"It's a fine night for a slaughter."
Yoshimitsu's voice was chilling. It was so cold, in fact, that the air around him seemed to be freezing... wait, no. The air in the area really was getting colder. The ground was freezing over, a thin layer of ice forming there. A mist was rolling in as the area got progressively colder. Yoshimitsu grinned, a sadistic smile as he ran his finger over the hilt of his sword. Slowly, tauntingly, he drew it.
"MiguEl Rey, I'm afraid you've broken the rules," he said, his voice shockingly calm. "Unfortunately, that means something must be done about it. And, I'm sorry, but I'm not the nicest of people."
Suddenly, Yoshimitsu's blade was covered in ice. He charged at MiguEl Rey and swung once, an attack with shocking force. It threw MiguEl Rey away, and sent him flying straight into the Realm.
"Okay, on to the next one!"