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Ask to Join Trials of Golden Lion: A Fairy Tail RP Discussion

Should this be a "next gen" Fairy Tail sequel or an AU setting entirely?

  • Sequel

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • AU

    Votes: 9 64.3%

  • Total voters


Previously Sarah316
In a land far far away lies the kingdom of Fiore, a small peaceful nation of seventeen million and a place filled with magic. Found in every home, bought and sold in every marketplace...for most magic is merely tool. A mundane part of everyday life, for some however magic is an art and they've devoted their lives to mastering it. For these individuals, Guilds become a place to call home as they seek adventure, fame, and fortune as they work to combat threats over the land. One such Guild, one who desires to make its own mark is known as Golden Lion and membership is opened to all who seek their own magical adventure...

Hey there. With the gradual but expected closure to the Ender Eye RP, I have a large magical hole left in my heart and decided to try and fill it myself.

In truth, beyond being a spiritual successor to Ender Eye I am not sure if I want this to be an entire AU setting or one set years after the events of Fairy Tail and follow the next gen of wizards the world over. Let me know in the comments or in the poll what you think would be best.

Either way, time for some rules and guidelines.

1. As expected, please follow the General RP Rules.
2. Be civil and respectful towards each other, if any arguments or issues come up please keep it mindful discussion not a fight.
3. No autos. You cannot control the actions of another RPers character unless you get their explicit permission and will have to notify of this in advance.
4. At the moment I am putting a cap on Slayer magic to 3. I don't want to flood the RP with them and want to make a diverse set of styles. This cap can/may be raised down the road but this is my starting restriction.
5. In general try to avoid making a magic that is too OP out of the gate, some reasonable limits and/or restrictions would be ideal and allow room for growth & improvement and help keeps things balanced.
6. Replies must be at the minimum a paragraph. Not saying you have to write full 10 page essays for any given reply but something a little more meaty than two sentences is all I will ask.
7. Keep cursing and blood/gore on the down low. Don't mind the isolated swear and moments of blood in an intense battle, but don't make it a bucket fest or every other word spoken a curse from your character.
8. On this topic, ship fluff and romance is fine, but try to keep it PG.
9. Have to work the phrase "I'm all fired up" somewhere in your bios to show you've read these rules.
10. Have fun :)

And how the bio template

Sexuality (Optional):
Guild Mark (If your character is gonna be new to the guild, just a mention of location in advance):
Backstory (Optional):

And a couple bios as example

Name: Eliane Bleserill
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Hetrosexual
Personality: Often ambitious and always full of energy, Eliane wears her heart on her sleeve and tends to let her emotions guide her for better and at times for the worse. Not the type to back down from confrontation and hard to steer away when she has her mind set on something which can lead to a bit of a problematic reputation even if she has "pure" intentions. Either way the phrase "I'm all fired up!" wouldn't be too out of place for her.
Appearance: Is of average height for her age with a slender yet appealing figure; fair skin with blue eyes and long brown hair with a pink butterfly hairclip over her right bang. Wears a blue vest over a white sleeveless top along with a pair of white shorts along with near knee high white socks and a pair of black shoes.
Magic: Rainbow Fire Magic (A variation of Fire Magic in which the user creates flames with a variety of colors, with each color having a particular effect or property. Firepower tied to her natural stamina and if she uses too much she can burn herself out leaving herself powerless till she can naturally recover it.)
  • Azure Fire (A spell in which the user creates blue-colored fire with cold properties to produce a freezing vs. burning effect.)
  • Crimson Fire (The user creates some orange-colored fire that acts as the traditional burning fire attack. Can use natural fire around her to "fuel" her flames, though cannot feed off magical flames or her own fire itself)
  • Jade Fire (Produces some green-tinted fire that is used for healing purposes, able to tend to minor injuries of herself or others on contact but struggles with much beyond that)
  • Marigold Fire (The user creates a orange-colored flame that, while lacking any offensive power, produces this nauseous odor on contact with the goal to disgust or disorient the foe)
  • Violet Fire (Fire Magic that allows the caster to create a specific purple fire, one that cannot be extinguished by wind or water (Though is less effective in such conditions) and produces a solid "beam" rather than a usual gas-like flame.)
Guild Mark: Back of right palm.
Backstory: A young woman with a strong desire for adventure, Eliane always dreamed of leaving her modest home for something more. Really that is all there is to it, as Eliane felt trapped in a bit of a dull "ordinary" existence even if she loved her family to death. But she heard grand adventures from her grandfather of the life of a Guild Wizard, the adventures the fun and the insanity of it all and knew she desired a piece of it for herself. As such when she was deemed "old" enough to set out it was an easy choice to sign up for a Guild even if Golden Lion had yet to gain the fame other older guilds have built up, something she was eager to help change.
Other: She is an aspiring artist who desires to make a colorful catalogue of her adventures with Golden Lion.

Name: Leona Valerious
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: On the surface Leona is a fun-loving if not reckless individual who has a fearless demeanor to her and at times can come off as a hard drinking party gal than a mage let alone Guild Master. However, underneath this is a woman with some credible experience to fall back on who is both stern but understanding able to find the right type of tone to talk with to connect to any given individual and always strives to help her Guild Mates be the best they could be and will passionately defend them against anyone and everyone.
Appearance: A tall woman with a strong yet womanly build, with tanned skin and snow white hair flowing past her shoulders in a wild girl style. She had emerald-green eyes and some freckles along with a scar over the bridge of her nose. Wears a black sports bra along with a pair of jean shorts and some dark boots along with a pair of black and gold gloves. In her back pocket she tends to carry a golden locket a golden locket she on occasion wears around her neck though prefers to keep the contents to herself.
Magic: Animal Possession (A type of Seith, or Black Magic, that allows her to confine the souls of animals into their body, or specific parts of their body, and then use them in battle projecting said souls over certain body parts depending on the spell & animal in use. Requires a great deal of focus and self-control to tame the various souls inside her body as overuse or a lose of composure/control risks those beasts running wild through her)
  • Claws of the Guardian (Projects the soul of a bear through her fingers, manifesting its claws which grants her added "cutting" power to her strikes)
  • Fist of the King (Projects the soul of a lion through her fist, manifesting its head which grants her enhanced striking power)
  • Horn of the Bulldozer (Projects the soul of a rhino through her forehead, manifesting its horn which grants her added strength for a running "battering ram" strike)
  • Whip of the Prankster (Projects the soul of a spider-monkey, manifesting its tail from her lower back which can be used to grasp and swing off objects as well as a striking "whip")
  • Wings of the Caretaker (Projects the soul of an eagle, manifesting its wings on her back which grants her temporary flight)
Has other souls in use, these are just some of her favs or most reliable.

