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DPPt/HGSS To beat the Elite Four.

So, I recently restarted my Diamond version after finishing Pearl, and am just now escalating to the Elite Four. Just Victory Road to plow through! As this is in-game, I am not too worried about EVs. However, I am also planning to competitively take on some friends in a free-for-all (somewhat) battle. No legendaries or "Ubers", if you will. Anyways, on to the pokemon: Justification prevails!

Chimecho @ Wise Glasses
Hasty Nature ( +Speed, -Defense )
Mischievous ( +Sp. Attack )
Shadow Ball
Heal Bell
Charge Beam

Extrasensory is for STAB. Shadow Ball is for coverage against Ghost-types and other Psychic-types. Heal Bell is to help her team out with their status issues. Charge Beam is for extra coverage and for the chance of a Special Attack boost.

Empoleon @ ?
Mild Nature ( +Sp. Attack, -Defense )
Somewhat of a Clown ( +Speed )
Flash Cannon
Ice Beam
Grass Knot

Surf and Flash Cannon for STAB. Ice Beam and Grass Knot are for general coverage. Wasn't too sure what to give to him move-pool-wise or item-wise.

Graveler @ ? (I was thinking about Focus Sash/Band)
Relaxed Nature ( +Defense, -Speed )
Highly Persistent ( +Attack [?] )
Stone Edge
Brick Break
Double Edge / Rock Blast

Stone Edge and Earthquake are for STAB. Brick Break for coverage and the lack of a Fighting-type Pokemon/move on my team. Double Edge would be for the Rock Head ability and for a powerhouse move, yet Rock Blast would be for more-than-likely immediate obliteration of everything its super-effective against. I can't decide which to use. I am planning to try and evolve her. ( I can ask my friend on the bus, or if I can get my Wi-Fi to work. If my Wi-Fi works, would anyone be willing to help me out here? Golem is one of my all-time-favorite Pokemon. (: )


Those are all of my current Pokemon. However, I am planning to own a Garchomp before even stepping into the Elite Four's domain. This was my idea for him/her:


Garchomp @ Shell Bell / ?
Adamant ( +Attack, -Sp. Attack ) / Jolly ( +Speed, -Sp. Attack ) Nature
Dragon Claw
Swords Dance
Fire Fang

Dragon Claw and Earthquake for STAB. Fire Fang for coverage and for the fact that I don't have a Fire-type/move on my team. Swords Dance serves the obvious purpose to buff him/her up.


So - what do you all think? I really would like a basic idea of how my move sets are, and how they would survive the standardized competitive environment. Please, if you would, suggest Pokemon. I am open to every suggestion out there. Thank you! And, once more, please. (;
I recommend using the Wise Glasses with Empoleon.
Use an Expert Belt/Muscle Band with Graveler to its attacks an extra boost.
Garchomp can also use the Leftovers quite nicely.
Chimecho can also Calm Mind or a Hidden Power. A useful Hidden power would be Fighting, but, Calm Mind works nicely if you don't know.

Nice job...solid moves. You've got some skill there.
With my luck, I'd get some oddball Hidden Power type. Like, something she already has.
Anyways, thank you. Personally, that's a huge compliment for me. I'll take it to heart.
( Really starting to get into this move set making thing. Hope I can start to help out other people, too! )

So, really, it's just an overall switcheroo of items that I could improve upon? Wow. Shocker, there.
Anyways, how about these for you?:

Ursaring @ Flame/Toxic Orb
Adamant / Brave Nature.
Hammer Arm
Aerial Ace
Earthquake / Avalanche / Swords Dance

Facade to obliterate anything and everything that it can hit. 1.5x with guts, STAB, etc. Hammer Arm for basic coverage. Aerial Ace to hit those nasty Fighting-types. Earthquake is for more coverage, Avalanche is for more coverage, and Swords Dance is to hit even harder with his/her colossal Attack stat.
Use the Flame Orb.
Close Combat and Brick Break are options there too.
Avalanche should be used since Ursaring will have no great way to deal with Flying-Types, like Skarmory.
Adamant nature is fine.
Also, with a Choice Band, and if you do switch into a Burn or Posion, Facade will get to a Base power of 472.5, so Choice Band is an option there as well.
I'm not a huge Choice Band person. I don't really like being restricted to a single move. However, I suppose that Facade would be the main powerhouse for him/her to use, anyways. But still, if it's not effective, it should take a good chunk out.
Thanks for the advice, again. (:
I hope other people come to critique.

( I'm so excited! I hit the 50-post mark. (: )