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third spell: solar anarchy

(OOC : this is my second RP and anyone can join after asking me, but you should ask on my profile and not on the RP itself!!!)

Mana is the main source of energy in our world and is used for magic of all kinds, Mana comes from three different sources, the core of the earth, the elemental dimension and the sun.
But lately, the sun has been failing to provide Mana and threw of the balance of the 3 sources, and it's the job of all the wizards of the world to restore the balance!

Types of wizards:
MAGE - basic spells (fire, thunder and ice) - low Mana usage
PYROMANCER - fire spells - high Mana usag
NECROMANCER - dark magic and undead minion summon (max 2) - medium Mana usage
DRUID / SHAMAN - nature based magic, healing and talking to animals -medium Mana usage
Zack noticed the sun glowing less brighter by the second, "so it's true, the sun is loosing it's power" when a knight came and said "are you the necromancer Zack?" To wich Zack replies "yes, yes I am".
"Then you must head to the tower of magic, the blue mage warilc wants all the wizards of the world to be there for the meeting".
"Then I will go there this instance" and with that he left.
(OOC: who ever joins must go to the meeting)
Hawk who is a low experienced Pyromancer was also called to the meeting. "I'm not sure why they called me, I'm just a rookie Pyromancer", he said. Along the way he too noticed that the Sun was glowing less and less brighter than usual. "What could be happening?", he questioned "Has the dark times finally showed up?". He finally reached the meeting, "Finally, it was a long walk"
Zack noticed a boy heading towards the tower, judging by his looks Zack figured out that he was a pyromancer, "hi there, nice to see another wizard, for a minute I thought I was alone" he said then looked around for a moment and then said "my name is Zack, and I am a necromancer, what's your name?"
Hawk turned around and answers the boy "Hi, uh my name is Hawk im a rookie Pyromancer, Nice to meet you Zack". Hawk then realized that he didn't know why this meeting was held. "Hey Zack do you know why we were called to this meeting?", he questioned.
Zack was about to answer when he remembered something, he didn't know why either, "honestly, I don't know, all I know is that we are supposed to meet the blue mage himself along side other wizards", Zack put down a bag and got a robe out of it, he then summoned an undead out of the ground and said "wear this and see if you can buy any food supplies" then turned to hawk and said "necromancers along side undeads are known for being allied with evil, so it is important to be disguised in towns allied with good, by the way is it true that pyromancers are neutral and would ally with any side?"
A man in a brown cloak entered the area. The powerful thunder mage was well known among the town for his feats, yet few knew his name. Those who did not called him the Thunderer. "Blast this meeting." he said. "And I was just about to finish up the Great Storm enchantment. This better be important."
Hawk saw the powerful mage and asked him "Hey dude nice spells how long did it take you to master them?". Hawk was kinda nervous when he asked that because of serious the Thunder mage looked. " Maybe it would've been better if I haven't asked him that", thought Hawk.
Zack noticed the thunder mage, though he had a stern look on his face, Zack was not intimidated (thanks to dealing with dark and deadly monsters on a daily basis), he decided to greet him, specially after hawk had already did so.
"Hi, I am Zack the necromancer, and this is hawk, he is a pyromancer, what's your name?"
"I do not disclose that information." the gruff figure said. "Call me by my title; the Thunderer." The figure sensed something however, and had his hand swiftly move to the hilt of his sword. "Hostile forces approach." he said. His cloak started to flap in the wind as a powerful enemy moved closer.
Arciot was a Necromancer. An experienced on too. "Hmm... Should I even show up? I'll go, but I wont let people know I'm there." He then turned into a shadow and, while going into things for stealth purposes, made his way to the meeting.
Zack managed to sense the danger that the thunderer was talking about, but he felt something about it that was very common for him,:something that he usually feels when in the forests of darkness.
He got a good grip of his dual battle axe, wich was made of dragon bones, and looked around, nothing was there.
He noticed the sun, less brighter than before, when he noticed that his skeleton minion was back with food, "don't worry, he is with me"