Guild Mark: Back of left shoulder.
Backstory: Growing up abandoned and alone, Leona had to quickly learn she only had herself to rely on and as such did whatever she could to get by. This sadly included being strung along by a dark guild where Leona not only developed in the Black Arts but gained infamy for her bold bravado and destructive tendencies. However, she soon began to see the toll her selfish actions had on others and with a wave of guilt she left the dark guild and turned herself in serving some time before she was granted a release and developed a new lease on life. As such, she worked her way up the ranks learning from a proper Legal Guild before she branched off and formed her own Guild determined to steer young mages to use their talents in ways that avoid repeating her old mistakes and wasting them.
Other: Is the current Guild Master of Golden Lion, with a son who due to her past is not on speaking terms with.

If anyone has any questions let me know, hope to make something anyone can enjoy~

And here for simplicity sake. The RP Bios

Name: Shiro Stelbah
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: A rather laid back, easy going guy who seems to rarely take things too seriously. Usually seen as a glass half full type who always assumes the worst of a situation and can be a bit of a sarcastic pain. Very much not the type to say "I'm all fired up", but does have an acute eye and when he does get serious can be a bit more dependable than his surface demeanor suggests. Very much believes in "work smarter not harder" but when he does feel reason to work harder will give as much as anyone.
Appearance: Has pale skin with a lanky build and some short blonde hair with green eyes
Magic: Starch Magic (A Caster Magic ability to create and turn any part of their body into starch; a white, malleable material that can shift between its base state to a paste-like liquid and/or a rock-solid hardened form. This grants him a varied style that includes powdered projectiles, liquid shapeshifting and hardened physical strikes along with the ability to defensively shift his body into the starch to avoid damage to certain spots. However, it is taxing to maintain any given body part in its starch form and the longer he uses his magic the more he risks having his body "stiff" up on him making him immobile for an extended period. This on top of a natural struggle he has to shift seamlessly between his "states" of starch .)
Guild Mark: Right shoulder.
Backstory: TBD once it is decided if this is a Sequel or AU.
Other: He is the son of a skilled pottery maker and helped around the family business until he decided to peruse his path as a mage.

Name: Daiki Ko
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Personality: Daiki is the cheerful sort and mostly chooses to be so! As a people pleaser, she tends to stay calm in stressful situations for the sake of others. Unlike a crybaby or a hothead, Daiki cracks jokes under pressure or lets out unnecessary comments to calm herself. In fact, she prides herself on the fact that she rarely cries. She's a very hungry lady and the only situation where she can get irritable is when shes gone without food.
Appearance: Short, spiky, white hair. Perky white ears, white tail. Flushed cheeks. Light red eyes. Sleeveless turtleneck with star cutout on chest, puffy shorts, puffy cuffs on both wrists; long, brown leather boots. Pink fanny pack.
Magic: Animal Soul Magic: Normally this type of magic would allow the user to transform into more animals than just one, but Daiki was never able to transform into anything other than a giant bunny. She is completely in control of herself when she transforms. As a result of transforming into this animal so much, shes stuck with permanent bunny ears and a tail.
Guild Mark: Back of neck
Backstory: Daiki was fostered her whole life by an adventurer from the Lamia Scale guild in Margaret Town. He was pretty tough on her as a kid because he wanted Daiki to become a strong and self reliant woman. Despite using Animal Soul magic, Daiki was picked on because she could only transform into one animal; a bunny. Albeit, it's a rather scary bunny. Daiki left her home in Margaret town at the age of 22 to find the guild that was meant for her.

Name: Alistair Delaney Titus Leopold Maxidus the Third.
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Sexuality (Optional): Straight with a capital g.
Personality: He's outgoing, he's a showoff, and charismatic. He's also extremely insecure, and loses all confidence immediately at the drop of a hat. Though most of the time, he hides it pretty well. He also bounces back and fourth like a basketball meaning he never spends too much time self-loathing. He's an amazing actor. He carries himself with dignity and poise because he likes to look good.
Appearance: Alistair is 5'11 ft. Though he will say he is 6ft. He weighs 152 pounds. He is a fairly tan boy with mint green eyes. His hair is wavy dark brown, and goes down to his shoulders. He splits bangs down the middle. His chin is pointy and his eyebrows are relatively bushy. He's also grinning all the time. Even when he's having a mental breakdown. Think of Yuga Aoyama from my hero academia's weird pointy smile.

clothes: Alistair wears a mostly emerald green silk attire. He wears a dark green tunic, and an emerald green waistcoat atop his tunic. His waistcoat has rose red embroidery. he wears solid white hose. His breeches match his waistcoat. His overcoat matches his waistcoat, but with more embellishment. His shoes are dark green and have a gold buckle with the letter 'M' in the center of the buckle. He has a olive green cravat with the same 'M'.

Magic: light make magic. Like all make magic, he creates things from his respective element. He oftentimes creates darts or pole vault crossbars to make big leaps. He also carries a silver cane with a jade eagle head atop it. The eagle has ruby eyes. Carved onto the silver of the cane are various eagles swirling up the cane, ready to strike. He likes to coat his cane with light magic. He also likes to make big exaggerated flashy movement when casting spells.

Guild Mark: Center of his chest.

Backstory (Optional): Alistair was an orphan from an early age, and blamed himself for being there. As a result he feels the need to show off and feel validated a lot. He never learned the real reason why he was sent there. Maybe his parents couldn't afford to feed him. Maybe it really was his fault. Alistair didn't know.

