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Besides the project in general,the characters and such seem to all have very interesting backrounds

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Touhou for anyone in the dark...long story short it is a "bullet hell" game series with two fighting games,and a very large cast of characters,each apparently being very unique in personality.Personally i've played the fighting games (known as Immaterial and Missing Power and Scarlet Weather Rhapsody) which are very interesting gameplay-wise on their own accord,from what i've seen being the only fighting games existing that frown on melee combat in favor of almost entirely projectile based battle,the second game limiting the amount of physical moves available by possibly half.

So...that all said,what i'd really like to know is if anyone has played the games (and if it's the fighting games if possible your favorite/most used character :) ),and possibly some comments on what the bullet helll games are like.I've seen a few on youtube but many times i can't even keep up and understand how the person never gets hit!


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
I've played 2 bullet hell games before: Ikaruga and rRootage. Ikaruga has the polarity system, where you can absorb bullets with your shield so long as the bullets are the same colour as your shield - the bullets can be either black or white. This makes it so you only have to dodge one colour, although anyone who has played the game will tell you you still have to avoid a HUGE number of bullets regardless in the later stages. rRootage gets by simply by the ship having a miniscule hitbox - a bullet must hit the very centre of the ship in order to destroy it - the bullets can hit the ship's wings and it will not be damaged. Depending on what mode you choose, there are other methods for evading attack in rRootage - the normal mode lets you shoot large bombs that destroy incoming bullets and allow you to cut a path through them to avoid being killed, whilst another mode allows you to put up a shield around your ship, making it invulnerable for several seconds.

That said, Ikaruga is still immensely hard, even on its easiest difficulty. It calls its difficulty modes "Easy," "Normal," and "Hard," although those should generally be read as "Very hard," "Extremely hard," and "Near Impossible." rRootage starts off fairly simple, although the difficulty ramps up very quickly about halfway through and the screen ends up literally thick with bullets in battle, making it just as tough as Ikaruga. I'd imagine all bullet hell games have tricks and techniques for players to get by, but if Ikaruga and rRootage are anything to go by, bullet hell games are no walk in the park.
I've played 2 bullet hell games before: Ikaruga and rRootage. Ikaruga has the polarity system, where you can absorb bullets with your shield so long as the bullets are the same colour as your shield - the bullets can be either black or white. This makes it so you only have to dodge one colour, although anyone who has played the game will tell you you still have to avoid a HUGE number of bullets regardless in the later stages. rRootage gets by simply by the ship having a miniscule hitbox - a bullet must hit the very centre of the ship in order to destroy it - the bullets can hit the ship's wings and it will not be damaged. Depending on what mode you choose, there are other methods for evading attack in rRootage - the normal mode lets you shoot large bombs that destroy incoming bullets and allow you to cut a path through them to avoid being killed, whilst another mode allows you to put up a shield around your ship, making it invulnerable for several seconds.

That said, Ikaruga is still immensely hard, even on its easiest difficulty. It calls its difficulty modes "Easy," "Normal," and "Hard," although those should generally be read as "Very hard," "Extremely hard," and "Near Impossible." rRootage starts off fairly simple, although the difficulty ramps up very quickly about halfway through and the screen ends up literally thick with bullets in battle, making it just as tough as Ikaruga. I'd imagine all bullet hell games have tricks and techniques for players to get by, but if Ikaruga and rRootage are anything to go by, bullet hell games are no walk in the park.

I think based on what i've seen and this,I'd say it's closer to rRootage,it seems to have a small hitbox and ways to destroy a large number of bullets temporarily

heres a video,tell me if it's similar or not

Touhou's difficulties i believe are easy,normal,hard and lunatic

i'd personally like to know if it looks harder or easier than the games you play (possibly the hardest if possible,since thats what this levels difficulty is...)


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
It does seem very similar to rRootage and looks just as hard as well, here's one of the later rRootage stages:


Ikaruga does have a very small hitbox on the ship as well, although with rRootage it is a lot easier to utilize the hitbox since you can actually see it very clearly (the small dot in the centre of the ship.)