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The World's Longest Thread

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AHAHAH I win I got post number 206! mwhuhahah all know that this number is the ultimate winner of all the champion of justice the ultra super sweet number 206!!

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I see. So this was your purpose of creating this game all along Jariii! Do not deny it! We have uncovered the truth of your deception! You only wanted the 206th post! Now I bet you plan to abandon the rest of us and treat this game as refuse! Well guess what? I won't let you! I shall take the helm now! My rebellion will continue to grow until this game achieves its purpose of being the Longest Thread in existence! We will fight! We will live on! Our post count will be OVER 9000!!!! After all, I already lay claim on 9001 for that purpose alone. So ha! And again, HA! You can't get rid off us that easily! [insert maniacal laughter here]
...Wow. I have initiated a rapidly growing conspiracy pact unintentionally. O_O

And yeah, I'll keep going until we get way higher than PYTOTM and Crush a Wish, as long as at least one person is there to continue it with me. :)
I see. So this was your purpose of creating this game all along Jariii! Do not deny it! We have uncovered the truth of your deception! You only wanted the 206th post! Now I bet you plan to abandon the rest of us and treat this game as refuse! Well guess what? I won't let you! I shall take the helm now! My rebellion will continue to grow until this game achieves its purpose of being the Longest Thread in existence! We will fight! We will live on! Our post count will be OVER 9000!!!! After all, I already lay claim on 9001 for that purpose alone. So ha! And again, HA! You can't get rid off us that easily! [insert maniacal laughter here]
....ah Frickelbits yah found me out how did you see through my devious planz? I can has 1006 as that is the polar opposite of your 9001 we shall see who has the last laugh!!! AH HA HAI!
No Zekrom, Monkey is the enemy ( you can spell enemy using all letters in monkey`s name) so that shows his true nature : >:D
also if anyone has allot of time on their hands see who has more posts me or monkey :p
You have 27 posts in this thread. P_M has 53. (No I don't have a lot of time, but I at least satisfied your curiosity, I hope?)

And if I tried to change the letters "monkey" around to get "enemy," the closest I would get would be "enomky."


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
You should have asked me, I can databasemancy it:

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
....ah Frickelbits yah found me out how did you see through my devious planz? I can has 1006 as that is the polar opposite of your 9001 we shall see who has the last laugh!!! AH HA HAI!

I saw through your plans because I too am an evil genius. >:D And Zekrom's right, you're missing an 'e' and have a leftover 'k' if you try to go from Monkey to enemy. Hell yeah for having the highest post count on this thread! I AM THE KING OF SPAMMERS! >:D

grrrz but I stil wins because my arch rival ( le Monkey) liked my post HA!!!!! le winner is me ill never ever give up!
*prays too (enter god of own religion here) that le Monkey likes this post*


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
Alright guys, this is the World's Longest Thread, not the World's Most Pointless Rivalry. :p
I'm here for, you know, the actual purpose of this thread. I'm not here to throw randomness, have fun with spam, or for the general mischief and the being eveeeeeiiillll and stuff. Nope, not at ALL. :\=|:

And, this is the World's Most Pointless Rivalry With Zekrom In the Background Being Naughty! Silly. ;)

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
And that is why you're my Dragon Zekrom (pun intended). You have been the greatest assistance to this Benevolent Evil Overlord in helping this thread achieve its purpose. Data is our Evil Genius and Jada is our Dark Chick since they're involved in our pact. I guess to reward Jariii for coming up with the idea and being the third highest post holder, he can round out our Five Bad Band as the Brute. He's also the Starscream for coming after my throne :p

Anyway, yes! And our super secret mafia family of total evilness Five Bad Band will continue to dominate this thread...(as long as Jarii will comply :p )
Is no fairs Monkey when I goes to sleeps your day just starts so me have low chances of winning but as we say In Dutch "De aanhouder wint" (it's persistence that accomplishes something) haha I knowz allot of good wordz!
#Psycho`s biggest rival

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four

Now why would I want to mess with you? You're my kohai after all which gives you high standing in our "Conqure the World's Longest Thread" scheme. As long as you don't steal any of the chosen numbers, you can get in on our pact too ;3

Rinoa Heartilly

Mother of Meltans
Now why would I want to mess with you? You're my kohai after all which gives you high standing in our "Conqure the World's Longest Thread" scheme. As long as you don't steal any of the chosen numbers, you can get in on our pact too ;3
Is 18 a chosen one or can I call dibs? : D


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
We've gotten long past #18, we're on #232 as of my post. Bottom-right corner next to Like. xp

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
You're welcome to 1800 though. The only posts you can't have are 666 (Jada), 999 (Zekrom), 1000 (me), 1006 (Jariii), 1337 (Data), and 9001 (me again so I can crush scouters)
Hmmmm.... I see I've been mentioned many times in my absents. Should I take this as a summon and plan to spend more time around here or should I just go back to lurking around till my number comes up? xD
I have a pact that I must honor by spamming.. Spam a way I shall~
Darn and I was doing so well with ignoring it too....
Well there's not escaping this Cult now. I guess I just have to stay and see everything trough
Yes they go on a shelf. How else am I to use them in my evil witch craft? Keep them in a box?
Besides I highly doubt that any robber would know what they were, and as for rolling off they have a little rail to keep them in place.
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