Eventually a wealthy family came by, and adopted him because they had no child of their own and had been struggling for a couple years to get a child. His soon to be adoptive parents were Reginald and Catherine. Though the wealthy couple didn't want to have their dirty laundry known to the public so they had two of their servants act as adopting parents. Their names were Ferdinand and Lisa. Despite the fact that Reginald and Catherine claimed him as their child, Ferdinand and Lisa were like a second pair of parents. Reginald and Catherine were very strict parents while Ferdinand and Lisa were more kind and nurturing. Alistair would oftentimes come to Ferdinand and Lisa when he was having a bad day. That's not to say Reginald or Catherine were mean or demanding of the boy. In stark contrast, Alistair had many fond memories with them.

For a time being, Alistair was intended to take his adoptive father's place as head of the family one day Though surprisingly, one day Reginald and Catherine had a child of their own. He was named after his father. For a while this unnerved Alistair. Now he was being replaced. Alistair had expected to be sent to the orphanage where he really belonged Though to his surprise, he was never sent back. The thought never even crossed his parents minds. If anything Alistair and his younger adoptive brother had a great relationship. To a lesser extent they even had a friendly rivalry. Though with his adoptive brother to one day take their father's place, Alistair needed a new life calling. Alistair began looking for a way to branch out. He eventually settled on the idea of joining a magic guild. It seemed like something worth trying. His parents were mostly busy prepping their biological son to take their father's place one day so they didn't object much. Ferdinand and Lisa were quite supportive to the idea.

Other: His original name is Walt Kormil. However his adoptive parents changed it to make him sound fancier. As if he were their own biological child.
Reginald had a carriage service that was mostly reserved for the wealthy. He was also an acclaimed author. Catherine came from a wealthy banker family.
Alistair is probably gonna say "I'm all fired up!" at the beginning of the RP, should he be accepted...

Name: Luan Alinac
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Luan is a reserved, but confident young male. He's usually a man of few words, so you won't even hear him say "I'm all fired up," but he rather follows along and listens in on people's conversations. Reiterating that he's not much of a man with words, he usually lets his actions do most of the talking. Though you don't see him talking much, it doesn't mean he doesn't have a personality. Stealth is his motif, as he is learning and acting on the life style of a ninja, so you'll often see him in the shadows of the guild or hanging from the ceiling. Using this, he often likes to pull small harmless pranks on people for fun. He doesn't become agitated of nervous easily, or if he does, it's rarely seen by everyone because he's often wearing a mask over his nose and mouth, so his emotions are constantly covered. Luan thinks rationally and calmly, even if he isn't at a favorable situation.
Appearance: Luan has a clean and kempt silver hair that has his bangs swooped to the right side of his face. While his black mask is on, his brown eyes is the only thing that is shown, but underneath, Luan has a slightly small upper lip. His skin is fairly light compared to others, but he's taller than most people at his age. Standing at a 6'3", Luan has a build between lean and toned. His outfit is usually associated with ninja gear, so he'll constantly have a mask to cover his face, loose and comfortable clothing for mobility, and tightly wrapped bandages around his ankles and wrists.
Magic: Moonlight Magic (A caster magic that is a subcategory of light magic that focuses more directly on the utilization and manipulation of light from the moon. It's especially effective during the night time in comparison to the day time, but it would be even more effective during the nights of full moons. This isn't saying the user can't use this magic during the day, it just won't be as strong with sunlight.)
  • In Luan's case, he usually uses Moonlight Magic as a support and utility magic. In instances, he uses moonlight to help strengthen his attacks and or speed, or add durability onto his weapons. In other cases, for utilities, he can use moonlight as a flash grenade for blinding and for teleportation. He rarely uses moonlight magic for offensive attacking purposes.
Guild Mark: Lower right back
Backstory: WIP dependent on AU or Next Gen
Other: Luan carries multiple series of weapons, such as a ninja would. He mainly have small items such as shurikens and kunai, but he does carry around a long single katana for long close-ranged fights.

Name: Linus Adante
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality (Optional): Pansexual
Personality: A practical joker who's main goal is to make everyone happy. He loves performing and wants to make everyone laugh. Absolutely loves puns. Unfortunately, he has performers anxiety and is often a very harsh critic of himself and one day he hopes to improve his music and write a song he himself is proud of. He's a huuuge nerd too
Appearance: light Brown messy hair, green eyed, glasses, medium skinned on the lighter side, prefers to wear a white button down shirt, reddish brown trousers, black boots all covered with a dark blue jaket. As with all Bards he wears a feathered hat , and his weapon is a silver harp
Magic: Music Magic
(A holder type magic that relies on a mage's instrument to use spells. Music Magic mainly focuses on sound shockwaves, supporting allies and even confusing people with his songs. )

Guild Mark (If your character is gonna be new to the guild, just a mention of location in advance): Lower back on his left side
Backstory (Optional):TBD

Name: Kenneth "Kenny" Andrews
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality (Optional): Straight
Personality: Kenneth is a very calm person, being thoughtful of others and protects his allies at all costs. He is not usually reckless, but if the situation calls for it, he'll encounter it, head-on. He's very friendly and will not hesitate to attack anyone who hurts his allies.
Appearance: Kenneth is light skinned with bright light hair. He wears a white cloak, and a white polo under it. His eye colors are blue and yellow, as both eyes are different from eachother.
Origami Magic - He can create anything from paper, and he can also control it, making it fly and move around. He'll need paper to make use of this power, At the same time, he can also make the paper harder and stronger. It's also strong enough to lift a middle-aged male, and can be used for transportation. (eg. He creates knives, from paper, which he can control or creates a paper plane, which can be used as transportation)
Guild Mark: On his lower back.
Backstory (Optional): TBD
Other: He is a man who would never say "I'm all fired up".

