
Dreadnaught C.S:
Max Capacity: (10-100,000)
Ship Capacity: (10-300)
Armor Rating:
Weapons: (Max 4)
Weapon Rating: (For Weapon #1)
Weapon Rating: (For Weapon #2)
Weapon Rating: (For Weapon #3)
Weapon Rating: (For Weapon #4)
Army C.S:
#of Light Soldiers:
#of Medium Soldiers:
#of Heavy Soldiers: (Max 50)
(NOTE: Soldier total must equal 500.)
Fleet C.S:
#of Fighters:
#of Battleships: (Max 15)
#of Dreadnaughts: (Max 1)
(NOTE: Ship total must equal 1000)