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DPPt/HGSS Toxicroak with Choice Scarf


Bearded Trout Warrior
I got came up with this after Katie mentioned a Choice Scarf'd Me First, so Me First isn't negotiable. I don't know which Toxicroak I want, but Me First will be on whichever one I choose.
I'm not -entirely- sure of the usefulness this has yet, but it sounds really fun to do XD
A nice Anti-dragon attack, if nothing else

Toxicroak@ Choice Scarf
Adamant Nature
-Brick Break/Cross Chop
-Poison Jab
-Sucker Punch/Faint Attack
-Me First

Once I get Platinum, I might change Poison Jab for Thunderpunch, and go with X-Scissor over a dark attack.. but for now, I prefer this typing.
Brick Break for basic STAB and because fighting attacks have amazing Coverage.. since Cross Chop gets STAB, I consider it here, but I'm not sure if I want to or not yet.
Don't tell me to drop Poison Jab for X-Scissor, because X-scissor's extra coverage is useless here. I've got Dark covered by fighting, and I've got Psychic covered by Dark, so the STAB seems like a smarter choice, and can make for a more accurate attack than Cross Chop, or more powerful than Brick Break, depending on which I choose. The reasoning behind not dropping my Dark attack for X-Scissor is ghosts.
Sucker Punch because it's more powerful than Faint attack or my other choices... though it's quite a bit of a risk combining with the useless choice scarf. If my opponent knows about the Choice Scarf and I use Sucker Punch, I'm kind of Frozen in place, so I consider Faint attack over it.
Me First combined with the Choice Scarf means that I can use any damaging attack that would be about to come out against me and turn it back with a STAB boost to the power. Rock Types in particular can eat their own Earthquake, Zen headbutt from a number of pokemon can be turned back around, and I'd have the chance at flinching them. [Crobat gets it by egg or platinum tutor, and I could really catch them off-guard with the choice scarf]

228 speed - enough to outspeed anything base 130 or lower after the Scarf.. not all that worried about electrode
252 Attack - obvious reasons
28 IVs distributed to best even its defenses out

Toxicroak@ Choice Scarf
Dry Skin
Modest Nature
-Focus Blast
-Sludge Bomb
-Dark Pulse/Shadow Ball
-Me First

Focus Blast because there really isn't a better choice... and being forced to use it proves that it does pay off sometimes; 120 Base with STAB stings.
Sludge Bomb Grass coverage, and something more accurate than Focus Blast when nothing hits SE
Dark Pulse offers coverage that the other attacks can't hit, and has a chance at flinching, though it's only 20%
Shadow Ball in case I decide against wanting flinch, because Shadow Ball can hit fighting types in exchange for not being able to hit normal types *points to Focus Blast for Normals*
Me First seems like it would have more use on a special attack trained pokemon... Psychic on Gengar/Venomoth would probably be the most prominent use this time.

EVs mirror the one above, exchanging attack for special attack
228 speed - enough to outspeed anything base 130 or lower after the Scarf.. not all that worried about electrode
252 Special Attack - obvious reasons
28 IVs distributed to best even its defenses out

Toxicroak@ Choice Scarf
Dry Skin
-Cross Chop/Brick Break/Focus Blast
-Poison Jab/Sludge Bomb
-Dark Pulse/Shadow Ball/Faint attack
-Me First

EVs first to explain the moveset
84 Attack
240 Special attack
184 Speed

Gives me the speed I need to outdo base 130 speed with a perfect IV, and gives me equal stats in both attacks.

Cross Chop because it's slightly more accurate than Focus Blast, and comes with the critical boost. The other two are options, but I'd probably go with Cross Chop to make up for the lack of power caused by nature and split EVs.
Poison Jab/Sludge Bomb I'm more likely to choose Sludge bomb if my first STAB is Physical, and Poison Jab if I pick Focus Blast... I still might double up on the Physical though.
Dark Pulse/Shadow Ball rather than Sucker Punch if the first two attacks are physical.. the only reason I really consider sucker punch is that it's physical and most Psychic Pokemon have lower physical defense.
Me First I can use this more prominently for both physical and special pokemon with attacks they're weak to, or that I can just use when I think they'll have a more powerful attack than I could use.


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
Once again Ruko you manage to come up with some of the most insane ideas ever devised in the game. Best I can do for you is make some suggestions...

For the physical moveset:

- Rock Slide could be a useful move to have for Flying-types, since your Scarf already puts you above the fastest Flying-types in terms of Speed, and there's always a chance for a flinch too with your boosted Speed. Not sure where you'd put it, but its an option.

- For the Dark-type attack on the physical set, I'd go for Faint Attack for two reasons: The first, as you already mentioned, is if your opponent knows about the Scarf, Sucker Punch becomes useless. Secondly, Sucker Punch's added effect (you go first) is a bit useless since you'll be going first anyway thanks to the Scarf. Faint Attack is the way to go for me, and since most Psychics have horrible Defense stats, you should be able to get the kill anyway.

For the Special set:

- Dark Pulse beats Shadow Ball as far as typing goes due to Shadow Ball being useless against Normal-types. Although Dark Pulse is poor against Fighting-types, it can at least damage them, which is better than nothing in an emergency situation.

- Toxicroak's Special movepool is not that hot to be honest, so a good Hidden Power type could really come in handy here. HP Water could be useful to stop Fire-types taking advantage of Dry Skin., but the choice is yours here.

Finally, the mixed set. This one immediately seems the most viable to me, since Me First works better when you're powering up both offenses:

- I can see HP Fire really helping here - Skarmory, Forretress and Steelix won't be able to stay in against you for long with that, and it'll put a nice dent in Weezing as well. Cross Chop will do in Blissey and Snorlax, as well as do some good damage to Regice and Umbreon. With that, enemy Pokemon will have trouble walling you.

- With HP Fire (or any other type if you prefer it) you now have a good Special attack to stop Physical walls. Psychics still have much weaker Defense than they do Sp.Defense, so Faint Attack is superior for getting rid of them.

Put it together, and:

Toxicroak @ Choice Scarf
Dry Skin

- Cross Chop
- HP Fire
- Faint Attack
- Me First

Although you lose the dual-STAB, I think the extra coverage does you a favour here. See what you think. Hope that helped.


Bearded Trout Warrior
Once again Ruko you manage to come up with some of the most insane ideas ever devised in the game. Best I can do for you is make some suggestions...
Again, I leave Katie/Linkachu to thank for this idea XP

If I can manage to get a grip on HP Fire for it, I think that set looks like it will work great XD
I don't exactly have the best of luck with Hidden Powers though :/

As far as Rock Slide goes... If I decided I wanted it, I could just drop the Poison STAB, since I don't really need grass coverage [and that most grass types are grass/poison anyway]

Thanks, KoL ^^
I want to see a me first EQ from this guy >_< going for the physical build myself but honestly they are all awesome.

You made me realize the beauty of Me First and im gonna go test it beleive me lol