And now as per request, some reserve spots.
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Previously Sarah316
Well, well, well, I was going to let this pass because I was already in...one..two..three...—eight other Rps, but I think I can squeeze in another OC...at the end of the month once school ends. So reserve a spot for me~

I am in quite a lot rps myself, just like Kyu, so thought of sitting out this one as I didn't know how active I would be, but seeing promising rp to be such quiet from the start?
Let's give it a small kick.
If you can you can reserve a spot for me as well ^w^

And done~
Name: Shiro Stelbah
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: A rather laid back, easy going guy who seems to rarely take things too seriously. Usually seen as a glass half full type who always assumes the worst of a situation and can be a bit of a sarcastic pain. Very much not the type to say "I'm all fired up", but does have an acute eye and when he does get serious can be a bit more dependable than his surface demeanor suggests. Very much believes in "work smarter not harder" but when he does feel reason to work harder will give as much as anyone.
Appearance: Has pale skin with a lanky build and some short blonde hair with green eyes
Magic: Starch Magic (A Caster Magic ability to create and turn any part of their body into starch; a white, malleable material that can shift between its base state to a paste-like liquid and/or a rock-solid hardened form. This grants him a varied style that includes powdered projectiles, liquid shapeshifting and hardened physical strikes along with the ability to defensively shift his body into the starch to avoid damage to certain spots. However, it is taxing to maintain any given body part in its starch form and the longer he uses his magic the more he risks having his body "stiff" up on him making him immobile for an extended period. This on top of a natural struggle he has to shift seamlessly between his "states" of starch .)
Guild Mark: Right shoulder.
Backstory: TBD once it is decided if this is a Sequel or AU.
Other: He is the son of a skilled pottery maker and helped around the family business until he decided to peruse his path as a mage.

Hope it checks out. Excited to give FT another try!

And if uh certain individuals ask I was never here…*Ninja sneak*


Previously Sarah316
Name: Shiro Stelbah
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: A rather laid back, easy going guy who seems to rarely take things too seriously. Usually seen as a glass half full type who always assumes the worst of a situation and can be a bit of a sarcastic pain. Very much not the type to say "I'm all fired up", but does have an acute eye and when he does get serious can be a bit more dependable than his surface demeanor suggests. Very much believes in "work smarter not harder" but when he does feel reason to work harder will give as much as anyone.
Appearance: Has pale skin with a lanky build and some short blonde hair with green eyes
Magic: Starch Magic (A Caster Magic ability to create and turn any part of their body into starch; a white, malleable material that can shift between its base state to a paste-like liquid and/or a rock-solid hardened form. This grants him a varied style that includes powdered projectiles, liquid shapeshifting and hardened physical strikes along with the ability to defensively shift his body into the starch to avoid damage to certain spots. However, it is taxing to maintain any given body part in its starch form and the longer he uses his magic the more he risks having his body "stiff" up on him making him immobile for an extended period. This on top of a natural struggle he has to shift seamlessly between his "states" of starch .)
Guild Mark: Right shoulder.
Backstory: TBD once it is decided if this is a Sequel or AU.
Other: He is the son of a skilled pottery maker and helped around the family business until he decided to peruse his path as a mage.

Hope it checks out. Excited to give FT another try!

And if uh certain individuals ask I was never here…*Ninja sneak*

Looks solid to me, accepted!
Name: Daiki Ko
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Personality: Daiki is the cheerful sort and mostly chooses to be so! As a people pleaser, she tends to stay calm in stressful situations for the sake of others. Unlike a crybaby or a hothead, Daiki cracks jokes under pressure or lets out unnecessary comments to calm herself. In fact, she prides herself on the fact that she rarely cries. She's a very hungry lady and the only situation where she can get irritable is when shes gone without food.
Appearance: Short, spiky, white hair. Perky white ears, white tail. Flushed cheeks. Light red eyes. Sleeveless turtleneck with star cutout on chest, puffy shorts, puffy cuffs on both wrists; long, brown leather boots. Pink fanny pack.
Magic: Animal Soul Magic: Normally this type of magic would allow the user to transform into more animals than just one, but Daiki was never able to transform into anything other than a giant bunny. She is completely in control of herself when she transforms. As a result of transforming into this animal so much, shes stuck with permanent bunny ears and a tail.
Guild Mark: Back of neck
Backstory: Daiki was fostered her whole life by an adventurer from the Lamia Scale guild in Margaret Town. He was pretty tough on her as a kid because he wanted Daiki to become a strong and self reliant woman. Despite using Animal Soul magic, Daiki was picked on because she could only transform into one animal; a bunny. Albeit, it's a rather scary bunny. Daiki left her home in Margaret town at the age of 22 to find the guild that was meant for her.

hi!!! i love fairy tail so i thought id give this a try!!! i hope you like my lil lady. im all fired up about it :))
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Previously Sarah316
Name: Daiki Ko
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Personality: Daiki is the cheerful sort and mostly chooses to be so! As a people pleaser, she tends to stay calm in stressful situations for the sake of others. Unlike a crybaby or a hothead, Daiki cracks jokes under pressure or lets out unnecessary comments to calm herself. In fact, she prides herself on the fact that she rarely cries. She's a very hungry lady and the only situation where she can get irritable is when shes gone without food.
Appearance: Short, spiky, white hair. Perky white ears, white tail. Flushed cheeks. Light red eyes. Sleeveless turtleneck with star cutout on chest, puffy shorts, puffy cuffs on both wrists; long, brown leather boots. Pink fanny pack.
Magic: Animal Soul Magic
Guild Mark: Golden Lion (previously resided in Margaret Town)
Backstory: Daiki was fostered her whole life by an adventurer from the Lamia Scale guild in Margaret Town. He was pretty tough on her as a kid because he wanted Daiki to become a strong and self reliant woman. Despite using Animal Soul magic, Daiki was picked on because she could only transform into one animal; a bunny. Albeit, it's a rather scary bunny. Daiki left her home in Margaret town at the age of 22 to find the guild that was meant for her.

hi!!! i love fairy tail so i thought id give this a try!!! i hope you like my lil lady. im all fired up about it :))
View attachment 892556

Alright bio looks pretty good overall, but I would like to have a little detail just on what Soul Magic is. Get an idea of what it can do, what its weakness might be etc. Just some info there. Also Guild Mark is more what location you want your Guild Mark not what Guild you are joining. Like back of palm, or chest or shoulder etc.

Make those bits are fixed up I'll be happy to accept you :)
Alright bio looks pretty good overall, but I would like to have a little detail just on what Soul Magic is. Get an idea of what it can do, what its weakness might be etc. Just some info there. Also Guild Mark is more what location you want your Guild Mark not what Guild you are joining. Like back of palm, or chest or shoulder etc.

Make those bits are fixed up I'll be happy to accept you :)
okay!! i fixed them up. thank you for letting me know ♥
You still accepting? I might join...

anything need fixing?

