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DPPt/HGSS Underused Team - Team Fluke

Here is a quick team ive been testing out and that im posting a lil everywhere to get opinions. Its made using pokemon that are qualified as Underused and does great in that metagame, I know it cant really own in Overused but its still pretty fun. these are done for Shoddy so yeah im lazy and the EV spreads and natures are changeable if needed.


Drifblim aka Spook @ Leftovers
Calm nature
Aftermath ability
EV: 82/0/0/252/176
- Hypnosis
- Will-O-Wisp
- Shadow Ball
- Destiny Bond
My opener and general nuissance


Ampharos aka Amp @ Leftovers
Quiet Nature
Static ability
- Thunder Wave
- Thunder Bolt
- Signal Beam
- Counter

I just added counter now to surprise people but Im not sure what to do with EVs to make it work better, it works ok for now but meh.


Gastrodon aka Stickyfingers @ Leftovers
Quiet Nature
Sticky Hold ability
EV: 212/0/44/0/252/0
- Earthquake
- Stockpile
- Recover
- Surf

Physical Tank, hits ok too.


Grumpig aka Fluke @ Leftovers
Timid Nature
Thick Fat Ability
EV: 252/0/0/236/0/20
- Calm Mind
- Substitute
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
Special Sweeper. This thing is a killing machine and a sneaky piggy to boot. Hides behind a nice sub and calm minds.


Hitmonlee aka Lee @ Focus Sash
Hasty Nature
Limber Ability
EV: 6/252/0/252/0/0
- Counter
- Reversal
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake

With nice speed he counters a hard hit and max reversals things. Other 2 moves are coverage.


Relicanth aka Smitty @ Choice Band
Adamant Nature
Hard Head ability
EV: 12/252/0/244/0/0
- Head Smash!!!
- Double-Edge
- Earthquake
- Waterfall

Physical Sweeper, headsmashes the poop out of pretty much everything.

So there you have it, my UU team. Its my first serious attempt at a team for this tier so sorry if I left holes and what not.
For your Grumpig I would suggest giving it one of these berries.


I suggest these because Grumpig's Own Tempo ability makes it so Grumpig can't be confused, so these berries will heal it's HP a little bit with no chance that it will be confused.

Pokemon can only have one trait at a time. So its either Own Tempo OR Thick fat. And if that was a joke, im terribly sorry but sarcasm just doesnt sound as good over the net.
Aqua Tail is an option over Waterfall.
On Hitmonlee, Bullet Punch and Mach Punch might be moves that could pick off weakened opponents.
Watch out for the fact that Dark-types wall Grumpig completely.

Team look solid. Nice job.


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
For your Grumpig, have Focus Blast instead of Shadow Ball. That way, Dark and Steel-types won't be able to wall you and you'll also have something to put off Regice and Blissey, the two best (in my opinion) Special Walls in the game.

Here's a suggestion for Drifblim:

Drifblim @ Leftovers

- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt
- Baton Pass
- Substitute

Drifblim's enormous HP makes for some VERY strong Substitutes that won't go down that easy, and with Baton Pass you can give them to your Sweepers to help them stay in for a bit longer. Plus, it'll make Grumpig even nastier since it'll give him a massive Substitute to hide behind whilst he powers up, and then he can make his own Substitute afterwards once Drifblim's is destroyed.