Name: Alistair Delaney Titus Leopold Maxidus the Third.
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Sexuality (Optional): Straight with a capital g.
Personality: He's outgoing, he's a showoff, and charismatic. He's also extremely insecure, and loses all confidence immediately at the drop of a hat. Though most of the time, he hides it pretty well. He also bounces back and fourth like a basketball meaning he never spends too much time self-loathing. He's an amazing actor. He carries himself with dignity and poise because he likes to look good.
Appearance: Alistair is 5'11 ft. Though he will say he is 6ft. He weighs 152 pounds. He is a fairly tan boy with mint green eyes. His hair is wavy dark brown, and goes down to his shoulders. He splits bangs down the middle. His chin is pointy and his eyebrows are relatively bushy. He's also grinning all the time. Even when he's having a mental breakdown. Think of Yuga Aoyama from my hero academia's weird pointy smile.

clothes: Alistair wears a mostly emerald green silk attire. He wears a dark green tunic, and an emerald green waistcoat atop his tunic. His waistcoat has rose red embroidery. he wears solid white hose. His breeches match his waistcoat. His overcoat matches his waistcoat, but with more embellishment. His shoes are dark green and have a gold buckle with the letter 'M' in the center of the buckle. He has a olive green cravat with the same 'M'.

Magic: light make magic. Like all make magic, he creates things from his respective element. He oftentimes creates darts or pole vault crossbars to make big leaps. He also carries a silver cane with a jade eagle head atop it. The eagle has ruby eyes. Carved onto the silver of the cane are various eagles swirling up the cane, ready to strike. He likes to coat his cane with light magic. He also likes to make big exaggerated flashy movement when casting spells.

Guild Mark: Center of his chest.

Backstory (Optional): Alistair was an orphan from an early age, and blamed himself for being there. As a result he feels the need to show off and feel validated a lot. He never learned the real reason why he was sent there. Maybe his parents couldn't afford to feed him. Maybe it really was his fault. Alistair didn't know.

Eventually a wealthy family came by, and adopted him because they had no child of their own and had been struggling for a couple years to get a child. His soon to be adoptive parents were Reginald and Catherine. Though the wealthy couple didn't want to have their dirty laundry known to the public so they had two of their servants act as adopting parents. Their names were Ferdinand and Lisa. Despite the fact that Reginald and Catherine claimed him as their child, Ferdinand and Lisa were like a second pair of parents. Reginald and Catherine were very strict parents while Ferdinand and Lisa were more kind and nurturing. Alistair would oftentimes come to Ferdinand and Lisa when he was having a bad day. That's not to say Reginald or Catherine were mean or demanding of the boy. In stark contrast, Alistair had many fond memories with them.

For a time being, Alistair was intended to take his adoptive father's place as head of the family one day Though surprisingly, one day Reginald and Catherine had a child of their own. He was named after his father. For a while this unnerved Alistair. Now he was being replaced. Alistair had expected to be sent to the orphanage where he really belonged Though to his surprise, he was never sent back. The thought never even crossed his parents minds. If anything Alistair and his younger adoptive brother had a great relationship. To a lesser extent they even had a friendly rivalry. Though with his adoptive brother to one day take their father's place, Alistair needed a new life calling. Alistair began looking for a way to branch out. He eventually settled on the idea of joining a magic guild. It seemed like something worth trying. His parents were mostly busy prepping their biological son to take their father's place one day so they didn't object much. Ferdinand and Lisa were quite supportive to the idea.

Other: His original name is Walt Kormil. However his adoptive parents changed it to make him sound fancier. As if he were their own biological child.
Reginald had a carriage service that was mostly reserved for the wealthy. He was also an acclaimed author. Catherine came from a wealthy banker family.
Alistair is probably gonna say "I'm all fired up!" at the beginning of the RP, should he be accepted...
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Previously Sarah316
You still accepting? I might join...

anything need fixing?

Name: Alistair Delaney Titus Leopold Maxidus the Third.
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Sexuality (Optional): Straight with a capital g.
Personality: He's outgoing, he's a showoff, and charismatic. He's also extremely insecure, and loses all confidence immediately at the drop of a hat. Though most of the time, he hides it pretty well. He also bounces back and fourth like a basketball meaning he never spends too much time self-loathing. He's an amazing actor. He carries himself with dignity and poise because he likes to look good.
Appearance: Alistair is 5'11 ft. Though he will say he is 6ft. He weighs 152 pounds. He is a fairly tan boy with mint green eyes. His hair is wavy dark brown, and goes down to his shoulders. He splits bangs down the middle. His chin is pointy and his eyebrows are relatively bushy. He's also grinning all the time. Even when he's having a mental breakdown. Think of Yuga Aoyama from my hero academia's weird pointy smile.

clothes: Alistair wears a mostly emerald green silk attire. He wears a dark green tunic, and an emerald green waistcoat atop his tunic. His waistcoat has rose red embroidery. he wears solid white hose. His breeches match his waistcoat. His overcoat matches his waistcoat, but with more embellishment. His shoes are dark green and have a gold buckle with the letter 'M' in the center of the buckle. He has a olive green cravat with the same 'M'.

Magic: light make magic. Like all make magic, he creates things from his respective element. He oftentimes creates darts or pole vault crossbars to make big leaps. He also carries a silver cane with a jade eagle head atop it. The eagle has ruby eyes. Carved onto the silver of the cane are various eagles swirling up the cane, ready to strike. He likes to coat his cane with light magic. He also likes to make big exaggerated flashy movement when casting spells.

Guild Mark: Center of his chest.

Backstory (Optional): Alistair was an orphan from an early age, and blamed himself for being there. As a result he feels the need to show off and feel validated a lot. He never learned the real reason why he was sent there. Maybe his parents couldn't afford to feed him. Maybe it really was his fault. Alistair didn't know.

Eventually a wealthy family came by, and adopted him because they had no child of their own and had been struggling for a couple years to get a child. His soon to be adoptive parents were Reginald and Catherine. Though the wealthy couple didn't want to have their dirty laundry known to the public so they had two of their servants act as adopting parents. Their names were Ferdinand and Lisa. Despite the fact that Reginald and Catherine claimed him as their child, Ferdinand and Lisa were like a second pair of parents. Reginald and Catherine were very strict parents while Ferdinand and Lisa were more kind and nurturing. Alistair would oftentimes come to Ferdinand and Lisa when he was having a bad day. That's not to say Reginald or Catherine were mean or demanding of the boy. In stark contrast, Alistair had many fond memories with them.

For a time being, Alistair was intended to take his adoptive father's place as head of the family one day Though surprisingly, one day Reginald and Catherine had a child of their own. He was named after his father. For a while this unnerved Alistair. Now he was being replaced. Alistair had expected to be sent to the orphanage where he really belonged Though to his surprise, he was never sent back. The thought never even crossed his parents minds. If anything Alistair and his younger adoptive brother had a great relationship. To a lesser extent they even had a friendly rivalry. Though with his adoptive brother to one day take their father's place, Alistair needed a new life calling. Alistair began looking for a way to branch out. He eventually settled on the idea of joining a magic guild. It seemed like something worth trying. His parents were mostly busy prepping their biological son to take their father's place one day so they didn't object much. Ferdinand and Lisa were quite supportive to the idea.

Other: His original name is Walt Kormil. However his adoptive parents changed it to make him sound fancier. As if he were their own biological child.
Reginald had a carriage service that was mostly reserved for the wealthy. He was also an acclaimed author. Catherine came from a wealthy banker family.
Alistair is probably gonna say "I'm all fired up!" at the beginning of the RP, should he be accepted...

Of course.

And this looks good, accepted!

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Name: Luan Alinac
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Luan is a reserved, but confident young male. He's usually a man of few words, so you won't even hear him say "I'm all fired up," but he rather follows along and listens in on people's conversations. Reiterating that he's not much of a man with words, he usually lets his actions do most of the talking. Though you don't see him talking much, it doesn't mean he doesn't have a personality. Stealth is his motif, as he is learning and acting on the life style of a ninja, so you'll often see him in the shadows of the guild or hanging from the ceiling. Using this, he often likes to pull small harmless pranks on people for fun. He doesn't become agitated of nervous easily, or if he does, it's rarely seen by everyone because he's often wearing a mask over his nose and mouth, so his emotions are constantly covered. Luan thinks rationally and calmly, even if he isn't at a favorable situation.
Appearance: Luan has a clean and kempt silver hair that has his bangs swooped to the right side of his face. While his black mask is on, his brown eyes is the only thing that is shown, but underneath, Luan has a slightly small upper lip. His skin is fairly light compared to others, but he's taller than most people at his age. Standing at a 6'3", Luan has a build between lean and toned. His outfit is usually associated with ninja gear, so he'll constantly have a mask to cover his face, loose and comfortable clothing for mobility, and tightly wrapped bandages around his ankles and wrists.
Magic: Moonlight Magic (A caster magic that is a subcategory of light magic that focuses more directly on the utilization and manipulation of light from the moon. It's especially effective during the night time in comparison to the day time, but it would be even more effective during the nights of full moons. This isn't saying the user can't use this magic during the day, it just won't be as strong with sunlight.)
  • In Luan's case, he usually uses Moonlight Magic as a support and utility magic. In instances, he uses moonlight to help strengthen his attacks and or speed, or add durability onto his weapons. In other cases, for utilities, he can use moonlight as a flash grenade for blinding and for teleportation. He rarely uses moonlight magic for offensive attacking purposes.
Guild Mark: Lower right back
Backstory: WIP dependent on AU or Next Gen
Other: Luan carries multiple series of weapons, such as a ninja would. He mainly have small items such as shurikens and kunai, but he does carry around a long single katana for long close-ranged fights.

Side-note: I may potentially change the magic because it is a bit too similar to the Light-Make magic that was just used for Alistair. I did have the bio written out for a while now, but it’s all good, I can change it.

I’m glad that you created a new Fairy Tail roleplay. It was a bit sudden, but expected that Ender Eye would die. However we can always keep trying to go on with the Ender Eye roleplay despite it having a major lack of member, and redevelop the plot to support a smaller cast if we ever wanted LOL

But other than that, I’m excited to see which direction this roleplay would move towards.
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I was originally veeeeerrryyy iffy about this cus 1. I'm already in 4 RPs and 2. I didn't even know where to start for my character but I think I have a good one

Name: Linus Adante
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality (Optional): Pansexual
Personality: A practical joker who's main goal is to make everyone happy. He loves performing and wants to make everyone laugh. Absolutely loves puns. Unfortunately, he has performers anxiety and is often a very harsh critic of himself and one day he hopes to improve his music and write a song he himself is proud of. He's a huuuge nerd too
Appearance: light Brown messy hair, green eyed, glasses, medium skinned on the lighter side, prefers to wear a white button down shirt, reddish brown trousers, black boots all covered with a dark blue jaket. As with all Bards he wears a feathered hat , and his weapon is a silver harp
Magic: Music Magic
(A holder type magic that relies on a mage's instrument to use spells. Music Magic mainly focuses on sound shockwaves, supporting allies and even confusing people with his songs. )

Guild Mark (If your character is gonna be new to the guild, just a mention of location in advance): Lower back on his left side
Backstory (Optional):TBD
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| Korutesu |

Previously NotAPokemonRanger
Name: Kenneth "Kenny" Andrews
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality (Optional): Straight
Personality: Kenneth is a very calm person, being thoughtful of others and protects his allies at all costs. He is not usually reckless, but if the situation calls for it, he'll encounter it, head-on. He's very friendly and will not hesitate to attack anyone who hurts his allies.
Appearance: Kenneth is light skinned with bright light hair. He wears a white cloak, and a white polo under it. His eye colors are blue and yellow, as both eyes are different from eachother.
Origami Magic - He can create anything from paper, and he can also control it, making it fly and move around. He'll need paper to make use of this power, At the same time, he can also make the paper harder and stronger. It's also strong enough to lift a middle-aged male, and can be used for transportation. (eg. He creates knives, from paper, which he can control or creates a paper plane, which can be used as transportation)
Guild Mark: On his lower back.
Backstory (Optional): TBD
Other: He is a man who would never say "I'm all fired up".


Previously Sarah316
Name: Luan Alinac
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Luan is a reserved, but confident young male. He's usually a man of few words, so you won't even hear him say "I'm all fired up," but he rather follows along and listens in on people's conversations. Reiterating that he's not much of a man with words, he usually lets his actions do most of the talking. Though you don't see him talking much, it doesn't mean he doesn't have a personality. Stealth is his motif, as he is learning and acting on the life style of a ninja, so you'll often see him in the shadows of the guild or hanging from the ceiling. Using this, he often likes to pull small harmless pranks on people for fun. He doesn't become agitated of nervous easily, or if he does, it's rarely seen by everyone because he's often wearing a mask over his nose and mouth, so his emotions are constantly covered. Luan thinks rationally and calmly, even if he isn't at a favorable situation.
Appearance: Luan has a clean and kempt silver hair that has his bangs swooped to the right side of his face. While his black mask is on, his brown eyes is the only thing that is shown, but underneath, Luan has a slightly small upper lip. His skin is fairly light compared to others, but he's taller than most people at his age. Standing at a 6'3", Luan has a build between lean and toned. His outfit is usually associated with ninja gear, so he'll constantly have a mask to cover his face, loose and comfortable clothing for mobility, and tightly wrapped bandages around his ankles and wrists.
Magic: Moonlight Magic (A caster magic that is a subcategory of light magic that focuses more directly on the utilization and manipulation of light from the moon. It's especially effective during the night time in comparison to the day time, but it would be even more effective during the nights of full moons. This isn't saying the user can't use this magic during the day, it just won't be as strong with sunlight.)
  • In Luan's case, he usually uses Moonlight Magic as a support and utility magic. In instances, he uses moonlight to help strengthen his attacks and or speed, or add durability onto his weapons. In other cases, for utilities, he can use moonlight as a flash grenade for blinding and for teleportation. He rarely uses moonlight magic for offensive attacking purposes.
Guild Mark: Lower right back
Backstory: WIP dependent on AU or Next Gen
Other: Luan carries multiple series of weapons, such as a ninja would. He mainly have small items such as shurikens and kunai, but he does carry around a long single katana for long close-ranged fights.

Side-note: I may potentially change the magic because it is a bit too similar to the Light-Make magic that was just used for Alistair. I did have the bio written out for a while now, but it’s all good, I can change it.

I’m glad that you created a new Fairy Tail roleplay. It was a bit sudden, but expected that Ender Eye would die. However we can always keep trying to go on with the Ender Eye roleplay despite it having a major lack of member, and redevelop the plot to support a smaller cast if we ever wanted LOL

But other than that, I’m excited to see which direction this roleplay would move towards.

Accepted. Though if you do change your magic please notify here so I can look it over.

I was originally veeeeerrryyy iffy about this cus 1. I'm already in 4 RPs and 2. I didn't even know where to start for my character but I think I have a good one

Name: Linus Adante
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality (Optional): Pansexual
Personality: A practicla joker who's main goal is to make everyone happy. He loves performing and wants to make everyone laugh. Absolutely loves puns. Undortunately, he has performers anxiety and is often a very harsh critic of himself and one day he hopes to improve his music and write a song he himself is proud of. He's a huuuge nerd too
Appearance: light Brown messy hair, green eyed, glasses, medium skinned on the lighter side, prefers to wear a white button down shirt, reddish brown trousers, black boots all covered with a dark blue jaket. As with all Bards he wears a feathered hat , and his weapon is a silver harp
Magic: Music Magic
(A holder type magic that relies on a mage's instrument to use spells. Music Magic mainly focuses on sound shockwaves, supporting allies and even confusing people with his songs. )

Guild Mark (If your character is gonna be new to the guild, just a mention of location in advance): Lower back on his left side
Backstory (Optional):TBD

Read the rules carefully. There is one bit missing from this before I can approve.

Name: Kenneth "Kenny" Andrews
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality (Optional): Straight
Personality: Kenneth is a very calm person, being thoughtful of others and protects his allies at all costs. He is not usually reckless, but if the situation calls for it, he'll encounter it, head-on. He's very friendly and will not hesitate to attack anyone who hurts his allies.
Appearance: Kenneth is light skinned with bright light hair. He wears a white cloak, and a white polo under it. His eye colors are blue and yellow, as both eyes are different from eachother.
Origami Magic - He can create anything from paper, and he can also control it, making it fly and move around. He'll need paper to make use of this power, At the same time, he can also make the paper harder and stronger. It's also strong enough to lift a middle-aged male, and can be used for transportation. (eg. He creates knives, from paper, which he can control or creates a paper plane, which can be used as transportation)
Guild Mark: On his lower back.
Backstory (Optional): TBD
Other: He is a man who would never say "I'm all fired up".

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Previously Sarah316
Apologies for the delay the RP thread is up.


And given the votes so far, it seems we are more leaning towards AU for those who need that distinction for character bits. As of now we are settled in a town in Fiore known as Amaryllis Town, and major guilds like FT, Sabertooth & Lamia Scale exist but have AU membership rather than the canon cast. Other aspects of the AU lore will be gradually fleshed out.
An old bio that I made but definitely need to rewrite :(
Name: Hurairah Rieka
Race: Beast-kin Hybrid (Cat-kin | Dog-kin)
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance: At 5'4" with skin the color of espresso—season lightly with cinnamon—and a rather average build, Rairah isn’t quite the definition of ‘a looker’ but her face is unmistakably feminine; feline eyes, a dainty nose, and puffy, pinchable cheeks and a noticeable lack of human ears. Her hair, an Ombre pink, is twisted into a rope-like braid which hangs over her left shoulder and cuts off at her waist, while flipped over her right eye is a thin curtain of bangs. A set of animalistic features betray her lineage, most noticeably the pair of feline ears, with fur tuffs and her sleek wolfish tail. Her slit-like eyes are heterochromatic, a pair of red and purple.

Rairah wears what is, in essence, a glorified maid dress: French-styled and ending at Rairah’s knees where an achromatic pair of stockings cover the rest of her feet, with the left side being white and the right side being black. A gray scarf loops around her neck and multitasks as a simple utility belt. A pink ribbon and second multi-pocketed belt is tied around her waist. She carries a variety of tools on her, almost too many to keep track of. Her tools range in variety from cooking & cleaning utensils to combat supplements & golem sculpting equipment.

Personality: Rairah embodies the duality of civility and savagery. Her chosen profession demands strict manners and a homely comportment but the blood that flows through her veins instills primal urges. These urges are erratic due to her uniquely miscegenated lineage; her canid and felid instincts battle like…well, cats and dogs. Whichever side is winning determines Rairah’s most prevalent quirks and habits.

Regardless of which instincts steer the ship, Rairah is always cognizant of her appearance and maintains a respectable appearance; however, she’s not self-conscious and cares for few opinions on the matter. She is comfortable with her own queer fashion.

Magic: Animation Magic (Golem Creation)

Rairah's magic allows her to breathe life into her creations, animating golems whose performance depends largely on their materials and the amount of magic poured into them. The number of golems she may create at once varies depending on their size and power. She can animate up to twenty small golems, three human-sized golems, or one giant golem.

Guild Mark: Back of her left hand.

Backstory: (Pending)

I'm all fired up!
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Previously Sarah316
An old bio that I made but definitely need to rewrite :(
Name: Hurairah Rieka
Race: Beast-kin Hybrid (Cat-kin | Dog-kin)
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: At 5'4" with skin the color of espresso—season lightly with cinnamon—and a rather average build, Rairah isn’t quite the definition of ‘a looker’ but her face is unmistakably feminine; feline eyes, a dainty nose, and puffy, pinchable cheeks and a noticeable lack of human ears. Her hair, an Ombre pink, is twisted into a rope-like braid which hangs over her left shoulder and cuts off at her waist, while flipped over her right eye is a thin curtain of bangs. A set of animalistic features betray her lineage, most noticeably the pair of feline ears, with fur tuffs and her sleek wolfish tail. Her slit-like eyes are heterochromatic, a pair of red and purple.

Rairah wears what is, in essence, a glorified maid dress: French-styled and ending at Rairah’s knees where an achromatic pair of stockings cover the rest of her feet, with the left side being white and the right side being black. A gray scarf loops around her neck and multitasks as a simple utility belt. A pink ribbon and second multi-pocketed belt is tied around her waist. She carries a variety of tools on her, almost too many to keep track of. Her tools range in variety from cooking & cleaning utensils to combat supplements & golem sculpting equipment.


Rairah is a mellow girl with instinctual quirks that alternate between her canine and feline sides. She’s usually settled somewhere in the middle but on occasions, she will flip to either extreme. When influenced by her canine side she becomes galvanized, sometimes hyperactive. She becomes more aggressive and she may be prompted to bark at people or things that earn her ire. In comparison, her feline side is aloof and lazy, often wearing an expression of smug content.

Magic: Animation Magic (Golem Creation)

Rairah's magic allows her to breathe life into her creations, animating golems whose performance depends largely on their materials and the amount of magic poured into them. The number of golems she may create at once varies depending on their size and power. She can animate up to twenty small golems, three human-sized golems, or one giant golem.

Guild Mark: Back of her left hand.

Backstory: (Pending)

Read the rules, there is one little thing missing here before I can approve.

Sweet. Should get a post up Friday, least I am hoping for. Finals is a pain apologies.

It's okay, true for me for next week and I presume many people at this time. Don't feel compelled to rush your intro.
I definitly didn't forgot about this place!
And although I am a really busy person (University is a pain) I wanted to join you guys, so I join you guys.
If someone tells me how went rp so far I would be glad too X)

Name: Ophelia Wysterian
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality (Optional): ***
Personality: A quiet type that usually isn't the one to begin conversation. She can easily get mad if someone will be trying to annoy her or simply being rude. Although she isn't good at fighting at all and she perfectly know it, she tries her very best for the guild.
Appearance: Ophelia is a rather short, about 5'3 tall girl with a lightbrown, middle long, a bit curly hair and a brown eyes. She has a rather pale skin and most usually hides her face under her hood. Yes, hood, She sometimes wear some of a normal blue shirt and she also has a silver necklace with a small clock on it, but usually if she have to go on a mission, she takes her white hoodie and usually hides herself from people sight with it.
Magic: Time Magic- Ophelia can slow down or accelerate time around herself or by touching non living things. However, she cannot affect living creatures other than herself with it. She also isn't some sort of Dio and isn't capable of stopping time. However, she can have a visions of the future as she sleeps, but those visions usually are like 10 or even 1000 of possible futures that are involved with one event, she may tell what to do to avoid worst possible future, but can't tell what it is and even if someone tries his best fpr good future, something like opponents actions also can lead to a bad future of the events.
Guild Mark (If your character is gonna be new to the guild, just a mention of location in advance): I think it would be on her right hand palm.
Backstory (Optional): I think of revealing it in rp.
Other: I don't usually rp as Female oc so I tried to change it,I am all fired up to see how it goes! Also, hope her magic isn't too op.


Previously Sarah316
I definitly didn't forgot about this place!
And although I am a really busy person (University is a pain) I wanted to join you guys, so I join you guys.
If someone tells me how went rp so far I would be glad too X)

Name: Ophelia Wysterian
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality (Optional): ***
Personality: A quiet type that usually isn't the one to begin conversation. She can easily get mad if someone will be trying to annoy her or simply being rude. Although she isn't good at fighting at all and she perfectly know it, she tries her very best for the guild.
Appearance: Ophelia is a rather short, about 5'3 tall girl with a lightbrown, middle long, a bit curly hair and a brown eyes. She has a rather pale skin and most usually hides her face under her hood. Yes, hood, She sometimes wear some of a normal blue shirt and she also has a silver necklace with a small clock on it, but usually if she have to go on a mission, she takes her white hoodie and usually hides herself from people sight with it.
Magic: Time Magic- Ophelia can slow down or accelerate time around herself or by touching non living things. However, she cannot affect living creatures other than herself with it. She also isn't some sort of Dio and isn't capable of stopping time. However, she can have a visions of the future as she sleeps, but those visions usually are like 10 or even 1000 of possible futures that are involved with one event, she may tell what to do to avoid worst possible future, but can't tell what it is and even if someone tries his best fpr good future, something like opponents actions also can lead to a bad future of the events.
Guild Mark (If your character is gonna be new to the guild, just a mention of location in advance): I think it would be on her right hand palm.
Backstory (Optional): I think of revealing it in rp.
Other: I don't usually rp as Female oc so I tried to change it,I am all fired up to see how it goes! Also, hope her magic isn't too op.

Time powers are always tricky, but this seems to be fair enough provided we get a measure of how much she speeds or slows time around herself.
